import os import re import datetime from urllib2 import urlopen import numpy as np import rasterio as rio from rasterio.enums import Resampling from rio_toa import toa_utils def get_colormap(): """ """ cmap_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'cmap.txt') with open(cmap_file) as cmap: lines = colormap = [list(map(int, line.split())) for line in lines if not line.startswith('#')][1:] return colormap def get_overview(address, ovrSize): """ """ with as src: matrix =, out_shape=( ovrSize, ovrSize), resampling=Resampling.bilinear).astype(src.profile['dtype']) return matrix def linear_rescale(image, in_range=[0, 16000], out_range=[1, 255]): """ Linear rescaling """ imin, imax = in_range omin, omax = out_range image = np.clip(image, imin, imax) - imin image = image / float(imax - imin) return (image * (omax - omin) + omin) def landsat_get_mtl(sceneid): """Get Landsat-8 MTL metadata Attributes ---------- sceneid : str Landsat sceneid. For scenes after May 2017, sceneid have to be LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID. Returns ------- out : dict returns a JSON like object with the metadata. """ try: scene_params = landsat_parse_scene_id(sceneid) meta_file = '{}_MTL.txt'.format( scene_params['key']) metadata = str(urlopen(meta_file).read().decode()) return toa_utils._parse_mtl_txt(metadata) except: raise Exception('Could not retrieve {} metadata'.format(sceneid)) def landsat_parse_scene_id(sceneid): """ Author @perrygeo - parse scene id """ if not re.match('^(L[COTEM]8\d{6}\d{7}[A-Z]{3}\d{2})|(L[COTEM]08_L\d{1}[A-Z]{2}_\d{6}_\d{8}_\d{8}_\d{2}_(T1|T2|RT))$', sceneid): raise ValueError('Could not match' + sceneid) precollection_pattern = ( r'^L' r'(?P\w{1})' r'(?P\w{1})' r'(?P[0-9]{3})' r'(?P[0-9]{3})' r'(?P[0-9]{4})' r'(?P[0-9]{3})' r'(?P\w{3})' r'(?P[0-9]{2})$') collection_pattern = ( r'^L' r'(?P\w{1})' r'(?P\w{2})' r'_' r'(?P\w{4})' r'_' r'(?P[0-9]{3})' r'(?P[0-9]{3})' r'_' r'(?P[0-9]{4})' r'(?P[0-9]{2})' r'(?P[0-9]{2})' r'_' r'(?P[0-9]{4})' r'(?P[0-9]{2})' r'(?P[0-9]{2})' r'_' r'(?P\w{2})' r'_' r'(?P\w{2})$') meta = None for pattern in [collection_pattern, precollection_pattern]: match = re.match(pattern, sceneid, re.IGNORECASE) if match: meta = match.groupdict() break if not meta: raise ValueError('Could not match' + sceneid) if meta.get('acquisitionJulianDay'): date = datetime.datetime(int(meta['acquisitionYear']), 1, 1) \ + datetime.timedelta(int(meta['acquisitionJulianDay']) - 1) meta['date'] = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') else: meta['date'] = meta.get("acquisitionYear") + '-' + \ meta.get("acquisitionMonth") + '-' + meta.get("acquisitionDay") collection = meta.get('collectionNumber', '') if collection != '': collection = 'c'+str(int(collection)) meta['key'] = os.path.join( collection, 'L8', meta['path'], meta['row'], sceneid, sceneid) meta['scene'] = sceneid return meta def sentinel_parse_scene_id(sceneid): """ parse scene id """ if not re.match('^S2[AB]_tile_[0-9]{8}_[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{3}_[0-9]$', sceneid): raise ValueError('Could not match ' + sceneid) sentinel_pattern = ( r'^S' r'(?P\w{1})' r'(?P[AB]{1})' r'_tile_' r'(?P[0-9]{4})' r'(?P[0-9]{2})' r'(?P[0-9]{2})' r'_' r'(?P[0-9]{2})' r'(?P\w{1})' r'(?P\w{2})' r'_' r'(?P[0-9]{1})$') meta = None match = re.match(sentinel_pattern, sceneid, re.IGNORECASE) if match: meta = match.groupdict() if not meta: raise ValueError('Could not match {sceneid}') utm = meta['utm'] sq = meta['sq'] lat = meta['lat'] year = meta['acquisitionYear'] m = meta['acquisitionMonth'].lstrip("0") d = meta['acquisitionDay'].lstrip("0") n = meta['num'] meta['key'] = 'tiles/' + utm + '/' + sq + '/' + \ lat + '/' + year + '/' + m + '/' + d + '/' + n return meta