from collections import defaultdict from math import sqrt from torch import nn import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch from .dataset_utils import create_dataloader_from_df class GroupStatisticTracker: """ Class to facilitate computing the subgroup error rates for a particular group class (e.g., digit). """ def __init__(self, group_name): self.group_name = group_name self.correct_counts = defaultdict(int) self.total_counts = defaultdict(int) def incr_correct(self, subgroup): self.correct_counts[subgroup] += 1 self.total_counts[subgroup] += 1 def incr_incorrect(self, subgroup): self.total_counts[subgroup] += 1 def report_statistics(self): """ Prints the aggregated statistics after incrementing the counters. """ print( f"Evaluation Report for groups defined by {self.group_name.capitalize()}" ) for subgroup_id in sorted(self.total_counts.keys()): acc = self.correct_counts[subgroup_id] / self.total_counts[subgroup_id] print( f"\tAccuracy on Group {subgroup_id}: " f"{acc} = {self.correct_counts[subgroup_id]}/{self.total_counts[subgroup_id]}" ) self.report_bias_statistics() def report_bias_statistics(self): d = self._get_accuracies_for_each_group() # Sort the dict items by their value sorted_accs = sorted(d.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) min_idx, min_acc = sorted_accs[0] max_idx, max_acc = sorted_accs[-1] print( f"The maximum accuracy is achieved on group {max_idx} with value {max_acc}." ) print( f"The minimum accuracy is achived on group {min_idx} with value {min_acc}." ) print( f"The ratio of min to max accuracy is {min_acc / max_acc} and the difference is " f"{max_acc - min_acc}" ) def _get_accuracies_for_each_group(self): """ Returns a dictionary mapping {g: acc} for each group g. """ d = {} for g in sorted(self.total_counts.keys()): d[g] = self.correct_counts[g] / self.total_counts[g] return d def get_dataframe_summary(self): """ Returns a dataframe with one row for each group and the three columns. group correct_count total_count :return: """ data = [ ( subgroup_id, self.correct_counts[subgroup_id], self.total_counts[subgroup_id], ) for subgroup_id in sorted(self.total_counts.keys()) ] return pd.DataFrame.from_records( data, columns=["group", "correct_count", "total_count"] ) def run_baseline_model(model, df): # Use these parameters to run the baseline model on data generated by # data_utils.create_starting_data() return run_model( model=model, df=df, img_col="img", label_col="label", dataset_name="baseline training data", pred_col="pred1", print_acc=False, ) def run_model( model, df, img_col, label_col, dataset_name, pred_col="pred", print_acc=False ): """ Runs the model and returns a new dataframe that has an additional column (default name 'preds') corresponding to the model vector predictions for each of the images. """ new_df = df.copy() # We hardcode the data shuffle seed to 0 because there is no effect on evaluation results test_loader = create_dataloader_from_df( df, img_col, label_col, dataset_name, data_shuffle_seed=0, train=False ) _, preds = run_model_from_dataloader(model, test_loader, dataset_name, print_acc) new_df[pred_col] = preds return new_df def run_model_from_dataloader(model, test_loader, dataset_name, print_acc=False): """ Runs the model and returns the accuracy and the predictions. :param model: :param test_loader: :param dataset_name: :param print_acc: :return: """ use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu") model.eval() predictions = [] test_loss = 0 correct = 0 loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() with torch.no_grad(): # NOTE: these are vectors of the entire batch. We need to break these batches down by group for data, target, *_ in test_loader: data, target =, output = model(data) # Sum up batch loss test_loss += loss_fn(output, target) # Get the index of the max probability class preds = torch.argmax(output, dim=1) # Sum over batch when target == pred correct += (target == preds).sum() # Append each (class) prediction to a list for pred in preds: predictions.append(pred.item()) test_loss /= len(test_loader.dataset) if print_acc: print( "\nPerformance on {}: Average loss: {:.4f}, Accuracy: {}/{} ({:.2f}%)\n".format( dataset_name, test_loss, correct, len(test_loader.dataset), 100.0 * correct / len(test_loader.dataset), ) ) return (100.0 * correct / len(test_loader.dataset)), predictions def eval_model(df, label_col, pred_col, dataset_name): """ Returns a tuple of the total accuracy and a new dataframe with the preds attached. """ correct = sum(df[label_col].eq(df[pred_col])) total = len(df) accuracy = 100.0 * correct / total print(f"Accuracy on {dataset_name}: {correct}/{total} ({accuracy:.2f}%)\n") def eval_model_on_groups( df, label_col, pred_col, dataset_name, group_names, print_output=False ): """ Evaluates the model. :param df: dataframe of dataset :param label_col: column name of the label :param pred_col: column the prediction :param dataset_name: dataset name for printing :param group_names: names of the column headers of the groups we want to group by :return: """ n_groups = len(group_names) # Initialize an instance of our custom class to track the statistics for each group we are # looking at group_stat_trackers = [GroupStatisticTracker(name) for name in group_names] for target, pred, *group_tuple in zip( df[label_col], df[pred_col], *(df[group] for group in group_names) ): # Correct classification if pred == target: # For each group type, add this instance to the stat tracker for idx, subgroup in enumerate(group_tuple): s = subgroup # Unpack tensor(d) into the digit d group_stat_trackers[idx].incr_correct(s) else: for idx, subgroup in enumerate(group_tuple): s = subgroup # Unpack tensor(d) into the digit d group_stat_trackers[idx].incr_incorrect(s) # Print the results if print_output: print(f"Group-based results for {dataset_name} dataset") out = {} for tracker in group_stat_trackers: if print_output: tracker.report_statistics() # Add the dataframe to the output dictionary out[tracker.group_name] = tracker.get_dataframe_summary() return out def compute_accuracy(df, label_col, pred_col): """ Returns accuracy on a single column of the df. """ acc = len(df[(df[label_col] == df[pred_col])]) / len(df) return round(acc, 2) def compute_confidence_bounds(df, label_col, pred_col): correct_count = len(df[(df[label_col] == df[pred_col])]) total_count = len(df) return compute_wald_confidence_bounds(correct_count, total_count) def compute_wald_confidence_bounds(correct_count, total_count): """ Returns the upper and lower bounds of a wald confidence interval with correct_count successes and total_count trials. """ p = correct_count / total_count n = total_count eps = 1.96 * sqrt(p * (1 - p) / n) return round(p - eps, 4), round(p + eps, 4) def print_accuracy_by_group( df, group_col="digit", prediction_col="pred1", ground_truth_col="label" ): """ Returns per-group accuracies. """ for value in np.sort(df[group_col].unique()): subset_df = df[df[group_col] == value] acc = compute_accuracy(subset_df, prediction_col, ground_truth_col) print(f"Accuracy on images with {group_col} {value}: {acc}") def get_group_accuracy_by_value( df, group_col="digit", prediction_col="pred1", ground_truth_col="label" ): result_dict = {} for value in np.sort(df[group_col].unique()): subset_df = df[df[group_col] == value] acc = compute_accuracy(subset_df, prediction_col, ground_truth_col) result_dict[value] = acc return result_dict # Convenience function to print relative and absolute errors def print_absolute_vs_ratio_error( accuracy, value_1=None, value_2=None, prediction_col="pred1", ground_truth_col="label", ): if (value_1 is None) or (value_2 is None): value_1 = max(accuracy, key=accuracy.get) value_2 = min(accuracy, key=accuracy.get) m_1 = round((1 - accuracy[value_1]), 2) m_2 = round((1 - accuracy[value_2]), 2) m_sorted = sorted([m_1, m_2]) absolute_disparity = round((m_sorted[1] - m_sorted[0]) * 100, 2) ratio_disparity = round(m_sorted[1] / m_sorted[0], 2) print(f"Absolute error on {value_1} = {m_1}") print(f"Absolute error on {value_2} = {m_2}") print( f"Absolute disparity of {absolute_disparity} points is {ratio_disparity}:1 as an error " f"ratio." ) # Convenience function to print relative and absolute accuracy def print_absolute_vs_relative_accuracy( accuracy, value_1=None, value_2=None, prediction_col="pred1", ground_truth_col="label", ): if (value_1 is None) or (value_2 is None): value_1 = max(accuracy, key=accuracy.get) value_2 = min(accuracy, key=accuracy.get) m_1 = accuracy[value_1] m_2 = accuracy[value_2] m_sorted = sorted([m_1, m_2]) absolute_disparity = round((m_sorted[1] - m_sorted[0]) * 100, 2) ratio_disparity = round((absolute_disparity / m_sorted[0]), 2) print(f"Absolute accuracy on {value_1} = {m_1}") print(f"Absolute accuracy on {value_2} = {m_2}") print( f"Absolute disparity of {absolute_disparity} points is a {ratio_disparity}% difference in " f"accuracy." ) def print_accuracy_by_intersection( df, group1_col="digit", group2_col="color", prediction_col="pred1", ground_truth_col="label", ): """ Calculates and prints intersectional accuracies. """ for value in np.sort(df[group1_col].unique()): for val2 in np.sort(df[group2_col].unique()): subset_df = df.loc[(df[group1_col] == value) & (df[group2_col] == val2)] acc = compute_accuracy(subset_df, prediction_col, ground_truth_col) print( f"Accuracy on images with {group1_col}-{group2_col} values {value}-{val2}: {acc}" ) # Calculate intersectional accuracies and return a dict with the intersections and accuracy values def get_accuracy_by_intersection( df, group1_col="digit", group2_col="color", prediction_col="pred1", ground_truth_col="label", ): accuracy = {} for val1 in np.sort(df[group1_col].unique()): for val2 in np.sort(df[group2_col].unique()): subset_df = df.loc[(df[group1_col] == val1) & (df[group2_col] == val2)] acc = compute_accuracy(subset_df, prediction_col, ground_truth_col) accuracy[f"{val1}-{val2}"] = acc return accuracy # Calculate intersectional disparities in accuracy and print them out def print_disparity_by_intersection( df, group1_col="digit", group2_col="color", prediction_col="pred1", ground_truth_col="label", ): accuracy = get_accuracy_by_intersection( df, group1_col, group2_col, prediction_col, ground_truth_col ) value_1 = max(accuracy, key=accuracy.get) value_2 = min(accuracy, key=accuracy.get) m_1 = accuracy[value_1] m_2 = accuracy[value_2] m_sorted = sorted([m_1, m_2]) absolute_disparity = round((m_sorted[1] - m_sorted[0]) * 100, 2) ratio_disparity = round((absolute_disparity / m_sorted[0]), 2) print(f"Absolute accuracy on {value_1} = {m_1}") print(f"Absolute accuracy on {value_2} = {m_2}") print( f"Absolute disparity of {absolute_disparity} points is a {ratio_disparity}% difference in " f"accuracy." )