from math import sqrt from random import choice from string import capwords from matplotlib import ticker from matplotlib.lines import Line2D from sklearn.metrics import ConfusionMatrixDisplay, confusion_matrix import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from .eval_utils import eval_model_on_groups def plot_dataset_digits(df, data_col="img", label_col="digit"): """ Plots a sample of digits from the dataframe. """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13, 8)) columns = 6 rows = 3 # ax enables access to manipulate each of subplots ax = [] for i in range(columns * rows): # Choose a random index at each stage, so we don't get only the same digit idx = choice(range(len(df))) img, label = df.iloc[idx][[data_col, label_col]] if img.shape[0] == 1: pass # Create subplot and append to ax ax.append(fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, i + 1)) ax[-1].set_title("Label: " + str(label)) # set title plt.imshow(img) def plot_color_for_label(df, dig): """ Plot a histogram of color values for all the images where 'label' == label. """ df.loc[df["label"] == dig].color.value_counts().plot( kind="bar", xlabel="Color", ylabel="Count", rot=0 ) def plot_five(df, data_col="img", label_col="digit", show_label=True): """ Plot the first five entries in df """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6)) columns = 5 rows = 1 ax = [] # ax enables access to manipulate each of subplots i = 0 for index, row in df.iterrows(): img = row["img"] if img.shape[0] == 1: pass # Create subplot and append to ax ax.append(fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, i + 1)) plt.axis("off") plt.imshow(img) i += 1 def plot_one_each(df, data_col="img", label_col="digit", show_label=True): """ Choose one example of each value from label_col and render its data from data_col in the DataFrame df. """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6)) columns = 5 rows = 2 ax = [] # ax enables access to manipulate each of subplots # Keep track of how many items we have plotted # Loop through the values for label_col for i, label in enumerate(df[label_col].unique()): # Grab an item from the subset of the df where label_col==label items = df.loc[df[label_col] == label] idx = choice(range(len(items))) img = items.iloc[idx][data_col] if img.shape[0] == 1: pass # Create subplot and append to ax ax.append(fig.add_subplot(rows, columns, i + 1)) if show_label: ax[-1].set_title("Label: " + str(label)) plt.axis("off") plt.imshow(img) def plot_confusion_matrix(df, label_col, pred_col, dataset_name): """ Renders a confusion matrix from a dataframe. """ y_true = df[label_col] y_pred = df[pred_col] cm = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) disp = ConfusionMatrixDisplay(confusion_matrix=cm) disp.plot(, values_format="g") plt.title(f"{dataset_name} Confusion Matrix") def plot_confusion_matrices(train_df, test_df, label_col, pred_col, dataset_name): """ Renders a confusion matrix from a dataframe. """ y_true_train = train_df[label_col] y_pred_train = train_df[pred_col] y_true_test = test_df[label_col] y_pred_test = test_df[pred_col] cm_train = confusion_matrix(y_true_train, y_pred_train) cm_test = confusion_matrix(y_true_test, y_pred_test) class_names = y_true_train.unique() # Add train to figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13, 8)) train_ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1) train_ax.set_title("Train") disp_train = ConfusionMatrixDisplay( confusion_matrix=cm_train, display_labels=class_names ) disp_train.plot(, values_format="g", ax=train_ax) # Add test to figure test_ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2) test_ax.set_title("Test") disp_test = ConfusionMatrixDisplay( confusion_matrix=cm_test, display_labels=class_names ) disp_test.plot(, values_format="g", ax=test_ax) plt.suptitle(f"Confusion Matrices for {dataset_name}") def plot_confidence_intervals( dict_of_dfs, group_name, dataset_name, use_legend=True, figsize=(12, 6), fontsize=16, tick_spacing=1, sort_x=False, show_error=True, marker="o", ): """ Plots confidence intervals from each subgroup given a df with the columns: 'group', 'correct_count', 'total_count'. ci_dict maps a group_name to a tuple ((p, eps), n) whose two values are another value defining the CI and the value n denoting the number of instances. show_error (bool): If we should show the confidence interval. When false we show point estimate only fmt (str): 'o-' or '^-' will determine if the shape is a circle or a triangle """ df = dict_of_dfs[group_name] ci_dict = compute_wald_intervals(df) n_groups = len(ci_dict) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, nrows=1, ncols=1) if show_error: title = ( f"Confidence Intervals on {group_name.capitalize()} Subgroups on {dataset_name}" f"Dataset" ) else: title = f"Accuracies on {group_name.capitalize()} Subgroups on {dataset_name} Dataset" fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=fontsize) # Sorted list with entries of the form (group_id, ((p, eps), n)) sorted by values of p if sort_x: full_data_sorted = sorted(ci_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][0][0]) else: full_data_sorted = list(ci_dict.items()) # The tick labels are simply the group_ids x_ticklabels = [entry[0] for entry in full_data_sorted] for idx, (group_id, ((p, eps), n)) in enumerate(full_data_sorted): if show_error: ax.errorbar( y=[p], yerr=eps, x=[idx], markersize=12, capsize=12, fmt=f"{marker}-", label=str(group_id), ) else: ax.errorbar( y=[p], yerr=eps, x=[idx], markersize=12, capsize=12, fmt=f"{marker}-", label=str(group_id), elinewidth=0, capthick=0, ) # Only rotate for intersectional groups label_rotation = 90 if ("-" in x_ticklabels[0]) else 0 ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelrotation=90) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(tick_spacing)) ax.set_xticks(range(n_groups), labels=x_ticklabels) if use_legend: ax.legend() # Make sure values are bounded between 0 and 1 ax.set_ylim(0.5, 1) ax.set_xlabel("Subgroup") ax.set_ylabel("Accuracy") plt.tight_layout() def plot_dual_confidence_intervals( dict_of_dfs_1, dict_of_dfs_2, group_name, name_1, name_2, use_legend=False, figsize=(12, 6), fontsize=16, tick_spacing=1, show_error=True, marker_1="o", marker_2="^", ): df_1 = dict_of_dfs_1[group_name] df_2 = dict_of_dfs_2[group_name] ci_dict_1 = compute_wald_intervals(df_1) ci_dict_2 = compute_wald_intervals(df_2) n_groups = len(ci_dict_1) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize, nrows=1, ncols=1) if show_error: title = ( f"Confidence Intervals on {group_name.capitalize()} Subgroups on {name_1} and " f"{name_2}" ) else: title = f"Accuracies on {group_name.capitalize()} Subgroups on {name_1} and {name_2}" fig.suptitle(title, fontsize=fontsize) # Combine the confidence interval dictionaries ci_dict = {} for k in ci_dict_1: ci_dict[k] = (ci_dict_1[k], ci_dict_2[k]) full_data = list(ci_dict.items()) # Add all the plot elements for idx, (group_id_1, (((p_1, eps_1), n_1), ((p_2, eps_2), n_2))) in enumerate( full_data ): # Add the dataset_1 data in blue if show_error: plot = ax.errorbar( y=[p_1], yerr=eps_1, x=[idx], markersize=12, capsize=12, fmt=f"{marker_1}-", label=str(name_1), ) else: plot = ax.errorbar( y=[p_1], yerr=eps_1, x=[idx], markersize=12, capsize=12, fmt=f"{marker_1}-", label=str(name_1), elinewidth=0, capthick=0, ) # Add the dataset_2 data in orange color = plot.get_children()[-1].get_color() if show_error: ax.errorbar( y=[p_2], yerr=eps_2, x=[idx + 0.4], markersize=12, capsize=12, fmt=f"{marker_2}-", label=str(name_2), color=color, alpha=1, ) else: ax.errorbar( y=[p_2], yerr=eps_2, x=[idx + 0.4], markersize=12, capsize=12, fmt=f"{marker_2}-", label=str(name_2), elinewidth=0, capthick=0, color=color, alpha=1, ) # NOTE: The tick labels are simply the group_ids x_ticklabels = [entry[0] for entry in full_data] # Only rotate for intersectional groups label_rotation = 90 if ("-" in x_ticklabels[0]) else 0 ax.tick_params(axis="x", labelrotation=label_rotation) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.MultipleLocator(tick_spacing)) ax.set_xticks(range(n_groups), labels=x_ticklabels) # Set up the legend if use_legend or True: legend_elements = [ Line2D([0], [0], color="black", marker=marker_1, label=name_1), Line2D([0], [0], color="black", marker=marker_2, label=name_2), ] ax.legend(handles=legend_elements) # Make sure values are bounded between 0.5 and 1 ax.set_ylim(0.5, 1) ax.set_xlabel("Subgroup") ax.set_ylabel("Accuracy") plt.tight_layout() def plot_confidence_intervals_from_df( df_with_preds, label_col, pred_col, dataset_name, group_name, use_legend=True, figsize=(12, 6), fontsize=16, tick_spacing=1, sort_x=False, show_error=True, marker="o", ): """ Plots confidence intervals directly from dataframe. """ dict_of_dfs = eval_model_on_groups( df=df_with_preds, label_col=label_col, pred_col=pred_col, dataset_name=dataset_name, group_names=[group_name], print_output=False, ) plot_confidence_intervals( dict_of_dfs, group_name, dataset_name, use_legend, figsize, fontsize, tick_spacing, sort_x, show_error, marker, ) def plot_intersectional_confidence_intervals_from_df( df_with_preds, label_col, pred_col, dataset_name, group_1, group_2, use_legend=True, figsize=(12, 6), fontsize=16, tick_spacing=1, sort_x=False, show_error=True, marker="o", ): """ Plots confidence for overlapping groups. """ intersect_group_name = group_1 + "-" + group_2 # Copy the df to avoid augmenting the input dataframe in place new_df = df_with_preds.copy() new_df[intersect_group_name] = ( df_with_preds[group_1].map(capwords) + "-" + df_with_preds[group_2].map(capwords) ) # Use existing function on this new group column plot_confidence_intervals_from_df( new_df, label_col, pred_col, dataset_name, intersect_group_name, use_legend, figsize, fontsize, tick_spacing, sort_x, show_error, marker, ) def plot_confidence_intervals_from_two_dfs( df_with_preds_1, df_with_preds_2, label_col, pred_col, dataset_name_1, dataset_name_2, group_name, use_legend=False, figsize=(12, 6), fontsize=16, tick_spacing=1, show_error=True, marker_1="o", marker_2="^", ): dict_of_dfs_1 = eval_model_on_groups( df=df_with_preds_1, label_col=label_col, pred_col=pred_col, dataset_name=dataset_name_1, group_names=[group_name], print_output=False, ) dict_of_dfs_2 = eval_model_on_groups( df=df_with_preds_2, label_col=label_col, pred_col=pred_col, dataset_name=dataset_name_2, group_names=[group_name], print_output=False, ) plot_dual_confidence_intervals( dict_of_dfs_1, dict_of_dfs_2, group_name, dataset_name_1, dataset_name_2, use_legend, figsize, fontsize, tick_spacing, show_error, marker_1, marker_2, ) def compute_wald_intervals(df): """ We are given a dataframe with the columns: 'group', 'correct_count', 'total_count'. For each unique group ID, we want one confidence interval that will be centered around correct_count / total_count. We will use the Wald approximation since we have a binary samples (correct or not). Specifically, our formula is p +- z * sqrt(p(1-p) / n) with z = 1.96 for 95% confidence. Returns a dict of the form {group_id : (p, epsilon)} """ ci_dict = {} for t in df.itertuples(): group_id, correct_count, total_count =, t.correct_count, t.total_count p = correct_count / total_count n = total_count eps = 1.96 * sqrt(p * (1 - p) / n) ci_dict[group_id] = ((p, eps), n) return ci_dict