RecipeFormatVersion: '2020-01-25' ComponentName: '$component_name' ComponentVersion: '$component_version_number' ComponentDescription: 'Component that post data from config file to webUI' ComponentPublisher: 'Amazon Web Services' ComponentConfiguration: DefaultConfiguration: Message: "com.edgeui" Manifests: - Platform: os: linux Lifecycle: Install: Script: apt-get update && apt-get install -y nodejs && apt-get install npm -y && npm install -g yarn && cp -r {artifacts:decompressedPath}/* {work:path} && yarn --cwd {work:path}/edgeui/edgeui install && export NODE_PATH=$NODE_PATH:{work:path}/edgeui/edgeui/node_modules && hostname -I > {work:path}/edgeui/edgeui/ipAddress.txt && chmod 777 {work:path}/edgeui/edgeui/ipAddress.txt RequiresPrivilege: True Run: Script: yarn --cwd {work:path}/edgeui/edgeui start RequiresPrivilege: True Artifacts: - URI: $s3_path/$next_version/$ Unarchive: ZIP Permission: Read: ALL Execute: ALL