## Robocar Rally The two python files are designed to be run on a raspberrypi and send wheel rotationtelemetry to the AWS IoT Service. Create a wheelsensor.py for each wheel that you want to measure. The AWSAutonomousVehicleIOT.py references each of these wheel sensors. The Donkey Dashboard is a static website that can run on S3. It uses anonomous connectivity to the AWS IoT service using AWS Cognito Identity Pools. Modify the scripts/main.js and change the IOTENDPOINT to your AWS IoT endpoint. Change the COGNITO_IDENTITY_POOL to your Cognito Identify Pool. Modify the TOPIC to reflect your AWS IoT Topic. IAM Policy can be used for training a model using Amazon SageMaker using training data on S3. This allows a docker container to be from Amazon ECR to train the model. ## License This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.