AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: | This CloudFormation Template supports the requirements of an AWS Blog Post on Route 53 Application Recovery Controller. It is the second part of a three part CloudFormation Deployment. It has dependencies on the preceeding [1] base infrastructure deployment, and is required for [3] supporting Lambda deployment. It should be deployed as a standard Stack in us-east-1, within a single AWS account. It will deploy the following Route 53 Application Recovery Controller components: A) Recovery Readiness Groups, Cells, and Resource Sets B) Routing Control Clusters, Control Panels, Routing Controls, Safety Rules, and Healthchecks C) Route 53 DNS Private Hosted Zone and associated DNS entries This template is provided as a sample for educational purposes and should NOT be considered production ready. # Note that this template is designed in a modular way, and most relevant possible variables are stored in the 'Mappings > StaticParameters' section of the template. # These parameters can be modified by advanced users at their own risk. # Note that the resources deployed using this template will cost approx. $2.50/hr. Please be sure to clean up all resources by deleting the CloudFormation Stacks when they are no longer required. Mappings: StaticParameters: StaticParameters: FrontEndURL: # This URL will be created in Route 53 as the sample application address. It must be within the HostedZoneDomain. FrontEndBackupURL: # This URL will be created in Route 53 as the sample maintenace address. It must be within the HostedZoneDomain. HostedZoneDomain: # This Hosted Zone will be created in Route 53. The domains above must be within it. Region1: us-east-1 # This must match the primary application deployment region. Region2: us-west-2 # This must match the secondary application deployment region. Parameters: ProjectId: Type: String Description: Please enter a Project ID or Name which will be used for naming objects created by this template. It is recommended to leave this as the default 'arcblog'. It must be all lowercase letters, and be 3-10 characters. AllowedPattern: '[a-z]*' MinLength: 3 MaxLength: 10 ConstraintDescription: Must be all lowercase letters, and be 3-10 characters. Default: arcblog Region1VpcId: Type: String Description: Region 1 VPC ID Region2VpcId: Type: String Description: Region 2 VPC ID Region1ElbDnsNameA: Type: String Description: Region 1 ELB DNS Name for Cell A Region1ElbDnsNameB: Type: String Description: Region 1 ELB DNS Name for Cell B Region1ElbDnsNameC: Type: String Description: Region 1 ELB DNS Name for Cell C Region1ElbCanonicalHostedZoneId: Type: String Description: Region 1 ELB Canonical Hosted Zone ID Region1ElbArnA: Type: String Description: Region 1 ELB ARN for Cell A Region1ElbArnB: Type: String Description: Region 1 ELB ARN for Cell B Region1ElbArnC: Type: String Description: Region 1 ELB ARN for Cell C Region1AsgArnA: Type: String Description: Region 1 ASG ARN for Cell A Region1AsgArnB: Type: String Description: Region 1 ASG ARN for Cell B Region1AsgArnC: Type: String Description: Region 1 ASG ARN for Cell C Region1AuroraClusterArn: Type: String Description: Region 1 Aurora Cluster ARN Region2ElbArnA: Type: String Description: Region 2 ELB ARN for Cell A Region2ElbDnsNameA: Type: String Description: Region 2 ELB DNS Name for Cell A Region2ElbDnsNameB: Type: String Description: Region 2 ELB DNS Name for Cell B Region2ElbDnsNameC: Type: String Description: Region 2 ELB DNS Name for Cell C Region2ElbCanonicalHostedZoneId: Type: String Description: Region 2 ELB Canonical Hosted Zone ID Region2ElbArnB: Type: String Description: Region 2 ELB ARN for Cell B Region2ElbArnC: Type: String Description: Region 2 ELB ARN for Cell C Region2AsgArnA: Type: String Description: Region 2 ASG ARN for Cell A Region2AsgArnB: Type: String Description: Region 2 ASG ARN for Cell B Region2AsgArnC: Type: String Description: Region 2 ASG ARN for Cell C Region2AuroraClusterArn: Type: String Description: Region 2 Aurora Cluster ARN Metadata: AWS::CloudFormation::Interface: ParameterGroups: - Label: default: General Configuration Parameters Parameters: - ProjectId - Label: default: Region 1 Configuration Parameters Parameters: - Region1VpcId - Region1ElbDnsNameA - Region1ElbDnsNameB - Region1ElbDnsNameC - Region1ElbCanonicalHostedZoneId - Region1ElbArnA - Region1ElbArnB - Region1ElbArnC - Region1AsgArnA - Region1AsgArnB - Region1AsgArnC - Region1AuroraClusterArn - Label: default: Region 2 Configuration Parameters Parameters: - Region2VpcId - Region2ElbDnsNameA - Region2ElbDnsNameB - Region2ElbDnsNameC - Region2ElbCanonicalHostedZoneId - Region2ElbArnA - Region2ElbArnB - Region2ElbArnC - Region2AsgArnA - Region2AsgArnB - Region2AsgArnC - Region2AuroraClusterArn ParameterLabels: ProjectId: default: Please enter a Project ID or Name which will be used for naming objects created by this template. If using this template in conjunction with the base blog infrastructure deployment you must use the same Project ID. Region1VpcId: default: Please enter the ID of the VPC in the primary region. Region2VpcId: default: Please enter the ID of the VPC in the secondary region. Region1ElbDnsNameA: default: Please enter the DNS Name for the NLB in Region 1 Availability Zone A Region1ElbDnsNameB: default: Please enter the DNS Name for the NLB in Region 1 Availability Zone B Region1ElbDnsNameC: default: Please enter the DNS Name for the NLB in Region 1 Availability Zone C Region1ElbCanonicalHostedZoneId: default: Please enter the Canonical Hosted Zone ID for the NLB in Region 1 Region1ElbArnA: default: Please enter the ARN for the NLB in Region 1 Availability Zone A Region1ElbArnB: default: Please enter the ARN for the NLB in Region 1 Availability Zone B Region1ElbArnC: default: Please enter the ARN for the NLB in Region 1 Availability Zone C Region1AsgArnA: default: Please enter the ARN for the ASG in Region 1 Availability Zone A Region1AsgArnB: default: Please enter the ARN for the ASG in Region 1 Availability Zone B Region1AsgArnC: default: Please enter the ARN for the ASG in Region 1 Availability Zone C Region1AuroraClusterArn: default: Please enter the ARN for the Aurora Cluster in Region 1 Region2ElbDnsNameA: default: Please enter the DNS Name for the NLB in Region 2 Availability Zone A Region2ElbDnsNameB: default: Please enter the DNS Name for the NLB in Region 2 Availability Zone B Region2ElbDnsNameC: default: Please enter the DNS Name for the NLB in Region 2 Availability Zone C Region2ElbCanonicalHostedZoneId: default: Please enter the Canonical Hosted Zone ID for the NLB in Region 2 Region2ElbArnA: default: Please enter the ARN for the NLB in Region 2 Availability Zone A Region2ElbArnB: default: Please enter the ARN for the NLB in Region 2 Availability Zone B Region2ElbArnC: default: Please enter the ARN for the NLB in Region 2 Availability Zone C Region2AsgArnA: default: Please enter the ARN for the ASG in Region 2 Availability Zone A Region2AsgArnB: default: Please enter the ARN for the ASG in Region 2 Availability Zone B Region2AsgArnC: default: Please enter the ARN for the ASG in Region 2 Availability Zone C Region2AuroraClusterArn: default: Please enter the ARN for the Aurora Cluster in Region 2 Outputs: RoutingControlCell1Aurora: Description: ARN for Cell 1 Aurora Routing Control Value: !Ref RoutingControlCell1Aurora RoutingControlCell2Aurora: Description: ARN for Cell 2 Aurora Routing Control Value: !Ref RoutingControlCell2Aurora Resources: Cell1: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::Cell Properties: CellName: !Sub - ${ProjectId}-Cell1-${Region1} - Region1: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region1] Cells: - !GetAtt Cell1A.CellArn - !GetAtt Cell1B.CellArn - !GetAtt Cell1C.CellArn Cell1A: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::Cell Properties: CellName: !Sub - ${ProjectId}-Cell1A-${Region1}a - Region1: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region1] Cell1B: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::Cell Properties: CellName: !Sub - ${ProjectId}-Cell1B-${Region1}b - Region1: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region1] Cell1C: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::Cell Properties: CellName: !Sub - ${ProjectId}-Cell1C-${Region1}c - Region1: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region1] Cell2: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::Cell Properties: CellName: !Sub - ${ProjectId}-Cell2-${Region2} - Region2: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region2] Cells: - !GetAtt Cell2A.CellArn - !GetAtt Cell2B.CellArn - !GetAtt Cell2C.CellArn Cell2A: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::Cell Properties: CellName: !Sub - ${ProjectId}-Cell2A-${Region2}a - Region2: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region2] Cell2B: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::Cell Properties: CellName: !Sub - ${ProjectId}-Cell2B-${Region2}b - Region2: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region2] Cell2C: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::Cell Properties: CellName: !Sub - ${ProjectId}-Cell2C-${Region2}c - Region2: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region2] RecoveryGroup: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::RecoveryGroup Properties: RecoveryGroupName: !Sub ${ProjectId}-RecoveryGroup Cells: - !GetAtt Cell1.CellArn - !GetAtt Cell2.CellArn ResourceSetElb: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::ResourceSet Properties: ResourceSetName: !Sub ${ProjectId}-ResourceSet-ELB ResourceSetType: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer Resources: - ResourceArn: !Ref Region1ElbArnA ReadinessScopes: - !GetAtt Cell1A.CellArn - ResourceArn: !Ref Region1ElbArnB ReadinessScopes: - !GetAtt Cell1B.CellArn - ResourceArn: !Ref Region1ElbArnC ReadinessScopes: - !GetAtt Cell1C.CellArn - ResourceArn: !Ref Region2ElbArnA ReadinessScopes: - !GetAtt Cell2A.CellArn - ResourceArn: !Ref Region2ElbArnB ReadinessScopes: - !GetAtt Cell2B.CellArn - ResourceArn: !Ref Region2ElbArnC ReadinessScopes: - !GetAtt Cell2C.CellArn ResourceSetAsg: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::ResourceSet Properties: ResourceSetName: !Sub ${ProjectId}-ResourceSet-ASG ResourceSetType: AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup Resources: - ResourceArn: !Ref Region1AsgArnA ReadinessScopes: - !GetAtt Cell1A.CellArn - ResourceArn: !Ref Region1AsgArnB ReadinessScopes: - !GetAtt Cell1B.CellArn - ResourceArn: !Ref Region1AsgArnC ReadinessScopes: - !GetAtt Cell1C.CellArn - ResourceArn: !Ref Region2AsgArnA ReadinessScopes: - !GetAtt Cell2A.CellArn - ResourceArn: !Ref Region2AsgArnB ReadinessScopes: - !GetAtt Cell2B.CellArn - ResourceArn: !Ref Region2AsgArnC ReadinessScopes: - !GetAtt Cell2C.CellArn ResourceSetAurora: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::ResourceSet Properties: ResourceSetName: !Sub ${ProjectId}-ResourceSet-Aurora ResourceSetType: AWS::RDS::DBCluster Resources: - ResourceArn: !Ref Region1AuroraClusterArn ReadinessScopes: - !GetAtt Cell1.CellArn - ResourceArn: !Ref Region2AuroraClusterArn ReadinessScopes: - !GetAtt Cell2.CellArn ReadinessCheckElb: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::ReadinessCheck Properties: ReadinessCheckName: !Sub ${ProjectId}-ReadinessCheck-ELB ResourceSetName: !Ref ResourceSetElb ReadinessCheckAsg: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::ReadinessCheck Properties: ReadinessCheckName: !Sub ${ProjectId}-ReadinessCheck-ASG ResourceSetName: !Ref ResourceSetAsg ReadinessCheckAurora: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryReadiness::ReadinessCheck Properties: ReadinessCheckName: !Sub ${ProjectId}-ReadinessCheck-Aurora ResourceSetName: !Ref ResourceSetAurora Cluster: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::Cluster Properties: Name: !Sub ${ProjectId}-Cluster ControlPanel: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::ControlPanel Properties: Name: !Sub ${ProjectId}-ControlPanel ClusterArn: !Ref Cluster RoutingControlCell1: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::RoutingControl Properties: Name: !Sub - ${ProjectId}-Cell1-${Region1} - Region1: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region1] ClusterArn: !Ref Cluster ControlPanelArn: !Ref ControlPanel RoutingControlCell1A: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::RoutingControl Properties: Name: !Sub - ${ProjectId}-Cell1A-${Region1}a - Region1: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region1] ClusterArn: !Ref Cluster ControlPanelArn: !Ref ControlPanel RoutingControlCell1B: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::RoutingControl Properties: Name: !Sub - ${ProjectId}-Cell1B-${Region1}b - Region1: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region1] ClusterArn: !Ref Cluster ControlPanelArn: !Ref ControlPanel RoutingControlCell1C: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::RoutingControl Properties: Name: !Sub - ${ProjectId}-Cell1C-${Region1}c - Region1: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region1] ClusterArn: !Ref Cluster ControlPanelArn: !Ref ControlPanel RoutingControlCell1Aurora: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::RoutingControl Properties: Name: !Sub - ${ProjectId}-Cell1Aurora-${Region1} - Region1: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region1] ClusterArn: !Ref Cluster ControlPanelArn: !Ref ControlPanel RoutingControlCell2: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::RoutingControl Properties: Name: !Sub - ${ProjectId}-Cell2-${Region2} - Region2: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region2] ClusterArn: !Ref Cluster ControlPanelArn: !Ref ControlPanel RoutingControlCell2A: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::RoutingControl Properties: Name: !Sub - ${ProjectId}-Cell2A-${Region2}a - Region2: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region2] ClusterArn: !Ref Cluster ControlPanelArn: !Ref ControlPanel RoutingControlCell2B: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::RoutingControl Properties: Name: !Sub - ${ProjectId}-Cell2B-${Region2}b - Region2: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region2] ClusterArn: !Ref Cluster ControlPanelArn: !Ref ControlPanel RoutingControlCell2C: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::RoutingControl Properties: Name: !Sub - ${ProjectId}-Cell2C-${Region2}c - Region2: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region2] ClusterArn: !Ref Cluster ControlPanelArn: !Ref ControlPanel RoutingControlCell2Aurora: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::RoutingControl Properties: Name: !Sub - ${ProjectId}-Cell2Aurora-${Region2} - Region2: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region2] ClusterArn: !Ref Cluster ControlPanelArn: !Ref ControlPanel AssertionRuleMaxRegionsActive: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::SafetyRule Properties: Name: !Sub ${ProjectId}-MaxRegionsActive ControlPanelArn: !Ref ControlPanel AssertionRule: WaitPeriodMs: 5000 AssertedControls: - !Ref RoutingControlCell1 - !Ref RoutingControlCell2 RuleConfig: Type: ATLEAST Threshold: 2 Inverted: true AssertionRuleMaxDatabasesActive: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::SafetyRule Properties: Name: !Sub ${ProjectId}-MaxDatabasesActive ControlPanelArn: !Ref ControlPanel AssertionRule: WaitPeriodMs: 5000 AssertedControls: - !Ref RoutingControlCell1Aurora - !Ref RoutingControlCell2Aurora RuleConfig: Type: ATLEAST Threshold: 2 Inverted: true GatingRuleCell1ActiveAZ: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::SafetyRule Properties: Name: !Sub ${ProjectId}-Cell1RequiresActiveAZToEnable ControlPanelArn: !Ref ControlPanel GatingRule: WaitPeriodMs: 5000 GatingControls: - !Ref RoutingControlCell1A - !Ref RoutingControlCell1B - !Ref RoutingControlCell1C TargetControls: - !Ref RoutingControlCell1 RuleConfig: Type: ATLEAST Threshold: 2 Inverted: false GatingRuleCell1RequiresDB: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::SafetyRule Properties: Name: !Sub ${ProjectId}-Cell1RequiresActiveDBToEnable ControlPanelArn: !Ref ControlPanel GatingRule: WaitPeriodMs: 5000 GatingControls: - !Ref RoutingControlCell1Aurora TargetControls: - !Ref RoutingControlCell1 RuleConfig: Type: ATLEAST Threshold: 1 Inverted: false GatingRuleCell1CannotDisableDB: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::SafetyRule Properties: Name: !Sub ${ProjectId}-Cell1DBCannotBeDisabledWhilstCell1Active ControlPanelArn: !Ref ControlPanel GatingRule: WaitPeriodMs: 5000 GatingControls: - !Ref RoutingControlCell1 TargetControls: - !Ref RoutingControlCell1Aurora RuleConfig: Type: ATLEAST Threshold: 1 Inverted: true GatingRuleCell2ActiveAz: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::SafetyRule Properties: Name: !Sub ${ProjectId}-Cell2RequiresActiveAZToEnable ControlPanelArn: !Ref ControlPanel GatingRule: WaitPeriodMs: 5000 GatingControls: - !Ref RoutingControlCell2A - !Ref RoutingControlCell2B - !Ref RoutingControlCell2C TargetControls: - !Ref RoutingControlCell2 RuleConfig: Type: ATLEAST Threshold: 2 Inverted: false GatingRuleCell2RequiresDB: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::SafetyRule Properties: Name: !Sub ${ProjectId}-Cell2RequiresActiveDBToEnable ControlPanelArn: !Ref ControlPanel GatingRule: WaitPeriodMs: 5000 GatingControls: - !Ref RoutingControlCell2Aurora TargetControls: - !Ref RoutingControlCell2 RuleConfig: Type: ATLEAST Threshold: 1 Inverted: false GatingRuleCell2CannotDisableDB: Type: AWS::Route53RecoveryControl::SafetyRule Properties: Name: !Sub ${ProjectId}-Cell2DBCannotBeDisabledWhilstCell2Active ControlPanelArn: !Ref ControlPanel GatingRule: WaitPeriodMs: 5000 GatingControls: - !Ref RoutingControlCell2 TargetControls: - !Ref RoutingControlCell2Aurora RuleConfig: Type: ATLEAST Threshold: 1 Inverted: true RoutingControlHealthcheckCell1: Type: AWS::Route53::HealthCheck DependsOn: RoutingControlCell1 Properties: HealthCheckConfig: Type: RECOVERY_CONTROL RoutingControlArn: !Ref RoutingControlCell1 HealthCheckTags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${ProjectId}-RoutingControlHealthcheckCell1 RoutingControlHealthcheckCell1A: Type: AWS::Route53::HealthCheck DependsOn: RoutingControlCell1A Properties: HealthCheckConfig: Type: RECOVERY_CONTROL RoutingControlArn: !Ref RoutingControlCell1A HealthCheckTags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${ProjectId}-RoutingControlHealthcheckCell1A RoutingControlHealthcheckCell1B: Type: AWS::Route53::HealthCheck DependsOn: RoutingControlCell1B Properties: HealthCheckConfig: Type: RECOVERY_CONTROL RoutingControlArn: !Ref RoutingControlCell1B HealthCheckTags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${ProjectId}-RoutingControlHealthcheckCell1B RoutingControlHealthcheckCell1C: Type: AWS::Route53::HealthCheck DependsOn: RoutingControlCell1C Properties: HealthCheckConfig: Type: RECOVERY_CONTROL RoutingControlArn: !Ref RoutingControlCell1C HealthCheckTags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${ProjectId}-RoutingControlHealthcheckCell1C RoutingControlHealthcheckCell2: Type: AWS::Route53::HealthCheck DependsOn: RoutingControlCell2 Properties: HealthCheckConfig: Type: RECOVERY_CONTROL RoutingControlArn: !Ref RoutingControlCell2 HealthCheckTags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${ProjectId}-RoutingControlHealthcheckCell2 RoutingControlHealthcheckCell2A: Type: AWS::Route53::HealthCheck DependsOn: RoutingControlCell2A Properties: HealthCheckConfig: Type: RECOVERY_CONTROL RoutingControlArn: !Ref RoutingControlCell2A HealthCheckTags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${ProjectId}-RoutingControlHealthcheckCell2A RoutingControlHealthcheckCell2B: Type: AWS::Route53::HealthCheck DependsOn: RoutingControlCell2B Properties: HealthCheckConfig: Type: RECOVERY_CONTROL RoutingControlArn: !Ref RoutingControlCell2B HealthCheckTags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${ProjectId}-RoutingControlHealthcheckCell2B RoutingControlHealthcheckCell2C: Type: AWS::Route53::HealthCheck DependsOn: RoutingControlCell2C Properties: HealthCheckConfig: Type: RECOVERY_CONTROL RoutingControlArn: !Ref RoutingControlCell2C HealthCheckTags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${ProjectId}-RoutingControlHealthcheckCell2C AggregateHealthcheckCell12: Type: AWS::Route53::HealthCheck Properties: HealthCheckConfig: Type: CALCULATED HealthThreshold: 1 ChildHealthChecks: - !Ref RoutingControlHealthcheckCell1 - !Ref RoutingControlHealthcheckCell2 HealthCheckTags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${ProjectId}-AggregateHealthcheckCell12 AggregateHealthcheckCell1ABC: Type: AWS::Route53::HealthCheck Properties: HealthCheckConfig: Type: CALCULATED HealthThreshold: 1 ChildHealthChecks: - !Ref RoutingControlHealthcheckCell1A - !Ref RoutingControlHealthcheckCell1B - !Ref RoutingControlHealthcheckCell1C HealthCheckTags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${ProjectId}-AggregateHealthcheckCell1ABC AggregateHealthcheckCell2ABC: Type: AWS::Route53::HealthCheck Properties: HealthCheckConfig: Type: CALCULATED HealthThreshold: 1 ChildHealthChecks: - !Ref RoutingControlHealthcheckCell2A - !Ref RoutingControlHealthcheckCell2B - !Ref RoutingControlHealthcheckCell2C HealthCheckTags: - Key: Name Value: !Sub ${ProjectId}-AggregateHealthcheckCell2ABC HostedZone: Type: AWS::Route53::HostedZone Properties: Name: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, HostedZoneDomain] VPCs: - VPCId: !Sub ${Region1VpcId} VPCRegion: !Sub - ${Region1} - Region1: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region1] - VPCId: !Sub ${Region2VpcId} VPCRegion: !Sub - ${Region2} - Region2: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region2] RecordSetPrimary: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet Properties: Failover: PRIMARY AliasTarget: DNSName: !Ref RecordSetPrimaryRS EvaluateTargetHealth: true HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone Name: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, FrontEndURL] SetIdentifier: Primary Type: A HealthCheckId: !Ref AggregateHealthcheckCell12 RecordSetSecondary: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet Properties: Failover: SECONDARY AliasTarget: DNSName: !Ref RecordSetBackup EvaluateTargetHealth: true HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone Name: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, FrontEndURL] SetIdentifier: Secondary Type: A RecordSetPrimaryRS: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet Properties: Failover: PRIMARY AliasTarget: DNSName: !Ref RecordSetPrimaryR1 EvaluateTargetHealth: true HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone Name: !Sub - "rs-${FrontEndURL}" - FrontEndURL: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, FrontEndURL] SetIdentifier: Primary Type: A HealthCheckId: !Ref RoutingControlHealthcheckCell1 RecordSetSecondaryRS: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet Properties: Failover: SECONDARY AliasTarget: DNSName: !Ref RecordSetPrimaryR2 EvaluateTargetHealth: true HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone Name: !Sub - "rs-${FrontEndURL}" - FrontEndURL: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, FrontEndURL] SetIdentifier: Secondary Type: A RecordSetBackup: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet Properties: ResourceRecords: - HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone Name: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, FrontEndBackupURL] Type: A TTL: 5 RecordSetPrimaryR1: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet Properties: Failover: PRIMARY AliasTarget: DNSName: !Ref RecordSetWeighted1A EvaluateTargetHealth: true HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone Name: !Sub - "r1-${FrontEndURL}" - FrontEndURL: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, FrontEndURL] SetIdentifier: Primary Type: A HealthCheckId: !Ref AggregateHealthcheckCell1ABC RecordSetSecondaryR1: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet Properties: Failover: SECONDARY AliasTarget: DNSName: !Ref RecordSetBackup EvaluateTargetHealth: true HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone Name: !Sub - "r1-${FrontEndURL}" - FrontEndURL: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, FrontEndURL] SetIdentifier: Secondary Type: A RecordSetPrimaryR2: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet Properties: Failover: PRIMARY AliasTarget: DNSName: !Ref RecordSetWeighted2A EvaluateTargetHealth: true HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone Name: !Sub - "r2-${FrontEndURL}" - FrontEndURL: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, FrontEndURL] SetIdentifier: Primary Type: A HealthCheckId: !Ref AggregateHealthcheckCell2ABC RecordSetSecondaryR2: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet Properties: Failover: SECONDARY AliasTarget: DNSName: !Ref RecordSetBackup EvaluateTargetHealth: true HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone Name: !Sub - "r2-${FrontEndURL}" - FrontEndURL: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, FrontEndURL] SetIdentifier: Secondary Type: A RecordSetWeighted1A: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet Properties: AliasTarget: DNSName: !Ref Region1ElbDnsNameA EvaluateTargetHealth: true HostedZoneId: !Ref Region1ElbCanonicalHostedZoneId Weight: 1 HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone Name: !Sub - r1w-${FrontEndURL} - FrontEndURL: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, FrontEndURL] SetIdentifier: !Sub - "${Region1}a" - Region1: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region1] Type: A HealthCheckId: !Ref RoutingControlHealthcheckCell1A RecordSetWeighted1B: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet Properties: AliasTarget: DNSName: !Ref Region1ElbDnsNameB EvaluateTargetHealth: true HostedZoneId: !Ref Region1ElbCanonicalHostedZoneId Weight: 1 HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone Name: !Sub - r1w-${FrontEndURL} - FrontEndURL: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, FrontEndURL] SetIdentifier: !Sub - "${Region1}b" - Region1: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region1] Type: A HealthCheckId: !Ref RoutingControlHealthcheckCell1B RecordSetWeighted1C: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet Properties: AliasTarget: DNSName: !Ref Region1ElbDnsNameC EvaluateTargetHealth: true HostedZoneId: !Ref Region1ElbCanonicalHostedZoneId Weight: 1 HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone Name: !Sub - r1w-${FrontEndURL} - FrontEndURL: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, FrontEndURL] SetIdentifier: !Sub - "${Region1}c" - Region1: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region1] Type: A HealthCheckId: !Ref RoutingControlHealthcheckCell1C RecordSetWeighted2A: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet Properties: AliasTarget: DNSName: !Ref Region2ElbDnsNameA EvaluateTargetHealth: true HostedZoneId: !Ref Region2ElbCanonicalHostedZoneId Weight: 1 HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone Name: !Sub - r2w-${FrontEndURL} - FrontEndURL: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, FrontEndURL] SetIdentifier: !Sub - "${Region2}a" - Region2: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region2] Type: A HealthCheckId: !Ref RoutingControlHealthcheckCell2A RecordSetWeighted2B: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet Properties: AliasTarget: DNSName: !Ref Region2ElbDnsNameB EvaluateTargetHealth: true HostedZoneId: !Ref Region2ElbCanonicalHostedZoneId Weight: 1 HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone Name: !Sub - r2w-${FrontEndURL} - FrontEndURL: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, FrontEndURL] SetIdentifier: !Sub - "${Region2}b" - Region2: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region2] Type: A HealthCheckId: !Ref RoutingControlHealthcheckCell2B RecordSetWeighted2C: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet Properties: AliasTarget: DNSName: !Ref Region2ElbDnsNameC EvaluateTargetHealth: true HostedZoneId: !Ref Region2ElbCanonicalHostedZoneId Weight: 1 HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZone Name: !Sub - r2w-${FrontEndURL} - FrontEndURL: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, FrontEndURL] SetIdentifier: !Sub - "${Region2}c" - Region2: !FindInMap [StaticParameters, StaticParameters, Region2] Type: A HealthCheckId: !Ref RoutingControlHealthcheckCell2C