from datetime import date as Date, datetime as Datetime, time as Time from itertools import count, islice from time import localtime from warnings import warn import pg8000 from pg8000.converters import ( BIGINT, BOOLEAN, BOOLEAN_ARRAY, BYTES, CHAR, CHAR_ARRAY, DATE, FLOAT, FLOAT_ARRAY, INET, INT2VECTOR, INTEGER, INTEGER_ARRAY, INTERVAL, JSON, JSONB, MACADDR, NAME, NAME_ARRAY, NULLTYPE, NUMERIC, NUMERIC_ARRAY, OID, PGInterval, STRING, TEXT, TEXT_ARRAY, TIME, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMPTZ, UNKNOWN, UUID_TYPE, VARCHAR, VARCHAR_ARRAY, XID, ) from pg8000.core import CoreConnection from pg8000.exceptions import DatabaseError, Error, InterfaceError from ._version import get_versions __version__ = get_versions()["version"] del get_versions # Copyright (c) 2007-2009, Mathieu Fenniak # Copyright (c) The Contributors # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are # met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF # SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN # CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. __author__ = "Mathieu Fenniak" ROWID = OID apilevel = "2.0" """The DBAPI level supported, currently "2.0". This property is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ threadsafety = 1 """Integer constant stating the level of thread safety the DBAPI interface supports. This DBAPI module supports sharing of the module only. Connections and cursors my not be shared between threads. This gives pg8000 a threadsafety value of 1. This property is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ paramstyle = "format" BINARY = bytes def PgDate(year, month, day): """Constuct an object holding a date value. This function is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. :rtype: :class:`` """ return Date(year, month, day) def PgTime(hour, minute, second): """Construct an object holding a time value. This function is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. :rtype: :class:`datetime.time` """ return Time(hour, minute, second) def Timestamp(year, month, day, hour, minute, second): """Construct an object holding a timestamp value. This function is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. :rtype: :class:`datetime.datetime` """ return Datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second) def DateFromTicks(ticks): """Construct an object holding a date value from the given ticks value (number of seconds since the epoch). This function is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. :rtype: :class:`` """ return Date(*localtime(ticks)[:3]) def TimeFromTicks(ticks): """Construct an objet holding a time value from the given ticks value (number of seconds since the epoch). This function is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. :rtype: :class:`datetime.time` """ return Time(*localtime(ticks)[3:6]) def TimestampFromTicks(ticks): """Construct an object holding a timestamp value from the given ticks value (number of seconds since the epoch). This function is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. :rtype: :class:`datetime.datetime` """ return Timestamp(*localtime(ticks)[:6]) def Binary(value): """Construct an object holding binary data. This function is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ return value def connect( user, host="localhost", database=None, port=5432, password=None, source_address=None, unix_sock=None, ssl_context=None, timeout=None, tcp_keepalive=True, application_name=None, replication=None, ): return Connection( user, host=host, database=database, port=port, password=password, source_address=source_address, unix_sock=unix_sock, ssl_context=ssl_context, timeout=timeout, tcp_keepalive=tcp_keepalive, application_name=application_name, replication=replication, ) apilevel = "2.0" """The DBAPI level supported, currently "2.0". This property is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ threadsafety = 1 """Integer constant stating the level of thread safety the DBAPI interface supports. This DBAPI module supports sharing of the module only. Connections and cursors my not be shared between threads. This gives pg8000 a threadsafety value of 1. This property is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ paramstyle = "format" def convert_paramstyle(style, query, args): # I don't see any way to avoid scanning the query string char by char, # so we might as well take that careful approach and create a # state-based scanner. We'll use int variables for the state. OUTSIDE = 0 # outside quoted string INSIDE_SQ = 1 # inside single-quote string '...' INSIDE_QI = 2 # inside quoted identifier "..." INSIDE_ES = 3 # inside escaped single-quote string, E'...' INSIDE_PN = 4 # inside parameter name eg. :name INSIDE_CO = 5 # inside inline comment eg. -- in_quote_escape = False in_param_escape = False placeholders = [] output_query = [] param_idx = map(lambda x: "$" + str(x), count(1)) state = OUTSIDE prev_c = None for i, c in enumerate(query): if i + 1 < len(query): next_c = query[i + 1] else: next_c = None if state == OUTSIDE: if c == "'": output_query.append(c) if prev_c == "E": state = INSIDE_ES else: state = INSIDE_SQ elif c == '"': output_query.append(c) state = INSIDE_QI elif c == "-": output_query.append(c) if prev_c == "-": state = INSIDE_CO elif style == "qmark" and c == "?": output_query.append(next(param_idx)) elif ( style == "numeric" and c == ":" and next_c not in ":=" and prev_c != ":" ): # Treat : as beginning of parameter name if and only # if it's the only : around # Needed to properly process type conversions # i.e. sum(x)::float output_query.append("$") elif style == "named" and c == ":" and next_c not in ":=" and prev_c != ":": # Same logic for : as in numeric parameters state = INSIDE_PN placeholders.append("") elif style == "pyformat" and c == "%" and next_c == "(": state = INSIDE_PN placeholders.append("") elif style in ("format", "pyformat") and c == "%": style = "format" if in_param_escape: in_param_escape = False output_query.append(c) else: if next_c == "%": in_param_escape = True elif next_c == "s": state = INSIDE_PN output_query.append(next(param_idx)) else: raise InterfaceError( "Only %s and %% are supported in the query." ) else: output_query.append(c) elif state == INSIDE_SQ: if c == "'": if in_quote_escape: in_quote_escape = False else: if next_c == "'": in_quote_escape = True else: state = OUTSIDE output_query.append(c) elif state == INSIDE_QI: if c == '"': state = OUTSIDE output_query.append(c) elif state == INSIDE_ES: if c == "'" and prev_c != "\\": # check for escaped single-quote state = OUTSIDE output_query.append(c) elif state == INSIDE_PN: if style == "named": placeholders[-1] += c if next_c is None or (not next_c.isalnum() and next_c != "_"): state = OUTSIDE try: pidx = placeholders.index(placeholders[-1], 0, -1) output_query.append("$" + str(pidx + 1)) del placeholders[-1] except ValueError: output_query.append("$" + str(len(placeholders))) elif style == "pyformat": if prev_c == ")" and c == "s": state = OUTSIDE try: pidx = placeholders.index(placeholders[-1], 0, -1) output_query.append("$" + str(pidx + 1)) del placeholders[-1] except ValueError: output_query.append("$" + str(len(placeholders))) elif c in "()": pass else: placeholders[-1] += c elif style == "format": state = OUTSIDE elif state == INSIDE_CO: output_query.append(c) if c == "\n": state = OUTSIDE prev_c = c if style in ("numeric", "qmark", "format"): vals = args else: vals = tuple(args[p] for p in placeholders) return "".join(output_query), vals class Cursor: def __init__(self, connection): self._c = connection self.arraysize = 1 self._context = None self._row_iter = None self._input_oids = None @property def connection(self): warn("DB-API extension cursor.connection used", stacklevel=3) return self._c @property def rowcount(self): context = self._context if context is None: return -1 return context.row_count @property def description(self): context = self._context if context is None: return None row_desc = context.columns if row_desc is None: return None if len(row_desc) == 0: return None columns = [] for col in row_desc: columns.append((col["name"], col["type_oid"], None, None, None, None, None)) return columns ## # Executes a database operation. Parameters may be provided as a sequence # or mapping and will be bound to variables in the operation. #

# Stability: Part of the DBAPI 2.0 specification. def execute(self, operation, args=(), stream=None): """Executes a database operation. Parameters may be provided as a sequence, or as a mapping, depending upon the value of :data:`pg8000.paramstyle`. This method is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. :param operation: The SQL statement to execute. :param args: If :data:`paramstyle` is ``qmark``, ``numeric``, or ``format``, this argument should be an array of parameters to bind into the statement. If :data:`paramstyle` is ``named``, the argument should be a dict mapping of parameters. If the :data:`paramstyle` is ``pyformat``, the argument value may be either an array or a mapping. :param stream: This is a pg8000 extension for use with the PostgreSQL `COPY `_ command. For a COPY FROM the parameter must be a readable file-like object, and for COPY TO it must be writable. .. versionadded:: 1.9.11 """ try: if not self._c.in_transaction and not self._c.autocommit: self._c.execute_unnamed("begin transaction") statement, vals = convert_paramstyle(paramstyle, operation, args) self._context = self._c.execute_unnamed( statement, vals=vals, input_oids=self._input_oids, stream=stream ) self._row_iter = iter(self._context.rows) self._input_oids = None except AttributeError as e: if self._c is None: raise InterfaceError("Cursor closed") elif self._c._sock is None: raise InterfaceError("connection is closed") else: raise e self.input_types = [] def executemany(self, operation, param_sets): """Prepare a database operation, and then execute it against all parameter sequences or mappings provided. This method is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. :param operation: The SQL statement to execute :param parameter_sets: A sequence of parameters to execute the statement with. The values in the sequence should be sequences or mappings of parameters, the same as the args argument of the :meth:`execute` method. """ rowcounts = [] input_oids = self._input_oids for parameters in param_sets: self._input_oids = input_oids self.execute(operation, parameters) rowcounts.append(self._context.row_count) self._context.row_count = -1 if -1 in rowcounts else sum(rowcounts) def callproc(self, procname, parameters=None): args = [] if parameters is None else parameters operation = "CALL " + procname + "(" + ", ".join(["%s" for _ in args]) + ")" try: statement, vals = convert_paramstyle("format", operation, args) self._context = self._c.execute_unnamed(statement, vals=vals) self._row_iter = iter(self._context.rows) except AttributeError as e: if self._c is None: raise InterfaceError("Cursor closed") elif self._c._sock is None: raise InterfaceError("connection is closed") else: raise e def fetchone(self): """Fetch the next row of a query result set. This method is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. :returns: A row as a sequence of field values, or ``None`` if no more rows are available. """ try: return next(self) except StopIteration: return None except TypeError: raise ProgrammingError("attempting to use unexecuted cursor") def __iter__(self): """A cursor object is iterable to retrieve the rows from a query. This is a DBAPI 2.0 extension. """ return self def __next__(self): try: return next(self._row_iter) except AttributeError: if self._context is None: raise ProgrammingError("A query hasn't been issued.") else: raise except StopIteration as e: if self._context is None: raise ProgrammingError("A query hasn't been issued.") elif len(self._context.columns) == 0: raise ProgrammingError("no result set") else: raise e def fetchmany(self, num=None): """Fetches the next set of rows of a query result. This method is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. :param size: The number of rows to fetch when called. If not provided, the :attr:`arraysize` attribute value is used instead. :returns: A sequence, each entry of which is a sequence of field values making up a row. If no more rows are available, an empty sequence will be returned. """ try: return tuple(islice(self, self.arraysize if num is None else num)) except TypeError: raise ProgrammingError("attempting to use unexecuted cursor") def fetchall(self): """Fetches all remaining rows of a query result. This method is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. :returns: A sequence, each entry of which is a sequence of field values making up a row. """ try: return tuple(self) except TypeError: raise ProgrammingError("attempting to use unexecuted cursor") def close(self): """Closes the cursor. This method is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ self._c = None def setinputsizes(self, *sizes): """This method is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification""" oids = [] for size in sizes: if isinstance(size, int): oid = size else: try: oid, _ = self._c.py_types[size] except KeyError: oid = pg8000.converters.UNKNOWN oids.append(oid) self._input_oids = oids def setoutputsize(self, size, column=None): """This method is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_, however, it is not implemented by pg8000. """ pass class Connection(CoreConnection): # DBAPI Extension: supply exceptions as attributes on the connection Warning = property(lambda self: self._getError(Warning)) Error = property(lambda self: self._getError(Error)) InterfaceError = property(lambda self: self._getError(InterfaceError)) DatabaseError = property(lambda self: self._getError(DatabaseError)) OperationalError = property(lambda self: self._getError(OperationalError)) IntegrityError = property(lambda self: self._getError(IntegrityError)) InternalError = property(lambda self: self._getError(InternalError)) ProgrammingError = property(lambda self: self._getError(ProgrammingError)) NotSupportedError = property(lambda self: self._getError(NotSupportedError)) def _getError(self, error): warn("DB-API extension connection.%s used" % error.__name__, stacklevel=3) return error def cursor(self): """Creates a :class:`Cursor` object bound to this connection. This function is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ return Cursor(self) def commit(self): """Commits the current database transaction. This function is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ self.execute_unnamed("commit") def rollback(self): """Rolls back the current database transaction. This function is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ if not self.in_transaction: return self.execute_unnamed("rollback") def xid(self, format_id, global_transaction_id, branch_qualifier): """Create a Transaction IDs (only global_transaction_id is used in pg) format_id and branch_qualifier are not used in postgres global_transaction_id may be any string identifier supported by postgres returns a tuple (format_id, global_transaction_id, branch_qualifier)""" return (format_id, global_transaction_id, branch_qualifier) def tpc_begin(self, xid): """Begins a TPC transaction with the given transaction ID xid. This method should be called outside of a transaction (i.e. nothing may have executed since the last .commit() or .rollback()). Furthermore, it is an error to call .commit() or .rollback() within the TPC transaction. A ProgrammingError is raised, if the application calls .commit() or .rollback() during an active TPC transaction. This function is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ self._xid = xid if self.autocommit: self.execute_unnamed("begin transaction") def tpc_prepare(self): """Performs the first phase of a transaction started with .tpc_begin(). A ProgrammingError is be raised if this method is called outside of a TPC transaction. After calling .tpc_prepare(), no statements can be executed until .tpc_commit() or .tpc_rollback() have been called. This function is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ self.execute_unnamed("PREPARE TRANSACTION '%s';" % (self._xid[1],)) def tpc_commit(self, xid=None): """When called with no arguments, .tpc_commit() commits a TPC transaction previously prepared with .tpc_prepare(). If .tpc_commit() is called prior to .tpc_prepare(), a single phase commit is performed. A transaction manager may choose to do this if only a single resource is participating in the global transaction. When called with a transaction ID xid, the database commits the given transaction. If an invalid transaction ID is provided, a ProgrammingError will be raised. This form should be called outside of a transaction, and is intended for use in recovery. On return, the TPC transaction is ended. This function is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ if xid is None: xid = self._xid if xid is None: raise ProgrammingError("Cannot tpc_commit() without a TPC transaction!") try: previous_autocommit_mode = self.autocommit self.autocommit = True if xid in self.tpc_recover(): self.execute_unnamed("COMMIT PREPARED '%s';" % (xid[1],)) else: # a single-phase commit self.commit() finally: self.autocommit = previous_autocommit_mode self._xid = None def tpc_rollback(self, xid=None): """When called with no arguments, .tpc_rollback() rolls back a TPC transaction. It may be called before or after .tpc_prepare(). When called with a transaction ID xid, it rolls back the given transaction. If an invalid transaction ID is provided, a ProgrammingError is raised. This form should be called outside of a transaction, and is intended for use in recovery. On return, the TPC transaction is ended. This function is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ if xid is None: xid = self._xid if xid is None: raise ProgrammingError( "Cannot tpc_rollback() without a TPC prepared transaction!" ) try: previous_autocommit_mode = self.autocommit self.autocommit = True if xid in self.tpc_recover(): # a two-phase rollback self.execute_unnamed("ROLLBACK PREPARED '%s';" % (xid[1],)) else: # a single-phase rollback self.rollback() finally: self.autocommit = previous_autocommit_mode self._xid = None def tpc_recover(self): """Returns a list of pending transaction IDs suitable for use with .tpc_commit(xid) or .tpc_rollback(xid). This function is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ try: previous_autocommit_mode = self.autocommit self.autocommit = True curs = self.cursor() curs.execute("select gid FROM pg_prepared_xacts") return [self.xid(0, row[0], "") for row in curs.fetchall()] finally: self.autocommit = previous_autocommit_mode class Warning(Exception): """Generic exception raised for important database warnings like data truncations. This exception is not currently used by pg8000. This exception is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ pass class DataError(DatabaseError): """Generic exception raised for errors that are due to problems with the processed data. This exception is not currently raised by pg8000. This exception is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ pass class OperationalError(DatabaseError): """ Generic exception raised for errors that are related to the database's operation and not necessarily under the control of the programmer. This exception is currently never raised by pg8000. This exception is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ pass class IntegrityError(DatabaseError): """ Generic exception raised when the relational integrity of the database is affected. This exception is not currently raised by pg8000. This exception is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ pass class InternalError(DatabaseError): """Generic exception raised when the database encounters an internal error. This is currently only raised when unexpected state occurs in the pg8000 interface itself, and is typically the result of a interface bug. This exception is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ pass class ProgrammingError(DatabaseError): """Generic exception raised for programming errors. For example, this exception is raised if more parameter fields are in a query string than there are available parameters. This exception is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ pass class NotSupportedError(DatabaseError): """Generic exception raised in case a method or database API was used which is not supported by the database. This exception is part of the `DBAPI 2.0 specification `_. """ pass class ArrayContentNotSupportedError(NotSupportedError): """ Raised when attempting to transmit an array where the base type is not supported for binary data transfer by the interface. """ pass __all__ = [ "BIGINT", "BINARY", "BOOLEAN", "BOOLEAN_ARRAY", "BYTES", "Binary", "CHAR", "CHAR_ARRAY", "Connection", "Cursor", "DATE", "DataError", "DatabaseError", "Date", "DateFromTicks", "Error", "FLOAT", "FLOAT_ARRAY", "INET", "INT2VECTOR", "INTEGER", "INTEGER_ARRAY", "INTERVAL", "IntegrityError", "InterfaceError", "InternalError", "JSON", "JSONB", "MACADDR", "NAME", "NAME_ARRAY", "NULLTYPE", "NUMERIC", "NUMERIC_ARRAY", "NotSupportedError", "OID", "OperationalError", "PGInterval", "ProgrammingError", "ROWID", "STRING", "TEXT", "TEXT_ARRAY", "TIME", "TIMESTAMP", "TIMESTAMPTZ", "Time", "TimeFromTicks", "Timestamp", "TimestampFromTicks", "UNKNOWN", "UUID_TYPE", "VARCHAR", "VARCHAR_ARRAY", "Warning", "XID", "connect", ]