B 䊇cã@s Gdd„dƒZGdd„dƒZdS)c@seZdZdd„ZdS)ÚBaseRetryBackoffcCs tdƒ‚dS)zbCalculate how long we should delay before retrying. :type context: RetryContext Ú delay_amountN)ÚNotImplementedError)ÚselfÚcontext©rúp/private/var/folders/8c/hx9_v10d5x38qmnzt13b7b8j1k3n5b/T/pip-target-x6xd5gna/lib/python/botocore/retries/base.pyrszBaseRetryBackoff.delay_amountN)Ú__name__Ú __module__Ú __qualname__rrrrrrsrc@seZdZdZdd„ZdS)ÚBaseRetryableCheckeraWBase class for determining if a retry should happen. This base class checks for specific retryable conditions. A single retryable checker doesn't necessarily indicate a retry will happen. It's up to the ``RetryPolicy`` to use its ``BaseRetryableCheckers`` to make the final decision on whether a retry should happen. cCs tdƒ‚dS)zVReturns True if retryable, False if not. :type context: RetryContext Ú is_retryableN)r)rrrrrr sz!BaseRetryableChecker.is_retryableN)rr r Ú__doc__r rrrrr sr N)rr rrrrÚs