AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: Automated deployment of QuickSight Assets. Parameters: 1stReadMe: Type: String Default: README Description: >- PREREQUISITES - 1) QuickSight should be setup on the aws account, 2) An user with author/admin role should be setup in QuickSight. 3)SPICE capacity should be available in the region where you are creating this stack. QuickSightIdentityRegion: Type: String Default: us-east-1 MinLength: 1 Description: >- REQUIRED - QuickSight identity region (region where your users are managed; run list-users command and check the user arn if you are not sure of the identity region). CustomerName: Type: String Default: Company1 Description: REQUIRED - Tenant's Company Name. CustomerQuickSightUser: Type: String Default: KavitaMahajan MinLength: 1 Description: >- REQUIRED - User name of QuickSight author/admin from default namespace (as displayed in QuickSight admin panel). Dashboard created by this template with be shared with this user. SuffixForUniqueness: Type: String Default: v1 Description: >- OPTIONAL - If you need to create multiple instances of this sample on same aws account, add a short suffix here so that name is unique. CustomerDataS3BucketName: Type: String Default: tenant-saas-data Description: REQUIRED - S3 Bucket with Data manifest file. CustomerDataS3KeyName: Type: String Default: saas-sales-manifest.json Description: REQUIRED - S3 Key name of Data manifest file. DeploymentPackageS3BucketName: Type: String Default: saas-quicksight-cicd-artifacts Description: >- REQUIRED - S3 Bucket with Deployment Package (This CloudFormation script, Analysis and dashboard definition files). DashboardDefinitionFileS3KeyName: Type: String Default: qs-data-dashboard_v2.json Description: >- REQUIRED - Quicksight Dashboard definition Json file name in S3. Create this file using describe-dashboard-definition CLI command from Quicksight development environment. This template has definition of Dashboard to be deployed. AnalysisDefinitionFileS3KeyName: Type: String Default: qs-data-analysis_v2.json Description: >- REQUIRED - Quicksight Analysis definition Json file name in S3. Create this file using describe-analysis-definition CLI command from Quicksight development environment. This template has definition of Analysis to be deployed. Resources: QSDataSource: Type: 'AWS::QuickSight::DataSource' Properties: DataSourceId: !Join - '' - - SAAS-DataSource - !Ref CustomerName - !Ref SuffixForUniqueness Name: !Join - '' - - SAAS-DataSource - !Ref CustomerName - !Ref SuffixForUniqueness AwsAccountId: !Sub ${AWS::AccountId} Type: S3 DataSourceParameters: S3Parameters: ManifestFileLocation: Bucket: !Ref CustomerDataS3BucketName Key: !Ref CustomerDataS3KeyName Permissions: - Principal: !Join - '' - - 'arn:aws:quicksight:' - !Ref QuickSightIdentityRegion - ':' - !Sub ${AWS::AccountId} - ':user/default/' - !Ref CustomerQuickSightUser Actions: - 'quicksight:UpdateDataSourcePermissions' - 'quicksight:DescribeDataSource' - 'quicksight:DescribeDataSourcePermissions' - 'quicksight:PassDataSource' - 'quicksight:UpdateDataSource' - 'quicksight:DeleteDataSource' QSDataSet: Type: 'AWS::QuickSight::DataSet' Properties: DataSetId: !Join - '' - - SAAS-DataSet - !Ref CustomerName - !Ref SuffixForUniqueness Name: !Join - '' - - SAAS-DataSet - !Ref CustomerName - !Ref SuffixForUniqueness AwsAccountId: !Sub ${AWS::AccountId} PhysicalTableMap: PhysicalTable1: S3Source: DataSourceArn: !GetAtt - QSDataSource - Arn UploadSettings: Format: CSV StartFromRow: 1 ContainsHeader: true TextQualifier: DOUBLE_QUOTE Delimiter: ',' InputColumns: - Name: Row ID Type: STRING - Name: Order ID Type: STRING - Name: Order Date Type: STRING - Name: Date Key Type: STRING - Name: Contact Name Type: STRING - Name: Country Type: STRING - Name: City Type: STRING - Name: Region Type: STRING - Name: Subregion Type: STRING - Name: Customer Type: STRING - Name: Customer ID Type: STRING - Name: Industry Type: STRING - Name: Segment Type: STRING - Name: Product Type: STRING - Name: License Type: STRING - Name: Sales Type: STRING - Name: Quantity Type: STRING - Name: Discount Type: STRING - Name: Profit Type: STRING LogicalTableMap: LogicalTable1: Alias: SAAS-DataSet DataTransforms: - CastColumnTypeOperation: ColumnName: Row ID NewColumnType: INTEGER - CastColumnTypeOperation: ColumnName: Discount NewColumnType: DECIMAL - CastColumnTypeOperation: ColumnName: Quantity NewColumnType: INTEGER - TagColumnOperation: ColumnName: City Tags: - ColumnGeographicRole: CITY - CastColumnTypeOperation: ColumnName: Date Key NewColumnType: INTEGER - CastColumnTypeOperation: ColumnName: Sales NewColumnType: DECIMAL - CastColumnTypeOperation: ColumnName: Customer ID NewColumnType: INTEGER - TagColumnOperation: ColumnName: Country Tags: - ColumnGeographicRole: COUNTRY - TagColumnOperation: ColumnName: Region Tags: - ColumnGeographicRole: STATE - CastColumnTypeOperation: ColumnName: Order Date NewColumnType: DATETIME Format: M/d/yyyy - CastColumnTypeOperation: ColumnName: Profit NewColumnType: DECIMAL Source: PhysicalTableId: PhysicalTable1 OutputColumns: - Name: Row ID Type: INTEGER - Name: Order ID Type: STRING - Name: Order Date Type: DATETIME - Name: Date Key Type: INTEGER - Name: Contact Name Type: STRING - Name: Country Type: STRING - Name: City Type: STRING - Name: Region Type: STRING - Name: Subregion Type: STRING - Name: Customer Type: STRING - Name: Customer ID Type: INTEGER - Name: Industry Type: STRING - Name: Segment Type: STRING - Name: Product Type: STRING - Name: License Type: STRING - Name: Sales Type: DECIMAL - Name: Quantity Type: INTEGER - Name: Discount Type: DECIMAL - Name: Profit Type: DECIMAL ImportMode: SPICE ConsumedSpiceCapacityInBytes: 4628564 DataSetUsageConfiguration: DisableUseAsDirectQuerySource: false DisableUseAsImportedSource: false Permissions: - Principal: !Join - '' - - 'arn:aws:quicksight:' - !Ref QuickSightIdentityRegion - ':' - !Sub ${AWS::AccountId} - ':user/default/' - !Ref CustomerQuickSightUser Actions: - 'quicksight:UpdateDataSetPermissions' - 'quicksight:DescribeDataSet' - 'quicksight:DescribeDataSetPermissions' - 'quicksight:PassDataSet' - 'quicksight:DescribeIngestion' - 'quicksight:ListIngestions' - 'quicksight:UpdateDataSet' - 'quicksight:DeleteDataSet' - 'quicksight:CreateIngestion' - 'quicksight:CancelIngestion' QuickSightCreateAssetsLambdaExecutionRole: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role' Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - Action: - 'sts:AssumeRole' Policies: - PolicyName: QuickSightCreateAssetsPolicy PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - 'logs:CreateLogGroup' - 'logs:CreateLogStream' - 'logs:PutLogEvents' Resource: 'arn:aws:logs:*:*:*' - Effect: Allow Action: - 'ds:AuthorizeApplication' - 'ds:UnauthorizeApplication' - 'ds:CheckAlias' - 'ds:CreateAlias' - 'ds:DescribeDirectories' - 'ds:DescribeTrusts' - 'ds:DeleteDirectory' - 'ds:CreateIdentityPoolDirectory' - 'iam:ListAccountAliases' - 'quicksight:CreateAdmin' - 'quicksight:Subscribe' - 'quicksight:GetGroupMapping' - 'quicksight:SearchDirectoryGroups' - 'quicksight:SetGroupMapping' - 'quicksight:CreateAnalysis' - 'quicksight:CreateDashboard' - 'quicksight:RestoreAnalysis' - 'quicksight:UpdateAnalysisPermissions' - 'quicksight:DeleteAnalysis' - 'quicksight:DescribeAnalysisPermissions' - 'quicksight:QueryAnalysis' - 'quicksight:DescribeAnalysis' - 'quicksight:UpdateAnalysis' - 'quicksight:DescribeDashboard' - 'quicksight:ListDashboardVersions' - 'quicksight:UpdateDashboardPermissions' - 'quicksight:QueryDashboard' - 'quicksight:UpdateDashboard' - 'quicksight:DeleteDashboard' - 'quicksight:DescribeDashboardPermissions' - 'quicksight:UpdateDashboardPublishedVersion' - 'quicksight:PassDataSet' - 's3:*' Resource: '*' LambdaLayer: Type: AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion Properties: CompatibleArchitectures: - arm64 - x86_64 CompatibleRuntimes: - python3.9 Content: S3Bucket: !Sub 'tenant-saas-account-files-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}' S3Key: '' Description: 'Latest Boto3 Layer' LayerName: Boto3_1_29 CreateQuickSightAnalysisCustomResourceLambda: Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Function' Properties: Runtime: python3.9 Layers: - !Ref LambdaLayer Handler: index.handler FunctionName: !Join - '' - - CreateQuickSightAnalysisCustomResourceLambda - !Ref SuffixForUniqueness Timeout: 30 Role: !GetAtt - QuickSightCreateAssetsLambdaExecutionRole - Arn Code: ZipFile: | import botocore import boto3 import json import cfnresponse import logging def handler(event, context): response = None responseData={} analysis_arn = '' status = cfnresponse.SUCCESS logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) try: s3_bucket = event['ResourceProperties']['AnalysisDefinitionFileS3BucketName'] s3_key_name = event['ResourceProperties']['AnalysisDefinitionFileS3KeyName'] aws_account_id = event['ResourceProperties']['CustomerAWSAccountId'] region= event['ResourceProperties']['CustomerRegion'] data_set_arn = event['ResourceProperties']['DataSetArn'] analysis_permissions = event['ResourceProperties']['AnalysisPermissions'] analysis_name = event['ResourceProperties']['AnalysisName'] analysis_json = read_json_file(s3_bucket, s3_key_name) analysis_json['Name'] = analysis_name analysis_json['Definition']['DataSetIdentifierDeclarations'][0]['DataSetArn'] = data_set_arn client = boto3.client('quicksight', region_name = region) if (event['RequestType'] == 'Create'): response = create_analysis(client, aws_account_id, analysis_json, analysis_permissions) if (event['RequestType'] == 'Update'): response = update_analysis(client, aws_account_id, analysis_json, analysis_permissions) if (event['RequestType'] == 'Delete'): response= delete_analysis(client, aws_account_id, analysis_json) except Exception as e: status = cfnresponse.FAILED responseData['Error'] = str(e) finally: cfnresponse.send(event, context, status, responseData) def read_json_file(s3_bucket ,s3_key_name): s3 = boto3.resource('s3') content_object = s3.Object(s3_bucket, s3_key_name) file_content = content_object.get()['Body'].read().decode('utf-8') json_content = json.loads(file_content) return json_content def create_analysis(client, aws_account_id, analysis_json, analysis_permissions): parameters= {} permissions = analysis_permissions theme_arn= '' tags = None definition = {} response = None # Create Analysis analysis_id = analysis_json['AnalysisId'] if ('Parameters' in analysis_json): parameters = analysis_json['Parameters'] if ('ThemeArn' in analysis_json): theme_arn = analysis_json['ThemeArn'] if ('Tags' in analysis_json): tags = analysis_json['Tags'] if ('Definition' in analysis_json): definition = analysis_json['Definition'] if (tags == None): response = client.create_analysis( AwsAccountId=aws_account_id, AnalysisId=analysis_id, Name = analysis_json['Name'], Parameters=parameters, Permissions= permissions, ThemeArn = theme_arn, Definition= definition) else: response = client.create_analysis( AwsAccountId=aws_account_id, AnalysisId=analysis_id, Name=analysis_json['Name'], Parameters=parameters, Permissions= permissions, ThemeArn = theme_arn, Tags = tags, Definition= definition) return response def update_analysis(client, aws_account_id, analysis_json, analysis_permissions): parameters = {} permissions = analysis_permissions theme_arn= ' ' tags = None definition = {} response = None # Update your Analysis analysis_id = analysis_json['AnalysisId'] if ('Parameters' in analysis_json): parameters = analysis_json['Parameters'] if ('ThemeArn' in analysis_json): theme_arn = analysis_json['ThemeArn'] if ('Tags' in analysis_json): tags = analysis_json['Tags'] if ('Definition' in analysis_json): definition = analysis_json['Definition'] if (tags == None): response = client.update_analysis( AwsAccountId=aws_account_id, AnalysisId=analysis_id, Name=json_content['Name'], Parameters=parameters, Permissions= permissions, ThemeArn = theme_arn, Definition= definition) else: response = client.update_analysis( AwsAccountId=aws_account_id, AnalysisId=analysis_id, Name=json_content['Name'], Parameters=parameters, Permissions= permissions, ThemeArn = theme_arn, Tags = tags, Definition= definition) return response def delete_analysis(client, aws_account_id, analysis_json): # Delete Analysis response = None if ('AnalysisId' in analysis_json): analysis_id = analysis_json['AnalysisId'] response = client.delete_analysis(AnalysisId = analysis_id, AwsAccountId = aws_account_id, ForceDeleteWithoutRecovery=True) return response QuickSightAnalysisCustom: Type: 'Custom::QuickSightAnalysis' Properties: ServiceToken: !GetAtt - CreateQuickSightAnalysisCustomResourceLambda - Arn AnalysisDefinitionFileS3BucketName: !Ref DeploymentPackageS3BucketName AnalysisDefinitionFileS3KeyName: !Ref AnalysisDefinitionFileS3KeyName CustomerAWSAccountId: !Sub ${AWS::AccountId} CustomerRegion: !Sub ${AWS::Region} AnalysisName: !Join - '' - - SAAS-DataAnalysis - !Ref CustomerName - !Ref SuffixForUniqueness AnalysisPermissions: - Principal: !Join - '' - - 'arn:aws:quicksight:' - !Ref QuickSightIdentityRegion - ':' - !Sub ${AWS::AccountId} - ':user/default/' - !Ref CustomerQuickSightUser Actions: - 'quicksight:RestoreAnalysis' - 'quicksight:UpdateAnalysisPermissions' - 'quicksight:DeleteAnalysis' - 'quicksight:DescribeAnalysisPermissions' - 'quicksight:QueryAnalysis' - 'quicksight:DescribeAnalysis' - 'quicksight:UpdateAnalysis' DataSetArn: !GetAtt - QSDataSet - Arn CreateQuickSightDashboardCustomResourceLambda: Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Function' Properties: Runtime: python3.9 Layers: - !Ref LambdaLayer Handler: index.handler FunctionName: !Join - '' - - CreateQuickSightDashboardCustomResourceLambda - !Ref SuffixForUniqueness Timeout: 30 Role: !GetAtt - QuickSightCreateAssetsLambdaExecutionRole - Arn Code: ZipFile: | import botocore import boto3 import json import cfnresponse import logging def handler(event, context): response = None responseData={} analysis_arn = '' status = cfnresponse.SUCCESS logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) try: s3_bucket = event['ResourceProperties']['DashboardDefinitionFileS3BucketName'] s3_key_name = event['ResourceProperties']['DashboardDefinitionFileS3KeyName'] aws_account_id = event['ResourceProperties']['CustomerAWSAccountId'] region= event['ResourceProperties']['CustomerRegion'] data_set_arn = event['ResourceProperties']['DataSetArn'] dashboard_permissions = event['ResourceProperties']['DashboardPermissions'] dashboard_name = event['ResourceProperties']['DashboardName'] dashboard_json = read_json_file(s3_bucket, s3_key_name) dashboard_json['Name'] = dashboard_name dashboard_json['Definition']['DataSetIdentifierDeclarations'][0]['DataSetArn'] = data_set_arn client = boto3.client('quicksight', region_name = region) if (event['RequestType'] == 'Create'): response = create_dashboard(client, aws_account_id, dashboard_json, dashboard_permissions) if (event['RequestType'] == 'Update'): response = update_dashboard(client, aws_account_id, dashboard_json, dashboard_permissions) if (event['RequestType'] == 'Delete'): response= delete_dashboard(client, aws_account_id, dashboard_json) except Exception as e: status = cfnresponse.FAILED responseData['Error'] = str(e) finally: cfnresponse.send(event, context, status, responseData) def read_json_file(s3_bucket ,s3_key_name): s3 = boto3.resource('s3') content_object = s3.Object(s3_bucket, s3_key_name) file_content = content_object.get()['Body'].read().decode('utf-8') json_content = json.loads(file_content) return json_content def create_dashboard(client, aws_account_id, dashboard_json, dashboard_permissions): parameters= {} dashboard_publish_options={} permissions = dashboard_permissions theme_arn= '' tags = None definition = {} response = None # Create Analysis dashboard_id = dashboard_json['DashboardId'] if ('Parameters' in dashboard_json): parameters = dashboard_json['Parameters'] if ('DashboardPublishOptions' in dashboard_json): dashboard_publish_options = dashboard_json['DashboardPublishOptions'] if ('ThemeArn' in dashboard_json): theme_arn = dashboard_json['ThemeArn'] if ('Tags' in dashboard_json): tags = dashboard_json['Tags'] if ('Definition' in dashboard_json): definition = dashboard_json['Definition'] if (tags == None): response = client.create_dashboard( AwsAccountId=aws_account_id, DashboardId=dashboard_id, Name = dashboard_json['Name'], DashboardPublishOptions = dashboard_publish_options, Parameters=parameters, Permissions= permissions, ThemeArn = theme_arn, Definition= definition) else: response = client.create_dashboard( AwsAccountId=aws_account_id, DashboardId=dashboard_id, Name=dashboard_json['Name'], DashboardPublishOptions = dashboard_publish_options, Parameters=parameters, Permissions= permissions, ThemeArn = theme_arn, Tags = tags, Definition= definition) return response def update_dashboard(client, aws_account_id, dashboard_json, dashboard_permissions): parameters = {} permissions = dashboard_permissions theme_arn= ' ' tags = None definition = {} response = None # Update your Analysis dashboard_id = dashboard_json['DashboardId'] if ('Parameters' in dashboard_json): parameters = dashboard_json['Parameters'] if ('DashboardPublishOptions' in dashboard_json): dashboard_publish_options = dashboard_json['DashboardPublishOptions'] if ('ThemeArn' in dashboard_json): theme_arn = dashboard_json['ThemeArn'] if ('Tags' in dashboard_json): tags = dashboard_json['Tags'] if ('Definition' in dashboard_json): definition = dashboard_json['Definition'] if (tags == None): response = client.update_dashboard( AwsAccountId=aws_account_id, DashboardId=dashboard_id, Name=json_content['Name'], DashboardPublishOptions = dashboard_publish_options, Parameters=parameters, Permissions= permissions, ThemeArn = theme_arn, Definition= definition) else: response = client.update_dashboard( AwsAccountId=aws_account_id, DashboardId=dashboard_id, Name=json_content['Name'], DashboardPublishOptions = dashboard_publish_options, Parameters=parameters, Permissions= permissions, ThemeArn = theme_arn, Tags = tags, Definition= definition) return response def delete_dashboard(client, aws_account_id, dashboard_json): # Delete Analysis response = None if ('DashboardId' in dashboard_json): dashboard_id = dashboard_json['DashboardId'] response = client.delete_dashboard(DashboardId = dashboard_id, AwsAccountId = aws_account_id) return response QuickSightDashboardsCustom: Type: 'Custom::QuickSightDashboard' Properties: ServiceToken: !GetAtt - CreateQuickSightDashboardCustomResourceLambda - Arn DashboardDefinitionFileS3BucketName: !Ref DeploymentPackageS3BucketName DashboardDefinitionFileS3KeyName: !Ref DashboardDefinitionFileS3KeyName CustomerAWSAccountId: !Sub ${AWS::AccountId} CustomerRegion: !Sub ${AWS::Region} DashboardName: !Join - '' - - SAAS-Dashboard - !Ref CustomerName - !Ref SuffixForUniqueness DashboardPermissions: - Principal: !Join - '' - - 'arn:aws:quicksight:' - !Ref QuickSightIdentityRegion - ':' - !Sub ${AWS::AccountId} - ':user/default/' - !Ref CustomerQuickSightUser Actions: - 'quicksight:DescribeDashboard' - 'quicksight:ListDashboardVersions' - 'quicksight:UpdateDashboardPermissions' - 'quicksight:QueryDashboard' - 'quicksight:UpdateDashboard' - 'quicksight:DeleteDashboard' - 'quicksight:DescribeDashboardPermissions' - 'quicksight:UpdateDashboardPublishedVersion' DataSetArn: !GetAtt - QSDataSet - Arn