import json import boto3 import logging import os logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(os.getenv("LOG_LEVEL", "INFO").upper()) print(logger.level) def try_parse_env(key): if key not in os.environ: logger.warning("%s not set.", key) else: try: return json.loads(os.getenv(key, "null")) except Exception as e: logger.error("Invalid syntax for %s, abort to avoid deleting resources.", key) raise e def parse_config(): return { "ENDPOINT_EXCLUDE_TAG": try_parse_env("ENDPOINT_EXCLUDE_TAG"), "NOTEBOOK_EXCLUDE_TAG": try_parse_env("NOTEBOOK_EXCLUDE_TAG"), "MAX_COUNT": try_parse_env("MAX_COUNT") or 100, } def is_serverless_endpoint(client, endpoint_name): endpoint = client.describe_endpoint(EndpointName = endpoint_name) endpoint_config = client.describe_endpoint_config(EndpointConfigName = endpoint["EndpointConfigName"]) product_variants = endpoint_config["ProductionVariants"] return "ServerlessConfig" in product_variants[0] def get_endpoint_names(client, config):'Getting InService endpoints') endpoint_names = [] endpoints = client.list_endpoints( SortBy = 'CreationTime', SortOrder = 'Descending', StatusEquals = 'InService', MaxResults = config["MAX_COUNT"] )["Endpoints"] for each in endpoints: name = each["EndpointName"] tags = client.list_tags(ResourceArn = each["EndpointArn"]) if config["ENDPOINT_EXCLUDE_TAG"] in tags['Tags']: logger.debug('Ignoring because of tag: %s', name) continue if is_serverless_endpoint(client, name): logger.debug('Ignoring because of serverless endpoint: %s', name) continue logger.debug('Will delete: %s', name) endpoint_names.append(name) return endpoint_names def get_notebook_names(client, state, config):'Getting %s notebooks', state) notebook_names = [] notebooks = client.list_notebook_instances( SortBy = 'CreationTime', SortOrder = 'Descending', StatusEquals = state, MaxResults = config["MAX_COUNT"] )["NotebookInstances"] for each in notebooks: if each['NotebookInstanceStatus'] == state: name = each["NotebookInstanceName"] tags = client.list_tags(ResourceArn = each["NotebookInstanceArn"]) if config["NOTEBOOK_EXCLUDE_TAG"] in tags['Tags']: logger.debug('Ignoring because of tag: %s', name) continue logger.debug('Will delete: %s', name) notebook_names.append(name) return notebook_names def delete_endpoints(client, endpoint_names):'Deleting endpoints') count = 0 for name in endpoint_names: client.delete_endpoint(EndpointName = name) count += 1'Deleted %s endpoints', count) return def stop_notebook_instances(client, notebook_names):'Stopping notebooks') count = 0 for name in notebook_names: try: client.stop_notebook_instance(NotebookInstanceName = name) count += 1 except: continue'Stopped %s notebooks', count) return def lambda_handler(event, context): client = boto3.client('sagemaker') config = parse_config() endpoint_names = get_endpoint_names(client, config) delete_endpoints(client, endpoint_names) notebook_names = get_notebook_names(client, 'InService', config) stop_notebook_instances(client, notebook_names) return { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': json.dumps('Completed lambda function to clean SageMaker resources.') }