AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: >- Creates FSx Lustre file-system. Parameters: SubnetId: Description: Subnet Id for FSx Lustre file-system AllowedPattern: '(subnet\-)([a-z0-9]+)' Type: String SecurityGroupId: Description: Security Groupd Id for FSx Lustre file-system AllowedPattern: '(sg\-)([a-z0-9]+)' Type: String StorageCapacityGiB: Description: Storage capacity in multiples of 3600 GiB Type: Number MinValue: 3600 Default: 3600 S3ImportPath: Description: S3 import path for importing data Type: String Tag2: Description: Extra Tag to distinguid FSx filesystems Type: String Resources: FSxFileSystem: Type: AWS::FSx::FileSystem Properties: FileSystemType: 'LUSTRE' LustreConfiguration: AutoImportPolicy: NEW_CHANGED ImportPath: !Ref S3ImportPath SecurityGroupIds: - !Ref SecurityGroupId StorageCapacity: !Ref StorageCapacityGiB SubnetIds: - !Ref SubnetId Tags: - Key: Name Value: !Ref 'AWS::StackName' - Key: Version Value: !Ref Tag2 Outputs: FSxFileSystemId: Value: !Ref FSxFileSystem