import bisect from typing import Dict import numpy as np def quantile_discretiser(data, num_buckets): """Allows the discretisation of numeric data. Only discrete distributions supported in Baysian networks.""" x = data.values.flatten() x.sort() bucket_width = 1.0 / num_buckets quantiles = [bucket_width * (n + 1) for n in range(num_buckets - 1)] numeric_split_points = np.quantile(x, quantiles) data = np.digitize(data.values, numeric_split_points, right=False) data = data.astype("int8") return data, numeric_split_points def generate_dag_constraints(mappping): """ Takes in the mapping file with the crop phenology staging and returns constraints for the NOTEARS algortihm. 1. list of nodes banned from being a child of any other nodes 2. list of nodes banned from being a parent of any other nodes 3. list of edges(from, to) not to be included in the graph. """ nodes_list = list(mappping.variable.unique()) # list of nodes banned from being a child of any other nodes tabu_child = list(mappping[mappping.level == mappping.level.min()].variable.values) # list of nodes banned from being a parent of any other nodes tabu_parents = [] nodes_matrix = sorted( [(mappping[mappping.variable == node]["level"].values[0], node) for node in nodes_list] ) # list of edges(from, to) not to be included in the graph. # this is done in order to forbid reverse temporal modeling # observations collected at the later stage should not inform earlier stages tabu_edges = [ (node_i, node_j) for idx, node_i in nodes_matrix for idy, node_j in nodes_matrix if idy <= idx and node_i != node_j ] # one node cannot inform more than 2 steps ahead tabu_edges_forwards = [ (node_i, node_j) for idx, node_i in nodes_matrix for idy, node_j in nodes_matrix if idy > idx + 2 and node_i != node_j ] tabu_edges.extend(tabu_edges_forwards) # append the prohibited atmospheric edges # within this model will disregard the correlation between temperature, radiation and precipitation atmospheric_nodes = [ node for node in nodes_list if "tmean" in node or "rain" in node or "rad" in node ] tabu_edges_atmospheric = [ (node_i, node_j) for node_i in atmospheric_nodes for node_j in atmospheric_nodes if node_i != node_j ] tabu_edges.extend(tabu_edges_atmospheric) # disregard links between soil nitrogen and water stress variables soil_nodes = [ node for node in nodes_list if node.startswith("n_") ] water_stress_nodes = [ node for node in nodes_list if node.endswith("_fw") ] tabu_edges_soil_water = [ (node_i, node_j) for node_i in soil_nodes for node_j in water_stress_nodes if node_i != node_j ] tabu_edges.extend(tabu_edges_soil_water) # no node can inform on atmospheric variables tabu_edges_atmospheric_rest = [ (node_i, node_j) for node_i in nodes_list for node_j in atmospheric_nodes if node_i != node_j ] tabu_edges.extend(tabu_edges_atmospheric_rest) tabu_edges = list(set(tabu_edges)) return (tabu_edges, tabu_child, tabu_parents, nodes_list, nodes_matrix) def discretiser_inverse_transform( map_thresholds, request=True, request_nodes=[], response_nodes=[] ): """ 1. Encodes the request from real values to discretised values 2. Decodes the reponse back to real value ranges """ # encode request if request: discretised_nodes = [] if request_nodes: for node in request_nodes: if node[0] in list(map_thresholds.keys()): ind = bisect.bisect_left(map_thresholds[node[0]], node[1]) else: print( f"nodes not in the graph \n Please select one from this list: {list(map_thresholds.keys())}" ) discretised_nodes.append((node[0], ind)) return discretised_nodes # decode response else: decoded_nodes = [] if response_nodes: for node in response_nodes: if node[0] in list(map_thresholds.keys()): n_buckets = len(map_thresholds[node[0]]) if node[1] > n_buckets: print( f"bucket value: {node[1]} larger than the max {len(discretiser.map_thresholds[node[0]]) + 1}" ) break elif node[1] == 0: split_point = map_thresholds[node[0]][0] split_point = f"<{split_point:.2f}" elif node[1] == n_buckets: split_point = map_thresholds[node[0]][-1] split_point = f">{split_point:.2f}" else: split_point = map_thresholds[node[0]][node[1]] split_point_left = map_thresholds[node[0]][node[1] - 1] split_point = f" >={split_point_left:.2f} | <{split_point:.2f}" decoded_nodes.append((node[0], split_point)) else: print( f"nodes not in the graph \n Please select one from this list: {list(map_thresholds.keys())}" ) return decoded_nodes def format_inference_output(output): """ Format ouptut by converting the marginals probabilities into buckets """ output_decoded = [] query_def = [] if isinstance(output, Dict): method = output["method"] else: method = output[0]["method"] if method == "query": for out in output: bucket = max(out["marginals"], key=out["marginals"].get) output_decoded.append((out["target"], int(bucket))) query_def.append({"target": out["target"], "query": out["observation"]}) else: bucket = max(output["marginals-before"], key=output["marginals-before"].get) output_decoded.append((output["target"], int(bucket))) bucket = max(output["marginals-after"], key=output["marginals-after"].get) output_decoded.append((output["target"], int(bucket))) query_def.append( { "target": output["target"], "query": output["query"], "interventions": output["interventions"], } ) return output_decoded, query_def, method