import datetime import io import json import os import re import warnings from typing import List import boto3 import numpy as np import pandas as pd import sagemaker import shap import spyndex from import get_cmap from matplotlib.colors import CenteredNorm, Colormap, rgb2hex warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore") s3 = boto3.resource("s3") def download_s3_folder(bucket_name, s3_folder, local_dir=None): """ Download the contents of a folder directory Args: bucket_name: the name of the s3 bucket s3_folder: the folder path in the s3 bucket local_dir: a relative or absolute directory path in the local file system """ bucket = s3.Bucket(bucket_name) for obj in bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=s3_folder): target = ( obj.key if local_dir is None else os.path.join(local_dir, os.path.relpath(obj.key, s3_folder)) ) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(target)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(target)) if obj.key[-1] == "/": continue bucket.download_file(obj.key, target) def prepare_axis_request_manifests( request_start_time, request_end_time, week, year, fips, spectral_indices, manifest_filename, bucket_name, ): """Prepare a json file for each input parameters Note: This will help run multiple processing jobs in parallel """ request_manifest = { "startime": request_start_time, "endtime": request_end_time, "week": week, "year": year, "fips": fips, "spectralindices": spectral_indices, } s3object = s3.Object(bucket_name, manifest_filename) s3object.put(Body=(bytes(json.dumps(request_manifest).encode("UTF-8")))) return True def reformat_formula(idx): """Reformats the spyndex formula""" # mapping between standard convention and Sentinel-2 params = { "A": "coastal", "B": "blue", "G": "green", "R": "red", "RE1": "b05", "RE2": "b06", "RE3": "b07", "N": "nir", "N2": "b8a", "S1": "swir16", "S2": "swir22", } # """ # Additional index parameters: # g: Gain factor (e.g. Used for EVI). # L: Canopy background adjustment (e.g. Used for SAVI and EVI). # C1: Coefficient 1 for the aerosol resistance term (e.g. Used for EVI). # C2: Coefficient 2 for the aerosol resistance term (e.g. Used for EVI). # cexp: Exponent used for OCVI. # nexp: Exponent used for GDVI. # alpha: Weighting coefficient used for WDRVI, BWDRVI and NDPI. # beta: Calibration parameter used for NDSIns. # gamma: Weighting coefficient used for ARVI. # omega: Weighting coefficient used for MBWI. # sla: Soil line slope. # slb: Soil line intercept. # PAR: Photosynthetically Active Radiation. # k: Slope parameter by soil used for NIRvH2. # lambdaN: NIR wavelength used for NIRvH2 and NDGI. # lambdaR: Red wavelength used for NIRvH2 and NDGI. # lambdaG: Green wavelength used for NDGI. # """ for cnt in spyndex.constants: params.update({cnt: spyndex.constants[cnt].default}) formula = spyndex.indices[idx].formula delimiters = set(re.findall(r"[\+\-*/()]", formula)) def split(delimiters, string, maxsplit=0): import re regex_pattern = "|".join(map(re.escape, delimiters)) return set(re.split(regex_pattern, string, maxsplit)) keys = split(delimiters, formula) formula = " {} ".format(" ".join(formula)) formula = formula.replace(" . ", ".") for key in keys: if key in params.keys(): formula = formula.replace(" {} ".format(" ".join(key)), " {} ".format(str(params[key]))) return formula def spectral_indices_equation_prep(index): """Prepares the bandmath equations""" if not isinstance(index, list): index = [index] names = list(spyndex.indices.keys()) spectral_indices = [] for idx in index: if idx not in names: raise Exception(f"{idx} is not a valid Spectral Index!") else: spectral_indices.append((idx, reformat_formula(idx))) return spectral_indices def jdtodatestd(jdate): """ Coverts Julian dates to Gregorian dates """ fmt = "%Y%j" datestd = datetime.datetime.strptime(jdate, fmt).date() return datestd def convert_dates(data): """ Coverts Julian dates to Gregorian dates """ data["day_v5"] = data["day_v5"].astype("int") data["day_v5_greg"] = data["year"].astype(str) + data["day_v5"].astype(str) data["day_v5_greg"] = data["day_v5_greg"].apply(jdtodatestd) data["day_sow"] = data["day_sow"].astype("int") data["day_sow_greg"] = data["year"].astype(str) + data["day_sow"].astype(str) data["day_sow_greg"] = data["day_sow_greg"].apply(jdtodatestd) return data def heatmap_pandas(corr): mask = np.zeros_like(corr, dtype=bool) mask[np.tril_indices_from(mask)] = True corr[mask] = np.nan # display the styler display("coolwarm", axis=None, vmin=-1, vmax=1) .highlight_null(null_color="#f1f1f1") # Color NaNs grey .set_precision(2) ) def centered_gradient(s: pd.Series, cmap: Colormap, false_css: str = "") -> List[str]: # Find center point center = 1.5 * s.median() # Create normaliser centered on median norm = CenteredNorm(vcenter=center) return [ # Conditionally apply gradient to values above center only f"background-color: {rgb2hex(rgba)}" if row > center else false_css for row, rgba in zip(s, cmap(norm(s))) ] def global_shap_importance(model, X): """Return a dataframe containing the features sorted by Shap importance Parameters ---------- model : The tree-based model X : pd.Dataframe training set/test set/the whole dataset ... (without the label) Returns ------- pd.Dataframe A dataframe containing the features sorted by Shap importance """ explainer = shap.Explainer(model) shap_values = explainer(X) cohorts = {"": shap_values} cohort_labels = list(cohorts.keys()) cohort_exps = list(cohorts.values()) for i in range(len(cohort_exps)): if len(cohort_exps[i].shape) == 2: cohort_exps[i] = cohort_exps[i].abs.mean(0) features = cohort_exps[0].data feature_names = cohort_exps[0].feature_names values = np.array([cohort_exps[i].values for i in range(len(cohort_exps))]) feature_importance = pd.DataFrame( list(zip(feature_names, sum(values))), columns=["features", "importance"] ) feature_importance.sort_values(by=["importance"], ascending=False, inplace=True) return feature_importance