import numpy as np import torch import os import json import io import cv2 import time from transformers import SamModel, SamProcessor from PIL import Image device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') # Initialize the processor with the pre-trained model processor = SamProcessor.from_pretrained("facebook/sam-vit-large") def model_fn(model_dir): """ Load the pre-trained model from the specified directory. Args: model_dir (str): Directory containing the pre-trained model files. Returns: model: Loaded pre-trained model. """ print("Executing model_fn from ...") env = os.environ model = SamModel.from_pretrained("facebook/sam-vit-large") return model def input_fn(request_body, request_content_type): """ Preprocess the input data. Args: request_body: Input data from the request. request_content_type (str): Content type of the request. Returns: inputs: Preprocessed input data. """ print("Executing input_fn from ...") inputs = [] if request_content_type: # Load image array from request body img_array = np.load(io.BytesIO(request_body), allow_pickle=True) img = Image.fromarray(img_array) # Define input points for the processor input_points = [[[np.array(img.size)/2]]] # Preprocess the image using the processor inputs = processor(img, input_points=input_points, return_tensors="pt") inputs = else: raise Exception("Unsupported content type: " + request_content_type) return inputs def predict_fn(input_data, model): """ Perform the prediction using the input data and the loaded model. Args: input_data: Preprocessed input data. model: Loaded pre-trained model. Returns: result: Prediction output. """ print("Executing predict_fn from ...") result = [] with torch.no_grad(): # Perform the prediction using the model result = model(**input_data) # Post-process the predicted masks result = processor.image_processor.post_process_masks(result.pred_masks.cpu(), input_data["original_sizes"].cpu(), input_data["reshaped_input_sizes"].cpu()) if torch.cuda.is_available(): # Empty the GPU cache and collect garbage torch.cuda.empty_cache() torch.cuda.ipc_collect() return result def output_fn(prediction_output, content_type): """ Process the prediction output and prepare the response. Args: prediction_output: Prediction output. content_type (str): Desired content type for the response. Returns: str: Response in the specified content type. """ print("Executing output_fn from ...") masks = np.transpose(prediction_output[0][0, :, :, :].numpy(), [1, 2, 0]).astype(np.uint8) * 255 mask_list = masks.tolist() return json.dumps(mask_list)