import stat import shlex import socket import sys import textwrap from contextlib import contextmanager import signal import os import subprocess import time import argparse import sagemaker_containers from retrying import retry from sagemaker_containers import _logging from sagemaker_containers.beta import framework logger = _logging.get_logger() # MPI files. _MPI_SCRIPT = "/" _MPI_IS_RUNNING = "/mpi_is_running" _MPI_IS_FINISHED = "/mpi_is_finished" _CHANGE_HOSTNAME_LIBRARY = "/" def _change_hostname(current_host): """Compiles a shared library to correct the behavior of the gethostname system call, which OpenMPI depends on. Args: current_host (str): name of the current host, such as algo-1, algo-2, etc. """ os.system("/ {}".format(current_host)) def _start_ssh_daemon(): subprocess.Popen(["/usr/sbin/sshd", "-D"]) def _setup_mpi_environment(env): _change_hostname(env.current_host) _start_ssh_daemon() def _can_connect(host, port, s): try: logger.debug("testing connection to host %s", host) s.connect((host, port)) s.close() logger.debug("can connect to host %s", host) return True except socket.error: logger.debug("can't connect to host %s", host) return False def _create_mpi_script(env, train_script): """Creates a MPI script with user provided information. For distributed training: the 'master node' runs mpirun with this script, '/'. This script creates a file '/mpi_is_running' that worker nodes use to determine whether training # (started by MPI from the master node) is still running. Processes on worker nodes use # /mpi_is_finished file to determine when to exit. Args: env (TrainingEnv): an instance of the training environment. """ hyperparameters = framework.mapping.to_cmd_args(env.hyperparameters) channels = framework.mapping.to_cmd_args(env.channel_input_dirs) python_cmd = [sys.executable, train_script] # python_cmd = [sys.executable, '-m', 'mpi4py', '-m', train_script] python_cmd.extend(hyperparameters) python_cmd.extend(channels) content = textwrap.dedent("""#!/usr/bin/env bash touch /mpi_is_running %s EXIT_CODE=$? touch /mpi_is_finished exit ${EXIT_CODE} """ % ' '.join(python_cmd)) with open(_MPI_SCRIPT, 'w') as w: w.write(content) st = os.stat(_MPI_SCRIPT) os.chmod(_MPI_SCRIPT, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) class MPIMaster(object): """ MPI Master""" def __init__(self, env, process_per_host): self.env = env self.process_per_host = process_per_host def _wait_for_worker_nodes_to_start_sshd(self, hosts, interval=1, timeout_in_seconds=180): with timeout(seconds=timeout_in_seconds): while hosts: print("hosts that aren't SSHable yet: %s", str(hosts)) for host in hosts: ssh_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) if _can_connect(host, 22, ssh_socket): print(">>> Host: {} is sshable now.".format(host)) hosts.remove(host) time.sleep(interval) def _run_mpi_on_all_nodes(self): mpi_command = self._build_mpi_command() cmd = shlex.split(mpi_command) framework.logging.log_script_invocation(cmd, self.env.to_env_vars(), logger) print("MPI Command: {}".format(mpi_command)) with open(_MPI_SCRIPT) as f: print('Running user script:\n\n%s', subprocess.check_call(cmd) def _build_mpi_command(self): is_gpu = self.env.num_gpus if self.env.num_gpus > 0 else 1 num_hosts = len(self.env.hosts) num_processes = self.process_per_host * num_hosts # By default, use one process per GPU, or one process per node (if training with CPU). host_list = self.env.hosts if self.process_per_host == 1 else \ [host + ':{}'.format(self.process_per_host) for host in self.env.hosts] print("Env Hosts: {} Hosts: {} process_per_hosts: {} num_processes: {}".format(self.env.hosts, host_list, self.process_per_host, num_processes)) credential_vars = ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID', 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY', 'AWS_SESSION_TOKEN'] print('network interface name: %s', self.env.network_interface_name) mpi_command = 'mpirun --host {}'.format(",".join(host_list)) \ + " -np {} ".format(num_processes) \ + " --allow-run-as-root" \ + " --display-map" \ + " --tag-output" \ + " -mca btl_tcp_if_include {}".format(self.env.network_interface_name) \ + " -mca oob_tcp_if_include {}".format(self.env.network_interface_name) \ + " -x NCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME={}".format(self.env.network_interface_name) \ + " --mca plm_rsh_no_tree_spawn 1" \ + " -mca orte_abort_on_non_zero_status 1" \ + " -x NCCL_MIN_NRINGS=8 -x NCCL_DEBUG=INFO" \ + " -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH -x PATH" \ + " -x LD_PRELOAD={}".format(_CHANGE_HOSTNAME_LIBRARY) for v in credential_vars: if v in os.environ: mpi_command += " -x {}".format(v) for name, value in self.env.to_env_vars().items(): mpi_command += ' -x {}="{}"'.format(name, value) mpi_command += " {}".format(_MPI_SCRIPT) print("MPI Command: {}".format(mpi_command)) return mpi_command def __call__(self): self._wait_for_worker_nodes_to_start_sshd(self.env.hosts.copy()) self._run_mpi_on_all_nodes() def is_master(self, hosts, current_host): print("Hosts: " + str(hosts) + " current host: " + str(current_host)) return current_host == sorted(list(hosts))[0] class MPIWorker(object): """ MPI Worker""" @retry(stop_max_delay=30000 * 1000, wait_fixed=1000, retry_on_result=lambda result: result is False) def _wait_for_mpi_to_start_running(self): return os.path.isfile(_MPI_IS_RUNNING) @retry(wait_fixed=5000, retry_on_result=lambda result: result is False) def _wait_until_mpi_stops_running(self): return os.path.isfile(_MPI_IS_FINISHED) def __call__(self, env): current_host = env.current_host print("Worker node %s is waiting for MPI to start training process", current_host) self._wait_for_mpi_to_start_running() print("MPI started training process on worker node %s", current_host) self._wait_until_mpi_stops_running() print("Training process started by MPI on worker node %s stopped", current_host) def _horovod_run(env, processes_per_host, train_script): print("MPI requested with process per hosts: {}" .format(processes_per_host)) _setup_mpi_environment(env) _create_mpi_script(env, train_script) mpi_master = MPIMaster(env, processes_per_host) if mpi_master.is_master(env.hosts, env.current_host): print("Inside Master") mpi_master() else: print("Inside Worker") MPIWorker()(env) class TimeoutError(Exception): pass @contextmanager def timeout(seconds=0, minutes=0, hours=0): """ Add a signal-based timeout to any block of code. If multiple time units are specified, they will be added together to determine time limit. Usage: with timeout(seconds=5): my_slow_function(...) Args: - seconds: The time limit, in seconds. - minutes: The time limit, in minutes. - hours: The time limit, in hours. """ limit = seconds + 60 * minutes + 3600 * hours def handler(signum, frame): # pylint: disable=W0613 raise TimeoutError('timed out after {} seconds'.format(limit)) try: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler) signal.setitimer(signal.ITIMER_REAL, limit) yield finally: signal.alarm(0) def execute_horovod_script(train_script, processes_per_host): print("Starting Horovod training with Horovod train script: {} Num processes per host: {}".format(train_script, processes_per_host)) env = sagemaker_containers.training_env() _horovod_run(env, processes_per_host, train_script) def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--horovod-train-script', required=True, help="Name of the horovod training script to execute.") parser.add_argument('--num-processes-per-host', default=1, help="Number of processes per host.", type=int) return parser.parse_known_args() def main(): args, unknown = parse_args() execute_horovod_script(train_script=args.horovod_train_script, processes_per_host=args.num_processes_per_host) if __name__ == "__main__": main()