AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: >- Template for creating a Service Catalog product based on the Autopilot SageMaker Custom Project Example Parameters: ProductNameParameter: Type: String Default: mlops-autopilot-custom-template Description: The name of this product within the portfolio. ProductDescriptionParameter: Type: String Default: >- Custom SageMaker Project MLOps template to automate data preparation, model training and deployment using SageMaker DataWrangler and Autopilot. Description: The description of this product within the portfolio. ProductOwnerParameter: Type: String Default: Product Owner Description: The owner of this product within the portfolio. ProductDistributorParameter: Type: String Default: Product Distributor Description: The distributor of this product within the portfolio. ProductSupportDescriptionParameter: Type: String Default: Support Description Description: The support description of this product within the portfolio. ProductSupportEmailParameter: Type: String Default: Description: The support email of this product within the portfolio. ProductSupportURLParameter: Type: String Default: '' Description: The support url of this product within the portfolio. SageMakerProjectRepoZipParameter: Type: String Default: >- Description: URL for a Zip of the SageMaker Project Autopilot Example GitHub Repo SageMakerProjectRepoNameBranchParameter: Type: String Default: sagemaker-mlops-project-autopilot-pipeline-main Description: Name/Branch of the SageMaker Projects Examples GitHub Repo StudioUserExecutionRole: Type: String Description: ARN of the SageMaker Studio User Execution IAM Role Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Interface': ParameterGroups: - Label: default: Service Catalog Product Information Parameters: - ProductNameParameter - ProductDescriptionParameter - ProductOwnerParameter - ProductDistributorParameter - Label: default: Service Catalog Product Support Information Parameters: - ProductSupportDescriptionParameter - ProductSupportEmailParameter - ProductSupportURLParameter - Label: default: >- Source Code Repository Configuration (leave defaults if not forking the repository) Parameters: - SageMakerProjectRepoZipParameter - SageMakerProjectRepoNameBranchParameter ParameterLabels: ProductNameParameter: default: Product Name ProductDescriptionParameter: default: Product Description ProductOwnerParameter: default: Product Owner ProductDistributorParameter: default: Product Distributor ProductSupportDescriptionParameter: default: Product Support Description ProductSupportEmailParameter: default: Product Support Email ProductSupportURLParameter: default: Product Support URL SageMakerProjectRepoZipParameter: default: URL to the zipped version of your GitHub Repository SageMakerProjectRepoNameBranchParameter: default: >- Name and branch of your GitHub Repository, should match the root folder of the zip Resources: BootstrapS3Bucket: Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket' Properties: BucketName: !Join - '-' - - sm-project-autopilot-example - !Select - 4 - !Split - '-' - !Select - 2 - !Split - / - !Ref 'AWS::StackId' PublicAccessBlockConfiguration: BlockPublicAcls: true BlockPublicPolicy: true IgnorePublicAcls: true RestrictPublicBuckets: true BucketEncryption: ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration: - ServerSideEncryptionByDefault: SSEAlgorithm: AES256 VersioningConfiguration: Status: Enabled BootstrapS3BucketPolicy: Type: 'AWS::S3::BucketPolicy' Properties: Bucket: !Ref BootstrapS3Bucket PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: AWS: - !GetAtt - ServiceCatalogProductLaunchRole - Arn Action: 's3:GetObject' Resource: !Join - '' - - !GetAtt - BootstrapS3Bucket - Arn - /* BootstrapLambdaExecutionRole: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role' Properties: RoleName: !Join - '-' - - SMCustomProject-Autopilot-Bootstrap-Role - !Select - 4 - !Split - '-' - !Select - 2 - !Split - / - !Ref 'AWS::StackId' Description: >- Role used for launching the lambda function to bootstrap creation of the MLOps Autopilot SageMaker Custom Project Template example AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - Action: 'sts:AssumeRole' ManagedPolicyArns: - 'arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole' Policies: - PolicyName: BootstrapLambdaExecutionPolicy PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - 's3:PutObject' - 's3:GetObject' Resource: !Join - '' - - !GetAtt - BootstrapS3Bucket - Arn - /* ServiceCatalogPortfolio: Type: 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::Portfolio' Properties: Description: !Ref ProductDescriptionParameter DisplayName: Autopilot-Portfolio ProviderName: !Ref ProductNameParameter ServiceCatalogProduct: Type: 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::CloudFormationProduct' DependsOn: - ServiceCatalogPortfolio Properties: Description: !Ref ProductDescriptionParameter Distributor: !Ref ProductDistributorParameter Name: !Ref ProductNameParameter Owner: !Ref ProductOwnerParameter ProvisioningArtifactParameters: - Description: Base Version DisableTemplateValidation: false Info: LoadTemplateFromURL: !GetAtt - InvokeCustomLambda - template_url Name: v1.0 SupportDescription: !Ref ProductSupportDescriptionParameter SupportEmail: !Ref ProductSupportEmailParameter SupportUrl: !Ref ProductSupportURLParameter Tags: - Key: 'sagemaker:studio-visibility' Value: 'true' ServiceCatalogProductAssociation: Type: 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::PortfolioProductAssociation' Properties: PortfolioId: !Ref ServiceCatalogPortfolio ProductId: !Ref ServiceCatalogProduct ServiceCatalogPrincipalAssociation: Type: 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::PortfolioPrincipalAssociation' Properties: PortfolioId: !Ref ServiceCatalogPortfolio PrincipalARN: !Ref StudioUserExecutionRole PrincipalType: IAM ServiceCatalogProductLaunchRole: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role' Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - Action: 'sts:AssumeRole' Description: Role to use for launching the SageMaker Project for Autopilot example. ManagedPolicyArns: - >- arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonSageMakerAdmin-ServiceCatalogProductsServiceRolePolicy Policies: - PolicyName: SM-Autopilot-Example-Launch-Policy PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - 's3:PutObject' - 's3:GetObject' Resource: !Join - '' - - !GetAtt - BootstrapS3Bucket - Arn - /* - Effect: Allow Action: - 's3:PutEncryptionConfiguration' - 's3:PutBucketVersioning' Resource: - 'arn:aws:s3:::sagemaker-*' - Effect: Allow Action: - 'iam:PassRole' Resource: - !Join - '' - - 'arn:aws:iam::' - !Ref 'AWS::AccountId' - ':role/SM-Autopilot-Example-Use-Role-*' - Effect: Allow Action: - 'sagemaker:AddTags' Resource: '*' RoleName: !Join - '-' - - SM-Autopilot-Example-Launch-Role - !Select - 4 - !Split - '-' - !Select - 2 - !Split - / - !Ref 'AWS::StackId' ServiceCatalogProductUseRole: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role' Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - - - - - - - - - - Action: 'sts:AssumeRole' Description: Role to use for launching the Autopilot SageMaker Project example. Policies: - PolicyName: SM-Autopilot-Example-Use-Policy PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - 's3:GetObject' Resource: !Join - '' - - !GetAtt - BootstrapS3Bucket - Arn - /* - Effect: Allow Action: - 'cloudformation:CreateChangeSet' - 'cloudformation:CreateStack' - 'cloudformation:DescribeChangeSet' - 'cloudformation:DeleteChangeSet' - 'cloudformation:DeleteStack' - 'cloudformation:DescribeStacks' - 'cloudformation:ExecuteChangeSet' - 'cloudformation:SetStackPolicy' - 'cloudformation:UpdateStack' Resource: - 'arn:aws:cloudformation:*:*:stack/autopilot-stg-*' - 'arn:aws:cloudformation:*:*:stack/autopilot-prd-*' - Effect: Allow Action: - 'cloudwatch:PutMetricData' Resource: '*' - Effect: Allow Action: - 'ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability' - 'ecr:BatchGetImage' - 'ecr:Describe*' - 'ecr:GetAuthorizationToken' - 'ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer' Resource: '*' - Effect: Allow Action: - 'ecr:BatchDeleteImage' - 'ecr:CompleteLayerUpload' - 'ecr:CreateRepository' - 'ecr:DeleteRepository' - 'ecr:InitiateLayerUpload' - 'ecr:PutImage' - 'ecr:UploadLayerPart' Resource: - 'arn:aws:ecr:*:*:repository/sagemaker-*' - Effect: Allow Action: - 'events:DeleteRule' - 'events:DescribeRule' - 'events:PutRule' - 'events:PutTargets' - 'events:RemoveTargets' Resource: - 'arn:aws:events:*:*:rule/sagemaker-*' - Effect: Allow Action: - 'iam:PassRole' Resource: - !Join - '' - - 'arn:aws:iam::' - !Ref 'AWS::AccountId' - ':role/SM-Autopilot-Example-Use-Role-*' - Effect: Allow Action: - 'lambda:InvokeFunction' Resource: - 'arn:aws:lambda:*:*:function:sagemaker-*' - Effect: Allow Action: - 'logs:CreateLogDelivery' - 'logs:CreateLogGroup' - 'logs:CreateLogStream' - 'logs:DeleteLogDelivery' - 'logs:Describe*' - 'logs:GetLogDelivery' - 'logs:GetLogEvents' - 'logs:ListLogDeliveries' - 'logs:PutLogEvents' - 'logs:PutResourcePolicy' - 'logs:UpdateLogDelivery' Resource: '*' - Effect: Allow Action: - 's3:CreateBucket' - 's3:DeleteBucket' - 's3:GetBucketAcl' - 's3:GetBucketCors' - 's3:GetBucketLocation' - 's3:ListAllMyBuckets' - 's3:ListBucket' - 's3:ListBucketMultipartUploads' - 's3:PutBucketCors' - 's3:PutBucketVersioning' Resource: - 'arn:aws:s3:::aws-glue-*' - 'arn:aws:s3:::sagemaker-*' - Effect: Allow Action: - 's3:AbortMultipartUpload' - 's3:DeleteObject' - 's3:GetObject' - 's3:GetObjectVersion' - 's3:PutObject' Resource: - 'arn:aws:s3:::aws-glue-*' - 'arn:aws:s3:::sagemaker-*' - Effect: Allow Action: - 'sagemaker:CreateEndpoint' - 'sagemaker:CreateEndpointConfig' - 'sagemaker:CreateModel' - 'sagemaker:CreateWorkteam' - 'sagemaker:DeleteEndpoint' - 'sagemaker:DeleteEndpointConfig' - 'sagemaker:DeleteModel' - 'sagemaker:DeleteWorkteam' - 'sagemaker:DescribeModel' - 'sagemaker:DescribeEndpointConfig' - 'sagemaker:DescribeEndpoint' - 'sagemaker:DescribeWorkteam' - 'sagemaker:CreateCodeRepository' - 'sagemaker:DescribeCodeRepository' - 'sagemaker:UpdateCodeRepository' - 'sagemaker:DeleteCodeRepository' - 'sagemaker:CreateImage' - 'sagemaker:DeleteImage' - 'sagemaker:DescribeImage' - 'sagemaker:UpdateImage' - 'sagemaker:ListTags' - 'sagemaker:AddTags' NotResource: - 'arn:aws:sagemaker:*:*:domain/*' - 'arn:aws:sagemaker:*:*:user-profile/*' - 'arn:aws:sagemaker:*:*:app/*' - 'arn:aws:sagemaker:*:*:flow-definition/*' RoleName: !Join - '-' - - SM-Autopilot-Example-Use-Role - !Select - 4 - !Split - '-' - !Select - 2 - !Split - / - !Ref 'AWS::StackId' ServiceCatalogProductRoleLaunchContstraint: Type: 'AWS::ServiceCatalog::LaunchRoleConstraint' DependsOn: - ServiceCatalogProductAssociation Properties: Description: Role for launching the mlops Autopilot endpoint product PortfolioId: !Ref ServiceCatalogPortfolio ProductId: !Ref ServiceCatalogProduct RoleArn: !GetAtt - ServiceCatalogProductLaunchRole - Arn CustomBackedLambda: Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Function' Properties: FunctionName: !Join - '-' - - aws-samples-autopilot-lambda-bootstrapper - !Select - 4 - !Split - '-' - !Select - 2 - !Split - / - !Ref 'AWS::StackId' Runtime: python3.9 Role: !GetAtt - BootstrapLambdaExecutionRole - Arn Handler: index.lambda_handler Timeout: 300 Code: ZipFile: | import cfnresponse import logging import random import json import urllib3 import os import zipfile import pathlib import boto3 logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) s3_client = boto3.client('s3') def lambda_handler(event, context): try:'Incoming Request:') if event.get('RequestType') == 'Create': required_variables = ['BootStrapBucketName','SageMakerProjectRepoZip','SageMakerProjectRepoNameBranch'] if not set(required_variables).issubset(set(event['ResourceProperties'])): raise Exception(f'Missing required input from: {required_variables}' ) sagemaker_projects_repo = event['ResourceProperties']['SageMakerProjectRepoZip'] sagemaker_projects_repo_root_folder_name = event['ResourceProperties']['SageMakerProjectRepoNameBranch']'begin fetch of zipped rep from github: {sagemaker_projects_repo}') chunk_size = 6 * 1024 http = urllib3.PoolManager() r = http.request('GET', sagemaker_projects_repo, preload_content=False) with open('/tmp/', 'wb') as out: while True: data = if not data: break out.write(data) r.release_conn()'github zip written to /tmp/') local_extracted_path_root = '/tmp/' + sagemaker_projects_repo_root_folder_name'extracting github zip to {local_extracted_path_root}') with zipfile.ZipFile('/tmp/', 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall('/tmp')'github zip extracted to {local_extracted_path_root}')'begin project template customizations') bootstrap_bucket_name = event['ResourceProperties']['BootStrapBucketName'] input_file_path = local_extracted_path_root + '/project/template.yaml' output_file_path = local_extracted_path_root + '/project/template_updated.yaml' s3_template_key = 'templates/template.yaml' with open(input_file_path, 'r') as input_template_file: with open(output_file_path, 'w') as output_template_file: file_data = if 'TemplateSubstitutions' in event['ResourceProperties'].keys(): for replacement_key in event['ResourceProperties']['TemplateSubstitutions'].keys(): file_data = file_data.replace(replacement_key, event['ResourceProperties']['TemplateSubstitutions'][replacement_key]) output_template_file.write(file_data) with open(output_file_path, 'rb') as file_data: s3_client.upload_fileobj(file_data, bootstrap_bucket_name, s3_template_key)'completed project template customizations')'begin building and uploading sub archives from seedcode and lambda folders') archive_info_list = [] if 'Archives' in event['ResourceProperties'].keys(): for archive in event['ResourceProperties']['Archives']: archive_info_list.append([archive[0], pathlib.Path(local_extracted_path_root + '/' + archive[1])]) for archive_info in archive_info_list: target_filename = '/tmp/' + archive_info[0] s3_object_key = 'seedcode/' + archive_info[0] source_dir = archive_info[1]'source folder: {(source_dir)}')'begin creating archive: {target_filename}') with zipfile.ZipFile(target_filename, mode='w') as archive: for file_path in source_dir.rglob('*'): archive.write( file_path, arcname=file_path.relative_to(source_dir) ) archive.close()'completed creating zip file: {target_filename}')'uploading zip file: {target_filename} as s3 object: {bootstrap_bucket_name}/{s3_object_key}') with open(target_filename, 'rb') as file_data: s3_client.upload_fileobj(file_data, bootstrap_bucket_name, s3_object_key)'upload for s3 object: {bootstrap_bucket_name}/{s3_object_key} complete')'completed building and uploading sub archives from seedcode and lambda folders')'generating presigned url for template') signed_template_url = s3_client.generate_presigned_url('get_object', Params={'Bucket': bootstrap_bucket_name,'Key': s3_template_key}, ExpiresIn=6000)"generated presigned url for template successfully: {signed_template_url}") message = 'Create Invoked Successfully' responseData = {} responseData['message'] = message responseData['template_url'] = signed_template_url'Sending %s to cloudformation', responseData['message']) cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.SUCCESS, responseData) elif event.get('RequestType') == 'Delete': responseData = {} responseData['message'] = "Invoking Delete"'Sending %s to cloudformation', responseData['message']) cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.SUCCESS, responseData) else: logger.error('Unknown operation: %s', event.get('RequestType')) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) responseData = {} responseData['message'] = 'exception caught' cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.FAILED, responseData) Description: >- Cloudformation Custom Lambda to bootstrap the MLOps Autopilot SageMaker Project example InvokeCustomLambda: Type: 'Custom::InvokeCustomLambda' Properties: ServiceToken: !GetAtt - CustomBackedLambda - Arn BootStrapBucketName: !Ref BootstrapS3Bucket SageMakerProjectRepoZip: !Ref SageMakerProjectRepoZipParameter SageMakerProjectRepoNameBranch: !Ref SageMakerProjectRepoNameBranchParameter TemplateSubstitutions: AWSDEFAULT___CODE_STAGING_BUCKET___: !Ref BootstrapS3Bucket AWSDEFAULT___USE_ROLE___: !GetAtt - ServiceCatalogProductUseRole - Arn Archives: - - - /seedcode/sm-autopilot-seedcode-model-deploy - - - /seedcode/sm-autopilot-seedcode-model-build Outputs: CreatedServiceCatalogProductName: Description: Name of the newly created product. Value: !GetAtt - ServiceCatalogProduct - ProductName Export: Name: !Join - ':' - - !Ref 'AWS::StackName' - CreatedServiceCatalogProductName CreatedServiceCatalogProductId: Description: Id of the newly created product. Value: !Ref ServiceCatalogProduct Export: Name: !Join - ':' - - !Ref 'AWS::StackName' - CreatedServiceCatalogProductId AssociatedServiceCatalogPortfolioID: Description: ID of the associated Service Catalog Portfolio. Value: !Ref ServiceCatalogPortfolio Export: Name: !Join - ':' - - !Ref 'AWS::StackName' - AssociatedServiceCatalogPortfolioID ServiceCatalogProductLaunchRoleARN: Description: ARN of the Role used to launch this product Value: !Join - ':' - - arn - !Ref 'AWS::Partition' - 'iam:' - !Ref 'AWS::AccountId' - role/service-role/AmazonSageMakerServiceCatalogProductsLaunchRole Export: Name: !Join - ':' - - !Ref 'AWS::StackName' - ServiceCatalogProductLaunchRoleARN CodeStagingBucketName: Description: Name of the S3 Bucket containing the staging code for the repository. Value: !Ref BootstrapS3Bucket Export: Name: !Join - ':' - - !Ref 'AWS::StackName' - CodeStagingBucketName