#!/bin/bash # While this program is still private, I'm building a few artifacts that I can email around # 1. This ReadMe with instructions and the newer QuickStart # 2. The `sagemaker_run_notebook-${VERSION}.tar.gz` tar file that contains the library and the plugin. # 3. The `start.sh` file to use as a lifecycle configuration script if you're using SageMaker notebook instances. # 4. The `install-run-notebook.sh` file to use as an install script for the extension in SageMaker Studio # 5. The `container.tar.gz` tar file contains what you need to build a Docker container for executing the notebooks with custom dependencies. # 6. The `cloudformation.yml` for setting up all the roles, policies, and the Lambda functions # # They all live in the subdirectory "manual_dist/" VERSION=0.23.0 make artifacts docs rm -rf manual_dist mkdir -p manual_dist cp build/dist/sagemaker_run_notebook-${VERSION}.tar.gz manual_dist/ cp scripts/lifecycle-configuration/notebook-instances/start.sh manual_dist/ cp scripts/lifecycle-configuration/studio/install-run-notebook.sh manual_dist/ gtar czf manual_dist/container.tar.gz container cp sagemaker_run_notebook/cloudformation.yml manual_dist/ (cd docs/build/html; gtar czf ../../../manual_dist/docs.tar.gz --transform 's,^\./,sagemaker-run-notebook-docs/,' .)