## SageMaker Stable Diffusion Quick Kit SageMaker Stable Diffusion Quick Kit is an asset to help our customers launch stable diffusion models services on Amazon Sagemaker or Amazon EKS. ![architecture](./images/architecture.png) **This project include :** * Huggingface diffusers (StableDiffusionPipeline) migrate to Sagemaker Endpoint * Origin Stable diffusion model(ckpt) migrate to SageMaker Endpoint * Dreambooth fine tuning migrate to Sagemaker trainning job * Lambda script (inference api) * A simple UI (temporary name: PingAI ) * SageMaker BYOC Dockerfile * Workshop gudie doc * CDK provisioning script **Not include:** * Stable diffusion pre-train model * Any public docker image ## Security See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.