import argparse import os import sagemaker_studio_image_build.builder as builder import logging def validate_args(args, extra_args): # Validate args if args.repository: # Validate the repository isn't a invalid reference (For e.g. my-repo-name:1:3 fails) if args.repository.count(":") > 1: raise ValueError( f'Error parsing reference: "{args.repository}" is not a valid repository/tag' ) vpc_config = [args.vpc_id, args.subnet_ids, args.security_group_ids] none_arg_count = sum(arg is None for arg in [args.vpc_id, args.subnet_ids, args.security_group_ids]) if none_arg_count > 0 and none_arg_count < 3: raise ValueError( 'Invalid input of the VPC configuration. Please either provide all of the VPC arguments or none of them,'\ 'in which case the CodeBuild Project, by default, will not run within a VPC.' ) # Validate extra_args for idx, extra_arg in enumerate(extra_args): # Validate that the path to the Dockerfile is within the PWD. if extra_args == "-f" or extra_arg == "--file" and idx + 1 < len(extra_args): file_value = extra_args[idx + 1] if not os.path.realpath(file_value).startswith(os.getcwd()): raise ValueError( f"The value of the -f/file argument [{file_value}] is outside the working directory [{os.getcwd()}]" ) def get_role(args): if args.role: return args.role try: # The SDK logs a warning for not having pandas and this is the only way to suppress it. # logging.basicConfig(level=logging.CRITICAL) import sagemaker logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) # arn:aws:iam::$account_id:role/$path/$name -> $path/$name return "/".join(sagemaker.get_execution_role().split(":")[-1].split("/")[1:]) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( "Unable to determine execution role. Please provide via the --role argument", e, ) def construct_vpc_config(args): if args.vpc_id is None: return None else: vpc_config = { 'vpcId': args.vpc_id, 'subnets': args.subnet_ids.split(','), 'securityGroupIds': args.security_group_ids.split(',') } return vpc_config def build_image(args, extra_args): validate_args(args, extra_args) builder.build_image( args.repository, get_role(args), args.bucket, args.compute_type, construct_vpc_config(args), extra_args, log=not args.no_logs ) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="A command line interface for building Docker images in SageMaker Studio " "using AWS CodeBuild and pushing to Amazon ECR" ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest="subcommand") build_parser = subparsers.add_parser( "build", help="Use AWS CodeBuild to build a Docker image and push to Amazon ECR", ) build_parser.add_argument( "--repository", help="The ECR repository:tag for the image (default: sagemaker-studio-${domain_id}:latest)", ) build_parser.add_argument( "--compute-type", help="The CodeBuild compute type (default: BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL)", choices=["BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL", "BUILD_GENERAL1_MEDIUM", "BUILD_GENERAL1_LARGE", "BUILD_GENERAL1_2XLARGE"], default="BUILD_GENERAL1_SMALL" ) build_parser.add_argument( "--role", help=f"The IAM role name for CodeBuild to use (default: the Studio execution role).", ) build_parser.add_argument( "--bucket", help="The S3 bucket to use for sending data to CodeBuild (if None, use the SageMaker SDK default bucket).", ) build_parser.add_argument( "--vpc-id", help="The Id of the VPC that will host the CodeBuild Project (such as vpc-05c09f91d48831c8c).", ) build_parser.add_argument( "--subnet-ids", help="The comma-separated list of subnet ids for the CodeBuild Project (such as subnet-0b31f1863e9d31a67)", ) build_parser.add_argument( "--security-group-ids", help="The comma-separated list of security group ids for the CodeBuild Project (such as sg-0ce4ec0d0414d2ddc).", ) build_parser.add_argument( "--no-logs", action="store_true", help="Don't show the logs of the running CodeBuild build", ) build_parser.set_defaults(func=build_image) args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args() if args.subcommand is None: parser.print_help() else: args.func(args, unknown) if __name__ == "__main__": main()