import collections import sys import time import botocore # Log tailing code taken as-is from sagemaker_run_notebook. # # It can be added as a dependency once its on PyPI. class LogState(object): STARTING = 1 WAIT_IN_PROGRESS = 2 TAILING = 3 JOB_COMPLETE = 4 COMPLETE = 5 # Position is a tuple that includes the last read timestamp and the number of items that were read # at that time. This is used to figure out which event to start with on the next read. Position = collections.namedtuple("Position", ["timestamp", "skip"]) def log_stream(client, log_group, stream_name, position): """A generator for log items in a single stream. This will yield all the items that are available at the current moment. Args: client (boto3.CloudWatchLogs.Client): The Boto client for CloudWatch logs. log_group (str): The name of the log group. stream_name (str): The name of the specific stream. position (Position): A tuple with the time stamp value to start reading the logs from and The number of log entries to skip at the start. This is for when there are multiple entries at the same timestamp. start_time (int): The time stamp value to start reading the logs from (default: 0). skip (int): The number of log entries to skip at the start (default: 0). This is for when there are multiple entries at the same timestamp. Yields: A tuple with: dict: A CloudWatch log event with the following key-value pairs: 'timestamp' (int): The time of the event. 'message' (str): The log event data. 'ingestionTime' (int): The time the event was ingested. Position: The new position """ start_time, skip = position next_token = None event_count = 1 while event_count > 0: if next_token is not None: token_arg = {"nextToken": next_token} else: token_arg = {} response = client.get_log_events( logGroupName=log_group, logStreamName=stream_name, startTime=start_time, startFromHead=True, **token_arg, ) next_token = response["nextForwardToken"] events = response["events"] event_count = len(events) if event_count > skip: events = events[skip:] skip = 0 else: skip = skip - event_count events = [] for ev in events: ts, count = position if ev["timestamp"] == ts: position = Position(timestamp=ts, skip=count + 1) else: position = Position(timestamp=ev["timestamp"], skip=1) yield ev, position # Copy/paste/slight mods from session.logs_for_job() in the SageMaker Python SDK def logs_for_build( build_id, session, wait=False, poll=10 ): # noqa: C901 - suppress complexity warning for this method """Display the logs for a given build, optionally tailing them until the build is complete. Args: build_id (str): The ID of the build to display the logs for. wait (bool): Whether to keep looking for new log entries until the build completes (default: False). poll (int): The interval in seconds between polling for new log entries and build completion (default: 10). session (boto3.session.Session): A boto3 session to use Raises: ValueError: If waiting and the build fails. """ codebuild = session.client("codebuild") description = codebuild.batch_get_builds(ids=[build_id])["builds"][0] status = description["buildStatus"] log_group = description["logs"].get("groupName") stream_name = description["logs"].get("streamName") # The list of log streams position = Position( timestamp=0, skip=0 ) # The current position in each stream, map of stream name -> position # Increase retries allowed (from default of 4), as we don't want waiting for a build # to be interrupted by a transient exception. config = botocore.config.Config(retries={"max_attempts": 15}) client = session.client("logs", config=config) job_already_completed = False if status == "IN_PROGRESS" else True state = ( LogState.STARTING if wait and not job_already_completed else LogState.COMPLETE ) dot = True while state == LogState.STARTING and log_group == None: time.sleep(poll) description = codebuild.batch_get_builds(ids=[build_id])["builds"][0] log_group = description["logs"].get("groupName") stream_name = description["logs"].get("streamName") if state == LogState.STARTING: state = LogState.TAILING # The loop below implements a state machine that alternates between checking the build status and # reading whatever is available in the logs at this point. Note, that if we were called with # wait == False, we never check the job status. # # If wait == TRUE and job is not completed, the initial state is STARTING # If wait == FALSE, the initial state is COMPLETE (doesn't matter if the job really is complete). # # The state table: # # STATE ACTIONS CONDITION NEW STATE # ---------------- ---------------- ------------------- ---------------- # STARTING Pause, Get Status Valid LogStream Arn TAILING # Else STARTING # TAILING Read logs, Pause, Get status Job complete JOB_COMPLETE # Else TAILING # JOB_COMPLETE Read logs, Pause Any COMPLETE # COMPLETE Read logs, Exit N/A # # Notes: # - The JOB_COMPLETE state forces us to do an extra pause and read any items that got to Cloudwatch after # the build was marked complete. last_describe_job_call = time.time() dot_printed = False while True: for event, position in log_stream(client, log_group, stream_name, position): print(event["message"].rstrip()) if dot: dot = False if dot_printed: print() if state == LogState.COMPLETE: break time.sleep(poll) if dot: print(".", end="") sys.stdout.flush() dot_printed = True if state == LogState.JOB_COMPLETE: state = LogState.COMPLETE elif time.time() - last_describe_job_call >= 30: description = codebuild.batch_get_builds(ids=[build_id])["builds"][0] status = description["buildStatus"] last_describe_job_call = time.time() status = description["buildStatus"] if status != "IN_PROGRESS": print() state = LogState.JOB_COMPLETE if wait: if dot: print()