## Amazon SageMaker and AWS Trainium Examples

This repository contains examples for running Deep Learning training jobs using AWS Trainium instances and Amazon SageMaker. 

### Repository contents

1. [Text classification using Transformers](https://github.com/aws-samples/sagemaker-trainium-examples/blob/main/1_text_classification/Fine%20tune%20Transformers%20for%20building%20classification%20models%20using%20SageMaker%20and%20Trainium.ipynb) - This example shows how we can train and deploy a BERT based classification model which use Amazon Polarity dataset.

2. [Pretrain BERT using Wiki Data](https://github.com/aws-samples/sagemaker-trainium-examples/blob/main/2_pretraining_bert/Pretrain%20BERT%20Model%20using%20Wiki%20Dataset.ipynb) - The example can be used to Pretrain BERT model using AWS Trainium. We will use wiki data to run the pretraining.

## Security

See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information.

## License

This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.