AWSTemplateFormatVersion: "2010-09-09" Description: Cloudformation template to setup a CloudWatch EventBrigde Rule to schedule SAP ASE Backups Parameters: SNSTopicArn: Type: String Description: "SNS Topic to publish SAP ASE Backup messages" SSMDocumentName: Type: String Description: Specify the SSM Document ARN created for SAP ASE Backup SidPar: Type: String Description: Specify the SID for the SAP ASE where backup needs to be scheduled BackupTypePar: Type: String Description: Specify the Backup type for the backup will be scheduled AllowedValues: - FULL - CUM - LOG RoleArnPar: Type: String Description: Specify the role for the RunCommand execution InstanceIdPar: Type: String Description: Specify the Instance Hostname Tag value of the ASE EC2 S3bucketPar: Type: String Description: Specify the S3 Bucket of the ASE backup BackupdirPar: Type: String Description: Specify the Data Backup Directory BackupLogdirPar: Type: String Description: Specify the Log Backup Directory SchedulingTime: Type: String Description: Provide the schedule time frame to run the automation. Double chek for cron expressions. Ex. cron(0 12 * * ? *) or rate(10 minutes) Resources: CloudWatchEventsRule: Type: AWS::Events::Rule Properties: Name: !Join ["_", [SAPASEBACKUP, !Ref SidPar, !Ref BackupTypePar]] Description: CloudWatch rule to periodically take backups ScheduleExpression: !Ref SchedulingTime State: "DISABLED" Targets: - Arn: !Sub arn:${AWS::Partition}:ssm:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:document/${SSMDocumentName} Id: !Join ["-", ["SAP_ASE_BACKUP_", !Ref SidPar, !Ref BackupTypePar]] Input: !Sub '{"backupdir":["${BackupdirPar}"],"snstopicarn":["${SNSTopicArn}"],"s3bucket":["${S3bucketPar}"],"backuptype":["${BackupTypePar}"],"backuplogdir":["${BackupLogdirPar}"],"sid":["${SidPar}"]}' RoleArn: !Ref RoleArnPar RunCommandParameters: RunCommandTargets: - Key: "InstanceIds" Values: - !Ref InstanceIdPar Outputs: CloudWatchEventsRule: Description: "Scheduled EventRule Name" Value: !Ref CloudWatchEventsRule