This pattern describes how to build a GraphQL API that provides a high speed, scalable, and resilient search engine functionality. The technologies utilized in this pattern are Amazon DynamoDB, AWS AppSync, AWS Lambda, and Amazon ElasticSearch Service. The high level architecture of this pattern is based on the following:
- Using DynamoDB for state and change control
- Using Lambda for data and event processing,
- Using ElasticSearch to search search
- Using AppSync to provide an API interact with the product.
1. Review Prerequisites below
2. Clone this repository
3. Navigate to lib/ddb-to-es-lambda
4. Execute `npm i` to install dependencies
5. Execute `tsc` to transpile typescript
6. Navigate to top of project
7. Execute `npm i` to install dependencies
8. Execute `cdk deploy` to deploy stack
Prerequisites and limitations
Users will need to have the following items to deploy the example pattern:
- Access to an AWS with permissions for the related services (See Architecture)
- Access to an AWS account that has been bootstrapped with a CDK version equal or greater than 1.167.0
- Access to an AWS account with an internet gateway attached
- Local development environment with NodeJS 16 and Typescript installed
This example is provided with the following limitations.
- Free tier cover provisioned resources up to the usual limits:
Product versions
Lambdas for the example are created using the `NODEJS_16_X runtime`
The ElasticSearch version for the example is set to 7.9
Target technology stack
This stack will deploy the following resources into your account.
- Amazon DynamoDB
- AWS AppSync
- AWS Lambda
- Amazon ElasticSearch Service
- AWS IAM Service Roles
- Amazon Cognito User Pool
This stack will create the following resource associations:
- AppSync DynamoDB DataSource
- AppSync ElasticSearch DataSource
- DynamoDB Stream
- DynamoDB Trigger: Lambda
- Lambda IAM execution role
- Cognito IAM Auth Role for Kibana
Target architecture

Automation and scale
There are no autoscaling options enabled in this example.
Some options for autoscaling these services are follows:
- Ultrawarm
- Concurrency
- Autoscaling cluster
- Addition of Master Nodes
- Addition of MultiAZ deployments
- Convert to On Demand provisioning
- Add autoscaling WCU and RCU capacity
- Adding DAX
- Provisioned Cache instance
Please consult the documentation around scaling practices for these services.
- ElasticSearch:
- AppSync:
- DynamoDB:
- Lambda:
Please consult the free tier allowances before attempting to scale this product.
This example was built using CDK. If you are unfamiliar with CDK please refer to .
Your CDK environment will also need to have NodeJS v12 or v14 installed.