#!/bin/bash ######################################### ## Defining parameters ################## ######################################### INSTANCEID=$1 PRIVATEIP=$2 INSTANCESTATE=$3 RECEIPT=$4 REGION=$(curl -s | jq .region -r) CONFIGDIR="/c/ad-join-unjoin-solution/config" LOGLOCATION="/c/ad-join-unjoin-solution/adlog" WORKDIR="/c/ad-join-unjoin-solution/adscripts" TEMPDIR="/c/ad-join-unjoin-solution/adtemp" SQSQUEUE=$(cat $CONFIGDIR/sqsworker.conf | jq -r '.SQSQUEUE') DEADLETTERQUEUE=$(cat $CONFIGDIR/sqsworker.conf | jq -r '.DEADLETTERQUEUE') DDBTABLE=$(cat $CONFIGDIR/sqsworker.conf | jq -r '.DDBTABLE') EC2_ENDPOINT_URL=$(cat ${CONFIGDIR}/sqsworker.conf | jq -r '.EC2ENDPOINT') SQS_ENDPOINT_URL=$(cat ${CONFIGDIR}/sqsworker.conf | jq -r '.SQSENDPOINT') SECRET_ENDPOINT_URL=$(cat ${CONFIGDIR}/sqsworker.conf | jq -r '.SECRETMANAGERENDPOINT') export PATH="C:\\Program Files\\Amazon\\AWSCLIV2\\":$PATH logger=${LOGLOCATION}/${INSTANCEID}_log.log unjoin_logger=${LOGLOCATION}/${INSTANCEID}_unjoin.log # name of the scret in secret manager that stores Instance and AD crdenials SECRETID=$(cat $CONFIGDIR/sqsworker.conf | jq -r '.ADSECRETKEY') ##Check if SSH Key is available if [ $(ls -la $CONFIGDIR | grep sshkey.pem | wc -l) -gt 0 ]; then SSHKEYUSED='true' SSHKEYNAME=${CONFIGDIR}/sshkey.pem else SSHKEYUSED='false' fi ################################################## ## Remove temp files ############################# ################################################## cleanup() { ssh-keygen -R $PRIVATEIP rm -f ~/.ssh/*.old } trap cleanup EXIT ############################################################# ## Fetch AD Credentials from Secrets Manager ######### ############################################################# function fetch_ad_credential() { echo "join-unjoin: Fetching AD credentials from Secrets Manager" >> $logger ad_secret=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --region $REGION --endpoint-url $SECRET_ENDPOINT_URL --secret-id $SECRETID --query SecretString --output text | jq -r '"\(.domain_password)"' 2>/dev/null) ad_username=$( aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --region $REGION --endpoint-url $SECRET_ENDPOINT_URL --secret-id $SECRETID --query SecretString --output text | jq -r '"\(.domain_user)"' 2>/dev/null) ad_domain_name=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --region $REGION --endpoint-url $SECRET_ENDPOINT_URL --secret-id $SECRETID --query SecretString --output text | jq -r '"\(.domain_name)"' 2>/dev/null) directory_ou=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --region $REGION --endpoint-url $SECRET_ENDPOINT_URL --secret-id $SECRETID --query SecretString --output text | jq -r '"\(.directory_ou)"' 2>/dev/null) var=$(nslookup $ad_domain_name | grep -o '[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}\.[0-9]\{1,3\}') DNSIPS=($var) dns_server1=${DNSIPS[1]} dns_server2=${DNSIPS[2]} #dns_server1=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id $SECRETID --query SecretString --output text | jq -r '"\(.dnsIP1)"' 2>/dev/null) #dns_server2=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id $secrets_manager_secret_id --query SecretString --output text | jq -r '"\(.dnsIP2)"' 2>/dev/null) if [[ "$ad_secret" == 'null' || "$ad_username" == 'null' || "$ad_domain_name" == 'null' ]] ;then echo "join-unjoin: Failed: cannot fetch credentials from Secrets Manager" >> $logger return 1 fi } ############################################################# ## Delete processed message from SQS queue ######### ############################################################# function delete_sqs_message() { echo "join-unjoin: Deleting message form SQS queue: $SQSQUEUE" >> $logger aws sqs --output=json delete-message --endpoint-url $SQS_ENDPOINT_URL --queue-url $SQSQUEUE --receipt-handle $RECEIPT --region $REGION if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "join-unjoin: message deletion completed" >> $logger rm -f ${TEMPDIR}/${INSTANCEID}_msg.json return 0 else echo "join-unjoin: message deletion failed" >> $logger return 1 fi } ############################################################# ## Get Instance Operating System from Instance tag ######### ############################################################# function get_instance_details() { PLATFORM=$(aws ec2 describe-instances --endpoint-url $EC2_ENDPOINT_URL --instance-id $INSTANCEID --query 'Reservations[*].Instances[*].[Platform]' --region $REGION --output text) if [ $? -eq 0 ];then return 0 else return 1 fi } ############################################################# ## Send unprocessed message to Dead Letter SQS Queue #### ############################################################# function send_msg_to_dead_letter_queue() { echo "join-unjoin: Got a message to send to DLQ" >> $logger aws sqs send-message --endpoint-url $SQS_ENDPOINT_URL --queue-url $DEADLETTERQUEUE --region $REGION --message-body "`cat ${TEMPDIR}/${INSTANCEID}_msg.json | jq .`" if [ $? -eq 0 ];then echo "$0: message sent to dead letter queue: $DEADLETTERQUEUE" >> $logger rm -f ${TEMPDIR}/${INSTANCEID}_msg.json return 0 else echo "$0: message move to dead letter queue failed" >> $logger return 1 fi } ############################################################# ## Remove computer from AD Domain upon Instance termination # ############################################################# function unjoin_domain() { echo "join-unjoin: Instance $INSTANCEID is being terminated, will proceed with Instance deregistration from the AD" >> $unjoin_logger comp_name=$(aws dynamodb get-item --table-name $DDBTABLE --key '{"INSTANCEID": {"S": "'"$INSTANCEID"'"}}' --attributes-to-get "HOSTNAME" | jq -r '.Item.HOSTNAME.S' 2>/dev/null) if [[ "$comp_name" == '' ]]; then echo "join-unjoin: Could not fetch hostname from DDB table" >> $unjoin_logger return 1 else echo "join-unjoin: Host $comp_name will be removed from the AD Domain" >> $unjoin_logger fetch_ad_credential if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # call unjoin function from here echo "join-unjoin: Executing command to remove $comp_name from the domain" >> $unjoin_logger response=$(powershell.exe $WORKDIR/adunjoin.ps1 "'$ad_secret'" "'$ad_username'" "'$ad_domain_name'" "'$comp_name'" ) if grep -q "Command execution failed" $logger; then echo "join-unjoin: Failed to remove instance from the domain: $response" >> $unjoin_logger return 1 else echo "join-unjoin: Deleting entry from DDB table" >> $unjoin_logger aws dynamodb delete-item --region $REGION --table-name $DDBTABLE --key '{"INSTANCEID": {"S": "'"$INSTANCEID"'"}}' return 0 fi else echo "join-unjoin: Failed to fetch AD credential from Secrets Manager: $response" >> $unjoin_logger return 1 fi fi } ####################################################### ## Add entry to DynamoDB after successful domain join # ####################################################### function update_ddb_table() { echo "join-unjoin: adding $1 , $2 to DDB table" >> $logger aws dynamodb put-item --region $REGION --table-name $DDBTABLE --item '{"INSTANCEID": {"S": "'"$INSTANCEID"'"},"HOSTNAME": {"S": "'"$1"'"},"PRIVATEIP": {"S": "'"$2"'"}}' } function verify_instance_ad_status() { comp_name=$(aws dynamodb get-item --region $REGION --table-name $DDBTABLE --key '{"INSTANCEID": {"S": "'"$INSTANCEID"'"}}' --attributes-to-get "HOSTNAME" | jq -r '.Item.HOSTNAME.S' 2>/dev/null) if [[ "$comp_name" == '' ]]; then echo "join-unjoin: A new Instance wants to join the AD Domain " >> $logger return 0 else return 1 fi } ################################################## ######### Windows Domain Join ######## ################################################## function join_windows_to_domain() { instance_user=$(cat $CONFIGDIR/OS_User_Mapping.json | jq -r '.WINDOWS') if [ $? -eq 0 ];then if [ $SSHKEYUSED == 'false' ]; then instance_password=$(aws secretsmanager --region $REGION get-secret-value --endpoint-url $SECRET_ENDPOINT_URL --secret-id $SECRETID --query SecretString --output text | jq -r '"\(.instance_password)"' 2>/dev/null) else MAX_RETRIES=5 for i in $(seq 1 $MAX_RETRIES) do instance_password=$(aws ec2 get-password-data --region $REGION --endpoint-url $EC2_ENDPOINT_URL --instance-id $INSTANCEID --priv-launch-key $SSHKEYNAME | jq -r '.PasswordData' 2>/dev/null) if [[ -z "$instance_password" ]]; then echo "join-unjoin: Retrying retrieving instance password...." >> $logger sleep 45 else echo "join-unjoin: Instance password fetched successfully" >> $logger break fi done fi if [[ -z "$instance_password" ]]; then echo "join-unjoin: Could not fetch instance password using get-password-data" >> $logger return 1 fi echo "join-unjoin: starting power shell script on remote machine to add instance $INSTANCEID to domain" >> $logger response=$(powershell.exe $WORKDIR/join_windows_to_AD.ps1 "'$SECRETID'" "'$PRIVATEIP'" "'$instance_user'" "'$instance_password'" "'$INSTANCEID'") if grep -q "Command execution failed" $logger; then if grep -q "already in that domain" $logger; then echo "join-unjoin: Powershell script failed because the host is already part of domain" >> $logger var=$(grep -w "Cannot add computer" $logger) comp_name=$(echo $var | sed 's/.*Cannot add computer \(.*\)to domain.*/\1/' | tr -d [\']) echo "join-unjoin: host details = $comp_name" >> $logger update_ddb_table $comp_name $PRIVATEIP return 0 elif grep -q "Access is denied" $logger; then echo "join-unjoin: Powershell script failed because of access denied. Check WSMan setting on remote host" >> $logger return 1 else echo "$0: Powershell script failed" >> $logger return 1 fi elif cat $logger | grep -q "Domain join SUCCESS"; then echo "join-unjoin: SUCCESS*** powershell script execution completed on remote windows server" >> $logger comp_name=$(echo $response | sed 's/.*COMPUTER_NAME = \(.*\) , proceeding.*/\1/' | tr -d [\']) update_ddb_table $comp_name $PRIVATEIP return 0 else echo "join-unjoin: Powershell script failed on remote windows server due to some errors" >> $logger return 1 fi else return 1 fi } ################################################## ## Get instance username for SSH login ########### ################################################## function getosuser() { OPERATING_SYSTEM=$(aws ec2 describe-instances --region $REGION --endpoint-url $EC2_ENDPOINT_URL --instance-id $INSTANCEID --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].[Tags[?Key==`Operating_System`].Value | [0]]' --output text 2>/dev/null) if [ "$OPERATING_SYSTEM" == 'AMAZON_LINUX' ]; then instance_user=$(cat $CONFIGDIR/OS_User_Mapping.json | jq -r '.AMAZON_LINUX') elif [ "$OPERATING_SYSTEM" == 'FEDORA' ]; then instance_user=$(cat $CONFIGDIR/OS_User_Mapping.json | jq -r '.FEDORA') elif [ "$OPERATING_SYSTEM" == 'RHEL' ]; then instance_user=$(cat $CONFIGDIR/OS_User_Mapping.json | jq -r '.RHEL') elif [ "$OPERATING_SYSTEM" == 'CENTOS' ]; then instance_user=$(cat $CONFIGDIR/OS_User_Mapping.json | jq -r '.CENTOS') elif [ "$OPERATING_SYSTEM" == 'UBUNTU' ]; then instance_user=$(cat $CONFIGDIR/OS_User_Mapping.json | jq -r '.UBUNTU') elif [ "$OPERATING_SYSTEM" == 'DEBIAN' ]; then instance_user=$(cat $CONFIGDIR/OS_User_Mapping.json | jq -r '.DEBIAN') elif [ "$OPERATING_SYSTEM" == 'SUSE' ]; then instance_user=$(cat $CONFIGDIR/OS_User_Mapping.json | jq -r '.SUSE') elif [ "$OPERATING_SYSTEM" == 'WINDOWS' ]; then instance_user=$(cat $CONFIGDIR/OS_User_Mapping.json | jq -r '.WINDOWS') else instance_user=$(cat $CONFIGDIR/OS_User_Mapping.json | jq -r '.DEFAULT') fi if [[ "$instance_user" == 'None' ]]; then echo "join-unjoin: Could not find instance_user name. Check the OS_User_Mapping.json file in the S3 bucket and also make sure the Instance is tagged with appropriate Operating_System tag name/value pair" >> $logger return 1 fi } ################################################## ## Encrypt domain credential with openssl ######## ################################################## function encrypt_cred { randompass=$(date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 20) echo $ad_secret | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -md md5 -out /tmp/${INSTANCEID}_temp -salt -k $randompass echo $ad_secret | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -md md5 -pbkdf2 -out /tmp/${INSTANCEID}_temppbk -salt -k $randompass ssh-keyscan -H $PRIVATEIP >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts scp /tmp/${INSTANCEID}_temp* ec2-user@$PRIVATEIP:/tmp/ } ################################################## ## Check instance SSH connectivity on port 22 ### ################################################## function check_ssh_connection() { echo "Checking SSH connectivity for $PRIVATEIP" >> $logger MAX_RETRIES=8 for i in $(seq 1 $MAX_RETRIES) do if (exec 1<>/dev/tcp/${PRIVATEIP}/22) 2> /dev/null; then return 0 fi sleep 30 done return 1 } ################################################## ## LINUX domain join ## ################################################## function join_linux_to_domain() { # Naming conventions in Active Directory # https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/909264/naming-conventions-in-active-directory-for-computers-domains-sites-and RANDOM_COMPUTER_NAME=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 6 | head -n 1) comp_name=$(echo EC2AMAZ-$RANDOM_COMPUTER_NAME | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z') getosuser fetch_ad_credential if [ $? -eq 0 ];then if [ $SSHKEYUSED == 'false' ]; then # plink -v youruser@yourhost.com -pw yourpw "some linux command" echo "You have not provided an SSH key pair to allow the worker Instance run the domain join scripts on remote Liux compueter" >> $logger return 1 else check_ssh_connection if [ $? -eq 0 ];then encrypt_cred echo "join-unjoin: starting Linux script to add instance $INSTANCEID to AD domain" >> $logger response=$(ssh $instance_user@$PRIVATEIP 'bash -s' < $WORKDIR/join_linux_to_AD.sh "$ad_username" "$randompass" "$ad_domain_name" "$dns_server1" "$dns_server2" "$comp_name" "$directory_ou" ) echo "join-unjoin: Bash script execution completed on remote Linux server" >> $logger if echo "$response" | grep -q "realm join successful"; then echo "join-unjoin: Instance added to the domain: $response" >> $logger update_ddb_table $comp_name $PRIVATEIP return 0 elif echo "$response" | grep -q "Already joined to this domain"; then echo "join-unjoin: Instance already joined to the domain: $response" >> $logger comp_name=$(echo "$response" | sed -nr '/COMPUTER_NAME =/ s/.*COMPUTER_NAME =([^"]+).*/\1/p') update_ddb_table $comp_name $PRIVATEIP return 0 elif echo "$response" | grep -q "instance already part of an AD domain"; then echo "join-unjoin: Instance already joined to the domain: $response" >> $logger comp_name=$(echo "$response" | sed -nr '/COMPUTER_NAME =/ s/.*COMPUTER_NAME =([^"]+).*/\1/p') update_ddb_table $comp_name $PRIVATEIP return 0 else echo "join-unjoin: Failed: realm join failed: $response" >> $logger return 1 fi else echo "join-unjoin: SSH connection (port 22) test to instance $INSTANCEID failed" >> $logger return 1 fi fi else return 1 fi } ################################################## ## Main Domain Join function ##################### ################################################## function join_domain() { if [[ "$PRIVATEIP" == 'null' || "$INSTANCEID" == 'null' ]]; then echo "join-unjoin: Skipping message - no instance found. Deleting message from queue" >> $logger return 0 else if [ "$PLATFORM" == 'windows' ]; then echo "join-unjoin: Found a new windows machine to be added in Active Directory. Details: INSTANCEID=$INSTANCEID, PRIVATEIP=$PRIVATEIP, INSTANCESTATE=$INSTANCESTATE" >> $logger join_windows_to_domain if [ $? -eq 0 ];then return 0 else return 1 fi elif [ "$PLATFORM" == 'None' ]; then join_linux_to_domain if [ $? -eq 0 ];then return 0 else return 1 fi else echo "join-unjoin: Unable to get Instance OS, trying Linux join, please check logs" >> $logger join_linux_to_domain if [ $? -eq 0 ];then return 0 else return 1 fi fi fi } ################################################## ## Main entry point ############################## ################################################## export PATH="C:\\Program Files\\Amazon\\AWSCLIV2\\":$PATH JSON_STRING=$( jq -n \ --arg bn "$INSTANCEID" \ --arg on "$PRIVATEIP" \ --arg tl "$INSTANCESTATE" \ '{instanceId: $bn, privateIp: $on, instance_state: $tl}' ) echo $JSON_STRING > ${TEMPDIR}/${INSTANCEID}_msg.json get_instance_details if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$INSTANCESTATE" == 'terminated' ]; then unjoin_domain if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then delete_sqs_message else send_msg_to_dead_letter_queue delete_sqs_message fi elif [ "$INSTANCESTATE" == 'running' ]; then verify_instance_ad_status if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then join_domain if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then delete_sqs_message else send_msg_to_dead_letter_queue delete_sqs_message fi else echo "join-unjoin: Instance is already part of the AD Domain" >> $logger delete_sqs_message fi else echo "join-unjoin: Instance state should be running or terminated. Please verify." >> $logger fi else echo "join-unjoin: **Failed to get Instance details" >> $logger echo "join-unjoin: Sending message to dead letter queue for debug purpose" >> $logger send_msg_to_dead_letter_queue delete_sqs_message fi