################################################## ######## Define parameters ####################### ################################################## $LOG_DIR = "C:\ad-join-unjoin-solution\adlog" $TEMP_DIR = "C:\ad-join-unjoin-solution\adtemp" $WORKING_DIR= "C:\ad-join-unjoin-solution\adscripts" $CONFIG_DIR = "C:\ad-join-unjoin-solution\config" $S3BUCKETNAME = get-content $CONFIG_DIR\\sqsworker.conf | convertfrom-Json | select S3BUCKETNAME | foreach { $_.S3BUCKETNAME } $S3PREFIX = get-content $CONFIG_DIR\\sqsworker.conf | convertfrom-Json | select S3PREFIX | foreach { $_.S3PREFIX } $SOFTWAREPATH = $env:USERPROFILE + "\Downloads" $DDBTABLE = get-content $CONFIG_DIR\\sqsworker.conf | convertfrom-Json | select DDBTABLE | foreach { $_.DDBTABLE } $secrets_manager_secret_id = get-content $CONFIG_DIR\\sqsworker.conf | convertfrom-Json | select ADSECRETKEY | foreach { $_.ADSECRETKEY } $REGION = (Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri | ConvertFrom-Json | Select region).region $SECRETENDPOINT = get-content $CONFIG_DIR\\sqsworker.conf | convertfrom-Json | select SECRETMANAGERENDPOINT | foreach { $_.SECRETMANAGERENDPOINT } $EC2_ENDPOINT_URL = get-content $CONFIG_DIR\\sqsworker.conf | convertfrom-Json | select EC2ENDPOINT | foreach { $_.EC2ENDPOINT } $logendpoint = get-content $CONFIG_DIR\\sqsworker.conf | convertfrom-Json | select LOGSENDPOINT | foreach { $_.LOGSENDPOINT } $SCRIPTLOG = $LOG_DIR + "\refresh_script.log" $env:Path += ";C:\\Program Files\\Git\\" $env:Path += ";C:\\Program Files\\Amazon\\AWSCLIV2\\" $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue' Function LogWrite { param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$logstring) ((Get-Date).ToString() + " - " + $logstring ) | Out-File $SCRIPTLOG -Encoding ASCII -Append } function sync_s3_scripts { $checks3_script_change = aws s3 sync s3://${S3BUCKETNAME}/${S3PREFIX} $WORKING_DIR --exclude "*sqsworker.sh*" --dryrun if ($checks3_script_change) { LogWrite "change found for AD scripts" aws s3 sync s3://$S3BUCKETNAME/$S3PREFIX $WORKING_DIR --only-show-errors --no-progress 2>&1 | out-null } $checks3_worker_Script_change = aws s3 sync s3://$S3BUCKETNAME/config $CONFIG_DIR --exclude "*" --include "*sqsworker.sh*" --dryrun if ($checks3_worker_Script_change) { LogWrite "change found for AD sqs worker script" stop-process -Name 'bash' -Force 2>&1 | out-null aws s3 sync s3://$S3BUCKETNAME/$S3PREFIX $WORKING_DIR --only-show-errors --no-progress 2>&1 | out-null git-bash.exe $WORKING_DIR\sqsworker.sh } $checks3_config_update = aws s3 sync s3://${S3BUCKETNAME}/config $CONFIG_DIR --dryrun if ($checks3_config_update) { LogWrite "change found for config files" aws s3 sync s3://$S3BUCKETNAME/config --exclude "*sqsworker.conf*" --only-show-errors --no-progress cp $CONFIG_DIR\\amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json 'C:\\programdata\\Amazon\\AmazonCloudWatchAgent\\' -Force (get-content 'C:\\programdata\\Amazon\\AmazonCloudWatchAgent\\amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json' ) -replace "vpce-XXXX", $logendpoint | set-content 'C:\\programdata\\Amazon\\AmazonCloudWatchAgent\\amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json' & $Env:ProgramFiles\Amazon\AmazonCloudWatchAgent\amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl.ps1 -m ec2 -a stop & $Env:ProgramFiles\Amazon\AmazonCloudWatchAgent\amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl.ps1 -m ec2 -a start } $check_bash_process = Get-Process -Name bash 2>&1 | out-null if (!$?) { git-bash.exe $WORKING_DIR\sqsworker.sh } } function sync_dynamodb_with_AD_computers { $computers = '' $counter = 0 LogWrite "Sync Dynamodb with AD computer objects: Script execution started at $(date)" function set_variables ([string]$hostname, [string]$IPv4, [string]$instanceid, [string]$whencreated) { $param1 = @" {\"INSTANCEID\": {\"S\": \"$instanceid\"}} "@ $param2 = @" {\"PRIVATEIP\": {\"S\": \"$IPv4\"} , \"HOSTNAME\": {\"S\": \"$hostname\"} , \"INSTANCEID\": {\"S\": \"$instanceid\"} , \"WHENCREATED\": {\"S\": \"$whencreated\"} } "@ $host_in_ddb = aws dynamodb get-item --table-name $DDBTABLE --key $param1 --attributes-to-get "INSTANCEID" --region $REGION | jq -r '.Item.INSTANCEID.S' *>&1 if ($host_in_ddb -eq $null) { aws dynamodb put-item --table-name $DDBTABLE --item $param2 --region $REGION } } $start_date = '' $secretvaluejson = Get-SECSecretValue -region $REGION -EndpointUrl $SECRETENDPOINT -SecretId $secrets_manager_secret_id $secretvalue = $secretvaluejson.SecretString | ConvertFrom-Json $ad_secret = $secretvalue.domain_password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force $ad_domain_name = $secretvalue.domain_name $username = $secretvalue.domain_user $ad_username = $ad_domain_name.ToUpper() + "\" + $username $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($ad_username, $ad_secret) $last_update_time = aws dynamodb get-item --table-name $DDBTABLE --key '{\"INSTANCEID\": {\"S\": \"DONOTDELETEME\"}}' --attributes-to-get "WHENCREATED" --region $REGION | jq -r '.Item.WHENCREATED.S' *>&1 if ($last_update_time -eq $null) { $start_date = $(date) $computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter 'whenCreated -le $start_date' -Properties whencreated , IPv4Address -Credential $credential -Server $ad_domain_name -AuthType 0 | Select Name , IPv4Address, whencreated } else { $start_date = $last_update_time #Import-Module ActiveDirectory $computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter 'modified -gt $start_date' -Properties whencreated , IPv4Address -Credential $credential -Server $ad_domain_name -AuthType 0 | Select Name , IPv4Address, whenCreated } if ($computers) { $param3 = @" {\"WHENCREATED\": {\"S\": \"$(date)\"}, \"INSTANCEID\": {\"S\": \"DONOTDELETEME\"}} "@ aws dynamodb put-item --table-name $DDBTABLE --item $param3 --region $REGION } echo $computers | foreach { $hostname = $_.Name ; $IPv4 = $_.IPv4Address ; $whencreated = $_.whenCreated ; $instanceid = '' $instanceid = aws ec2 describe-instances --region $REGION --filter Name=private-ip-address,Values=$IPv4 --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].InstanceId' --output text if (!$IPv4) { $IPv4 = '' } if ($hostname -and $instanceid) { #$counter = $counter+1 set_variables "$hostname" "$IPv4" "$instanceid" "$whencreated" } } LogWrite "Sync Dynamodb with AD computer objects: Script execution completed at $(date)" } function cleanup_tempfile_logs { #rm $LOG_DIR\\i-* -Force 2>&1 | out-null } try { LogWrite "refresh started at $(date)" sync_s3_scripts sync_dynamodb_with_AD_computers LogWrite "refresh completed at $(date)" cleanup_tempfile_logs exit 0 } catch [Exception]{ Write-Host $_.Exception.ToString() Write-Host 'Command execution failed.' } finally { LogWrite $Error $host.SetShouldExit(1) }