$secret=$args[0] $user_name=$args[1] $domain_name=$args[2] $dns_IP1=$args[3] $dns_IP2=$args[4] $directory_ou=$args[5] $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' try{ # Parse the response and convert the Secret String JSON into an object $username = $domain_name.ToUpper() + "\" + $user_name $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username, $secret) # Get the Instance ID from the metadata store, if you want to use this as computer name during domain registration. #$instanceID = invoke-restmethod -uri # Set up the IPv4 address of the AD DNS server as the first DNS server on this machine. Uncomment the below 4 lines if your VPC is not using the AD DNS servers by default. #$networkAdapter = Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapter -Filter "AdapterType = 'Ethernet 802.3'" #$networkAdapterName = ($networkAdapter | Select-Object -First 1).NetConnectionID #netsh.exe interface ipv4 add dnsservers name="$networkAdapterName" address=$dns_IP1 index=1 #netsh.exe interface ipv4 add dnsservers name="$networkAdapterName" address=$dns_IP2 index=2 echo "adding computer to domain" $COMPUTER_NAME = hostname if ([bool]$directory_ou) { Add-Computer -ComputerName $COMPUTER_NAME -DomainName $domain_name -OUPath $directory_ou -Credential $credential if (!$?) { echo "COMPUTER_NAME = $COMPUTER_NAME domain failed to join domain for some reason" } else { echo "Domain join SUCCESS for COMPUTER_NAME = $COMPUTER_NAME , proceeding with reboot" Restart-Computer -Force } } else { Add-Computer -ComputerName $COMPUTER_NAME -DomainName $domain_name -Credential $credential if (!$?) { echo "COMPUTER_NAME = $COMPUTER_NAME domain failed to join domain for some reason" } else { echo "Domain join SUCCESS for COMPUTER_NAME = $COMPUTER_NAME , proceeding with reboot" Restart-Computer -Force } } } catch [Exception]{ Write-Host $_.Exception.ToString() Write-Host 'Command execution failed.' $host.SetShouldExit(1) }