# The following template is designed to provision and configure a secure environment for data science. # This template creates an AWS VPC, a KMS CMK, an administrator and data scientist role, and an S3 bucket. # The template also provisions a Service Catalog portfolio and product to create notebooks into the VPC. # Lastly the template stores outputs into Parameter Store so they can be referenced later by SC products. Description: Data Science Environment Parameters: ProjectName: Type: String AllowedPattern: '[A-Za-z0-9\-]*' Description: Please specify your Team Name. Used as a suffix for team resource names EnvType: Description: >- Please specify the target Environment. Used for tagging and resource names. Mandatory LOWER CASE. Type: String Default: dev VpcCIDR: Type: String Default: Description: CIDR range for data science VPC Subnet1CIDR: Type: String Default: Description: CIDR range for data science Subnet A Subnet2CIDR: Type: String Default: Description: CIDR range for data science Subnet B Subnet3CIDR: Type: String Default: Description: CIDR range for data science Subnet C SharedServiceStackSetName: Type: String Default: DSSharedServices Description: Common root name used across shared service cloudformation resources Outputs: AssumeProjectAdminRole: Description: URL for assuming the role of a project admin Value: !GetAtt DSEnvironmentPrincipals.Outputs.AssumeProjectAdminRole AssumeProjectUserRole: Description: URL for assuming the role of a project user Value: !GetAtt DSEnvironmentPrincipals.Outputs.AssumeProjectUserRole Resources: DSEnvironmentNetwork: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Properties: Parameters: ProjectName: !Ref ProjectName EnvType: !Ref EnvType VpcCIDR: !Ref VpcCIDR Subnet1CIDR: !Ref Subnet1CIDR Subnet2CIDR: !Ref Subnet2CIDR Subnet3CIDR: !Ref Subnet3CIDR PyPIMirrorEndpointServiceName: !Sub - 'com.amazonaws.vpce.${AWS::Region}.${ENDPOINT_ID}' - ENDPOINT_ID: Fn::ImportValue: !Sub 'srv-endsrv-pypimirror-${SharedServiceStackSetName}' TemplateURL: ds_env_network.yaml Tags: - Key: ProjectName Value: !Ref ProjectName - Key: EnvironmentType Value: !Ref EnvType DSEnvironmentPrincipals: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack Properties: Parameters: ProjectName: !Ref ProjectName EnvType: !Ref EnvType TemplateURL: ds_env_principals.yaml Tags: - Key: ProjectName Value: !Ref ProjectName - Key: EnvironmentType Value: !Ref EnvType DSEnvironmentBackingStore: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack DependsOn: - DSEnvironmentNetwork - DSEnvironmentPrincipals Properties: Parameters: ProjectName: !Ref ProjectName EnvType: !Ref EnvType TemplateURL: ds_env_backing_store.yaml Tags: - Key: ProjectName Value: !Ref ProjectName - Key: EnvironmentType Value: !Ref EnvType DSEnvironmentCatalog: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack DependsOn: DSEnvironmentPrincipals Properties: Parameters: ProjectName: !Ref ProjectName EnvType: !Ref EnvType QuickstartMode: Fn::ImportValue: !Sub '${SharedServiceStackSetName}-QuickstartMode' TemplateURL: ds_env_catalog.yaml Tags: - Key: ProjectName Value: !Ref ProjectName - Key: EnvironmentType Value: !Ref EnvType DSEnvironmentSageMaker: Type: AWS::CloudFormation::Stack DependsOn: DSEnvironmentBackingStore Properties: Parameters: ProjectName: !Ref ProjectName EnvType: !Ref EnvType TemplateURL: ds_env_sagemaker.yaml Tags: - Key: ProjectName Value: !Ref ProjectName - Key: EnvironmentType Value: !Ref EnvType DSEnvironmentResourceGroup: Type: "AWS::ResourceGroups::Group" Properties: Name: !Sub 'ds-${ProjectName}-${EnvType}-resource-group' Description: !Sub 'AWS Resources belonging to ${ProjectName} in its ${EnvType} environment.' ResourceQuery: Type: "TAG_FILTERS_1_0" Query: ResourceTypeFilters: - "AWS::AllSupported" TagFilters: - Key: "ProjectName" Values: - !Sub '${ProjectName}' - Key: "EnvironmentType" Values: - !Sub '${EnvType}' Tags: - Key: ProjectName Value: !Ref ProjectName - Key: EnvironmentType Value: !Ref EnvType