#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2019 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 set -e # This script will package the CloudFormation in this directory, and the source code in this repository, and upload it # to Amazon S3 in preparation for deployment using the AWS CloudFromation service. # # This script exists because Service Catalog products, when using relative references to cloudformation templates are # not properly packaged by the AWS cli. Also the full stack, due to 2 levels of Service Catalog deployment will not # always package properly using the AWS cli. # This script treats the templates as source code and packages them, putting the results into a 'build' subdirectory. # This script assumes a Linux or MacOSX environment and relies on the following software packages being installed: # . - AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) # . - sed # . - Python 3 / pip3 # . - zip # PLEASE NOTE this script will store all resources to an Amazon S3 bucket s3://${CFN_BUCKET_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME} CFN_BUCKET_NAME=${CFN_BUCKET_NAME:="secure-data-science-cloudformation-$RANDOM-$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"} PROJECT_NAME="quickstart" # files that wont be uploaded by `aws cloudformation package` UPLOAD_LIST="ds_environment.yaml ds_notebook_v1.yaml ds_notebook_v2.yaml project_template.zip ds_administration.yaml" # files that need to be scrubbed with sed to replace < S3 BUCKET LOCATION > with an actual S3 bucket name SELF_PACKAGE_LIST="ds_administration.yaml ds_env_catalog.yaml ds_env_backing_store.yaml ds_shared_services_ecs.yaml" # files to be packaged using `aws cloudformation package` AWS_PACKAGE_LIST="ds_environment.yaml ds_administration.yaml" TMP_OUTPUT_DIR="/tmp/build/${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}" PUBLISH_PYPI=${PUBLISH_PYPI:True} if aws s3 ls s3://${CFN_BUCKET_NAME} 2>&1 | grep NoSuchBucket then echo Creating Amazon S3 bucket ${CFN_BUCKET_NAME} aws s3 mb s3://${CFN_BUCKET_NAME} --region $AWS_DEFAULT_REGION fi echo Preparing content for publication to Amazon S3 s3://${CFN_BUCKET_NAME} ## clean away any previous builds of the CFN rm -fr ${TMP_OUTPUT_DIR} mkdir -p ${TMP_OUTPUT_DIR} cp cloudformation/*.yaml ${TMP_OUTPUT_DIR} echo "Zipping code sample..." pushd src/project_template zip -r ${TMP_OUTPUT_DIR}/project_template.zip ./* popd echo "Zipping detective control..." pushd src/detective_control zip -r ${TMP_OUTPUT_DIR}/vpc_detective_control.zip ./* popd if $PUBLISH_PYPI; then echo "Downloading Python modules for PyPI mirror..." mkdir -p ${TMP_OUTPUT_DIR}/pypimirror pip3 download -d ${TMP_OUTPUT_DIR}/pypimirror \ awswrangler==1.0.4 stepfunctions== smdebug==0.7.2 shap==0.35.0 sagemaker-experiments==0.1.13 pip3 download -d ${TMP_OUTPUT_DIR}/pypimirror \ --platform manylinux1_x86_64 \ --only-binary=:all: \ --implementation cp \ --abi cp36m \ --python-version "3.6.1" \ numpy==1.18.4 pandas==1.0.3 protobuf==3.11.3 pyarrow==0.16.0 scikit_learn==0.22.2 scipy==1.4.1 psycopg2==2.7.7 xgboost==0.90 fi ## publish materials to target AWS regions REGION=${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION:="eu-west-1"} echo Publishing CloudFormation to ${REGION} echo "Clearing ${CFN_BUCKET_NAME}..." if $PUBLISH_PYPI; then aws s3 rm \ s3://${CFN_BUCKET_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}/ \ --recursive \ --region ${REGION} echo "Copying PyPI mirror wheels to S3..." aws s3 sync ${TMP_OUTPUT_DIR}/pypimirror s3://${CFN_BUCKET_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}/pypimirror else aws s3 rm \ s3://${CFN_BUCKET_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}/ \ --recursive \ --exclude "pypimirror/*" \ --region ${REGION} fi echo "Self-packaging some Cloudformation templates..." for fname in ${SELF_PACKAGE_LIST}; do sed -ie "s/< S3_CFN_STAGING_PATH >/${PROJECT_NAME}/" ${TMP_OUTPUT_DIR}/${fname} sed -ie "s/< S3_CFN_STAGING_BUCKET >/${CFN_BUCKET_NAME}/" ${TMP_OUTPUT_DIR}/${fname} sed -ie "s/< S3_CFN_STAGING_BUCKET_PATH >/${CFN_BUCKET_NAME}\/${PROJECT_NAME}/" ${TMP_OUTPUT_DIR}/${fname} done echo "Packaging Cloudformation templates..." for fname in ${AWS_PACKAGE_LIST}; do pushd ${TMP_OUTPUT_DIR} aws cloudformation package \ --template-file ${fname} \ --s3-bucket ${CFN_BUCKET_NAME} \ --s3-prefix ${PROJECT_NAME} \ --output-template-file ${TMP_OUTPUT_DIR}/${fname}-${REGION} \ --region ${REGION} popd done # push files to S3, note this does not 'package' the templates echo "Copying cloudformation templates and files to S3..." for fname in ${UPLOAD_LIST}; do if [ -f ${TMP_OUTPUT_DIR}/${fname}-${REGION} ]; then aws s3 cp ${TMP_OUTPUT_DIR}/${fname}-${REGION} s3://${CFN_BUCKET_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}/${fname} else aws s3 cp ${TMP_OUTPUT_DIR}/${fname} s3://${CFN_BUCKET_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}/${fname} fi done echo ================================================== echo "Publication complete" echo "To deploy execute:" echo " aws cloudformation create-stack --template-url https://s3.${REGION}.amazonaws.com/${CFN_BUCKET_NAME}/${PROJECT_NAME}/ds_administration.yaml --region ${REGION} --stack-name ds-administration --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM"