" @iggigg too busy to see me in London this evening. What is a boy to do?" " cavs lost, and I got this sinking feeling we are going to lose Lebron in 2010 also...why must my home city SUCK? Ah well, LETS GO BROWNS!" " the closest BGT tour is Cardiff or London dam it why doesnt anybody other than the Chuckle Brothers tour the Westcountry?" " Why do other pet care people try to run others out of business? Or send suspicious e-mails fishing for info?" "-gasps- dananananaykroyd touring aussie .... GRRR WHY ALWAYS SYDNEY AND MELBZ FFS" "....If i am going warsal that means no church in the morning if i dont go church but i think it imporant to see my nan coz she go cancer " "....wow the CAVS are sleeping ! I hate these blowout games " "...no more Lebron " "'adawiyah is having fever. hope the other 2 are not." "[-O] I wish the frogs weren't becoming extinct http://tinyurl.com/cxe8w7" "@ Starbucks Windward Mall lovin the AC. Home is too hot to work " "@_despina my friend took off the obama pin and lit it on fire " "@1vs100XboxLIVE just got dropped again before the game started. " "@5OH7 is going to miss the Lebron Kobe puppet commercials. " "@ab3dj Poor cavs....all that hard work. " "@acacia_scott " "@ahaulil I have a bird living with me. So I have to find other ways to kill these damn things beside the exterminator. #vegas it sucks" "@Akivafever Sorry, little brother." "@alanasachi hahaha aww I wish I could come but I have work boooo!" "@alexbigman you left without saying hi! " "@alibartlett yeh i found out just then on facebook. she was cool. it's so sad Well start being on time and doing stuff right then! silly!" "@alicayaba so cuuute! hey, i miss you na! its not the same not seeing you girls everyday " "@alielayus I want to go to promote GEAR AND GROOVE but unfornately no ride there I may b going to the one in Anaheim in May though" "@allyheman but.. but.. but.. I'm not a big fan on camilla belle " "@alydesigns i was out most of the day so didn't get much done " "@amalah I am very jealous. I was supposed to go see it in Seattle with a friend this summer but she had to bail out because of work " "@amazingantonia @teamtaiwo basically @regyates and @jezwelham have said never cheat on your girl and then put a link up, but bb+youtube= " "@AmberPacific i know i dont know why i said that " "@AmyriadfthINGs As far as I've read, some idiot let explode a homemade bomb in the crowd in Sao Paulo! Brazil gay minded? Forget it! " "@angelicbiscuit http://twitpic.com/7pf62 - not a " "@AnnaCampos Poor King Jame Next up: My Lakers against the Magic!" "@AnnaSaccone my aunite just made a mean comment about me and said i was fat and missing the bf. how r u? xxx" "@AnnaSaccone sounds yummy! i hate now living on practically nothing! " "@AnthonyW90 oh my god...im freaking out that i will have skin cancer now!!!!! " "@Artistbabee but tht's annoying " "@ashleyarrison, Us sydney siders are bummed with no show!!! so sad i could not make melbourne,,,," "@ashleybella no i won't be able to go! ... are you going to the taylor swift concert?" "@AshleyLTMSYF hi ash where are you now? im so jealous coz i cant see the vid u posted on youtube while u were in Manila huhu " "@AshleyLTMSYF hiya how r u? shame i missed u in Sydney. i was sick.i heard yall rocked!!! i missed the a/party 2 which i was invited to " "@ashleyskyy but I wanted a margarita too! " "@ashleyxtellez watching that 70s waiting for my headache to go away lasted all day..." "@ashman01 My only complaint about Facebook is they've changed it so much it's confusing " "@AsianPersuazion lmao idc bout the cavs my team lost yesterday " "@astewart87 oh my gosh that made me emotional haha idk why!!! i dont want to get old " "@Ayerad no, well i hope not. He could ha hasnt been at school fer a wile but @koast08 doesnt believe he had cancer" "@B_Barnett I did not really see that coming " "@baneen it was a " "@BarackObama Why, Mr Obama?... It was not nice killing a harmless fly. You really should be above such thing... " "@barnarl No London outing this time unfortunately Got weddings and family commitments to attend to. Next time I hope..." "@Bay_B_Doll He got sick...all over. After a warm bath, and tending to his fever, I had to take a warm bath after cleaning up..." "@Benjo321 Yep companies are starting to catch on how popular the iPhone is and the prices are going up and up " "@BleuMuze Hit up gameworks and a movie in downtown Seattle.. went down to pike place market, but it was closed " "@BlindMonkey I want to play I need to finally break down and get an xbox 360." "@bnetwestival Oh no!! I'm in Sydney for IMATS on the 12th!! " "@Bnever oh darn i'm not in london " "@Bonedwarf MGS4 isn't on XBox " "@bowtonos Friday dash to the airport in peak hour sydney traffic + rain - pint " "@breannalovesjb hurry up home!!!!! im dying with no youtube " "@Breezy_Bree nothin much, just bored and need a job! i don't have money to get anything i want. 16GB iPod Touch, Sony HTS and a Cybershot " "@brennasaurus Lame! Mom said she has to work all say on Saturday. :'(" "@brennasaurus wow that's sad " "@britneyspears I should have gone to see you in london! " "@BruceDangle While gloating will be fun, i don't really wanna leave, i'll miss you Vegas " "@butterballs_mc yes because a plane air france crashed !!!!! more french and brazilian are died " "@Butterflyshoes I confess I didn't know that about nasal sprays, thanks. I know the scienceeee bit but sometimes forget to apply it " "@cactusjac laptop, 2 netbooks, a psp and my derby bag. More angry at myself in a way. Not sure what was backed up. Lost my tatt idea pics " "@cameronparker what about me? Sorry drunk in vegas is bad!!" "@CannonGod My Hay Fever is awful already. Nipping into the village later and get myself some Piriton. " "@Capital_M ***hugs*** Honey I wish I was going to one of the shows this year It does suck a lot. At least nowadays we got youtube ? “ "@carolrainbow no Internet at home, have to drive into Ox to use Internet because of builders! " "@CarVin1 lol they are some emotional ass men!! Omg all this late night eating.. Both of us are broke " "@cateycancer ohhh??? That bad huh u still got pink in your hair where you working??" "@cazp09 @Katynha wow, cancer does kill alot of people " "@ccollinsmith You didn't do the trip to Chicago for #symp09 ? Robbed! Make up for it with a trip to Sydney instead " "@charlietm I know right. I dunno what is going on with twitter. " "@chasewill that sucks! here in brazil is unusually cold " "@chauncey78 hey did u talk to mom.. r they home yet? i hope they r ok.. wish i was coming home 4 easter.. " "@ChloePatrick4 Yes they crashed 640km northeast of Brazil's fernando do norohna island " "@chriscuzzy awww you lucky thing here i am stuck in england with the not very sunny weather wubu2?" "@christinarnia I was looking around and there's a facebook group about Tori's boyfriend Alex, who died a few days before her. It's so sad " "@Chrxs sick sick sick No more McDonalds ever again. SUBWAY!" "@Cibaby sorry hear bout the cavs " "@cocomix04 ill tell ya the story later not a good day and ill be workin for like three more hours..." "@coollike Hey how much friends have you got on Xbox cause your friends list is full it would not let me add you. " "@Cronotriggers that's sad." "@cuecas84 That sucks LOL, at least there is an upside to staying late "4";"Starbucks! The best way to start the morning " "@d_castillo ugh, that's disconcerting " "@dan_jf It's very handy but unfortunately it appears to have borked my Facebook status column " "@daNanner aw, sorry to hear that. " "@Danasaur4 no :s well for dani's house yeah. but for my new house no " "@DannyDutch Slow. Submitted many resumes but not alot of work in my field right now. McDonalds? Maybe " "@Darkestwizz YouTube wouldn't let me upload my video yesterday " "@DatasWife Aww do you really work in McDonalds. " "@daveknox awesome- corporate housing took away my modem and gave me an air card for the summer.. = no xbox live. " "@davidschwimmer cold!!!??? Here in London it's been awful. We get a humid sticky heat. Not great to work in " "@DavidssonAsa they're only shipping that shield to north america " "@ddlovato I will add prayers for your friends dad while I also pray for my own. He has cancer I hate having parents sick" "@ddlovato OOh demi... I want to go to your show... but I can't because I'm from Brazil.. so come back!! i miss you!! :/" "@ddlovato Wish i could , but im in england xx" "@Devinthedude007 actually the whole site has finally been taken over by those damn russians " "@Dezz_MCR I don't like England at all, it's boring, crap and my accent sucks majorly " "@dhein i think Germany is boring. When i grow up i would move to England or Canada " "@DjAlizay I really don't think people choose to be that way. But I think he chose not to accept my family's help He might be dead by now" "@DonnieWahlberg I hope i can make it to the auburn show. but its not looking good for me " "@dougiemcfly " "@drewkolar my dad threw me out, I'm at my grandma's tonight.. and I need a drinking buddy but I'm in Brazil, not really around the corner" "@duchess_rebecca Man... intervention is soo sad " "@dweeman why aren't you a happy camper? " "@DXPetti awww doesn't work on iPhone yet hurry up YouTube " "@Egyptsaidso u were right about lastnites game damn i still love Lebron!lol" "@ElizaBrownSugar Poor LeBron I think he's going to be an even stronger force next year" "@elizard I think Mary is working Monday night too CAVS need a miracle " "@emiliexclarkex miss you " "@emitstop So true, I have it and don't use it " "@EmmaEpic i'm not even going to check"0";"Retweeting @todayshow: Reuters: Actress Farrah Fawcett dies from cancer, age 62 -- Spokesman " "@endearingevania I sure wish I could go with you guys tmrw. But as per usual, school interferes. " "@enia59 Aw, hun! You're gonna make me cry You will get to england! Course you will " "@enterbelladonna i dunno how to use the forum and i get frustrated with it. i'll miss talking to you on here. " "@Eriberto1 Thanks! I'm just being picky cause I don't want to have a 6am flight leaving Vegas coming back " "@fauziab me too! after a late night as well. Yep, i suffer from hayfever " "@featureBlend Me either So Sad!!!! LOVE #LeBron!!!" "@flyknocka after all these years and working at Starbucks the doctors finally inform me that they bring on my migranes sucks !" "@FollowSavvy I never found her. everytime I click on her twitter thing through your myspace..... it goes to some dude's page " "@Gconscious i'm doing another move (back to seattle) over the next couple weeks! i miss everyone and music " "@georgeruiz Unfortunately one of those moments wasn't a giant squid monster. " "@gfalcone601 i should soo do that but i need to get back to England asap.. miserable in Texas " "@gilbirmingham Gil I'm sorry you won't get to Sydney as well next week for Supernova you're only going to Perth, is that correct?" "@goodlaura What about Reese dying on #TTSC? And season finale next week. #24 boring, Madame President is a crazy woman." "@GpaHill not really. England and Sweden (and perhaps more) have it too. But ours' punishment is extremely harsh " "@graemearcher I am sad about Innocent selling out too! " "@griffmiester no exchanging for me, my laptop hasn't arrived " "@grum WAH I can't see clip, must be el-stupido work filters. Can't wait 'till I get a 'puter. Something else 2 blame ex 4. He broke mine " "@Hail_Mary_Jane Did you know Obama id signing a new bill to give the FDA cntrol of the tabacco industry. no more flavored dutches " "@hammett I wish I could have time for my xbox project all tied" "@hellivina I miss 'em too. " "@hemanshujain - My facebook friends were pissed with my tweets " "@Henkuyinepu it's overrated " "@heybonnie they didn't play vegas at the sydney show last night either " "@hillaryrachel oh i know how you feel. i took a leap of faith and asked Taylor Swift to be my BFFL ... she didnt reply " "@Hollywoodheat I should have paid more attention when we covered photoshop in my webpage design class in undergrad " "@huntermoore I don't want him to ever punch me. " "@hyperbets i hope this doesn't last too long. i feel miserable!" "@ian_si I stick to main roads. That said, I just lost my ipod while jogging.. too dark to find it. Rather upset " "@iLoveLyci lol i said the CAVS deserve to be in the finals.. but thanks for banging on me anyways " "@ImajicArt 3 month cancer battle. " "@ImCirocObama late on Mirror?????? when did u tweet that.. and def not!!!! I am gettin tired tho... " "@ImCirocObama on W. Northrup....but its pretty much all gone lol" "@imraw88 Lebron is just the next Dominique Wilkins with the rate his teams are performing in the playoffs....or worse next Ewing...sad " "@insomniacgames ohhhhh why, why those codes are given when I am at the office, I say it again I need a PSP to use Remote Play " "@j0ames meee!... too bad I live in Sydney! Make down under your next trip " "@jacobsummers Sorry tell them mea culpa from me and that I really am sorry." "@jaimelondonboy A hay fever suffer liking summer, I need to take what you take. I've not looked forward to summer for years now. " "@Jalen_Rose what u think about ur boy LeBron dipping after the game not sayin' nuthin 2 Dwight r the other Magic players? Ugh! " "@jamie_oliver lol Jamie..can you do it soonish tonight..cause i waited hours last week and fell asleep..and missed out it's 7pm in Sydney" "@JaXboxChick77 I'm afraid if I tried that, I'd lose my job. Or get molested." "@Jay_F_K im pissed, i cant find my ipod " "@JayBeeStarsky i think this would all be much easier if someone would just GIVE me a car, but oprah hasn't returned any of my calls " "@jazred87 i told you if I caved I'd end up abusing it... much like I do Facebook. It's because I don't have any real friends " "@jessgirl I still feel like crap. The fever is alive and well. " "@jillianfish tweet something damn it! and hang out with me please? " "@joannasaw I am too Think it might be something in the air today. I want to go shopping. Specifically, to yours! Coveting pretty things." "@joannasayswhat My old phone doesn't have a sim card." "@JoDunbarxx back to standard old rainy England " "@jokerrrr It stillllll hasn't arrived " "@JonasAustralia absolutely nothing. like watching JONAS on youtube and homework " "@JonasAustralia I have to wait till next week.. I get paid on monday. " "@Jonasbrothers Hey guys, what happened to your YouTube account!? It says it's suspended." "@jonasbrothers http://twitpic.com/6q1om - OMG the Jonas´s youtube page is closed now why?" "@JonathanRKnight I hate the limited letters,too.Hope you and the guys are fine?I pray for my dog,she�s not well " "@jordanhowell lol only a PSP, had a game boy but my cousin lost it "; theres a N64 around" "@joshalexanderr fair enough. i havent had those in ages. now i want mcdonalds hashbrowns damn it " "@joshuadejong Don't know, there still seem to be problems on Xbox LIVE after the maintenance yesterday. " "@JTalk100 Hope your headache stop soon.I'm about 2 die.... I miss MaryJane so much. That was my boo! Lol" "@julieitis I'm sad Facebook won't just let me have kate.southern. Must come up with new name." "@JustynaSaid Your iPhone got shipped out but Apple but a hold on all orders til Friday anyways " "@kaeeeep yeah! i know! it was horrible!!!! ugh. saddening. " "@Kal_Penn I am so sad Kutner was my favorite of the new team!!" "@karriedaway not good cavs lost. ughhh." "@katebornstein which is pretty anti memorial tattoos but for all but the strictest, there's no official BAN, just disapproving family" "@kbonded I kno right! I really want'd LeBron " "@KelleyRowe hey, you remember that time we used to be friends?? "0";"@daniela_95616 my english professor would be ashamed. " "@KevChoice I just don't get it. What in a persons mind could even have them on some ish like this??? My prayers are with her fam for real" "@kevinprince I couldn't buy any '#openhacklondon' for you because you can't even afford one Woe!" "@khlovess22 imma check it out when I get home. my school blocked youtube " "@KHLOVIS I wanted CFA breakfast today but the car place took too long so I had to settle for McDonalds " "@Kianasaurus - Bear just crunched my leg " "@KidFco0L LMAO my throat hurts... Man I told myself I wasn't gonna come back from vegas with an STD rhis trip " "@kiki_huggles i wana go back to london tooooooooo " "@KING5Seattle I wish there was no rain! I'm hosting a party and at 5 am this morning I had to hurry up and get it set up indoors instead " "@KourtneyKardash yup night workouts r the worst but unfortunetly my work schedule only allows me to go at night its tough!" "@kuuchuu He was also in Sydney too!! " "@KWEE79 HOW ABOUT NO SCORE, GIRL LEBRON LET US DOWN " "@labelsnotlove my home town. My mammy called all depressd. Pls explain y a parent let their 8yr old child walk alone? Hello? Its 2009!" "@Lakers girls better do something amazing atthis parade!Most likelythey will just ruin thebeauty thatis goinon unfortunately they SUCK!!!" "@lakersnation Is this a joke? I can't find them " "@lakersnation LOL. I can't DM you about the tix if you're not following me. Silly twitter!" "@lamilondon its reggae night @ sway lil sis I'm sad Grrr. @mightyxtra can u let me know these things in advance lol" "@LariiTran OMG!! Where's the trailer? I can't find it on youtube. " "@LaurenConrad The Hills wont be the same without you Lauren,I am in sydney,Australia and I think I will stop watching " "@LEAFSFAN71 I'm just fine, I'm here with a friend. Her mom is in the late stages of cancer " "@leehopkins ok you guys are just too adorable! You should have given us notice so we could have maybe met you in Seattle! " "@leilaanasazi: I'm sure lots of that studio equipment was collected analog stuff that can't be bought anymore. seriously, condolences." "@lenesha but Im not feeling well, mommy... " "@LeoWolfe PS. I was just trying to talk to you on facebook but you ignored me! " "@LesleyLambert I'm hurting for a java home brew or starbucks?" "@lewisusher na not till we drive Sydney to Bris Vegas the week after gay work!" "@lilbucknuts41 not an option " "@limbecky I'm doing the time warp without you and am sad. " "@Lindsey_ I was very bummed to hear Obama did this " "@Lisa_Sparxxx whats with the Lakers and buttery fingers in the last minute? The really pissed me off " "@LisaP RIP Farrah Fawcett omg I didn't even know she had cancer. That is very sad news, she was a beautiful woman and actress " "@LittleLiverbird DAM it was to cure your hiccups...altho I feel slightly guilty....... type in scary maze game into youtube! SORRRRY " "@LizChavez I can't set my feet on the ground. The missing eyelid people might get me! " "@lizhodgins I heard your moving to Sydney next year im not happy " "@lolitariot oh no hope you're not getting sick too!" "@LondonDiva Yiikes did you think so? I've not found him funny in years " "@londonerin26 When were you in la? Bad news! I have to work on the reunion " "@Lowjacker twitter top trends pisses me off. Oprah and the other tv celebs totally ruined twitters vibe. " "@loytoy90 My friend Bryce. He has cancer " "@luke01688 That's my exact Starbucks drink. And there is no Starbucks to be found... " "@LUVYATEAMEDWARD Is there a site you can watch it besides Youtube? Im behind a firewall at work. " "@lvesckmelody .......i watched the previews that they've been playing way too much.... it looks really bad!! Stop watching it. haha ..." "@mamasvan lol - nope! but i did have complete #camerafail " "@mangaaa I hope they will increase the capacity fast, yesterday was such a pain. Got the fail whale +15 times in 2 hours.... " "@MarcScottEmery type their names love... whats going on with u and seattle? what the eff! they are making pot a bigger issue than it is! " "@MarcusMims wow i didn't get an " "@Marge_Inovera I tried tweetdeck once and I hated it with a passion. Or it hated me, I'm not sure... " "@MaryBethune oh no! with everything that happened today, i forgot we were going dress shopping for the opera tomorrow. " "@marykatherine_q i know! I heard it this afternoon and wondered the same thing. Moscow is so behind the times " "@mattmacdonaldis epic loss I was disappointed in LeBron, he just couldn't sink anything in the second half." "@mattress i had my ipod to take notes, i just have such a short attention span I forgot by the time my haircut was done. " "@maxime68 @megelder But! I'm useless if I don't sleep It's not fair! I want all the fun as well!!!" "@McCainBlogette what's bothering me the most are the RNC Convention images stuck in my head: the crowd mocking Obama for his com. service " "@mcdonalds being a fatty. " "@McFlyingGirl aww...you fell off your bed?? i sorry....my mom has Oprah on...*eye roll*" "@melissaohh yeh. he had cancer didnt he? " "@miamiiboii dead @ yu gettin on wen im leavin " "@michelletripp Don't be too bummed. Saw it @ IMAX Sydney (largest in the world) "; felt it was too big. Action seqs were all a blur to me " "@miketopia my parents were supposed to be at vegas this weekend but didn't go have enough fun for the both of us :] haha" "@MillyAye Short Stack are on tour - playing Sydney, Melb and Adelaide - no perth " "@Miss_Kookie im good mad my CAvS lost " "@MissSarcastic Youtube won't let me watch the vid for some reason " "@MissSydneyJ ahhhghhh.. they dont dance no mo all they do is dis." "@MissyatWSU Why? Seeing sad for you, Obama friend, and one whose the flames of liberalism power your objectives.. " "@MKoenigsberg don't be a meanie! it doesn't matter the weather out when i could go tanning anytime in a cancer machine!" "@mmitchelldaviss My Xbox Live isn't working either " "@modernmod yeah, last year we had to put Lucky (a rescue) to sleep due to cancer as well. Very sorry to hear about Benny @AdamSchwabe " "@mrhankmanthe3rd Hoping they do an early upgrade program again or i'm going to be even longer without an iphone " "@MrJRGregory Im 20 - believe me, I've tried! I'm just too ginger! Freckles join up on my face - that's it! get it out a bottle cancer ..." "@mrsaintnick hey! i'm leavin in the morning... " "@MusicSnob75 I want starbucks and have no time to stop before work " "@mykele sayyyy whaaaa? I wasn't invited... " "@Nahrain yeah, the torturer (Lynndee England), she's another sick puppy. " "@NASA NASA managers have decided to postpone the launch of space shuttle Endeavour due to the hydrogen leak. " "@nasalcrooner Envy you rascal.. I even missed out the Iron Maiden concert in Bangalore. I was in US then " "@nasamuffin Poor you...Gina doesn't let me sleep at all, let alone on her arm " "@nattysweetie jealous i was stuck inside hows london? xxx" "@naughtyhaughty I had on my page for sooooo long!!! Until it got deleted Sad day in history" "@nchokkan https://www.mycomicshop.com/search?TID=395031 But all says not in stock " "@nenasayshi sooo i missss youu! " "@nick_carter Aww Nick!! I like your hair longer, why did you cut it off? Break. My. Heart." "@nick_carter I will wait for you at fanclub chat.. even tough you're not my favorite " "@nicolerichie I cried so hard when Matthew died " "@nicolerichie yes! we had the VHS. i cried when the old man died " "@ninaland Nightmare..the worst thing about following you is all the great locations you mention. And I’m just stuck here in sunny London " "@NoelBajandas Mira, I can't come to class... I have a fever... gonna stay in bed.... .... Next week?" "@NoLoveInTheCity Morning Princess....I couldnt find your youtube..i was sad " "@Noufah wanasa , I wish I can have lunch at home I usually be there at 7 pm or later :S" "@nrg07 i knooww.. i once watched marley and me and oprah at the same day, and i sick of crying " "@Nusretnina I know how you feel, it had the same effect on me!! Its the 3rd anniversary of my mums death to cancer tomorrow xx" "@oanhLove I hate when that happens... " "@ObamaNews Your pages are being redirected to nowhere. " "@octolinz16 It it counts, idk why I did either. you never talk to me anymore " "@OfficialRandL when is the announcement? i stayed up late last night " "@OhRikki lmao. I dont wanna be the official child molester of twitter though Obama already stole that title from me :/ Fuckin Jagerbombs." "@onehunnidt Amen to that. I hate the Lakers so I really hope Orlando takes it cuz the Cavs lost it " "@Oprah Miss you, no twitter " "@oprah Tyler Perry was a first time voter?........ Australia is wayyyy behind in Oprah eps. " "@parkerbrookie :yeah it definitely doesnt work i was hoping it was like a secret # that could transfer you to Obama or something.." "@peterfacinelli i was going to go to the twilight talk in sydney cause u were there. im not allowed stupid parents your the best actor!!" "@Polkadotperla sigh..... broken dreams there's alot of obama look alikes!!!!!!!! it's still possible!!!! lol" "@Poohpot lmao im sorry poohpot i ate it all! " "@pratama Same iMac came out $320 more in Indonesia than the States. " "@praxxis To each their own though - I'll stick to PC/XBox360 gaming, Wii makes me sad these days " "@pricelessrock my fever is gone!!! Now I'm just trying to get my energy back...I sweated and coughed so much I'm drained " "@PrincessSuperC Cavs down by 20 3 mins left... just in case u arent watching.. its over for Lebron " "@pspaddict007 i dont wanna be in the club! " "@psprkl @sdoyon It's bad for their little baby ears " "@QuanDotCom I miss mine too! " "@QueenB_212 @lalavazquez your moy is so sick on her bday high fever I think I might take her to the ER" "@qweendassah no...he's still miss'n... " "@RachelCmrn I don't like goodnights " "@raczilla I guess this means no Cavs championship T shirt from @Dewiel " "@radsnowgirl Man, now I feel so sorry for the nice guy full of prostate cancer " "@razzman Hmmm...Lebron vs. Kobe shattered. " "@realjohngreen i wish i lived in sydney or melbourne" "@RealKidPoker You're in Wolverine?! Now I know I'm never gonna receive a Twitter reply or get to meet u during my Vegas trip this year. " "@Rhyanath Oh... sorry to hear that. Cancer is a nasty thing. Sounds like it's going to be a difficult few weeks for you. " "@ricochetsrapid sorry buddy... I haven't been on facebook hope things get better" "@RiskyBusinessMB wish u guys were gonna be in vegas next weekend " "@rjman23 waiting for the iPod touch 3.0 jailbreak for pc to come out....itouch4life said it's not gonna be out today " "@rmilana headache.. worst thing in the world *hate it* " "@RobHolladay it looks like lebron is going home " "@Rocker182 Sweet. No better game to be able to play anywhere than that. Too bad I don't have my PSP on me today. " "@rockstardriver bummer i wanted to meet u in seattle " "@rorschach_xxx Poor Mavs. And Yao's out Makes the Lakers' job easier. #Pity" "@Rove1974 @Pink is our hero too! Love her! Wanna go see her in Brisvegas again but sadly my bank balance wont let me " "@RubyRose1 prop 8 didn't pass... again? OMG why does it even have to go to a vote. Obama should just work his magic? " "@rumblepurr lol.. wish they understood daylight savings has ended though and breakfast is an hour later They keep waking the kids up too" "@RumLover An empty rum barrel is a sad rum barrel. *shakes head* the horror, the horror. " "@RumLover No! u supposed to be my date " "@RyanSeacrest is it just me, or she hates anoop. i mean seriously, she's kinda mean to him. " "@SallytheShizzle poor salsal *HUGS* i get headaches from my short sited..ness, when i dont wear my glasses and try focus long distances." "@sanasaleem should have turned me into muffin " "@sanasaleem Since when? I'm officially broke, everyone knows that " "@sanasam im not icant afford it." "@Saraa_xD What I TRIED to say was 'it seems like the people of Facebook don't agree'... I guess I fail -cries-" "@SarahAMurdoch tahnee and lola are defs my favs! Im an addict and have to get my hit from youtube though- apt block doesnt have cable!! " "@SarahCowan my doctor told me to stop caffine. I'm like a tea " "@SarahReedSC treaty isn't defined " "@SeattleRealEst8 439 calories" "@SeattleRoll meep yeah. hope she can tolerate the operation. so big, it shouldn't be easy. " "@seattlewire, I want to keep following u, but all the repeated tweets u do r outta control! " "@sebr get a ticket? North Sydney Council left a parking turd on our car today too " "@selenagomez i'm so sorry the youtube video you accidentally deleted was the dance video one i was just about to watch it again..." "@seriog tried, it allows only chars, numbers and underscore I'll go with jankowarpspeed" "@shalin99 I knw yar... I hated it too... its a big headache ... m also very tired... still have one whole year to go... " "@ShantiSaha ugh now I feel retarted, and jayz is gonna be at tao and diddy is gona be vegas too fight nights are so fun oh well" "@Shari58 Still got the fever " "@shaundiviney hey radio staion the 101.3 one dnt work for sydney it just flick 2day fm playing im on a boat" "@shigirl2224 aww sorry ur feelin sick still hun. i wrote ya a comment on facebook a few hrs ago-didya get it?i gotta b at gym by 9am ..." "@sickathanavg know how that goes. How old is your son? I have baby fever. I get it every spring my nephew has given me the worst case." "@simondoggett I would like to install iphone 3.0 but phone is with the insurance company with a huge crack in the screen " "@SimoneKali Get me an autograph and shout out! You have to record it though. My computer is dead so I can't listen. " "@sjtryon hey. Quick Q. What was the iphone general gps/map app you recommended? Totally eludes my feeble brain at the moment " "@skybits Thanks! Link won't work on my 3yr old very-much-not-an-iPhone Phone though, sadly. Rationing last 20 pages of novel " "@slewlakers that's was I was thinking shit hope he does!" "@SongzYuuup the Cavs arent doing their job offensively...cant win, if you dont make shots..i think its a wrap " "@spikezezel me dislikes, idc abt 'sweet home alabama' being ripped off, but the 'werewolves of london' ruining makes me sad " "@SportsfanPJ fudge. -__- i missed it. i would have re-told him my story about us meeting him in Vegas " "@spryken ah, I'm so sorry it I played a game of PSP with my friend tonight, and returned a while ago." "@StaceeyLeigh He lives in Seattle I think TOO FAR AWAY" "@starbucksapron just always really awkward...we just don't have anything to say to each other evidently. " "@starbucksapron NOOOOOOOOOO! the one i was happy to hear about is now taken away " "@starbucksapron we got an email from Igor, but have to decline our logos " "@starbucksqueen I'm sorry " "@startonomics: @vishnupsp oooh, dowry is another topic we cud debate 4 days, and end up confused. i failed miserably in all my attempts. " "@Stefter I wish. I was going to walk to Starbucks, but decided to just make some. mediocre coffee." "@stephenkruiser I'm so sorry to hear about your dog " "@stephenkruiser I'm so sorry to hear that. It's always sad when we lose those close to us, as we loved them." "@stephenkruiser So sorry to hear about your dog. " "@stephenkruiser that's horrible sorryto hear that." "@stephnewby there is a virus going around congestion, throw up, " "@stereoqueenbee ugggh, I feel you. I'm getting sick now too, burning throat, feverish BOOOOO" "@Steve_Buscemi the weather in Canada is freezing " "@sudam08 yes, someone hasn't been reading my posts properly " "@sugarlandmusic we were second to starbucks slow down on the clues so we can get back!" "@superfro432 we came in second. No vegas for us this year " "@supersport I miss my buddy ill be in NY on the 25th" "@suzieqjenny what??? No more iPhone??? Are you crazy??? " "@sweeetnspicy hiii im on my ipod...i cant fall asleep " "@sweetbaboo1979 Have 2 -Angel is our old gal, nearly 11 and Sadie is her daughter. Angel's age catching up 2 her-cancer,joint failure " "@SweetSoaps OMG OMG!! Good luck! I've been through the Oprah process myself but it ended in disappointment. " "@syamira723 i really wanna watch that, but my dad is watching oprah! " "@sydneyfamous well i thought i was goona lose my job b/c my boss just kept yelling at me today " "@taptam_76 I can't...the Blackberry is a work perk so if I move to an iPhone they won't pay for my bills " "@taylorswift13 @selenagomez @ddlovato Please pray for my friend's dog Mikey, he may has cancer " "@taylorswift13 please come back to australia taylor!!! i missed going to sydney concert as i was sick with bronchitis " "@tea oh! i'm so sorry i didn't think about that before retweeting." "@technologyfr8k no sadly I don't have an iPhone " "@teefury Not seeing it. The Facebook preview? looked all up and down your body.... of your web page Still nvr got shrt U snt. BURROWISH " "@TerrenceJ106. U should have told her and that voice box gone b bad 2 if ur ass keep on smokin them cancer sticks lol" "@ThaStevieG but what I really want is my old bass back " "@the8333696 no chance of that here! YouTube and ALL networking sites are blocked.. Can't even get onto flickr at work anymore " "@thebig0 how can you dislike obama? he likes mustard! and hamburgers! and basketball!" "@thecoolestout Ehhh don't. Weather's gonna take a turn for the ugly tomorrow " "@thecoolestout Ha the sun's already gone " "@TheDCD Heheh true. But the bulk is PS2, really. Sorry, no Xbox. " "@TheEllenShow Josiah Leming's mom lost her battle to cancer yesterday Such an amazing woman. I hope you will have him on your show again." "@TheiPodKid that ain't fun " "@therealnph Twitter hates us both then. " "@thilanwij omg dudee, i didn't saw your i.m on facebook! so sorry anyway, back at cha with the hi!" "@thisishanasays I MISS YOU SOOOOOOO MUCH " "@TiffanyTran i sure am tiff... but now the fever's gone only cough and running nose.. sigh i wonder if wendy's sick..." "@TikkaMadsen @gogomago what are you two up to? Ah shit, Miguel's gone? I wonder if he blames Obama for Twitter, LOL..." "@TJ_Sopher damn right - the grill is always open down here " "@TKayla Beware. Atlantic City casinos are not nearly as generous as those in Vegas. Even the Enchanted Unicorn ate all my monies " "@tommcfly back to England? South America will miss you please come back soon" "@tommcfly brazilian fans are jealousy because of what you talk about Chile Tommy " "@tommcfly doesn't has it to sell in Brazil. I'M CRYINGGG! " "@tommcfly I already miss you guys! One day you will come back to Brazil, won't you? " "@tommcfly ooo starbucks. damn for me not having radio 1 on though " "@tommcfly south america will miss you! and brazil is already missing " "@tommcfly that youtube link isnt avaliable in england Xx" "@tommcfly Tooom, come back to Brazil " "@tommcfly Why we didnt have meet and greet in Brazil? The videos in argentina are making me so sad It isnt fair.." "@tommcfly you've made me want a starbucks frappuccino that's just cruel" "@TVreeland Aww Denver Nuggets.. you tried Better luck next time. Darn Lakers." "@TweetRamona too bad it's in seattle.. " "@una_avion2010 Sorrry, I'm doing like 29823782 different things. Kevin Jonas' Girlfriend " "@uncleweed down in Seattle for the weekend will have to miss Canucks Outsider Will try and tune in though!" "@uniquebritt is talking crap to me cause the lakers won thats not even fair!!! they cheated...lol " "@untrainedninja I use tweetdeck for my mb while I use tweetie for my iPhone but once I get stuck in API he'll, both apps don't work. " "@vene2ia ...not yet unfortunately, another few weeks I've been told How are you? I've been a little bit busy with my latest project." "@VerseTheVillain No problem! Sad thing is I can't listen to it 'cause my phone won't load the player is it in YouTube form or will it be?" "@vickytcobra i'm sorry your day wasn't so good does it make you feel better to know you're beating oprah on ms twitterworld?" "@Vicstar Game's over.. Screw the Lakers" "@vishnupsp sob...sob... wish i were there too mate....!" "@vishnupsp yea man, Missing #bck5 really hard. I am at Ma College of Engg, Kothamangalam, what do you do..?" "@wehadatime If you figure it out, I'll co-author a book with you. Sadly Oprah likely won't let us on her show. " "@winggato no free comp lol " "@winstano the new psp looks horrrrriiiiid " "@xcaix I am suffering with hayfever today dam you pollen!!" "@xerocint Nice. I wish I hadn't updated my PSP's firmware. " "@youngobama ok baby! damn son just ate the last piece sorry" "@ZacBriley ouch harsh lol well then just reply to me on facebook? or dont even talk too me " "@zarigee i got mcdonalds, surpisingly its not a popular drunk food option. its sucks that all diners aren't 24hrs here anymore" "@ZRHERO Yeah and yeah. But i cant go on it atm cause the xbox is in my brothers room and hes locked his door cause hes out " "*Sad news for the ABC Action News family* Gary Papa passed away today from Cancer.......... He'll be missed! " "/me has headache " "#3 woke up and was having an accident - " "#3turnoffwords " "#Cavs lost, Lebron may be the king but he needs more help from his people! worst day ever." "#haveyouever wished microsoft never had to update xbox live? i'm so sad i can't play cod4 live. " "#inaperfectworld i would have enough money to buy tickets for the jonas brothers and taylor swift concerts " "#nasa #shuttle endeavour launch scrubbed. engineers unable to fix hydrogen leak. What?! (via @ryantxr) crud " "#shaundiviney#bradiewebb... ...dang it.1st sydney show ss sold out..my driver didnt get ticket .." "#xbox live is down o well i guess i will jus have to play my ps3 then" "06:38 to London Liverpool Street. A bit of time to sort my photographs and to start reading Dot Robot. Didn't find time for a coffee " "123 more days until i get to see Taylor Swift in concert...thats way to long " "20 mins from home and i owe john 3 shots cause the cavs lost " "28 days without rain in Seattle. That had to end... today " "2morrow will be day one of no smoking, don't expect to last long, Thank's a lot @barackobama 4 taking my one joy and doubling the price " "5:30am I'm fuckin tired... Up for more than 24 hours straight no naps gnite for now Vegas http://twitpic.com/7w83x" "6:39am: getting ready to go to school. i'm looking for my PSP though, i can't leave the house without it. " "8 from 8. England are heading for defeat " "A bit of poker tonight, 45 man $6.50 SNG, I came in 4th. Trip to vegas next week might not happen " "A colleague from Thailand I've worked with many times and has been suffering from cancer passed away last night. Crying on train. " "A killer headache put me to sleep earlier and now I am up " "A king sized bed is nice but sad and lonely with no hubby, puppy, or kitty I am over this whole conferenceing thing." "A word of caution for would be McDonalds free coke cups collecters. The glass is not the same color on each cup. We have brown and purple " "About to lose a respected friend to cancer " "after seeing Ronan's latest update : I wish I was in London right now " "Ahh! I wish I hadn't had McDonalds yesterday... its not good for the skin " "All good Xbox 360 news from E3, but I'm bummed that we have to wait until fall for the NXE updates " "all ready 4 hospital in the morning, may the cancer fight begin " "Allergies sucks sometimes. Theres a super adorable 9 month old beagle named Sydney hanging out with my roomie and his friend. Can't pet. " "almost freaking out cause of this damn headache " "Also"0";"please don't eat VEAL people. just saw a video of how calves are reared then slaughtered on oprah - so sad for the poor baby cows " "although i was committed to #OS3, the iPhone activation service had other ideas, probably overloaded, Bah! " "am i living in Seattle with all this rain? Soggyboggyfoggy " "Am I seriously about to go to mcdonalds? No other option at this hour " "Am so tired!! I have a poorly twin with a fever and diahorrea " "Amazing reception!! Too bad about the Cavs " "amazon s3 plugin not worked in my website . it need PHP 5 . but my hosting provider has only PHP 4.4 . very sad." "and before shopping im going to visit my best friend...He has blood cancer since october i miss him so much, but we talk everyday" "And somehow I still end up in this place " "And the hayfever begins " "and the labtop just got messed up now i cant look at the lessons and tips i hope the psp can go to the website " "And then an overlay of a pic of her face bleeding in the style of those Obama hope posters. " "Another good @londonhackspace. Wifi sucked tho, usually motivation for the nerd in me to socialise but I actually had a lot of work to do " "Anybdy else sad to see LeBron not in the finals? I know I'm not Looking fwd to the Magic against the Lakers!!" "Anybody have advice on who to use for printing biz cards besides Overnight (bad experience) " "anyone else having problems accessing TTB??? I cant get on!!! " "Anyone using #TweetDeck? Their latest version update v0.25.1b still does not allow me to response #Facebook status... " "Apparently it works but the facebook app crashes " "Apple Now Charging to Re-Download Apps on the iPhone? http://bit.ly/rwa5x (via @iphonefanatics) this makes a sence to me anyway!! " "Argh crap just remembered we go visitors over tonight wanted to veg out and play xbox." "Argh why does Megan have to be in Sydney... I have no one to hang with tonight " "Argh! How 2 fly with a stupid headache. so sad - http://tweet.sg" "ARGHHH. Having a major " "arghhhh, i dunno where my ipod is " "arrgh! Spent hour and half trying to fix Xbox Live when its down for maintenance. No wonder it doesn't work " "Arrived in Seattle. Sad the trip is over so soon. " "As i read a few minutes ago... the visit of Obama in dresden is only an accommodation to Merkel (German chancellor).No touristic program " "At home, and bored as hell. The Lakers 2-2 " "at sydneys going away party its sad to see a very good friend move" "at work, ready to start my day...I miss my babies already. What am I going to do without them for 6 days while I'm in Vegas? " "Attending MeM2009 conference in London. Very boring so far " "aunties house, aww they all went home to vegas " "Aw man I've actual made myself sick by being hooked on nasal spray my nose and throat are fucked " "awhh. going home from Vegas. :'( but im going back in June" "aww david cook's brother passed away from brain cancer wishing you the best, david!" "aww i feel bad for lebron, he tried so hard but he has no other help on his team he's still king james!" "aww this earthquake in Italy has made me sad just saw the pics on the news, it's terrible." "Awwwwwww poor Lebron can't win the division series o well time for the lakers to beat the magic... I hope" "Back from Cleveland! Miss it already Listened to Lauren sing the whole 3 hour drive back home- felt like Gayle and Oprah on a roadtrip" "back in England missin my Vegas friends " "Back to single mom... Guess that means cereal, McDonalds and cookies for dinner again!" "Because of my dog she was loose! " "Bed. Class 8-12. Work 12-3. Gym 3-5 or 6. Then class 6-10. Another day that's gonna fly by. I miss my girlfriend " "Bedtime sneak attack headaches suck " "bedtime, school tomorrow, and i still have no books being broke suckssss" "Been ill for two days But I have now got xBox Live so If you wanna add me tell me!" "Been to opticians,referred to hospital tomorrow to check ever closing,painful,headache inducing eyes so won't be on air today Catherine" "being bored at homee " "Betsey is up sick! Fever and throwing up! poor baby girl!!!" "Beyonce's new single during which she says " "blegghhhh i have to go to work " "Bored i Can't Even Go On YouTube? " "brazil is sad, because air france 447 " "Brazilian keratin treatment apparently means no washing your hair for 4 days. It's only day two and I'm already stringy and greaser gross " "Broadband plan 'a massive broken promise' http://tinyurl.com/dcuc33 via www.diigo.com/~tautao Still waiting for broadband we are " "Btw, no more random comments about Jordan and his iPod. last class I have with him." "bumming it because CAVS lost...i feel so bad for Lebron " "Burned his hand on the grill at McDonalds I guess it will be harder to finger dick hungry girls tonight :/" "Bye bye Vegas! Helloo long ass drive home " "Can't believe Cutner is dead on House! Sad day. in Santa Rosa, CA http://loopt.us/ORPL3A" "Can't believe I have to wait til Thursday to see my Cavs play " "Can't even watch the Lakers parade Came home early and everythang, just for it" "Can't finish my damn homework. Fifty more questions to go. I want to play xbox " "can't go on facebook because, for the first time in 5 1/2 years, someone change my password!!!!! Oh well... I'll explore other apps now " "Can't watch Apple's iPhone 3 presentation on iPhone http://bit.ly/AY4Eu" "Cancer is such a deadly horrible disease... We need to unite and fight to cure cancer for all... To many people lose the fight... So sad " "Cancer sucks, and the worst part is seeing what the chemo side effects are on my little girl " "cant be bothered to get a starbuckss if my sis was here get it for me I MISS HER!!! i feel sooooooooo feel like upset" "carnt belive getaway plan had there last show in sydney and i wasnt allowed to go ima so sad" "CASH RULES EVERYTHING AROUND ME " "Cavs are done. My free time just increased..... " "Cavs are fucked. They just can't win in Orlando I guess. No Kobe/Lebron dream match this year " "Cavs lose, and everyone witnessed. Nike will probably need a new ad campaign. Pens lost though so sports score today is 1-1." "Cavs lost I'm really upset. I'm going to bed." "Cavs well it's over for Lebron and the Cavs... " "chillin re-watching INSIDE THE OBAMA WHITE HOUSE...I love our Pres and his family " "cloudy in london please don't rain " "Coke Zero mobile site broken... on iPhone anyway... http://twitpic.com/2y5xp" "Completely forgot that Trav wanted to play XBox tonight " "contacting iPhone activation server - and thats as far as I go " "continental check-in at seatac was so brutal. waited 30 minutes to get my boarding passes printed... worse yet... starbucks is closed. " "Cooperstown and the wedding were nice, but my grandfather got v. sick, v. quickly. Cancer is everywhere. They are making him comfortable. " "Crap!!! I just broke my $35 headphones from my iPod I need to buy a new one, but I can't spend that money right now " "Crap. I need more dresses too. " "Crazy wind today = no birding http://ff.im/1XTTi" "Crying, Watching Oprah. A little boy who lost his legs. What a sweet " "Currently trying to get to level ten on this vampire thing, still wishing my damn PSP would work. Have to wait til Monday to get it fixed " "Damm back to school tomorrow " "Damn @omgk I finally hit 10k and I have been on #xbox for over 3 years " "damn apple for teasing that itunes now supports iphone software ver 3.0 " "Damn bought 2 Xbox live games now cant download either of them , live #fail" "Damn Cavs won!! Ready for the Lakers tomorrow!!!" "Damn I left town and forgot the charger for my iphone. Major " "damn it 150 on xbox . . . but lets see how much it really costs in vegas " "Damn it, Lakers won't be starting their parade outside my workplace. " "DAMN LAKERS! I wanted ORLANDO to WIN! " "Damn Lebron Kobe SHowin Who Should Of Been MVP This Year 2 Damn i'm lookin stupied hoping u guys can pull a comeback from 3-1 " "Damn the cavs lost I lost sum chippaz " "Damn u silverstone. wotya have to hold the racing on the day i'll be travelling back from middle england!! Booo!! " "Damn, booted up the xbox for the first time in ages and Live is down for maintenance! " "Damn.... Cleveland lose can't believe it..... Lebron got... Absoluty.... Shut .... Down....." "Damn...really bad headache from early morning! " "David Cook's little brother passed away from cancer " "definitely no vacation for me... http://plurk.com/p/mzygb" "Demographics for my Youtube channel. 96% Male, 4% Female. And I still haven't gotten any hot dates out of it. " "did ALL our work in one day and now im paying for it with one hellofa headache My man went to get McDonalds for dinner so i dont cook xxo" "Disappointed! Lebron James is a sore loser! " "doc said: bed rest.. sore throat " "Does anyone want to buy me Taylor Swift tickets? I just want to take my sister. And I didn't win them on the radio. " "Doesn't look good for the cavs " "doesn't twitter near enough. It's been a bad sporting weekend, Freo and the Cavs both lost. " "Doing homework cannot be bothered. Putting my PSP on ebay as i don't need and i need some money." "Doing nothing in math so I'm listening to my iPod and trying to find a game to play on my iPhone... very unsuccessful so far " "Doing the opposite of a rain dance - apparently, if it doesn't stop raining at Lord's in the next 30 mins or so, England are out " "don't feel well and certain things are giving me a headache " "Down with a nasty fever " "Dropped my iPhone, now it has a horrible scratch think it's trying to commit suicide because it knows it's not a 3GS." "E! News BREAKING: Farrah Fawcett has died of cancer at age 62 " "England are rubbish. Wrong captain. Wrong selection. Only 2 batsmen. Jimmy Anderson was awful. Gutted. " "everyone go to youtube and look up " "Eww going to mcdonalds! im freakin sick of fast food. im going to barf.. " "Ewww. This McDonalds iced caramel latte I'm drinking tastes like dirt. The commercials make them look so good!! I hate coffee. . .yuckkk! " "exhausted and I have a brutal headache " "Facebook ads suck The ROI is about 1/20th of Google. Mostly accidental clicks. Spent hundreds of dollars with very low conversion." "Facebook doesn't load " "facebook is being a 'tard -.-'' I can't get a hold of my cousin and don't want to go out alone, 'cause that's no fun " "facebook is BOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENG " "Facebook is freaking out. Apparently I have no friends. Yesterday I had 642. " "facebook is stuck on stupid " "Facebook just froze Firefox. " "Facebook Make me SAD T.T" "Facebook.com isint letting me change my profile picture " "Falling asleep. Just heard about that Tracy girl's body being found. How sad My heart breaks for that family." "Farah Fawcett " "Farrah Fawcett died this morning from cancer. " "Farrah Fawcett has passed away after losing her battle with cancer. - http://bkite.com/08Tv6" "Farrah Fawcett, star of " "Feeling bad My stomach hurts. Going to have lunch and watch Oprah at 3 o'clock - that will make me feel better" "feeling feverish... I hate getting sick during the winter " "feeling lost, naked and confused (JK, sort of).....no iphone for me. " "Feeling quite sorry for England cricket team at the moment They did not have a great game yesterday" "feeling the need for some tea from Starbucks, but @valeriehanneken isn't here to join my coffee trip " "Feels sad my best friend Skippy is not going to be in London Thanks for ruining that T! "0";"I wish Fallout 3 was on the PSP...but only because that's all I have with me right now " "Fell asleep . . . Really didn't mean too *christina*" "Fever Fever Go Away! Come again another day! Sneeezzzeee! Awwwww " "Fever is on the up and up " "Fever, headache, fatigue - got the bug from the kids. Water and Airborne did not help. " "Fly With Me- Jonas Brothers sick 101.5 fever.... " "for the first time since i got my iphone, tonight and tomorrow morn i think ill avoid twitter just in case i see something i dont want to " "forgot about my english coursework " "Found out that @Astro_Mike was NOT really tweeting from the space shuttle. It was just someone @ NASA. Bummer, I was so diggin that dude! " "Frustrated that Xbox Live is down, and Netflix sent me the wrong damn video. Homework it is " "fuck oprah is sad today " "Full of hayfever today and feeling crap. " "Funeral today for Blake Kurtz cancer is yucky!" "FYI xbox live is down for maintenance that sucks " "GAH! I hate it when my children get a fever in the summer stupid bugs! STUPID WEATHER!!!" "Gah! Headache! Gah!....also wayyy to many meetings " "Getting ready to go home today. Leaving Vegas " "god i get feckin nose spray for my hayfever now my eyes are icthy as fuck!!!!!!!! why does summer do this to me " "God I'm still sad ! I wanted to go to the Jonas Brothers show in London ! I'd kill to see the Jonas Brothers and McFly playing together" "god its so depressing to be back in england after a brilliant weekend brilliant do tho and my cousin looked really nice on her wedding da" "Going home to Sydney tomorrow. I hope I won't get too bored at home, also, I have a strange feeling I will miss people in Canberra a lot " "going thru town and traffic on bypass is stink " "Going to a funeral/memorial service. Ugh, I wish we would find a cure for cancer already. " "Going to bed early, I got a headache... " "Going to bed. I am not feeling well today. Got a fever. " "Going to sound vain... but running out of my fav lip gloss " "Going to starbucks to study. I hate finals week " "Going to the shower. I hate Londons weather at the moment " "Good afternoon Twerts! I'm satying at home. Thanks to the fever and........the rashes. " "Good Morning peoples, I missed McDonalds breakfast! " "Good morning. I finally have a fever to go along with my colds. Might have to skip rehearsals tonight. This sucls!" "goodmorning, my hay fever is acting up again.. bluhhh " "Google contacts on Pre. Problem is that it imports all contacts while the iphone just imports 1 folder 'my contacts'. Have to clean'em up " "Got a bad headache boo FML!" "Got a fever, and this ain't the disco kind " "Got a headache " "Got a headache!!! " "got a sniffle, got the kids and hubby just left to work in Sydney for the weekend, boo hoo " "got disconnected of xbox live 1 vs 100 after having more than 30,000 at start " "Got Fever so tired" "got headache, fever i can't go anywhere because i'm sick :'(" "Got headaches for 3 days now " "got highly bored today scanning 24 pages for daddy. Had to do it! " "gots a headache and baby eric's got a fever crying fussy baby=no fun" "gotta repeat whole art folio cuz old one with a whole terms work got wet " "Gpsphone is no longer free by the update it asks for a donation , if you dont donate you cant update the gba emulator " "gr8t my face is very itchy " "Grr not down to go to school today " "Grrrrr....my mother found me on facebook. Now I have to watch what I say. Facebook is suddenly becoming WAY less cool " "Guantanamo is still open, I thought Obama promised to close it " "guess I have to wait another year to see Taylor Swift " "Guess I will go to bed...Cavs lost " "guess we won't be going out tonight... little one has a fever " "gutted that our trip to london NEVER happened. maybe another time ... " "ha, the sun is shinin, shit! Got to do the garden L:Oswestry, England, United Kingdom:" "had a blast at the Getty Villa, but hates that she's had a sore throat all day. It's just getting worse too " "had a cold.. I can't breathe.. gotta headache, nose is 'tuffy, sore throat, I ust wanna lay down and sleep forever!!... " "Had to curtail my scooter ride due to rain...this place is geting like Seattle " "had to miss out on lunch...random sickness watching oprah's big give in bed" "Had to take Ash " "Hamu is on my tour tm!!!! I'm excited " "happy fathers day to all the fathers out there!!!!! unfortunatly im not celebrting, my dad died coz of cancer when i was 8 xxx" "Happy to have my solar drawing on http://www.sydneyobservatory.com.au/blog/ The sun has now left the Irish skies usual clouds are back." "has a broken iphone " "has a headache " "has a headache " "has a huuuge headache! omg I feel like crap! " "has a lot on her mind. I needs to make some moneys. And ideas. Nowhere is hiring! " "has a major headache Beer...." "has a massive headache " "has a mild left inner ear infection.. and its got this irritating “ "has a stupid stomach ache and fever " "has hayfever and can't be arsed with being grounded. i hate it." "has hurt her ankle!! and is going to the dr " "has just got home with a headache and a lot of worries http://plurk.com/p/y4i9y" "has lost his ring. It's no-where to be seen " "Has now gotten somebody to read his tweets, but cant get them to make an account. " "has the worst sinus headache " "hates waiting for mails " "have a really sore throat and i think i also have a fever not good" "Have to log out , I have a terrible headache....see you in a while " "Having an issue installing 3.0 as my iPhone refuses to backup Then again, I've not been able to get it to backup for months." "having an upstairs downstairs fight over the sky+ with my step dad. i want oprah and he want's have i got news for you.... he won " "Having problems setting up Cairo Dock on Ubuntu Some of the cairo themes I saw on youtube look awesome!" "Hayfever S.O.S.! Forget about Xyzall, Zyrtec, Aerius or Allerfre. Who's got stuff that WORKS for me? I'm dying out here (esp. my eyes)... " "Hayfever time not good!" "headache i still wait my DVD... I need McFly!!!" "Headache and yardwork = miserable hell " "Headache, bed, work in the morning, then busy all day tomorrow. " "Heard my baby is running a fever and not feeling good. Wishing I was home. " "Heard the sad news. I suppose no more Lebron v. Kobe commercials " "heartbroken over little sandra. prayers are with the family. " "Hello Twitters! Sorry I've been MIA, sitting @ the airport in Rome, getting ready to leave for London! I'm so going to miss it here!" "Herpes be gone! Bet quote of the night, " "hey, I actually won one of my bracket pools! Too bad it wasn't the one for money " "Hi there folks, hope you're having a great day " "Highly upset that I missed Buck. In other news, I also have a headache. BOO. " "hiia people, im new on this please be nice im going though a ruff time with my nan whos dieing of cancer xXx" "Hmm im usually dead right about night...ugh skool monday...looong spring/easter break ugh no more oprah ellen or kathie lee and hoda. " "Hmm im usually dead rite now...ugh skool monday..no more oprah ellen or kathie lee and hoda i wish u went to skool for a millisecond!!" "home for spring break. no one is home tho " "Home from Franklin street, I almost jumped over a fire. Someone kicked it before I could. Jenny lost her shoe." "Home sick. I have a sore throat and fever. " "home... have a headache. " "homework homework homework " "Hope kojima's teaser reveals a new metal gear solid, just hope it's not for PSP, or I'll have to buy one " "Hoping that just a single #squarespace might get me another iPhone. I need a 3G to test against !! Tired of sacrificing my personal phone " "horrible headache and i'm sad cause i just took my last pain pill " "hot - its hot in herrrr. 96 degrees in nashvegas and no pool " "How can the Teen Choice people possibly put Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift in the same category. That's not fair to me. " "How embarrassing is it to have a Russian newspaper make fun of us for abandoning capitalism in exchange for Obama-flavored fascism? Wow! " "http://seattle.craigslist.org/tac/mcy/1205308493.html damn when i find the bike i want in the color i want, i have not the cash " "http://twitpic.com/2y36e - cant see the flowers falling i dont have a camera, just my cellphone" "http://twitpic.com/7gteh - Not wanting to leave Vegas~ " "Hungover headache today got paid today = more drinking tonite on the + side I lost 2 more pounds on the diet... Hope today's quiet @ work" "I am bored " "I am listing more items on ebay to sell! Takes forever..meanwhile Coleman is watching The Hills season premier without me.. " "I am officially banning godaddy.com from my comp. My head hurts from the small print AND I wasted $10 that could've happily gone to Boba " "i am so upset right now...I'm still at work and about to die of sickness I've got a horrible fever and my ass shouldn't be here!! " "I am still 98 yrs old on Facebook. How How How? " "i am very disappointed at president Obama for not wanting to help Iran.this may be the only chance for iran to have freedom " "i am very sad xbox live is off line for a day no COD today" "I am... So Pissed off @ that game last night!... Damn It LeBron!... " "I can't believe the cavs ! " "I can't believe the cavs lost " "I can't find my Ipod Just tore the living room apart and never found it." "i can't get rid of my Facebook account " "I cant sleep and i think im getting a fever " "I dnt think this is a happy birthday fa my baby Melo lol oh well , I'm ready to see this Lakers/Cavs match-up!!" "i don't like lukewarm showers " "i don't see the big deal with this website " "I don't understand... I really don't " "I dropped my favorite @Starbucks travel mug and it cracked " "I eat mcdonalds way too much " "I feel better after eating but I still don't feel great. I have an awful headache. " "I feel feverish: sweaty and shivery. fever is a symptom of piggy flu. noooo " "i feel like a nobody...i don't even have any spam email no spam, no aim messages, no friends, no comments on site, no facebook stuff. " "I feel like I've not tweeted for so long, when in reality its been a day. I can't find my ipod " "I feel like shit. This is NOT the way I want to spend my birthday's eve " "i feel unloved. dropped 2 tweeters " "I finally found iPod headphones that are meant for apple. they're madddd loud. 2 days " "I forgot my iphone at home. I feel naked without it " "I forgot to mention that last night, I dreamt Oprah sent a photographer to kill Toiletface. And succeeded. I cried so hard in the dream. " "i got a realy bad headache " "I got my fone my iPod and my Comp lifes almost good. Theres just one thing mising,My girlfriend and I wuld trade evrythng to b with her" "i guess it's over for the cavs..... " "I haaattte hayfever. Piriton, claritin and antihistamines seem to not make any difference " "I had a dream Michelle Obama was stalking me. She was trying to pin flower broaches one me " "I had a horrible nightmare last night which affected my sleep, now I'm really tired " "I had a huge headache I wonder why I never get headaches or get sick often " "I had to bury my iPod and buy a new one. " "I hate converting movies just to put em on my itouch " "I hate having my eyes dialated....I have a headache " "i hate hayfever! " "i hate headaches " "I hate the fact that I'm genuinely excited about my last tweet " "i hate to see the spartans so sad " "I hate when I have to call and wake people up " "I hate when software update downloads updates without telling me. I never know what's downloading when it is " "i have a headache it hurts." "I have a headache " "I have a headache " "I have a headache and it won't go away " "I have a nasty headache. Must be rain heading to Worcester 2night. Could also be because it's my 1st full day back at work since Sunday " "I have had a 102. Fever all night. " "I have such a headache " "i have the biggest headache from playing golf all day " "i havent had starbucks in almost 6 months. and its makin my tummy hurt " "I hope Microsoft have fixed #xboxlive #marketplace this morning last night I was having 0 luck with it .. I want to play #samandmax " "I hope since @oprah is friends with @ev she doesn't make a call to get me destroyed #herebeforeoprah" "I just can't spell today, i totally suck " "i just found my old, broken, pink ipod nano. poor thing " "I just got the E 74 error from my Xbox 360"4";"@VegasBill Now that, I'd like to see. " "I just saw that they found that Tracy girl in a piece of luggage... How fucking terrible " "I just woke up, thanks to my friend screaming in my house..been in bed w a freakin headache. " "I keep drinking coffee wishing it was Starbucks " "I know my life has been flipped upside down when I just thought in my head that some Ramen sounds good. " "i left my IDs at the location and now i can not go out to bars FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKK" "i lost my ipod " "i made mcdonalds lose $1.57 cents today...im gunna get fired " "I miss him so much sosososo much. I wanna be in sydney" "I miss him. Can't wait to celebrate the Tar Heel win this weekend though!!" "i miss kenny powers " "i miss my ex soo much " "I miss my iPod...life just isn't the same without it " "i miss my psp " "i miss my PSP " "I miss watching Rocko's Modern Life. " "I miss you twitter. My phone broke, now I'm using a stupid Nokia phone. Ughhh, I miss my advance phone. " "I need tickets to see Taylor Swift! If only I could live closer to a BIG city! I would have so much more of an opportunity. College=poor " "I need to go to the bank tomorrow before I go broke... " "I reaaly miss john mayer's twitters. fuck rude people. Remove him if you don't like his tweets, bitchfucks." "i really feel bad bout eating a cheeseburger and a donut for dinner ugh! i so need to burn this off tomorrow! :| darn McDonalds!!!!" "i really hate how people diss my bands! Trace is clearly NOT ugly!" "i really need a new ipod i can't fit all my music onto my ipod nano." "I really need to stop checking my Facebook every 3 seconds hoping there's a message from Kyle " "I really wanna listen to some taylor swift right now. But all my cds are in my car at my parents house, since i borrowed moms car. " "I really want an iPhone, but I have to pay a few things off first. Why do I have to be so dang respo nsible?! " "I scratched my iPod " "i should be sleeping, i have a stressed out week coming to me. " "I still can't find my keys. " "I swear no matter how long I've been getting up at 5am, it never gets any easier. Man my eyes hurts wah " "I think I have a fever... Boo! - wanting me some cpk mexican tortilla soup!" "I think I have a little headache maybe becuz I have to study History..? :o)" "I think i officially killed my ipod " "I think I'm having fever " "i think im slowwly gettin addicted to facebook im such a book face ! lol wtf much ?" "I think Oprah and an extremely negative show " "i think to much on the past. i cant change it. i deserved so much more then wat i got. ..but why am i still thinking about him gah" "I thought I had a fly on my arm and was ready to go all Obama on the sucker, but then realised it didn't have wings. Twas a spider. Urgh " "i thought paulo was tomorrow BUT i did have a grand day in ayr. now i have 3rd degree burns and most likely skin cancer." "i thought today was gonna be a good one but disaster has struck i've dropped my psp and cracked the screen gutted." "I thought you could buy Silent Hill for the PSP on the PS Store? I can't find it anywhere? " "I updated to OS 3.0 on my iPod Touch. A few apps have stopped working. http://bit.ly/17nwOf" "i wanna go taylor swift concert in wembley!!!!! and miley in NEC but i cant afford miley " "i wanna meet @chrystinasayers sooo bad " "I wanna move to LA! Or Laguna beach. Or maybe London... but not here, in this small boring country. No celebs ever come here! uuuuh" "i wanna see Michael Jackson LIVE! Too bad i dont have enough money to go to England! " "I want a strawberry milkshake from Mcdonalds, shame i cant get there " "I want mcdonalds but the stupid lady on the line said their stupid people are busy " "i want my mom to come home so she can get mcdonalds for me i am starving" "I want my xbox back #codwaw #mp1 #MP2 #xbox #WTF #Need" "i want short stack to come to england already " "I want some fries from McDonalds. Im so hungry " "I want to listen to Taylor Swift's songs so that I can forget my problems.. but our computer is too slow " "I want to live in London so bad " "I want to move to London " "I want to play some xbox but my father is watching Tv and downstairs my brother is playing some crappy game " "I want to see king blues at the " "I was hoping my Starbucks would keep me awake to study last night... but Starbucks failed me and I fell asleep.. time to cram " "I wasn't worried about Xbox Live's downtime today, until I realize I also won't have Netflix on 360. " "i went to my room 2 hours ago to study for my econ exam tomorrow. but all i ended up doing was watching an epi of oprah and taking a nap. " "I wish diversity was like one of those musicians with loads of stuff on YouTube, but no #bgt" "I WISH I CAN GO ON YOUTUBE!!!! " "I wish I could censor out all iphone chatter at the moment. It just makes me sad that I don't have one nor can I afford one right now " "I wish I didn't live so far away from central London " "I wish i was going to a Taylor Swift concert this summer...Sigh.. " "I wish I'd studied harder at school, I always wanted to work in the NASA control room *sighs*" "I wish taylor swift was coming to glasgow. " "I wish we had a Starbucks here - I'd KILL for a caramel mochiatta!!! Guess I'll just have to make do with a green tea ...yet again!! " "I wished I wouldn't be so tired ... and with headache ... no interest in going drinking or anything life sucks" "i work sunday so i gota watch the lakers ownin at work i wish i could have drank a beer to toast with them" "I would have bet a hundred bucks it would b Cleveland " "I'm always in school everytime Tom tweets @TomFelton Please tweet in the afternoon (in England time) (((((" "i'm bored dude ¬¬ nobody wants to take me to mcdonalds... " "I'm clearly a lakers hater... Just FYI " "i'm crying so much! i can't watch the mcfly videos in Brazil! they're so perfect! i wanted to go back in time! love ya! i want them! " "I'm doing my homework. It's gosh darn hard!! " "I'm feeling very nasaly today " "I'm getting a headache. " "I'm having seattle withdrawls " "I'm not happy that I can't watch communitychannel's videos on my iPod. " "I'm off too bed. I gotta wake up hella early tomorrow morning. " "I'm really cold. I don't want to go to sleep yet but there's nothing to do " "I'm really sad about Farrah I HATE cancer! I wish we could find something to BEAT that disease!" "i'm sad because @jacvanek mentioned london.... oh how i miss it " "I'm sad the Cavs won because that means Josh is going to game 6 Saturday night instead of karaoke with the rest of us! " "I'm sad! I was planning on seeing Taylor Swift in concert. I went to look up how much the tickets cost and it said 'SOLD OUT'.This stinks " "I'm seriously upset/sad about my ipod " "I'm so upset that I missed my chat and quiz online because my free internet has ceased " "I'm sooo sad!!! they killed off Kutner on House whyyyyyyyy" "I'm soooo hungry!!! And all I see is McDonalds. I guess I'll be having a Two Cheeseburger meal for lunch." "I'm still waiting for the Oprah touch " "I'm stuck awake in the middle of the night for the second day in a row. And I felt terrible yesterday. " "I'm tired. I feel like crap. And the world feels all crummy. Make me happy, USB disco mouse. " "I'm TORN between a PalmPRE and iPhone 3G S. The keyboard on the Pre is too small for my hands HELP!!" "I'm tweetless without miPhone can't wait for the new one...which is shipping from....china?" "i'm very poor and can't afford to buy anything i would like an iphone for the price of free #Squarespace" "I've had a headache for 2 days and it won't go away " "I've had a headache for 3 days straight went to the doc and I am dehydrated drinking lottttts of water now!" "I've had such bad hayfever these past days " "I've just noticed that my right eye is majorly swollen, damn hay fever! And just saw the must shocking news on T.V,David Carradine died. " "i've only been in sydney for 3 hrs but I miss my friends especially @ktjade!!!" "I`m looking for a job as a english/spanish translator in England, Spain or America, but I don`t know where to start looking. " "If any one comes across my air mattress, camera, or ipod, give me a ring. Son of a bitch " "ill so i cant go to the cinema!! " "im lonely keep me company! 22 female, california" "im so tired of work...i need a life.... " "im sooo sad right now i need a hug" "im soooooooooooooo booooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrred an i havent even been finished exams for a day damn you xbox live. damn u to hell" "im sorry cavs...but its gonna be lakers vs magic give up now!!" "in biology class. my lip hurts " "IN DESPERATE NEED FOR IPHONE MONEY (srsly, me needs a phone that works! ) AND ITUNES MONEY! :O" "in english 231 with a sore throat and headache " "In Mcdonalds....... Wanted To See Star Trek But All Late Times " "In Seattle Washington....im SOOOOO hungry" "in seattle...and sick hate my life right now" "In Sydney, three hours into my journey. Bored and cheia de saudades. Bah " "In the airport getting ready to leave vegas " "In the park during lunch hour, realising that I will have to accept the fact that I now get hayfever " "iPhone battery died Learnt from last time and now charging via my MBA rather than my clock radio." "iphone charger died " "iPhone isn't giving me a data connection " "iPhone update 3.0 scheduled cor hume 17th... They have only 12 hours left, I can't download it yet " "iPhone won't update yet, can't seem to get to the 'activation-server', and the 'More info' button shows a 404.. great " "iphone, down. don't update to 3.0 yet people. " "iPhones r so cool but so expensive have tried to convince parentals about buying one but they are like 400 quid so no chance " "iPod touch = brick. " "iPod touch 16GB £209 Bloody hell " "is in Sydney on Wednesday for training... not really looking forward to work tommorow " "is @ maccas using his iPod touch 2 twitted LOL I wanna go home! I jst kno iPods guns run outta battery " "is at Beso in Hollywood... so tired " "is at home watching Criminal Minds and then Las Vegas and then.... forced myself to sleep!! " "is at work and saddened due to Ted Baker London not being able to ship to the continental US I want the hat!" "Is feeling alittle better but is in a hayfever craze " "Is going to Vegas but wanting to go to Seattle " "is home from Sydney but didn't bring back any doughnuts " "Is it raining in the north end? Too bad, that has no effect on the record of dry days in a row in SEATTLE. We northenders don't count. " "Is just at work for the day -sigh- I have a headache " "is kinda annoyed when people don't reply to me on facebook chat. . . . " "is leaving Seattle tomorrow morning, and he's not going to lie, he's quite sad. " "is missing playing my trumpet " "is nervous...hubby is off to the cancer clinic this morning " "Is never going to eat McDonalds again! They have ruined the humble junior burger with pepper and now it tastes like crap" "is off work today with a throbbing headache. My whole head feels like its pulsating " "IS PHONELESS ...NOW OFF TOO SLEEP" "is pissed that england won 4-0 and i didn't get 2 watch it " "is running a fever after last night, sad face. " "is sad that taylor swift's personality is a fake...she was my rolemodel " "Is sat Outside mcdonalds waiting for dale's mum. Its too early " "is so disappointed with the lakers!!! must come back on game 5!!!" "is SO sick of watching him play xbox 360 somebody humor me PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE!!!" "Is starting to think Obama was all hype same old politicians" "is strangely sad about LiLo and SamRo breaking up. " "is stucked in Paris and can't even travel into France (for work) " "is suffering very badly with hayfever today " "Is terrified she accidentally deleted a reference in her management assignment and hopes she doesnt get in trouble when she gets back " "is up and has a bad headache " "is upset that i missed the taylor swift special " "is watching a sobering #Oprah covering staggering new homelessness in Sacramento. wow. " "is watching Catherine Tate video clips on a Saturday night on Youtube... how sad is that... http://plurk.com/p/yvm9q" "is wishing i was going to be in LA w/ da fam for the LAKERS Parade but I gotta stay on my grind .. operation: get out of san diego!! " "Is wishing that they would hurry up and cure Hayfever " "Is wondering why it's always warm when she leaves London in the morning " "isn't digging xbox live being down " "isn't ever hungry any more, but gets hunger headaches reminding her to eat. not fair. " "it so tired that im crying for no reason at all. im about to try to get an hour and a half in for tonight. half what i got last night. " "It was a sleepless night " "It's no longer sunny in Seattle. http://tr.im/sunnyinseattle" "It's no longer sunny in Seattle. http://tr.im/sunnyinseattle" "It's no longer sunny in Seattle. http://tr.im/sunnyinseattle" "It's not fair no one I like tours England " "It's now 13:30 and no iPhone 3.0 Talk about keeping us waiting!! Grrrr....." "It's only tuesday " "it's times like this I wish I could put new songs onto my ipod. it's britney spears and lady gaga-less " "Itchy eyes!! Stupid hayfever " "its 6am and I have been up since 9am yesterday...this is a serious problem! Starbucks here I come!" "Its 7:40 am.. feeding our boy.. Richie has a fever My Poor love! - Baby" "ITS NOT ENOUGH TO SAY THAT IMISS U " "Its over 4 the cavs!!! My last hope down the drain " "Its raining in Sydney. " "its so sad about his bro....................... he has cancer "ive lost my ipod it seems to have just disappeared, i guess jb wont be singing me to sleep tonight then " "ı miss home made starbucks coffee ı wanna go homee...." "Jogging, isnt REALLY that cool, especially if you've got a fever " "Jogging, isnt REALLY that cool, especially if you've got a fever " "Jogging, isnt REALLY that cool, especially if you've got a fever " "Jogging, isnt REALLY that cool, especially if you've got a fever " "JTH and CR dropped from the England team. " "just deleted all my bastard songs off my Ipod " "Just doesn't feel right withou my morning starbucks " "just finished watching the movie Prayers for Bobby. Broke my heart " "Just found out via Gazelle.com that my old cell phones " "Just going to cry myself to sleep after watching Marley and Me. " "just got back from starbucks " "Just got done watching the new House episode.Definitely one of the saddest episodes ever. " "just got home from watching Michigan State get tromped! " "Just got home from work a little bit ago! Too busy to twitter, lately. Work isn't as much fun when everyone's in Vegas but you!" "just got into manchester, i miss everyone already i want to move to england." "Just got my presentation done, 23 slides done... I'm crying for this week will be the hardest of all weeks." "Just got off the phone.. my dad called me saying that his prostate cancer might have returned. He goes for tests friday " "just got the red ring of death on xbox360... second time it's happened well there goes playing ghostbusters " "Just had a horrible message left on one of my YouTube videos, just when I was starting to feel better " "Just listening to my ipod the climb. wel it just ran out of batry " "Just lost $160 " "just poured a glass of wine.Was waiting for pizza from our old friend in sydney but have just been told it's not happening,I miss mario's " "Just realised I have @hueyyei 's psp in my bag. Can't play it now though.. " "Just spent £10 on cards (which I hate buying anyway) then left them in Mcdonalds, when I went back to get them they had gone. Not Happy " "Just waking up feeling really tired. Does hayfever exist outside the UK or it it a pollution thing in England. Never had it in Cyprus " "just went through the Microsoft Company Store online to pre-checkout what stuff they have.. no xbox 360 premiums.. elite too costly " "Just woke up an already have written some e-mail... I've to go early at University today as I have to teach at 8:30 AM! " "just woke up and have a mean headache " "Keeping my fingers crossed for my buddy He is not feeling well." "Kelly Clarkson CD is already in. This is going to be a long ride to Scranton with @annibannani2 and @fakealvy. I #blamedrewscancer." "kinda bummed the RedWings Pre-game show is on and i cant watch Taylor Swift's Dateline show. " "l want, but I can't sleep " "laid around too much today... now my head hurts " "Last @ScrippsPRSSA meeting of the quarter! I'm going to miss the seniors " "Last day to smoke! Gotta drug test"0";"Bidding farewell to starbucks staff, Rudy " "last nite i found out my sis in law has cirvical cancer " "Late night snack, glass of OJ b/c I'm " "leaves Las Vegas really soon " "Leaving for London at 5PM... so many emotions!! I'm gonna miss you Jackie " "leaving vegas cant wait to come back" "Lebron u fucking suck!!!!!! " "LeBron was tired u can totally tell by that he only got 25 pts., his attitude, he was so TIRED! :@ :-S :$ :'(" "Like the tweetdeck for iPhone - can't sync columns ATM tho " "Line at McDonalds was too long so I can't get my sausage biscuit on " "Link: Farrah Fawcett Dies of Cancer at 62 http://tumblr.com/x5h25fy5j" "Listening to Bjork's All is full of Love... crying " "listening to harry potter soundtracks too bad i can't see the movie the 15th of july, i'll be in england by then, back on the 19th. crap!" "listening to taylor swift, her music makes me sad " "Lol! watched csi today! it was the one with taylor swift!! but she died.. sad " "London had to get five shots today I felt terrible were both miserable him from the shots me from my root canal " "Long night! I feel terrible because I didn't eat before I went to work! Headache, muscle aches, and an all over " "Looking around on the web for something to entertain me the way Facebook did... alas... nothing. " "Loss it tough for fans and Lebron, yes indeed http://tr.im/n9Cr" "Lost all my Facebook data yesterday Need to start rebuilding today." "Lost my free copy of radioactive so can't put it on my ipod grr!And i can't go out + buy 'nother coz it came with that paper " "LOVES her baby cousin that is losing his LONG LONG battle with brain cancer " "lying in bed suffering with hayfever and a major case of holiday blues " "mad because i have to watch Obama give his speech on why GM is now Obama motors while i should be watching the showcase on price is right " "Mad tired today... Callin it in early tonight nighty night twittas" "magic vs lakers... I kno my baby @erik_jamaal is happy, but im so not interested in this match up. idk who I will root 4 " "Major iPhone problems Wont let me send texts BUT I can do everything else! Can anyone help " "Man I so want mcdonalds breakfast.. " "Man Work is Hard " "mannn wth, I went to 2 mcdonalds both credit card systems were down! No mcdonalds for me " "Matt was allowed a McDonalds. I wasnt. So unfair! All I had was yoghart! " "Maybe a long shower will make me feel better Ugh. I fucking hate America's health care system. We need to be like England!" "Maybe eating McDonalds, downing a sherbet fountain " "McDonalds can blow me, overcharging set of wankers that fucked up my order and put on extra things I didn't ask for. " "Mcdonalds. Quiznos. And Starbucks. I feel fat " "Mcdonaldss! And i wish i were tough enough to do MMA " "Meep! @melodicworld is coming and yaaayy but also quite nervous! :S Argh and my hayfever is properly kicking in and I don't have drugs " "mhm, not having a good day blah blah blah" "Michigan who? I don't know them. *sigh* Shameful!" "Missed the Taylor Swift special on NBC cause i was at work " "missin' the boo " "Missing My BFF watching home and away it reminds me of her and me we " "Missing Texas hold'em poker play today.... Facebook apps down and unresponsive... " "monkeys??? i just found out you my twin and you wont even write back. i'm heartbroken" "more depressed than you could ever imagine that I won't be going to Vegas. I hate having to be financially responsible." "MORNING!!! Good im bloody knackered!!! Work is not for me today HELPPP!!!! xxx" "Mr. iPod is sick " "My #iPhones are named after horses, @brenden Seabiscuit was just retired for Giacomo." "My Arm, leg, back and stomach burns just went tan...my forehead burn however, is red and sore and now I have a headache " "My bathtub drain is fired: it haz 1 job 2 do, " "My bf thinks I'm weird bc I watch youtube videos of puppies and laughing babies. " "My brothers-in-law tom and @rnchell spent an hour looking for breakfast in the ghetto we failed and found an aweful mcdonalds..." "My carelessness led to wiping out all contacts on my iPhone " "my dog can't move anymore. praying that he will be okay " "my dog has cancer. " "my favorite ipod touch app USA Today crosswords is broken in 3.0 " "My flip flop just broke...walking in downtown seattle " "My hard drive left seattle at 9:15. Where oh where is my hard drive now? Come here hard drive " "My head hurts. I had a fever last night. " "my headache and fever is coming back ! " "my heart is broken every morning dropping Foo at pre school, now i understand when moms say " "my internect is not working fine, how do i tweet to win #squarespace iphone " "my iPhone i dead " "My iPhone is at home! ... I am still at work. " "My iphone is dead not johnson" "My iPod touch is broken the on/off button doesn't work!" "My little man has the fever virus " "my little pinky finger hurts so much.. " "My luggage weighed 49.5 lbs. Nice. Off to Colorado for a week.. Then to Seattle for a few months! Gonna miss my Daddy " "My mind and body are severely protesting this " "My mom might have breast cancer won't find out anything for. Like a week I'm so worried! " "My ninong Mike died yesterday.. Please pray for him. Everyone's sad about that. Facebook stats.. " "my sister told me that i'm don't have any fever, maybe i'm just not feeling well.. " "My soarthroats and coughs have been joined by fellow fever and flue. It's like a gathering of illnesses!... Did I get struck by the H1N1? " "My sticker is about to fall off. my Breast Cancer sticker I got from Danny's party - I stuck it on my phone. " "My suitcase has been with me to england, greece, italy, france, china, philippines and more, this may be its last trip " "my throat is raw. " "MY TWEETS ARENT GOING THROUGH " "My wife took my last �20, no McDonalds breakfast for me today " "My xbox just died " "NASA launch scrubbed again due to hydrogen leak at the same place " "Nasty budget due and my iphone is being sent to Apple today. " "NEED Starbucks.....oh yeah, we don't have one!!! " "need to sleep. but cant " "Needs a starbucks " "never did my math hw or studied for anything else. oops. now i have to put all my songs on my ipod cause they got deleted then bed" "New iPhone 3G S still hasn't activated. It's been almost 48 hours. " "No C" "No iPhone updates for me Multiple attempts but activation server is a no go." "No ipod today. Ughh " "No launch. NASA sucks. Share the pain with at @Schingler @bethbeck @toddicus " "No Lebron Kobe finals like we hoped for grrrr!! " "no more lebron/kobe commercials? " "No more orange drink at Mcdonalds http://tinyurl.com/l2m3hb" "nooo, just measured my temperature, I do have a fever gah this sucks, i cant get sick NOW! :/" "Noooooooo!!! There are clips missing on youtube " "nooooooooooo dad smashed my taylor swift cd too bad. he'll have to order it again from the US" "Not feeling well and back hurts " "Not happy about England being knocked out of t20 " "not happy! In london and its chucking it down! " "Not hayfever. Got a cold Why now? Was looking forward to the weekend. Trying to ignore it, maybe it'll go away?" "Not so good of a morning The lakers lost" "Now on park and ride bus back to my car but haven't got my Ipod today " "Now the lead is 16. 4th quarter bout to start. And nother freaking kobe vs lebron commercial. dnt seem like that's gnna happen. " "O and i cant believe the freakin cavaliers lost man lebron u broke my heart " "o no... my iPod is frozen... omg what shud i do???!!! I CANT LIVE WITHOUT MY MUSIC!!! X(" "obama dildo is just wrong on so many levels http://tinyurl.com/cuggsh head of state " "obama, why are images of rape at abu ghraib " "off to work in a bit, but I'm really tired and I got hayfever " "Oh - Just got all my MacHeist 3.0 apps - sweet. Didn't get the Espresso serial no though although they said they sent it - oh well " "Oh Darn! the 1st game I downloaded for the PSP didn't, I had to DOWNLOAD AGAIN! " "oh man my team is suffering. I dont wanna jump shit. But it maybe time! Shaq is now on the Cavs, no more Nash Shaq team up on 2k9 for me! " "Oh man...was ironing @jeancjumbe's fave top to wear to a meeting. Burnt it " "Oh my god, I REALLY want to go to Bondi Beach in Sydney. I'm so jealous of you people in Australia! " "oh my gooooooodness!!!! the cavs down 3-1!! " "Oh No - the Cavs lost game 4 Cavs are 1 loss away from triggering a nuclear event that would make the hadron look like tiddlywinks ,," "Oh nooo Demi in Seattle two days after we leave " "Oh oh, Hayfever attack coming on. " "Oh starbucks, I wanted a mocha and you made me a white mocha. " "oh... burning up. this is not good. fever " "OHHHHHHH... Headache... one of the beers yesterday was bad Next mission: kitchen for coffee and breakfast." "ok I'm sick and spent an hour sitting in the shower cause I was too sick to stand and held back the puke like a champ. BED now " "Ok...I had 2 come bac early from golf coz of hayfever Anyway I was back at 4pm"0";" I wanted the cavs to win it all! Defense wins the game Cavs.... I don't like loosing and I know this is alot of pressure on Bron." "Okay all alone again here at Mcdonalds and hearing all types of creepy noises! " "okay"4";"Moments away of ending our 14 year wait to go back to the finals. Sorry Lebron had his chance last year. Our turn now " "omF'g hayfever SUUUUCKS!!! My eyes are burnin...ouch " "OMG its too HOT in Vegas this shld be a crime " "OMG my headache killing me " "OMG!! I am SOOO sleepy driving 2 my clinical externship site StarBucks...here she comes!!" "OMG. I hate missing dr. Oz on Oprah. " "omg. my mouth is in so much pain i just wanna sleep untill its time to take my braces off." "omg... " "omg..its jst teusday " "on my psp, it has skype! no mic though " "On my way to shoot an interview with a NASA Astronaut, XHA1, no Letus, No HD bah!" "on the way to work. momma bear just left back for seattle annnd studio after work to make more hits. oh the life." "One more air crash , Air France aircraft from Brazil to Paris was lost in mid Atlantic " "only 3 weeks left in london " "only bad thing is that I woke up with the worst hayfever that I think exists " "Ooh hayfever has struck..thought I was going to avoid it this year but nooo! Remedies anyone...?" "Ooh snap Vegas, the real City-City @babyscratch that's where I need to be. Your in Paradise Mamma WTF am I doing in Rotterdam " "oook so it might be a few days before i play on my xbox cuz I guess I broke my controller when I dropped it the other day...now im sad " "Oops my iPhone said it lost connection. Didn't mean to duplicate " "ouchyyy booo headache! going to beed right now. even when its 7:42 oouuuch" "Places I want to go include Texas, New York, New Jersey, Seattle and LA. Can't they just give me the life I'd love. " "Playing Call of Duty:World at War on single player because XBOX Live is down. " "PLEASE does anyone have youtube links to the mtv backstage stuff, the flash upgrade nearly killed my computer HELP!!!" "please pray for halley. she is gonna have guinea pig cancer " "Plurking on the PSP sucks. It looks just like Twitter. http://plurk.com/p/xn7cl" "Poor cameron (the hills) " "poor cavs i guess theres not gonna be a 23 vs. 24" "Poor Joshy is sick??? those damn tejanos!" "pouring with rain in Sydney " "Pretty sure I got shorted on my drink size at mcdonalds, and I didn't get a glass. off to the theatre soon." "promotion was pretty boring. im gonna miss some people.. im so fuckin sick.my head hurts and i gt a fever " "PSP Go... slightly disappointing! " "PSP-3000 is hacked. I always wonder why the fuck I sold mine. Oh I know. Because it was white and I thought that it was ugly for a PSP " "PSP. I miss playing " "Put vacation photos online a few yrs ago. PC crashed, and now I forget the name of the site. " "R.I.P to lebron/kobe puppet commercials... " "R.I.P to lebron/kobe puppet commercials... " "ready for nice weather, day drinking " "really don't feel like getting up today... but got to study to for tomorrows practical exam... " "Really thinks that American guys are hot so why am I in England " "relay for life cancer walk today, what a great cause. well, of course it was followed by some small-town drama- not cool " "remember that badass lady who treated herself for breast cancer at the South Pole? she passed away http://tinyurl.com/lfttsc" "Replacing coffee with chocolate milk? No wonder morning headache still on " "right about now i wish the psp had 2 shoulder buttons " "RIP Lebron vs. Kobe puppet commercials...you're forever in my heart *one lonely tear*" "rt @NASA: NASA managers have decided to postpone the launch of space shuttle Endeavour due to the hydrogen leak. // Again " "Sad about Kutner being killed off my fav show House! " "sad day: manu out for the season " "Sad story this one http://bit.ly/7GU8A U hav to wonder if Obama's pro-choice stance is a genuine threat to his life." "sad that the 'feet' of my macbook just fell off : sad that the 'feet' of my macbook just fell off " "sad the jonas brothers youtube account Suspended! 8(" "Sad to see the Kobe/Lebron puppets go... " "sadly is going to bed. " "Sadly though, I've never gotten to experience the post coitus cigarette before, and now I never will. " "Sadly, Obama is the later " "sat in bed, McFly songs still on, and playing on PSP " "says gugugud evening. inis, nwawala charger ko ng PSP. urgh. http://plurk.com/p/11vcij" "says Paul Quarrington ( http://tinyurl.com/otgddd ) has just been diagnosed with lung cancer http://plurk.com/p/xyjgf" "Seating here helping my baby with his papers...well he is forcing me too seat with him im sleepy" "seattle weather i just don't get you " "Seems jRuby support for hpricot is now two versions behind " "Selena made me want to go to starbucks " "Shame Ubisoft won't be showing Beyond Good " "Shiner is taking up all my bed and blankets! " "Shiny new white 32Gb iPhone 3G S unboxing will need to take place later due to other priorities " "SHOOTING OUTSIDE MY HOUSE :O NOT KIDDING! So SCARED " "Should really stop bricking his iPhone. OS 3 jailbreak seems to need restored regularly if Cydia crashes during an update. Annoying! " "should've been asleep two hours ago " "sick! fever-ish, flu-ish, headache-ish " "sigh now to leave early to go to a wake... partner's aunt passed from same cancer I had... so sad. why some beat it, and some don't? " "Sigh..... Goodbye Cavs. magic, please beat kobe." "sisters left to england so I'm taking her room, haha. Major cleaning to be done. Especially the bathroom." "Sitting at McDonalds while JC " "Sitting in starbucks wishing i had internet stupid fredonia" "Sleep time. Tomorrow is gonna suck " "Slow, unproductive day at work today. I guess I'll just try out Marvel Ultimate Alliance on PSP. " "Smugness gone. My train also failed to turn up so I'm heading for Victoria followed by an unpleasant tube ride to the City. " "So ... no Lebron and Kobe matchup this year " "so a murder? gotcha. Cant believe it" "so disappointed in the game ~ I thought this was Lebron's year!!! the playoffs won't be the same for me!" "So dissapointed Taylor Swift doesnt have a Twitter " "so glad it isn"4";"At starbucks with my new sister learning her new phone." "So hungry I wanna eat mcdonalds " "So many channels.... yet so so boring... lazy day again may have to find a hobby" "So sad about that Air France jetliner crash! I wonder if anyone will survive to tell their tale to Oprah " "so sad my bb is dead I want it to live again.. Vegas anyone?" "So sad. It was right after I used to live in Northest Brazil. Luto. " "So tired from my cancer walk ready for bed!" "some1 hacked my account on aim now i have to make a new one" "Someones alarm clock or a phone woke me up at 3am...Still got my headache from yesterday night " "soo sadd damn cavss!!" "soooo tired " "sorry about lack of tweets i have hayfever and it sucks " "sorry. something's getting my facebook stuff and tweeting it. " "Southend Tommorow Supporting People At The Race For Life Marathon. My Cousin " "Splitting headache. Seriously. It feels like the left side of my head is going to fall off. (At this point, I kind-of wish it would.) " "spring break in plain city... it's snowing " "Starbucks then schooll (: last Monday of middle school! " "Starbucks: latte. Then back to bed. saddddddd weeek so far." "Starting my 2nd shift! Im going to miss like an hour of the lakers game! " "Still 3 more days until my Internet gets uncapped " "Still doing my homework!!! " "still has a killer headache. I thought it would be gone by now. " "still hav d headache though " "Still mulling over the #lionhead demo from #xboxe3, smells like skynet “ "Still on youtube and board " "still sick. feeling a bit better, got some new medicine.... hope I feel good after a night of sleep. ohh, and it's suppose to snow! WTF! " "still trying for that iphone from #squarespace... forgot about it over the weekend " "Stressed.... Headache..... Stressed " "Strider is a sick little puppy http://apps.facebook.com/dogbook/profile/view/5248435" "Struggling hard with Inventory " "struggling with eam law " "stuck at home " "Studying history in Starbucks So cold and nervous." "stupid arranged marriages... i'll convert so you can marry me...love you! " "stupid movies we watched... mirrors ugggggh... stooopeeed!!! rip off! " "Su yin Huen tweeted I feel unbearable guilt. I made my staff cry http://tinyurl.com/cw2l9t" "Sucks to be me having exactly 0GB left on my iphone. I want new apps! time to live through Abbie, then, I guess" "suddenly realized i do not know where my taylor swift love bracelet is and am very sad about it where oh where could it be...." "Superneej: Morning! Bah Car won't start.. waiting for the ANWB.... " "Sure wish my facebook wasn't suspended " "Taking care of my lil boy who is sick with a fever " "taylor swift..... where are you. i have been looking on ticket master everyday for your concerts.. but your like enver comign to toronto! " "teary-eyed, hoping my cousin will find the strength to stay alive from cancer.. " "Tennis time Helloooo skin cancer." "Terrible news: Air France flight from Brazil with 228 people has been lost at sea: http://tr.im/AFcrash I took that flight 3 years ago " "TGIF! it's been a long long first week back at work. Wish I were on line for the new iPhone #squarespace #unc.. http://tinyurl.com/muu2rr" "thanks fanny for your updates haha i should be in bed asleep but have been distracted by facebook/twitter yet again " "Thanks for bursting my bubble " "The cavs lost i am devastated! farmgirl@" "the fucking mcdonalds lady made my drink wrong. ugh now to suffer without coffee. " "The iPhone 3GS does not successfully repel fingerprints or smudges. I should have gotten a guard. " "The Magics are not having it...gosh Lebron! " "The McDonalds drivethrough kid REALLY wants to be hardcore. How unfortunate. " "The new PSP looks crap! Such a disappointment after the conceot pics that were floating around " "the news SHOULD have been that Shaq " "The people here in Argentina say Obama will be the next JFK.... it is very bad but is the sad truth...." "The PSP lineup for '09 is looking pretty solid, i might have to pick one up... But the Go is too far away " "the sky is green, raining hard, and lightening flashing every 3 seconds. I wanna be back in Seattle where rain is not life threatening " "The Super Red Diva !!! Stupid University " "there was a guy who was coming to orange from sydney. stopped in penrith andd got hit by a fucking car. " "There's an inch of snow on the ground (and counting). I'm worried about the poor flowers " "There's no Lebron on tonight. What the hell am I supposed to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " "they killed off a character on one of my favorite shows and now i'm upset " "Think I figured out my Xbox Live auto sign-in problem...but Live is down so I can't test it Don't really want to broadcast my SSID tho." "Think I'm going to bed. Goodniight. I hate this " "Think I've got hayfever " "thinks: ceiling lights + ceiling fan = bad = flickering shadows = headache " "this army called pollen is trying to kill me my hayfever is sooooo bad helppppp! lol" "this ipod shuffle is not very shuffley " "this is now two in the row - burnt starbucks coffeee #burntcoffee" "This is wario, I wish there is wario land game in PSP , I miss this game, last time I played it was wi... - Photo: http://bkite.com/06H8T" "this week is not going as i had hoped " "Tired at work with headache 7 more hours to go...oh and getting up at 530 am tommorrow...good times" "today sucked. I'm gonna die without chris and callum! wahhh!" "Tomorrow is celebrity day. I was going to be taylor swift. A dress and cowboy boots. But i have a field trip " "Tonight bron bron could go home im of course praying for the miricle...Cavs plz step up and help lebron play!!!" "Tons of problems downloading os 3.0 had to restore iphone hopefully i didnt loose anything." "Too many people at the starbucks drive thru!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhh! I guess coffee from the grungy old office coffee pot it is " "Too worked up and excited. Must focus on a theoretical proposal on a stem-cell based pancreatic cancer therapy. Pancreatic cancer sucks " "Took pics of my car for sale, starbucks and gonna go see up ..all alone because everybody is 9-5 " "tried to upload 130 pics thru iPhone flickit app. Epic fail... " "Trimmed the fat on Safari Sketch . . . runs on the iPhone . . . slowly . . . time to optimize draw calls." "trying to accept the fact that I cannot walk the Weekend To End Breast Cancer this year This is a hard reality for me..." "Trying to download iPhone 3.0 but it ain't happening!! " "trying to get my iPod to work " "Trying to set up Xbox Live and failing tremendously...brain ache " "Tula's sick! Nausious, Nasal congestion, headache, bodyaches and my nose is running a marathon. Theraflu please help " "Twitter sucks, I'm only on here to follow Ellen, Oprah and Shane so I dont follow me because i'm never on here" "Ugh i remember why i never eat mcdonalds anymore... Because cancer tastes horrible! " "ugh just had mcdonalds..yuck! need to work out! now likin the miserable rain outside boo hoo." "ugh ran to mcdonalds.. so hungry. no time to eat " "ugh! I feel like a train wreck..I swear I didn't do an all nighter... but i do feel like I did. Starbucks here I come. " "Ugh. Las #vegas airport is at a " "ugh. cant sleep. its 1:30am. " "ughhhhhhh YouTube " "uh oh, Dr. Phil just made me cry and it looks like Oprah is going to do the same " "Uhmmm #squarespace I need an iPhone please " "Up early. Sad about lebron " "Up for DMB, dr., then slept all day. Have a fever, no big deal, but Dad couldn't come down tonight. Here's hoping for next weekend!" "Up holding Rae. She just threw up all over me " "Urgh damn hayfever my eyes are soooo itchy. *rubs eye madly*" "us govt secrets - obama's non-transparency - eff drop charges -national security excuse - http://www.eff.org/press/archives/2009/06/17" "Vegas at 8:00am! A little bummed gonna miss bobo " "Very sad about Farrah Fawcett People shouldn't have to die from cancer anymore, let's please find a cure!! :-/" "very sad after cavs loss " "Very upsetting day today...... Found out my Boxer has cancer I wish dogs could live as long as humans" "waaa disconnected ako sa gmail. dad's chatting with me pa naman. nasa canada kasi siya ngayon. http://plurk.com/p/xbwaf" "Wait should I eat?? Or be skinny for vegas!! I'm hungry! " "Waiting at the airport for my ride while I get harassed by 2 men trying to sell me ugly hats.. Why me?! I just want to sleep.." "Waiting for him. Hopefully he gets on facebook soon. Something is wrong though, some people can't write on my wall. Hope it's fixed soon. " "waiting for taylor swift to follow me so i could message her...wish she would but im sure she wont i want to talk to her soooooo bad" "Waiting for the Denver game to come on.. but i dont think their gonna win it Lakers suck lol :p" "Want to apologize to Facebook friends who don't want Tiller coverage. Can't seem to break the TwitSync function. Sorry. " "wants an Xbox 360. http://plurk.com/p/yzkzb" "Wants to be at home. I am hot, bad headache and still have to get my shots " "wants to go back to Texas. They don't have hot and spicy chicken sandwiches or styrofoam cups at McDonalds here! " "Was gonna play Guitar Hero with Prince Charming on Xbox Live, but buttface dad said 'no'. " "Was intending to finish editing my 536-page novel manuscript tonight, but that will probably not happen. And only 12 pages are left " "Was Lovely This Morning Now It Looks Misserble This Stuiped Weather Lol Wants A StarBucks Hot Choclate (Y)" "Watchin the poor cavs " "watching all kinds of highlights of Lakers celebrating... blegh! " "watching grey's anatomy makes me cry because i miss seattle " "watching old videos of dance team and such... makes me miss it " "watching Taylor Swift videos from YouTube on my phone.. ain't got shit to do " "Watching the Cavs game, I was looking for a game 7, but I guess not " "watching the cavs get their butts kicked by orlando " "Watching the game on YouTube. they need to come out with their DVD series already. Fuckin havin to wait for this shit to load lol" "watching uruguay-brazil.. we need a miracle... " "way sunburned, if i ever get skin cancer i will credit pool volleyball " "Weather in North London is struggling to make its mind up"0";"cavs lost But we will come back!!!" "wednesday my b-day! don't know what 2 do!! " "Wee man is away to Englandshire with Gran and Grandad. That'll be me lost for the rest of the week. " "well the pc in my living room suffered a fatal partion lost, all my itunes library is gone.. and some docs with pics.... " "Well there goes my hope of seeing a lebron-kobe faceoff in the finals... Good riddance " "Well, that sucked. " "Welll tommorow saying goodbye to Thompspon RIP" "Went out for just one hour in the sun yesterday..got sever headache the whole day " "What tragedy and disaster in the news this week " "What.. AM I DOING!? Well.. I am currently upset that Xbox Live is down " "what's wrong with LeBron James? " "Whats the weather doing in Wimbledon (London)? I see there is tennis action at 3.30 on BBC2 Don't say it's raining there too " "Whelp! So long Cavs " "When ever I wear a headband I end up with a headache " "When i get too hott i get a headache, being allergic to heat sucks. No tanning for amanda anymore " "where the hell is my damn picture messaging for my Iphone?! " "Where's DotP for the PS3? I can't afford an XBOX360 " "Who invented hayfever? " "Why do I have to be at work on what is probably going to be the nicest day of the year in Seattle " "why do i wake up at 7 oclock in vegas? also, details of the middle of my day are missing " "Why do my @replies show up Facebook? Also, why has my evernote crashed " "Why does it ALWAYS rain in England even when its supposed to be Summer? " "why is it always the fat ones?! " "Why is my PSP always dead when I want to use it? " "why is Project Gotham Racing for XBOX only " "Why is that when you have time off from work you get sick? " "Why oh why do I watch Oprah? Every time I do I cry. OMG these great dads are...great! This will be another tough weekend for us #fb" "Why oh why was the Red Sox game rained out? I was so looking forward to opening day " "why this headache still here??? " "whywhywhy do Rookie Of The Year not come to England someone send them lots of money so I can see them..." "Wishes his xbox gets error 74 nd then he can send his xbox to germany to get it fixed for free rather than 2 red lighting all the time " "Wishes I was on the Spring Fling Tour with Dawn " "Wishing i had gotten off my butt to try to see Obama today...Draggin` @ work...I didnt have pancakes " "wishing i was home underneath my covers " "Wishing the Cavs were in the NBA Finals...we just can't let it go " "Wishs Xbox Live Whould Work " "With the way this damn game is going, we just might see LeBron in a Knicks Jersey next year " "woke up with headache, going to sleep with headache. " "wondering where iPod cable has vanished to...Wanted to add music but stymied. Bother. It has a safe place, " "Work laptop is officially dead .. Not happy at all.. " "worked on 5 bone marrow cases today! All + for cancer! " "Working AGAIN today! I haven't had a day off in over a week...I'm so sick of starbucks" "Worried about my friends who had a break-in-- 2 laptops stolen, nothing else. iPod Nano was left on the dining table. Data backed up, but " "worried about my kitty Ashes, think he has a fever keeps sneezing and he feels hott..." "worst $3.75 spent . the put no love into my frappuchino ! lol ftw your not suppose to make extra stops on my trip to starbucks." "Wow, PSP Go revealed in Qore. Not too impressed. " "wow, wife's weds surgery w/complications. grandpa passed away today. now 5yr old is running fever. can I get a do-over for this week? " "Wow. The most depressing thing in the world is losing a video that you've created in a matter of seconds. #FML" "wow. worst headache in months. someone make it stop. " "wow... all i wanted to do is see taylor swift but of course shes sold out! " "Wrote exactly three lines of dialogue tonight, then gave up. " "WTF Not Kutner! Oh I'm so pissed @ House. I mean really WTF " "www.ink-guard.com @songzyuuup crying over the cavs loss and drawing up my next tattoo....: @.. http://bit.ly/u6brY" "Xbox 360 RROD'd - again! Two times already, damn you Micro$oft. " "xbox live is down no netflix, damn you MS" "Xbox live is down " "Xbox Live is down for 24 hours.. lame. " "XBOX Live is down today No Weeds Season five from Netflix" "Xbox live is down today. " "xbox live is Down? " "XBox Live still down " "Xbox Live will be down in about 1 hour... sadface lol" "xboxmafiya its cool, I let my hopes get 2 high thinkin he was gunna make it to my graduation so im kinda bummed." "xboxtweet not working again " "Y is kearth 101 riddled with cancer commercials? Kinda depressing " "yea it is so quiet around here cuz everyone has to work im bored to death with nobody to talk to " "Yesterday i was told @cesarmillan was fulla shit.. Even @OPrah is suing.. I just cant bring myself to believe yet.. " "yo f*ck this game! CAVS done pissed me off for the night. finna write some music and go get intoxicated at the club " "You are what you eat, and it's been years since I've been McDonalds...huge headache this am " "You belong with me. - taylor swift. So true... " "You can call me a HATER but..... The CAVS SUCK! " "Youtube is being as sporadic as twitter right about now. " ”@RubyRose1 awww wish i could go! but its in sydney " ”laying in bed with no voice.. " 0";"@mglickman that reminds me of a bit howard stern did back in the day about oprah eating a lot. i wish i could find it on the net. "