import json import dateutil.parser import time import os import math import random import logging import re import boto3 from datetime import datetime from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key, Attr dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name=os.environ['AWS_REGION']) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) """ --- Helpers to build responses which match the structure of the necessary dialog actions --- """ def delegate(session_attributes, slots): return { 'sessionAttributes': session_attributes, 'dialogAction': { 'type': 'Delegate', 'slots': slots } } """ --- Helper Functions --- """ def parse_int(n): try: return int(n) except ValueError: return float('nan') def try_ex(func): """ Call passed in function in try block. If KeyError is encountered return None. This function is intended to be used to safely access dictionary. Note that this function would have negative impact on performance. """ try: return func() except KeyError: return None """ --- Functions that control the bot's behavior --- """ def format_num(user_phone): pt1=user_phone[0:3] pt2=user_phone[3:6] pt3=user_phone[6:10] return('+1'+'-'+pt1+'-'+pt2+'-'+pt3) def send_messages(user_phone, text2sms): pinpoint = boto3.client('pinpoint', region_name=os.environ['AWS_REGION']) tonumber = user_phone messages = text2sms response = pinpoint.send_messages( ApplicationId=os.environ['PINPOINT_ID'], MessageRequest={ 'Addresses': { tonumber : {'ChannelType': 'SMS'} }, 'MessageConfiguration': { 'SMSMessage': { 'Body': messages, 'MessageType': 'TRANSACTIONAL', 'OriginationNumber': os.environ['TOLL_FREE_NUMBER'] } } } ) return response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] def putItemInDDB(w_date,w_time,w_name, w_location, w_phone): table = dynamodb.Table('AppointmentsTable') put_response = table.put_item( Item={ 'date': w_date, 'timeslot': w_time, 'fname': w_name, 'store': w_location, 'phone': w_phone, 'meeting': 'Scheduled', 'notes': '' } ) return (put_response ["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"]) def close(session_attributes, fulfillment_state, message, user_phone, text2sms): send_messages(user_phone, text2sms) response = { 'sessionState' : { 'sessionAttributes': session_attributes, 'dialogAction': { 'type': 'Close', 'fulfillmentState': fulfillment_state }, 'intent' : { 'confirmationState': 'Confirmed', 'name': 'MakeAppointment', 'state': 'Fulfilled' } }, 'messages': [message] } print ("mynewresponse",response) return response def make_appointment(intent_request): appointment_type = intent_request['intent']['slots']['AppointmentType']['value']['interpretedValue'] date = intent_request['intent']['slots']['Date']['value']['interpretedValue'] appointment_time = intent_request['intent']['slots']['Time']['value']['interpretedValue'] user_name = intent_request['intent']['slots']['Name']['value']['interpretedValue'] user_phone = intent_request['intent']['slots']['Phone']['value']['interpretedValue'] # remove all non numeric characters and add + sign user_phone = '+' + re.sub('[^0-9]', '', user_phone) output_session_attributes = intent_request['sessionAttributes'] if 'sessionAttributes' in intent_request else {} text2sms = 'Appointment Notification: Hey {} appointment is confirmed for {}. See you there!'.format(user_name, appointment_time) putItemInDDB(date,appointment_time,user_name, 'Store Location', user_phone) return close( output_session_attributes, 'Fulfilled', { 'contentType': 'PlainText', 'content': 'Thanks {}, your appointment is confirmed for {}, and we have texted the details to your number.'.format(user_name, appointment_time) }, user_phone, text2sms ) """ --- Intents --- """ def dispatch(intent_request): """ Called when the user specifies an intent for this bot. """ logger.debug('dispatch userId={}, intentName={}'.format(intent_request['bot']['id'], intent_request['sessionState']['intent']['name'])) intent_name = intent_request['sessionState']['intent']['name'] # Dispatch to your bot's intent handlers if intent_name == 'MakeAppointment': return make_appointment(intent_request['sessionState']) raise Exception('Intent with name ' + intent_name + ' not supported') """ --- Main handler --- """ def lambda_handler(event, context): # By default, treat the user request as coming from the America/New_York time zone. os.environ['TZ'] = 'America/New_York' print('myevent',event) time.tzset() print(time.tzset()) logger.debug('{}'.format(event['bot']['name'])) return dispatch(event)