import json import boto3 import datetime from decimal import Decimal import os # run these environment variable seetings on cold start (outside handler) only since they are static dynamodb_resource = boto3.resource('dynamodb') aggregate_table_name = os.environ['AGGREGATE_TABLE_NAME'] latest_timestamp_running_cost_table_name = os.environ['LATEST_TIMESTAMP_RUNNING_COST_TABLE_NAME'] aggregate_table = dynamodb_resource.Table(aggregate_table_name) latest_timestamp_running_cost_table = dynamodb_resource.Table(latest_timestamp_running_cost_table_name) def lambda_handler(event, context): response = aggregate_table.get_item(Key={ "aggregate_key": "aggregate_key" }) total_cpu = response["Item"]["totalCpu"] total_memory = response["Item"]["totalMemory"] budget_limit = float(event["budgetLimit"]) # initialize a DDB with start_time in previous step SFN and get item here response = latest_timestamp_running_cost_table.get_item(Key={ "partition-key": "pk" }) last_timestamp_str = response["Item"]["latestTimeStamp"] # initialize a DDB with start_cost in previous step SFN and get item here running_cost = response["Item"]["runningCost"] time_now = last_timestamp = datetime.datetime.strptime(last_timestamp_str, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") time_delta = time_now - last_timestamp time_since_last_poll = get_hours(time_delta) current_cpu_cost = time_since_last_poll * float(total_cpu) * 0.04048 # TODO: Leverage AWS Price List API Query with boto3 to avoid hardcoding in price current_memory_cost = time_since_last_poll * float(total_memory) * 0.004445 # TODO: Leverage AWS Price List API Query with boto3 to avoid hardcoding in price current_cost = float(running_cost) + current_cpu_cost + current_memory_cost if (current_cost > budget_limit): # nuke remaining jobs return { 'budgetMet': 'YES', 'budgetLimit': budget_limit } # update item running cost to DDB with new current cost value # update item last timestamp to DDB with new datetime now response = latest_timestamp_running_cost_table.update_item( Key={ 'partition-key': "pk" }, UpdateExpression='set latestTimeStamp = :time_now, runningCost = :current_cost', ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':current_cost': Decimal(str(current_cost)), ':time_now': str(time_now) } ) return { 'statusCode': 200, 'budgetLimit': budget_limit, 'budgetMet': 'NO' } def get_hours(time): duration_in_s = time.total_seconds() old_result = divmod(duration_in_s, 3600)[0] result = float(duration_in_s)/3600 return (result)