import mxnet as mx from mxnet import gluon import tarfile import json def vocab_from_json(path): with open(path) as inp: vocab = json.load(inp) print('Vocabulary (%d words) loaded from "%s"', len(vocab), path) return vocab def model_fn(model_dir): """ Load the gluon model. Called once when hosting service starts. :param: model_dir The directory where model files are stored. :return: a model (in this case a Gluon network) """ symbol = mx.sym.load('%s/model.json' % model_dir) vocab = vocab_from_json('%s/vocab.json' % model_dir) outputs = mx.symbol.softmax(data=symbol, name='softmax_label') inputs = mx.sym.var('data') param_dict = gluon.ParameterDict('model_') net = gluon.SymbolBlock(outputs, inputs, param_dict) net.load_parameters('%s/model.params' % model_dir, ctx=mx.cpu()) return net, vocab def transform_fn(net, data): """ Transform a request using the Gluon model. Called once per request. :param net: The Gluon model. :param data: The request payload. :param input_content_type: The request content type. :param output_content_type: The (desired) response content type. :return: response payload and content type. """ # we can use content types to vary input/output handling, but # here we just assume json for both net, vocab = net outputs = [] tokens = [vocab.get(token, 1) for token in data.lower().split()] nda = mx.nd.array([tokens]) output = net(nda) response_body = f'Positivity: {output[0][1].asscalar():.0%}' return response_body with'model.tar.gz', "r:gz") as tar: tar.extractall('/tmp') net = model_fn('/tmp') def lambda_handler(event, context): try: text = event['text'] response = transform_fn(net, text) return response except Exception as e: raise Exception('ProcessingError')