# ohdemo-app SAM hello world application with Gitlab pipeline config. This application was created during demo: https://youtu.be/_1pD4aXV5sU ``` ├── .aws-sam │   └── pipeline │   └── pipelineconfig.toml ├── .gitlab-ci.yml ├── assume-role.sh ├── hello-world │   ├── app.js │   ├── package.json └── template.yaml ``` ### Files explanation `pipelineconfig.toml`: This file saves the information of bootstrapped resources which is later used to setup pipeline config. `.gitlab-ci.yml`: Actual pipeline config for Gitlab. `assume-role.sh`: Shell script which assumes PipelineExecutionRole in the account and provides temporary credentials for use during Gitlab execution. `template.yaml`: Template file for the SAM application. ### How to use this package? In order to use this package 1. please update `pipelineconfig.toml` file with your resources ARNs. 2. Remove `.gitlab-ci.yml` file. 3. Run `sam pipeline init` command and select `Gitlab` from the options. Another way is to follow this [demo](https://youtu.be/_1pD4aXV5sU) and that will create the `pipelineconfig.toml` and `.gitlab-ci.yml` file your application.