# Input variable definitions variable "aws_region" { description = "AWS region for all resources." type = string default = "us-east-1" } variable "lambda_name" { description = "name of the lambda function" type = string default = "RdsProxyFunction" } variable "lambda_log_retention" { description = "cloudwatch log retention setting" type = number default = 7 } variable "bucket_name" { description = "name of the s3 bucket" type = string default = "lambda-rdsproxy" } variable "rds_proxy_resourceid" { description = "name resource id of the rds proxy for lambda policy; e.g. prx-some-hash" type = string #default = "prx-0c....." } variable "vpc_id" { description = "vpc id for lambda fucntion" type = string #default = "vpc-05d..." } variable "vpc_subnets" { description = "vpc subnets for lambda function" type = list(string) #default = ["subnet-0fd2a7ab62...", "subnet-01f7f012..."] } variable "security_group" { description = "security group associated with lambda function" type = string #default = "sg-077875c8...." } variable "rds_proxy_endpoint" { description = "the rds proxy endpoint" type = string #default = "lambda-aurora-proxy.endpoint.proxy...." } variable "secret_name" { description = "the name you of the secret that stores the database user credentials" type = string #default = "lambda_secret" }