# Output value definitions output "vpc_id" { description = "the vpc id" value = aws_vpc.poc_vpc.id } output "lambda_sg" { description = "security group to be assigned to lambda function" value = aws_security_group.lambda_sg.id } output "lambda_subnet_1" { description = "private subnet id for lambda function" value = aws_subnet.app[0].id } output "lambda_subnet_2" { description = "private subnet id for lambda function" value = aws_subnet.app[1].id } output "rds_proxy_arn" { description = "the arn of the RDS proxy, includes the rds proxy resource id, prx-" value = aws_db_proxy.mysql_proxy.arn } output "rds_proxy_endpoint" { description = "the name of the endpoint for the RDS proxy" value = aws_db_proxy_endpoint.aurora.endpoint } output "lambda_secret" { description = "the name of the Secrets Manager secret that stores the database user credentials" value = aws_secretsmanager_secret.lambda_secret.name } output "rds_proxy_log" { description = "CloudWatch log group name for RDS Proxy logs" value = aws_cloudwatch_log_group.this.id }