AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09' Parameters: MSKKafkaVersion: Type: String Default: 2.8.1 AllowedValues: - 2.8.1 - 2.8.0 - 2.7.1 - 2.7.0 - 2.6.2 - 2.6.1 - 2.6.0 - 2.5.1 - - 2.3.1 - 2.2.1 InstanceType: Type: String Default: kafka.m5.large AllowedValues: - kafka.t3.small - kafka.m5.large - kafka.m5.xlarge - kafka.m5.2xlarge - kafka.m5.4xlarge - kafka.m5.8xlarge - kafka.m5.12xlarge - kafka.m5.16xlarge - kafka.m5.24xlarge VPCId: Type: String Description: 'The VPC ID' PublicSubnetOne: Type: String Description: 'Public Subnet' PrivateSubnetMSKOne: Type: String Description: 'Private Subnet One' PrivateSubnetMSKTwo: Type: String Description: 'Private Subnet Two' Resources: KafkaClientInstanceSecurityGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: GroupDescription: Enable SSH access via port 22 from BastionHostSecurityGroup GroupName: !Sub "${AWS::StackName} Security group attached to the kakfa client producer" VpcId: !Ref VPCId SecurityGroupIngress: - IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 22 ToPort: 22 CidrIp: MSKSecurityGroup: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup Properties: GroupName: !Sub "${AWS::StackName} Security group for the MSK cluster" GroupDescription: Security Group for the MSK cluster VpcId: !Ref VPCId SecurityGroupIngress: - Description: ZooKeeper Plaintext FromPort: 2181 ToPort: 2181 IpProtocol: tcp SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt KafkaClientInstanceSecurityGroup.GroupId - Description: Bootstrap servers Plaintext FromPort: 9092 ToPort: 9092 IpProtocol: tcp SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt KafkaClientInstanceSecurityGroup.GroupId - Description: Bootstrap servers TLS FromPort: 9094 ToPort: 9094 IpProtocol: tcp SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt KafkaClientInstanceSecurityGroup.GroupId - Description: Kafka Connect FromPort: 8083 ToPort: 8083 IpProtocol: tcp SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt KafkaClientInstanceSecurityGroup.GroupId - Description: Enable access to Schema Registry inside the SG FromPort: 8081 ToPort: 8081 IpProtocol: tcp SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt KafkaClientInstanceSecurityGroup.GroupId MSKSecurityGroup9094: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress DependsOn: MSKSecurityGroup Properties: GroupId: !GetAtt MSKSecurityGroup.GroupId Description: Enable Self referencing Bootstrap servers TLS IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 9094 ToPort: 9094 SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MSKSecurityGroup.GroupId MSKSecurityGroup9092: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress DependsOn: MSKSecurityGroup Properties: GroupId: !GetAtt MSKSecurityGroup.GroupId Description: Enable Self referencing Bootstrap servers Plaintext IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 9092 ToPort: 9092 SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MSKSecurityGroup.GroupId MSKSecurityGroup9096: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress DependsOn: MSKSecurityGroup Properties: GroupId: !GetAtt MSKSecurityGroup.GroupId Description: Enable Self referencing SASL IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 9096 ToPort: 9096 SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MSKSecurityGroup.GroupId MSKSecurityGroup9098: Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress DependsOn: MSKSecurityGroup Properties: GroupId: !GetAtt MSKSecurityGroup.GroupId Description: Enable Self referencing IAM IpProtocol: tcp FromPort: 9098 ToPort: 9098 SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MSKSecurityGroup.GroupId MSKCluster: Type: AWS::MSK::Cluster Properties: BrokerNodeGroupInfo: ClientSubnets: - !Ref PrivateSubnetMSKOne - !Ref PrivateSubnetMSKTwo SecurityGroups: - !GetAtt MSKSecurityGroup.GroupId InstanceType: !Ref InstanceType StorageInfo: EBSStorageInfo: VolumeSize: 500 ClusterName: !Sub "${AWS::StackName}-cluster" ClientAuthentication: Unauthenticated: Enabled: True KafkaVersion: !Ref MSKKafkaVersion NumberOfBrokerNodes: 2 EncryptionInfo: EncryptionInTransit: ClientBroker: TLS_PLAINTEXT Outputs: MSKCluster: Description: MSK Cluster details Value: !Ref MSKCluster