using System.Collections.Generic; using Amazon.CDK; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lambda; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Pipes; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.SQS; using Constructs; using XaasKit.CDK.AWS.Lambda.DotNet; using Function = Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lambda.Function; using FunctionProps = Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lambda.FunctionProps; using AssetOptions = Amazon.CDK.AWS.S3.Assets.AssetOptions; using BundlingOptions = Amazon.CDK.BundlingOptions; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs; namespace Cdk { public class CdkStack : Stack { internal CdkStack( Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base( scope, id, props) { var source = new Queue( this, "SourceSQSQueue"); var target = new Queue( this, "TargetSQSQueue"); var lambdaHandlerRole = new Role(this, "EnrichmentHandlerRole", new RoleProps() { RoleName = "EnrichmentHandlerRole", Description = "Role assumed by the EnrichmentHandlerRole", AssumedBy = new ServicePrincipal(""), }); // Define a Lambda function to use for enrichment // The Lambda function needs to be pre-compiled and package before running 'cdk deploy' var handler = new Function(this, "EnrichmentHandler", new FunctionProps { FunctionName = "EnrichmentHandler", Runtime = Runtime.DOTNET_6, Code = Code.FromAsset("../cdk/src/code/EnrichmentHandler/"), Handler = "EnrichmentHandler::EnrichmentHandler.Function::FunctionHandler", Role = lambdaHandlerRole, Timeout = Duration.Seconds(30), }); // A policy for pipes to use that allows read from SQS. var sourcePolicy = new PolicyDocument( new PolicyDocumentProps { Statements = new[] { new PolicyStatement( new PolicyStatementProps { Resources = new[] { source.QueueArn }, Actions = new[] { "sqs:ReceiveMessage", "sqs:DeleteMessage", "sqs:GetQueueAttributes" }, Effect = Effect.ALLOW }) } }); // A policy for pipes to use that allows messages to be sent to SQS var targetPolicy = new PolicyDocument( new PolicyDocumentProps { Statements = new[] { new PolicyStatement( new PolicyStatementProps { Resources = new[] { target.QueueArn }, Actions = new[] { "sqs:SendMessage", "sqs:GetQueueAttributes" }, Effect = Effect.ALLOW }) } }); // A policy for pipes to use that allows Lambda invoke var enrichmentPolicy = new PolicyDocument( new PolicyDocumentProps { Statements = new[] { new PolicyStatement( new PolicyStatementProps { Resources = new[] { handler.FunctionArn }, Actions = new[] { "lambda:InvokeFunction" }, Effect = Effect.ALLOW }) } }); var pipeRole = new Role( this, "PipeRole", new RoleProps { AssumedBy = new ServicePrincipal(""), InlinePolicies = new Dictionary(2) { { "SourcePolicy", sourcePolicy }, { "TargetPolicy", targetPolicy }, { "EnrichmentPolicy", enrichmentPolicy }, } }); // Create the pipe var pipe = new CfnPipe( this, "Pipe", new CfnPipeProps { RoleArn = pipeRole.RoleArn, Source = source.QueueArn, SourceParameters = new CfnPipe.PipeSourceParametersProperty() { SqsQueueParameters = new CfnPipe.PipeSourceSqsQueueParametersProperty { BatchSize = 1, MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds = 10 } }, Target = target.QueueArn, TargetParameters = new CfnPipe.PipeTargetParametersProperty { SqsQueueParameters = new CfnPipe.PipeTargetSqsQueueParametersProperty() { } }, Enrichment = handler.FunctionArn, EnrichmentParameters = new CfnPipe.PipeEnrichmentParametersProperty() }); var outputQueueName = new CfnOutput( this, "QueueUrlOutput", new CfnOutputProps() { ExportName = "QueueUrlOutput", Value = source.QueueName }); } } }