import argparse import json import os import re # Set up the command line argument parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--json-file", dest="input_file", help="the input JSON file") args = parser.parse_args() # Open the input file and parse the JSON with open(args.input_file) as f: data = json.load(f) # Get the array of key/value objects from the Configuration key obj_array = data["Configuration"] # Define a regular expression to match environment variable replacements env_var_regex = r"\${([^}]*)}" # Iterate over the objects in the array and their indexes for i, obj in enumerate(obj_array): # Create a new dictionary to store the updated object updated_obj = {} if "CreateParameter" in obj and not obj["CreateParameter"]: continue # Iterate over the keys and values in the object for key, value in obj.items(): # Check if the value is a string if isinstance(value, str): # Find all environment variable replacements in the value matches = re.findall(env_var_regex, value) for match in matches: # Extract the environment variable name from the match env_var = match.strip() # Check if the environment variable is set if env_var in os.environ: # Replace the match with the environment variable value value = value.replace(f"${{{env_var}}}", os.environ[env_var]) else: # Check if the "Default" key is present in the object if "Default" in obj: # Replace the match with the Default value value = value.replace(f"${{{env_var}}}", obj["Default"]) else: raise Exception(f"${{{env_var}}} found in file but is not a defined environment variable") # Check if the value still contains an environment variable replacement if, value): raise Exception(f"Value {value} for key {key} contains an undefined environment variable") # Add the key and value to the updated object updated_obj[key] = value # Replace the original object in the array with the updated object obj_array[i] = updated_obj # Print the updated data print(json.dumps(data, indent=4))