import boto3 import botocore import datetime import urllib.parse from statistics import mean from services.Service import Service from utils.Config import Config from utils.Policy import Policy from services.Evaluator import Evaluator class DynamoDbCommon(Evaluator): def __init__(self, tables, dynamoDbClient, cloudWatchClient, serviceQuotaClient, appScalingPolicyClient, backupClient, cloudTrailClient): super().__init__() self.tables = tables self.dynamoDbClient = dynamoDbClient self.cloudWatchClient = cloudWatchClient self.serviceQuotaClient = serviceQuotaClient self.appScalingPolicyClient = appScalingPolicyClient self.backupClient = backupClient self.cloudTrailClient = cloudTrailClient # logic to check delete protection def _check_delete_protection(self): #print('Checking ' + self.tables['Table']['TableName'] + ' delete protection started') try: if self.tables['Table']['DeletionProtectionEnabled'] == False: self.results['deleteTableProtection'] = [-1, ''] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: ecode = e.response['Error']['Code'] emsg = e.response['Error']['Message'] print(ecode, emsg) # logic to check resources for tags def _check_resources_for_tags(self): #print('Checking ' + self.tables['Table']['TableName'] + ' for resource tag started') try: #retrieve tags for specific table by tableARN result = self.dynamoDbClient.list_tags_of_resource(ResourceArn = self.tables['Table']['TableArn']) #check tags if not result['Tags']: self.results['resourcesWithoutTags'] = [-1, ''] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: ecode = e.response['Error']['Code'] emsg = e.response['Error']['Message'] print(ecode, emsg) # logic to check unused resources GSI - read def _check_unused_resources_gsi_read(self): if not 'GlobalSecondaryIndexes' in self.tables['Table']: return try: #Count the number active reads on the table on the GSIs result = self.cloudWatchClient.get_metric_statistics( Namespace = 'AWS/DynamoDB', MetricName = 'ConsumedReadCapacityUnits', Dimensions = [ { 'Name':'TableName', 'Value':self.tables['Table']['TableName'] }, { 'Name':'GlobalSecondaryIndexName', 'Value':self.tables['Table']['GlobalSecondaryIndexes'][0]['IndexName'] }, ], StartTime = - datetime.timedelta(30), EndTime =, Period = 86400, Statistics = [ 'Sum', ], Unit = 'Count' ) #Calculate sum of all occurances within the 30 days period sumTotal = 0.0 for eachSum in result['Datapoints']: sumTotal += eachSum['Sum'] #Flag as issue if > 0 issues in the 30 days period. if sumTotal == 0: self.results['unusedResourcesGSIRead'] = [-1, 'GSI ['+self.tables['Table']['GlobalSecondaryIndexes'][0]['IndexName']+']=0 RCU in past 30 days'] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: ecode = e.response['Error']['Code'] emsg = e.response['Error']['Message'] print(ecode, emsg) # logic to check unused resource GSI - write def _check_unused_resources_gsi_write(self): if not 'GlobalSecondaryIndexes' in self.tables['Table']: return try: #Count the number active reads on the table on the GSIs result = self.cloudWatchClient.get_metric_statistics( Namespace = 'AWS/DynamoDB', MetricName = 'ConsumedWriteCapacityUnits', Dimensions = [ { 'Name':'TableName', 'Value':self.tables['Table']['TableName'] }, { 'Name':'GlobalSecondaryIndexName', 'Value':self.tables['Table']['GlobalSecondaryIndexes'][0]['IndexName'] }, ], StartTime = - datetime.timedelta(30), EndTime =, Period = 86400, Statistics = [ 'Sum', ], Unit = 'Count' ) #Calculate sum of all occurances within the 30 days period sumTotal = 0.0 for eachSum in result['Datapoints']: sumTotal += eachSum['Sum'] #Flag as issue if > 0 issues in the 30 days period. if sumTotal == 0: self.results['unusedResourcesGSIWrite'] = [-1, 'GSI ['+self.tables['Table']['GlobalSecondaryIndexes'][0]['IndexName']+']=WCU in past 30 days'] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: ecode = e.response['Error']['Code'] emsg = e.response['Error']['Message'] print(ecode, emsg) # logic to check attribute length > 15 and >8 def _check_attribute_length(self): try: for tableAttributes in self.tables['Table']['AttributeDefinitions']: if len(tableAttributes['AttributeName']) > 15: # error attributesNamesXL for length > 15 self.results['attributeNamesXL'] = [-1, tableAttributes['AttributeName']] elif len(tableAttributes['AttributeName']) > 8: # error attributesNamesL for length > 8 <= 15 self.results['attributeNamesL'] = [-1, tableAttributes['AttributeName']] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: ecode = e.response['Error']['Code'] print(ecode) # logic to check for TTL status def _check_time_to_live_status(self): try: result = self.dynamoDbClient.describe_time_to_live(TableName = self.tables['Table']['TableName']) #Check result for TimeToLiveStatus (ENABLED/DISABLED) if result['TimeToLiveDescription']['TimeToLiveStatus'] == 'DISABLED': self.results['disabledTTL'] = [-1, ''] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: ecode = e.response['Error']['Code'] emsg = e.response['Error']['Message'] print(ecode, emsg) # logic to check Point In Time Recovery backup def _check_pitr_backup(self): try: result = self.dynamoDbClient.describe_continuous_backups(TableName = self.tables['Table']['TableName']) #Check results of ContinuousBackupStatus (ENABLED/DISABLED) if result['ContinuousBackupsDescription']['PointInTimeRecoveryDescription']['PointInTimeRecoveryStatus'] == 'DISABLED': self.results['disabledPointInTimeRecovery'] = [-1, ''] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: ecode = e.response['Error']['Code'] emsg = e.response['Error']['Message'] print(ecode, emsg) # logic to check capacity mode def _check_capacity_mode(self): try: #Count the number active reads on the table on the GSIs result = self.cloudWatchClient.get_metric_statistics( Namespace = 'AWS/DynamoDB', MetricName = 'ConsumedWriteCapacityUnits', Dimensions = [ { 'Name':'TableName', 'Value':self.tables['Table']['TableName'] }, ], StartTime = - datetime.timedelta(7), EndTime =, Period = 3600, Statistics = [ 'Average' ], Unit = 'Count' ) #Calculate % of write capacity in the given hour _percentageWrite = 0 for eachDatapoints in result['Datapoints']: _percentageWrite += eachDatapoints['Average'] if 'BillingModeSummary' not in self.tables['Table']: billingMode = 'PAY_PER_REQUEST' ## Default it else: billingMode = self.tables['Table']['BillingModeSummary']['BillingMode'] #Check if percentage <= 18 and billingmode is on-demand if _percentageWrite <= 0.018 and billingMode == 'PROVISIONED' : #Recommended for On-demand capacity self.results['capacityModeOnDemand'] = [-1, billingMode] elif _percentageWrite > 0.018 and billingMode == 'PAY_PER_REQUEST' : #Recommended for Provisioned capacity self.results['capacityModeProvisioned'] = [-1, billingMode] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: ecode = e.response['Error']['Code'] emsg = e.response['Error']['Code'] print(ecode, emsg) # logic to check provisoned capacity with autoscaling def _check_autoscaling_status(self): try: #Check for autoscaling policy in each table results = self.appScalingPolicyClient.describe_scaling_policies( ServiceNamespace = 'dynamodb', ResourceId = 'table/' + self.tables['Table']['TableName'] ) #If results comes back with record, autoscaling is enabled if len(results['ScalingPolicies']) == 0 and self.tables['Table']['BillingModeSummary']['BillingMode'] == 'PROVISIONED': self.results['autoScalingStatus'] = [-1 , ''] except botocore.exceptions as e: ecode = e.response['Error']['Code'] print(ecode) # logic to check for any existing backup available def _check_backup_status(self): try: results = self.backupClient.list_recovery_points_by_resource(ResourceArn = self.tables['Table']['TableArn']) if len(results['RecoveryPoints']) < 1: self.results['disabledBackup'] = [-1, ''] except botocore.exception as e: ecode = e.response['Error']['Code'] print(ecode) # logic to check service limits max GSI per table def _check_service_limits_max_gsi_table(self): if not 'GlobalSecondaryIndexes' in self.tables['Table']: return serviceQuotasResults = Config.get('QuotaCodeDDB', None) try: #Retrieve quota for DynamoDb = L-F98FE922 if serviceQuotasResults == None: serviceQuotasResults = self.serviceQuotaClient.list_service_quotas(ServiceCode='dynamodb')['Quotas'] Config.set('QuotaCodeDDB', serviceQuotasResults) for quotas in serviceQuotasResults: #Check for GSI limit / table if quotas['QuotaCode'] == 'L-F7858A77': y = int(80 * quotas['Value'] / 100) x = len(self.tables['Table']['GlobalSecondaryIndexes']) if x >= y: self.results['serviceLimitMaxGSIPerTable'] = [-1, str(x) + '/' + str(quotas['Value']) + ' GSI. Exceed 80% recommended GSI in the table'] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: ecode = e.response['Error']['Code'] emsg = e.response['Error']['Message'] print(ecode, emsg) # logic to check CW Sum ConditionalCheckFailedRequests > 0 def _check_conditional_check_failed_requests(self): _sumOfConditionalCheckFailedRequest = 0; try: #Count the number active reads on the table on the GSIs result = self.cloudWatchClient.get_metric_statistics( Namespace = 'AWS/DynamoDB', MetricName = 'ConditionalCheckFailedRequests', Dimensions = [ { 'Name':'TableName', 'Value':self.tables['Table']['TableName'] }, ], StartTime = - datetime.timedelta(7), EndTime =, Period = 900, Statistics = [ 'SampleCount', ], Unit = 'Count' ) for eachDatapoints in result['Datapoints']: _sumOfConditionalCheckFailedRequest += eachDatapoints['SampleCount'] if _sumOfConditionalCheckFailedRequest >= 1.0: self.results['conditionalCheckFailedRequests'] = [-1, str(_sumOfConditionalCheckFailedRequest) + ' : errors in past 7 days'] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: ecode = e.response['Error']['Code'] emsg = e.response['Error']['Message'] print(ecode, emsg) # logic to check CW Sum UserErrors > 0 def _check_user_errors(self): _sampleCount = 0; try: #Count the number active reads on the table on the GSIs result = self.cloudWatchClient.get_metric_statistics( Namespace = 'AWS/DynamoDB', MetricName = 'UserErrors', StartTime = - datetime.timedelta(7), EndTime =, Period = 900, Statistics = [ 'SampleCount', ], Unit = 'Count' ) for eachDatapoints in result['Datapoints']: _sampleCount += eachDatapoints['SampleCount'] if _sampleCount >= 1.0: self.results['userErrors'] = [-1, str(_sampleCount) + ' : SystemError in past 7 days'] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: ecode = e.response['Error']['Code'] emsg = e.response['Error']['Message'] print(ecode, emsg) # logic to check service limit wcu and rcu def _check_service_limit_wcu_rcu(self): try: _startTime = - datetime.timedelta(7) _endTime = #Count the number active reads on the table RCU rcuResult = self.cloudWatchClient.get_metric_statistics( Namespace = 'AWS/DynamoDB', MetricName = 'ConsumedReadCapacityUnits', Dimensions = [ { 'Name':'TableName', 'Value':self.tables['Table']['TableName'] }, ], StartTime = _startTime, EndTime = _endTime, Period = 3600, Statistics = [ 'Average', ], Unit = 'Count' ) #Count the number active reads on the table WCU wcuResult = self.cloudWatchClient.get_metric_statistics( Namespace = 'AWS/DynamoDB', MetricName = 'ConsumedWriteCapacityUnits', Dimensions = [ { 'Name':'TableName', 'Value':self.tables['Table']['TableName'] }, ], StartTime = _startTime, EndTime = _endTime, Period = 3600, Statistics = [ 'Average', ], Unit = 'Count' ) _rcuLimitCount = 0 _wcuLimitCount = 0 for eachRCUAverage in rcuResult['Datapoints']: if eachRCUAverage['Average'] > 0.8: _rcuLimitCount += 1 for eachWCUAverage in wcuResult['Datapoints']: if eachWCUAverage['Average'] > 0.8: _wcuLimitCount += 1 if _rcuLimitCount > 0: self.results['rcuServiceLimit'] = [-1, 'RCU limit > ' + str(_rcuLimitCount) + ' in past 7 days.'] if _wcuLimitCount > 0: self.results['wcuServiceLimit'] = [-1, 'WCU limit > ' + str(_wcuLimitCount) + ' in past 7 days.'] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: ecode = e.response['Error']['Code'] emsg = e.response['Error']['Message'] print(ecode, emsg) # logic to check autoscaling aggresiveness def _check_autoscaling_aggresiveness(self): try: results = self.appScalingPolicyClient.describe_scaling_policies( ServiceNamespace = 'dynamodb', ResourceId = 'table/' + self.tables['Table']['TableName'] ) if len(results['ScalingPolicies']) > 0: _wcuTarget = 0 _rcuTarget = 0 for eachScalingPolicies in results['ScalingPolicies']: if eachScalingPolicies['ScalableDimension'] == 'dynamodb:table:WriteCapacityUnits': _wcuTarget = eachScalingPolicies['TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration']['TargetValue'] elif eachScalingPolicies['ScalableDimension'] == 'dynamodb:table:ReadCapacityUnits': _rcuTarget = eachScalingPolicies['TargetTrackingScalingPolicyConfiguration']['TargetValue'] if _rcuTarget >= 80.0: self.results['autoScalingHighUtil'] = [-1, 'RCU = ' + str(_rcuTarget)] if _rcuTarget <= 50.0: self.results['autoScalingLowUtil'] = [-1, 'RCU = ' + str(_rcuTarget)] if _wcuTarget >= 80.0: self.results['autoScalingHighUtil'] = [-1, 'WCU = ' + str(_wcuTarget)] if _wcuTarget <= 50.0: self.results['autoScalingLowUtil'] = [-1, 'WCU = ' + str(_wcuTarget)] except botocore.exceptions as e: ecode = e.response['Error']['Code'] print(ecode) # logic to check CW Sum SystemErrors > 0 def _check_system_errors(self): try: #Count the number active reads on the table on the GSIs result = self.cloudWatchClient.get_metric_statistics( Namespace = 'AWS/DynamoDB', MetricName = 'SystemErrors', Dimensions = [ { 'Name':'TableName', 'Value':self.tables['Table']['TableName'] }, ], StartTime = - datetime.timedelta(30), EndTime =, Period = 3600, Statistics = [ 'SampleCount', ], Unit = 'Count' ) _systemErrorsCount = 0 for eachDatapoints in result['Datapoints']: _systemErrorsCount += eachDatapoints['SampleCount'] if _systemErrorsCount > 0: self.results['systemErrors'] = [-1, '['+ str(_systemErrorsCount)+ '] SystemError in past 7 days'] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: ecode = e.response['Error']['Code'] emsg = e.response['Error']['Message'] print(ecode, emsg) # logic to check CW Sum ThrottledRequest > 0 def _check_throttled_request(self): try: #Count the number active reads on the table on the GSIs result = self.cloudWatchClient.get_metric_statistics( Namespace = 'AWS/DynamoDB', MetricName = 'ThrottledRequests', Dimensions = [ { 'Name':'TableName', 'Value': self.tables['Table']['TableName'] }, ], StartTime = - datetime.timedelta(30), EndTime =, Period = 3600, Statistics = [ 'SampleCount', ], Unit = 'Count' ) _throttledRequestErrors = 0 for eachDatapoints in result['Datapoints']: _throttledRequestErrors += eachDatapoints['SampleCount'] if _throttledRequestErrors > 0: self.results['throttledRequest'] = [-1, '[' + str(_throttledRequestErrors) + '] request throttled in past 30 days'] except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: ecode = e.response['Error']['Code'] emsg = e.response['Error']['Message'] print(ecode, emsg)