import boto3 import time import datetime from utils.Config import Config from utils.Tools import _pr from utils.Tools import aws_parseInstanceFamily from utils.Tools import _warn from services.Evaluator import Evaluator class RdsCommon(Evaluator): def __init__(self, db, rdsClient): self.dbParams = {} self.results = {} self.db = db self.rdsClient = rdsClient self.__configPrefix = 'rds::' + db['Engine'] + '::' + db['EngineVersion'] + '::' self.init() self.loadParameterInfo() def showInfo(self): print("Identifier: " + self.db['DBInstanceIdentifier'] + "\n") _pr(self.results) def loadParameterInfo(self): arr = {} paramGroupName = self.db['DBParameterGroups'][0]['DBParameterGroupName'] results = self.rdsClient.describe_db_parameters( DBParameterGroupName = paramGroupName ) for param in results.get('Parameters'): if param['IsModifiable'] == 1 and 'ParameterValue' in param: arr[param['ParameterName']] = param['ParameterValue'] while results.get('Marker') is not None: results = self.rdsClient.describe_db_parameters( DBParameterGroupName = paramGroupName, Marker = results.get('Marker') ) for param in results.get('Parameters'): #__pr(param['ParameterName'] + ' = ' + param['ParameterValue'] + ' || ' + param['IsModifiable']) if param['IsModifiable'] == 1 and 'ParameterValue' in param: arr[param['ParameterName']] = param['ParameterValue'] self.dbParams = arr del arr ##Common Logic Belows ##All checks start from __check; def _checkHasMultiAZ(self): multiAZ = -1 if self.db['MultiAZ'] == False else 1 self.results['MultiAZ'] = [multiAZ, 'Off' if multiAZ == -1 else 'On'] def _checkAutoMinorVersionUpgrade(self): flag = -1 if self.db['AutoMinorVersionUpgrade'] == False else 1 self.results['AutoMinorVersionUpgrade'] = [flag, 'Off' if flag == -1 else 'On'] def _checkHasStorageEncrypted(self): flag = -1 if self.db['StorageEncrypted'] == False else 1 self.results['StorageEncrypted'] = [flag, 'Off' if flag == -1 else 'On'] def _checkHasPerformanceInsightsEnabled(self): flag = -1 if self.db['PerformanceInsightsEnabled'] == False else 1 self.results['PerformanceInsightsEnabled'] = [flag, 'Off' if flag == -1 else 'On'] def _checkHasBackup(self): backupDay = self.db['BackupRetentionPeriod'] if backupDay == 0: kk = 'Backup' elif backupDay < 7: kk = 'BackupTooLow' if backupDay < 7: self.results[kk] = [-1, backupDay] def _checkIsUsingDefaultParameterGroups(self): params = self.db['DBParameterGroups'] for param in params: if 'default.' in param['DBParameterGroupName']: self.results['DefaultParams'] = [-1, param['DBParameterGroupName']] def _checkHasEnhancedMonitoring(self): flag = 1 if 'EnhancedMonitoringResourceArn' in self.db else -1 self.results['EnhancedMonitor'] = [flag, 'On' if flag == -1 else 'Off'] def _checkDeleteProtection(self): flag = -1 if self.db['DeletionProtection'] == False else 1 self.results['DeleteProtection'] = [flag, 'Off' if flag == -1 else 'On'] def _checkIsPublicAccessible(self): flag = -1 if self.db['PubliclyAccessible'] == True else 1 self.results['PubliclyAccessible'] = [flag, 'Off' if flag == -1 else 'On'] def _checkSubnet3Az(self): subnets = self.db['DBSubnetGroup']['Subnets'] subnetName = [] for subnet in subnets: subnetName.append(subnet['SubnetAvailabilityZone']['Name']) flag = 1 if len(subnets) < 3: flag = -1 self.results['Subnets3Az'] = [flag, ', '.join(subnetName)] def _checkIsInstanceLatestGeneration(self): key = self.__configPrefix + 'orderableInstanceType' instTypes = Config.get(key, []) if not instTypes: try: results = self.rdsClient.describe_orderable_db_instance_options( # DBInstanceClass = self.db['DBInstanceClass'], Engine = self.db['Engine'], EngineVersion = self.db['EngineVersion'], MaxRecords = 20 ) arr = [] for instClass in results.get('OrderableDBInstanceOptions'): arr.append(instClass['DBInstanceClass']) while results.get('Marker') is not None: results = self.rdsClient.describe_orderable_db_instance_options( Engine = self.db['Engine'], EngineVersion = self.db['EngineVersion'], Marker = results.get('Marker') ) for instClass in results.get('OrderableDBInstanceOptions'): arr.append(instClass['DBInstanceClass']) instTypes = list(set(arr)) Config.set(key, instTypes) compressedLists = {} for instType in instTypes: temp = instType.split('.') compressedLists[temp[1][0]] = temp[1][1] Config.set(key + '::zip', compressedLists) except self.rdsClient.exceptions as e: _warn("Unable to identify potential latest engine version") if e.getAwsErrorCode() == 'InvalidParameterCombination': self.results['LatestInstanceGeneration'] = [-1, '**DEPRECIATED**' + self.db['DBInstanceClass']] self.results['LatestInstanceGeneration'] = [-1, '_ERROR_'] return else: compressedLists = Config.get(key + '::zip') dbInstClass = self.db['DBInstanceClass'].split('.') instInfo = aws_parseInstanceFamily(self.db['DBInstanceClass']) dbInstFamily = instInfo['prefixDetail']['family'] dbInstGeneration = instInfo['prefixDetail']['version'] if dbInstFamily == 't': self.results['BurstableInstance'] = [-1, self.db['DBInstanceClass']] if compressedLists[dbInstFamily] > dbInstGeneration: self.results['LatestInstanceGeneration'] = [-1, self.db['DBInstanceClass']] def _checkHasPatches(self): engine = self.db['Engine'] engineVersion = self.db['EngineVersion'] key = self.__configPrefix + 'engineVersions' version = Config.get(key, []) details = {} if not details: versions = self.rdsClient.describe_db_engine_versions( Engine=engine, EngineVersion=engineVersion ) version = versions.get('DBEngineVersions') if not version: self.results['EngineVersionMinor'] = [-1, "**DEPRECIATED**"] self.results['EngineVersionMajor'] = [-1, "**DEPRECIATED**"] return details = version[0] Config.set(key, details) upgrades = details['ValidUpgradeTarget'] if not upgrades: self.results['EngineVersion'] = [1, engineVersion] return if upgrades[0]['IsMajorVersionUpgrade'] == False: self.results['EngineVersionMinor'] = [-1, engineVersion] lastInfo = upgrades[-1] if lastInfo['IsMajorVersionUpgrade'] == True: self.results['EngineVersionMajor'] = [-1, engineVersion] def _checkClusterSize(self): cluster = self.db.get('DBClusterIdentifier', None) if not cluster: return resp = self.rdsClient.describe_db_clusters( DBClusterIdentifier=cluster ) clusters = resp.get('DBClusters') if len(clusters) < 2 or len(clusters) > 7: self.results['Aurora__ClusterSize'] = [-1, len(clusters)] def _checkOldSnapshots(self): if self.db.get('DBClusterIdentifier'): identifier = self.db['DBClusterIdentifier'] result = self.rdsClient.describe_db_cluster_snapshots( DBClusterIdentifier=identifier, SnapshotType='manual' ) snapshots = result.get('DBClusterSnapshots') while result.get('Marker') is not None: result = self.rdsClient.describe_db_cluster_snapshots( DBClusterIdentifier=identifier, SnapshotType='manual', Marker=result.get('Marker') ) snapshots = snapshots + result.get('DBSnapshots') else: identifier = self.db['DBInstanceIdentifier'] result = self.rdsClient.describe_db_snapshots( DBInstanceIdentifier=identifier, SnapshotType='manual' ) snapshots = result.get('DBSnapshots') while result.get('Marker') is not None: result = self.rdsClient.describe_db_snapshots( DBInstanceIdentifier=identifier, SnapshotType='manual', Marker=result.get('Marker') ) snapshots = snapshots + result.get('DBSnapshots') if not snapshots: return oldest_copy = snapshots[-1] oldest_copy_date = oldest_copy['SnapshotCreateTime'] now = diff = now - oldest_copy_date days = diff.days if len(snapshots) > 5: self.results['SnapshotTooMany'] = [-1, len(snapshots)] if days > 180: self.results['SnapshotTooOld'] = [-1, days] def check_free_storage(self): cw_client = boto3.client('cloudwatch') if not self.db['DBClusterIdentifier']: # Aurora Volume auto increase until 128TB as of 23/Sep/2021 return else: metric = 'FreeStorageSpace' dimensions = [ { 'Name': 'DBInstanceIdentifier', 'Value': self.db['DBInstanceIdentifier'] } ] results = cw_client.get_metric_statistics( Dimensions=dimensions, Namespace='AWS/RDS', MetricName=metric, StartTime=int(time.time()) - 300, EndTime=int(time.time()), Period=300, Statistics=['Average'] ) GBYTES = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 dp = results['Datapoints'] freesize = round(dp[0]['Average'] / GBYTES, 4) ratio = freesize / self.db['AllocatedStorage'] if ratio < 0.2: self.results['FreeStorage20pct'] = [-1, str(ratio * 100) + ' / ' + str(freesize) + '(GB)']