AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31 Description: Gevernance for Serverless managed rules Resources: ApiGWLoggingRule: # AWS Managed rule: enforces enabling of execution logging Type: AWS::Config::ConfigRule Properties: Description: Require API GW Logging # MaximumExecutionFrequency: One_Hour | Six_Hours | Three_Hours | Twelve_Hours | TwentyFour_Hours *Default Scope: ComplianceResourceTypes: - AWS::ApiGateway::Stage #API - AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Stage #HTTP API # ComplianceResourceId # TagKey: Environment # TagValue: Production Source: Owner: AWS SourceIdentifier: API_GW_EXECUTION_LOGGING_ENABLED S3NoPublicReadRule: # AWS Managed rule: enforces no S3 buckets with public read Type: AWS::Config::ConfigRule Properties: Description: S3 block public read Scope: ComplianceResourceTypes: - AWS::S3::Bucket Source: Owner: AWS SourceIdentifier: S3_BUCKET_PUBLIC_READ_PROHIBITED S3NoPublicWriteRule: # AWS Managed rule: enforces no S3 buckets with public write Type: AWS::Config::ConfigRule Properties: Description: S3 block public write Scope: ComplianceResourceTypes: - AWS::S3::Bucket Source: Owner: AWS SourceIdentifier: S3_BUCKET_PUBLIC_WRITE_PROHIBITED