## Ski Resort example using Amazon DynamoDB based on Single Table Design using AWS SDK for Java v1 This is the _**sample**_ code that comes together with [the blog post on Amazon DynamoDB Single Table Design using DynamoDBMapper & Spring Boot](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/amazon-dynamodb-single-table-design-using-dynamodbmapper-and-spring-boot/). The purpose of this sample code is to demonstrate how you can apply the Single Table Design concept in Java / Spring Boot based applications. The sample code demonstrates some relevant access patterns using local integration tests using DynamoDB Local. To run the tests locally when Apache Maven is already installed: `mvn clean verify` If Apache Maven is not installed the included Maven Wrapper can be used. Maven version used by the wrapper can be updated in `./mvn/wrapper/maven-wrapper.properties`. To run the test locally using the Maven Wrapper: `./mvnw clean verify` ### Single Table data model The domain classes in this example store all data in the same table:
Skilifts Table
Primary key Attributes
PK SK Date TotalUniqueLiftRiders AverageSnowCoverageInches AvalancheDanger OpenLifts ExperiencedRidersOnly VerticalFeet LiftTime LiftNumber
RESORT_DATA DATE#07-03-2021 07-03-2021 7788 50 HIGH 60
RESORT_DATA DATE#08-03-2021 08-03-2021 6699 40 MODERATE 60
RESORT_DATA DATE#09-03-2021 09-03-2021 5678 65 EXTREME 53
LIFT#1234 STATIC_DATA TRUE 1230 7:00 4545
LIFT#1234 DATE#07-03-2021 07-03-2021 3000 60 HIGH OPEN
## Security See [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md#security-issue-notifications) for more information. ## License This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.