import boto3 import time import csv import get_file_from_athena import json from datetime import datetime import os # Input parameter #1 : Image file name file_name = input("Image file to download(ex. 374689.jpg) : ") # Input parameter #2 : Image created date # yyyymmdd = input("Image creation date(ex. 2022/07/11) : ") region = 'ap-northeast-2' bucket_name = 'your-own-dest-repo' dest_dir_name = '/recovery/' params = { 'region': 'ap-northeast-2', 'database': 'images_repo', 'bucket': 'athena-bucket', 'path': 'from-seoul', 'query': 'select compress_file,year||\'/\'||month||\'/\'||day yyyymmdd from es_image_archive_list_v where file_name = ?', 'file_name' : file_name } # Sample athena query result # compress_file file_name year month day # archive-20220711_074927-AVC2WA.tar 3355457.jpg 2022 07 10 # archive-20220711_074927-AVC2WA.tar 3355458.jpg 2022 07 10 session = boto3.Session(profile_name='sess1') query_start_time = # Execute query and get the compress_file name data = get_file_from_athena.query_results(session, params) query_end_time = if data == None: print("There is no matched compression file with %s" % file_name) exit() #print(data) s3_client = boto3.client('s3', region) # download function def downfiles(bucket_name, yyyymmdd, archived_file, download_file): os.makedirs(dest_dir_name+yyyymmdd,exist_ok=True) s3_client.download_file(bucket_name, archived_file, download_file) print("Download completed.") download_start_time = compress_file = data[0] yyyymmdd = data[1] archived_file = yyyymmdd+'/'+compress_file #ex.2022/07/11/archive-20220711_094307-G2M26O.tar download_file = dest_dir_name+archived_file #ex./recovery/2022/07/11/archive-20220711_094307-G2M26O.tar print('\n') print("Compressed file : s3://%s/%s" %(bucket_name, archived_file)) print("Download location : %s" % download_file) downfiles(bucket_name, yyyymmdd, archived_file, download_file) download_end_time = print('\n') print('Query Duration: {}'.format(query_end_time - query_start_time)) print('Download Duration: {}'.format(download_end_time - download_start_time))