from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type from botocore.credentials import AssumeRoleCredentialFetcher from .pathlib import S3Path # NOTEBOOK_METADATA_FILE = "/opt/ml/metadata/resource-metadata.json" def get_sm_execution_role() -> str: if Path(NOTEBOOK_METADATA_FILE).is_file(): # Likely on SageMaker notebook instance. import sagemaker # noqa return sagemaker.get_execution_role() else: # Unlikely on SageMaker notebook instance. # cf - # Rely on botocore rather than boto3 for this function, to minimize # dependency on some environments where botocore exists, but not boto3. import botocore.session client = botocore.session.get_session().create_client("iam") response_roles = client.list_roles( PathPrefix="/", # Marker='string', MaxItems=999, ) for role in response_roles["Roles"]: if role["RoleName"].startswith("AmazonSageMaker-ExecutionRole-"): # print('Resolved SageMaker IAM Role to: ' + str(role)) return role["Arn"] raise Exception("Could not resolve what should be the SageMaker role to be used") class PyTestHelpers: @staticmethod def import_from_file(name, fname): """Import a module given a specific file name. This is intended to run pytest tests on multiple SageMaker sourcedirs under a single git repo. For further example, see """ import importlib.util spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name, fname) mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(mod) return mod def get_model_and_output_tgz(train_job_name: str, sm: Optional[Any] = None) -> Tuple[S3Path, S3Path]: """[summary] Args: train_job_name (str): [description] sm (Optional[Any], optional): [description]. Defaults to None. Returns: Tuple[S3Path, S3Path]: (model.tar.gz, output.tar.gz). """ model_tgz = get_model_tgz(train_job_name, sm) return (model_tgz, model_tgz.parent / "output.tar.gz") def get_output_tgz(train_job_name: str, sm: Optional[Any] = None) -> S3Path: """Get the S3 path of the output.tar.gz produced by a completed train job. Args: train_job_name (str): Name of training job. sm (optional): boto3.client for sagemaker. Defaults to None. Returns: S3Path: S3 path to the output.tar.gz """ model_tgz = get_model_tgz(train_job_name, sm) return model_tgz.parent / "output.tar.gz" def get_model_tgz(train_job_name: str, sm: Optional[Any] = None) -> S3Path: """Get the S3 path of the model.tar.gz produced by a completed train job. Args: train_job_name (str): Name of training job. sm (optional): boto3.client for sagemaker. Defaults to None. Returns: S3Path: S3 path to the model.tar.gz """ if sm is None: # NOTE: use boto3 instead of sagemaker sdk to minimize dependency. import boto3 sm = boto3.client("sagemaker") resp: Dict[str, Any] = sm.describe_training_job(TrainingJobName=train_job_name) # Deal with not-completed job. job_status = resp["TrainingJobStatus"] if job_status != "Completed": raise ValueError(f"Training job {train_job_name} has status: {job_status}") # Given string s3://bucket/.../output/model.tar.gz, pick only "bucket/.../output/" (with trailing /) s3_prefix = resp["ModelArtifacts"]["S3ModelArtifacts"] return S3Path(s3_prefix[len("s3://") :]) try: import sagemaker except ImportError: class FrameworkProcessor(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: raise NotImplementedError("Cannot find SageMaker Python SDK") else: import logging from sagemaker.estimator import Framework from sagemaker.mxnet.estimator import MXNet from import NetworkConfig from sagemaker.processing import ProcessingInput, ProcessingOutput, ScriptProcessor from sagemaker.pytorch.estimator import PyTorch from sagemaker.s3 import S3Uploader from sagemaker.session import Session from sagemaker.sklearn.estimator import SKLearn from sagemaker.tensorflow.estimator import TensorFlow from sagemaker.xgboost.estimator import XGBoost class FrameworkProcessor(ScriptProcessor): # type: ignore """Handles Amazon SageMaker processing tasks for jobs using a machine learning framework.""" logger = logging.getLogger("sagemaker") runproc_sh = """#!/bin/bash cd /opt/ml/processing/input/code/ tar -xzf payload/sourcedir.tar.gz [[ -f 'requirements.txt' ]] && pip install -r requirements.txt python {entry_point} "$@" """ # Added new (kw)args for estimator. The rest are from ScriptProcessor with same defaults. def __init__( self, estimator_cls: Type[Framework], # New arg framework_version: str, # New arg s3_prefix: str, # New arg role: str, instance_count: int, instance_type: str, py_version: str = "py3", # New kwarg image_uri: Optional[str] = None, volume_size_in_gb: int = 30, volume_kms_key: Optional[str] = None, output_kms_key: Optional[str] = None, max_runtime_in_seconds: Optional[int] = None, base_job_name: Optional[str] = None, sagemaker_session: Optional[Session] = None, env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, tags: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, network_config: Optional[NetworkConfig] = None, ): """Initializes a ``FrameworkProcessor`` instance. The ``FrameworkProcessor`` handles Amazon SageMaker Processing tasks for jobs using a machine learning framework, which allows for a set of Python scripts to be run as part of the Processing Job. Args: estimator_cls (type): A subclass of ``Framework`` estimator framework_version (str): The version of the framework s3_prefix (str): The S3 prefix URI where custom code will be uploaded - don't include a trailing slash since a string prepended with a "/" is appended to ``s3_prefix``. The code file uploaded to S3 is 's3_prefix/job-name/source/sourcedir.tar.gz'. role (str): An AWS IAM role name or ARN. Amazon SageMaker Processing uses this role to access AWS resources, such as data stored in Amazon S3. instance_count (int): The number of instances to run a processing job with. instance_type (str): The type of EC2 instance to use for processing, for example, 'ml.c4.xlarge'. py_version (str): Python version you want to use for executing your model training code. One of 'py2' or 'py3'. Defaults to 'py3'. Value is ignored when ``image_uri`` is provided. image_uri (str): The URI of the Docker image to use for the processing jobs. volume_size_in_gb (int): Size in GB of the EBS volume to use for storing data during processing (default: 30). volume_kms_key (str): A KMS key for the processing volume (default: None). output_kms_key (str): The KMS key ID for processing job outputs (default: None). max_runtime_in_seconds (int): Timeout in seconds (default: None). After this amount of time, Amazon SageMaker terminates the job, regardless of its current status. If `max_runtime_in_seconds` is not specified, the default value is 24 hours. base_job_name (str): Prefix for processing name. If not specified, the processor generates a default job name, based on the processing image name and current timestamp. sagemaker_session (:class:`~sagemaker.session.Session`): Session object which manages interactions with Amazon SageMaker and any other AWS services needed. If not specified, the processor creates one using the default AWS configuration chain. env (dict[str, str]): Environment variables to be passed to the processing jobs (default: None). tags (list[dict]): List of tags to be passed to the processing job (default: None). For more, see network_config (:class:``): A :class:`` object that configures network isolation, encryption of inter-container traffic, security group IDs, and subnets. """ self.estimator_cls = estimator_cls self.framework_version = framework_version self.py_version = py_version image_uri, base_job_name = self._pre_init_normalization( instance_count, instance_type, image_uri, base_job_name ) super().__init__( role=role, image_uri=image_uri, command=["/bin/bash"], instance_count=instance_count, instance_type=instance_type, volume_size_in_gb=volume_size_in_gb, volume_kms_key=volume_kms_key, output_kms_key=output_kms_key, max_runtime_in_seconds=max_runtime_in_seconds, base_job_name=base_job_name, sagemaker_session=sagemaker_session, env=env, tags=tags, network_config=network_config, ) self.s3_prefix = s3_prefix def _pre_init_normalization( self, instance_count: int, instance_type: str, image_uri: Optional[str] = None, base_job_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: # Normalize base_job_name if base_job_name is None: base_job_name = self.estimator_cls._framework_name if base_job_name is None: self.logger.warning("Framework name is None. Please check with the maintainer.") base_job_name = str(base_job_name) # Keep mypy happy. # Normalize image uri. if image_uri is None: # Estimator used only to probe image uri, so can get away with some dummy values. est = self.estimator_cls( framework_version=self.framework_version, instance_type=instance_type, py_version=self.py_version, image_uri=image_uri, entry_point="", role="", enable_network_isolation=False, instance_count=instance_count, ) image_uri = est.training_image_uri() return image_uri, base_job_name def run( self, entry_point: str, source_dir: Optional[str], dependencies: Optional[List[str]] = None, git_config: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, inputs: Optional[List[ProcessingInput]] = None, outputs: Optional[List[ProcessingOutput]] = None, arguments: Optional[List[str]] = None, wait: bool = True, logs: bool = True, job_name: Optional[str] = None, experiment_config: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, kms_key: Optional[str] = None, ): """Runs a processing job. Args: entrypoint (str): Path (absolute or relative) to the local Python source file which should be executed as the entry point to training. If ``source_dir`` is specified, then ``entry_point`` must point to a file located at the root of ``source_dir``. source_dir (str): Path (absolute, relative or an S3 URI) to a directory with any other training source code dependencies aside from the entry point file (default: None). If ``source_dir`` is an S3 URI, it must point to a tar.gz file. Structure within this directory are preserved when training on Amazon SageMaker. dependencies (list[str]): A list of paths to directories (absolute or relative) with any additional libraries that will be exported to the container (default: []). The library folders will be copied to SageMaker in the same folder where the entrypoint is copied. If 'git_config' is provided, 'dependencies' should be a list of relative locations to directories with any additional libraries needed in the Git repo. git_config (dict[str, str]): Git configurations used for cloning files, including ``repo``, ``branch``, ``commit``, ``2FA_enabled``, ``username``, ``password`` and ``token``. The ``repo`` field is required. All other fields are optional. ``repo`` specifies the Git repository where your training script is stored. If you don't provide ``branch``, the default value 'master' is used. If you don't provide ``commit``, the latest commit in the specified branch is used. .. admonition:: Example The following config: >>> git_config = {'repo': '', >>> 'branch': 'test-branch-git-config', >>> 'commit': '329bfcf884482002c05ff7f44f62599ebc9f445a'} results in cloning the repo specified in 'repo', then checkout the 'master' branch, and checkout the specified commit. ``2FA_enabled``, ``username``, ``password`` and ``token`` are used for authentication. For GitHub (or other Git) accounts, set ``2FA_enabled`` to 'True' if two-factor authentication is enabled for the account, otherwise set it to 'False'. If you do not provide a value for ``2FA_enabled``, a default value of 'False' is used. CodeCommit does not support two-factor authentication, so do not provide "2FA_enabled" with CodeCommit repositories. For GitHub and other Git repos, when SSH URLs are provided, it doesn't matter whether 2FA is enabled or disabled; you should either have no passphrase for the SSH key pairs, or have the ssh-agent configured so that you will not be prompted for SSH passphrase when you do 'git clone' command with SSH URLs. When HTTPS URLs are provided: if 2FA is disabled, then either token or username+password will be used for authentication if provided (token prioritized); if 2FA is enabled, only token will be used for authentication if provided. If required authentication info is not provided, python SDK will try to use local credentials storage to authenticate. If that fails either, an error message will be thrown. For CodeCommit repos, 2FA is not supported, so '2FA_enabled' should not be provided. There is no token in CodeCommit, so 'token' should not be provided too. When 'repo' is an SSH URL, the requirements are the same as GitHub-like repos. When 'repo' is an HTTPS URL, username+password will be used for authentication if they are provided; otherwise, python SDK will try to use either CodeCommit credential helper or local credential storage for authentication. inputs (list[:class:`~sagemaker.processing.ProcessingInput`]): Input files for the processing job. These must be provided as :class:`~sagemaker.processing.ProcessingInput` objects (default: None). outputs (list[:class:`~sagemaker.processing.ProcessingOutput`]): Outputs for the processing job. These can be specified as either path strings or :class:`~sagemaker.processing.ProcessingOutput` objects (default: None). arguments (list[str]): A list of string arguments to be passed to a processing job (default: None). wait (bool): Whether the call should wait until the job completes (default: True). logs (bool): Whether to show the logs produced by the job. Only meaningful when wait is True (default: True). job_name (str): Processing job name. If not specified, the processor generates a default job name, based on the base job name and current timestamp. experiment_config (dict[str, str]): Experiment management configuration. Dictionary contains three optional keys: 'ExperimentName', 'TrialName', and 'TrialComponentDisplayName'. kms_key (str): The ARN of the KMS key that is used to encrypt the user code file (default: None). """ if job_name is None: job_name = self._generate_current_job_name() estimator = self._upload_payload(entry_point, source_dir, dependencies, git_config, job_name) inputs = self._patch_inputs_with_payload(inputs, estimator._hyperparameters["sagemaker_submit_directory"]) # Upload the bootstrapping code as s3://.../jobname/source/ s3_runproc_sh = S3Uploader.upload_string_as_file_body( self.runproc_sh.format(entry_point=entry_point), desired_s3_uri=f"{self.s3_prefix}/{job_name}/source/", sagemaker_session=self.sagemaker_session, )" uploaded to", s3_runproc_sh) # Submit a processing job. super().run( code=s3_runproc_sh, inputs=inputs, outputs=outputs, arguments=arguments, wait=wait, logs=logs, job_name=job_name, experiment_config=experiment_config, kms_key=kms_key, ) def _upload_payload( self, entry_point: str, source_dir: Optional[str], dependencies: Optional[List[str]], git_config: Optional[Dict[str, str]], job_name: str, ) -> Framework: # A new estimator instance is required, because each call to can # use different codes. estimator = self.estimator_cls( entry_point=entry_point, source_dir=source_dir, dependencies=dependencies, git_config=git_config, framework_version=self.framework_version, py_version=self.py_version, code_location=self.s3_prefix, # Estimator will use /jobname/output/source.tar.gz enable_network_isolation=False, # If true, estimator uploads to input channel. Not what we want! image_uri=self.image_uri, # The image uri is already normalized by this point. role=self.role, instance_type=self.instance_type, instance_count=self.instance_count, sagemaker_session=self.sagemaker_session, debugger_hook_config=False, disable_profiler=True, ) estimator._prepare_for_training(job_name=job_name) "Uploaded %s to %s", estimator.source_dir, estimator._hyperparameters["sagemaker_submit_directory"], ) return estimator def _patch_inputs_with_payload(self, inputs, s3_payload) -> List[ProcessingInput]: # ScriptProcessor job will download only s3://..../code/, hence we need to also # inject our s3://.../sourcedir.tar.gz. # # We'll follow the exact same mechanism that ScriptProcessor does, which is to inject the # S3 code artifact as a processing input with destination /opt/ml/processing/input/code/payload/. # # Unfortunately, as much as I'd like to put sourcedir.tar.gz to /opt/ml/processing/input/code/, # this cannot be done as this destination is already used by the ScriptProcessor for, # and the SDK does not allow another input with the same destination. # - Note that the parameterized form of this path is available as ScriptProcessor._CODE_CONTAINER_BASE_PATH # and ScriptProcessor._CODE_CONTAINER_INPUT_NAME. # - See: if inputs is None: inputs = [] inputs.append(ProcessingInput(source=s3_payload, destination="/opt/ml/processing/input/code/payload/")) return inputs class MXNetProcessor(FrameworkProcessor): """Handles Amazon SageMaker processing tasks for jobs using MXNet containers.""" estimator_cls = MXNet def __init__( self, framework_version: str, # New arg s3_prefix: str, # New arg role: str, instance_count: int, instance_type: str, py_version: str = "py3", # New kwarg image_uri: Optional[str] = None, volume_size_in_gb: int = 30, volume_kms_key: Optional[str] = None, output_kms_key: Optional[str] = None, max_runtime_in_seconds: Optional[int] = None, base_job_name: Optional[str] = None, sagemaker_session: Optional[Session] = None, env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, tags: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, network_config: Optional[NetworkConfig] = None, ): """This processor executes a Python script in a managed MXNet execution environment. Unless ``image_uri`` is specified, the MXNet environment is an Amazon-built Docker container that executes functions defined in the supplied ``entry_point`` Python script. The arguments have the exact same meaning as in ``FrameworkProcessor``. .. tip:: You can find additional parameters for initializing this class at :class:`~smallmatter.ds.FrameworkProcessor`. """ super().__init__( self.estimator_cls, framework_version, s3_prefix, role, instance_count, instance_type, py_version, image_uri, volume_size_in_gb, volume_kms_key, output_kms_key, max_runtime_in_seconds, base_job_name, sagemaker_session, env, tags, network_config, ) class PyTorchProcessor(FrameworkProcessor): """Handles Amazon SageMaker processing tasks for jobs using PyTorch containers.""" estimator_cls = PyTorch def __init__( self, framework_version: str, # New arg s3_prefix: str, # New arg role: str, instance_count: int, instance_type: str, py_version: str = "py3", # New kwarg image_uri: Optional[str] = None, volume_size_in_gb: int = 30, volume_kms_key: Optional[str] = None, output_kms_key: Optional[str] = None, max_runtime_in_seconds: Optional[int] = None, base_job_name: Optional[str] = None, sagemaker_session: Optional[Session] = None, env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, tags: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, network_config: Optional[NetworkConfig] = None, ): """This processor executes a Python script in a PyTorch execution environment. Unless ``image_uri`` is specified, the PyTorch environment is an Amazon-built Docker container that executes functions defined in the supplied ``entry_point`` Python script. The arguments have the exact same meaning as in ``FrameworkProcessor``. .. tip:: You can find additional parameters for initializing this class at :class:`~smallmatter.ds.FrameworkProcessor`. """ super().__init__( self.estimator_cls, framework_version, s3_prefix, role, instance_count, instance_type, py_version, image_uri, volume_size_in_gb, volume_kms_key, output_kms_key, max_runtime_in_seconds, base_job_name, sagemaker_session, env, tags, network_config, ) class SKLearnProcessorAlt(FrameworkProcessor): """Handles Amazon SageMaker processing tasks for jobs using scikit-learn containers.""" estimator_cls = SKLearn def __init__( self, framework_version: str, # New arg s3_prefix: str, # New arg role: str, instance_count: int, instance_type: str, py_version: str = "py3", # New kwarg image_uri: Optional[str] = None, volume_size_in_gb: int = 30, volume_kms_key: Optional[str] = None, output_kms_key: Optional[str] = None, max_runtime_in_seconds: Optional[int] = None, base_job_name: Optional[str] = None, sagemaker_session: Optional[Session] = None, env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, tags: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, network_config: Optional[NetworkConfig] = None, ): """This processor executes a Python script in a scikit-learn execution environment. This class has an 'Alt' suffix to denote it as an alternative to built-in ``sagemaker.sklearn.processing.SKLearnProcessor``. Unless ``image_uri`` is specified, the scikit-learn environment is an Amazon-built Docker container that executes functions defined in the supplied ``entry_point`` Python script. The arguments have the exact same meaning as in ``FrameworkProcessor``. .. tip:: You can find additional parameters for initializing this class at :class:`~smallmatter.ds.FrameworkProcessor`. """ super().__init__( self.estimator_cls, framework_version, s3_prefix, role, instance_count, instance_type, py_version, image_uri, volume_size_in_gb, volume_kms_key, output_kms_key, max_runtime_in_seconds, base_job_name, sagemaker_session, env, tags, network_config, ) class TensorFlowProcessor(FrameworkProcessor): """Handles Amazon SageMaker processing tasks for jobs using TensorFlow containers.""" estimator_cls = TensorFlow def __init__( self, framework_version: str, # New arg s3_prefix: str, # New arg role: str, instance_count: int, instance_type: str, py_version: str = "py3", # New kwarg image_uri: Optional[str] = None, volume_size_in_gb: int = 30, volume_kms_key: Optional[str] = None, output_kms_key: Optional[str] = None, max_runtime_in_seconds: Optional[int] = None, base_job_name: Optional[str] = None, sagemaker_session: Optional[Session] = None, env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, tags: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, network_config: Optional[NetworkConfig] = None, ): """This processor executes a Python script in a TensorFlow execution environment. Unless ``image_uri`` is specified, the TensorFlow environment is an Amazon-built Docker container that executes functions defined in the supplied ``entry_point`` Python script. The arguments have the exact same meaning as in ``FrameworkProcessor``. .. tip:: You can find additional parameters for initializing this class at :class:`~smallmatter.ds.FrameworkProcessor`. """ super().__init__( self.estimator_cls, framework_version, s3_prefix, role, instance_count, instance_type, py_version, image_uri, volume_size_in_gb, volume_kms_key, output_kms_key, max_runtime_in_seconds, base_job_name, sagemaker_session, env, tags, network_config, ) class XGBoostEstimator(FrameworkProcessor): """Handles Amazon SageMaker processing tasks for jobs using XGBoost containers.""" estimator_cls = XGBoost def __init__( self, framework_version: str, # New arg s3_prefix: str, # New arg role: str, instance_count: int, instance_type: str, py_version: str = "py3", # New kwarg image_uri: Optional[str] = None, volume_size_in_gb: int = 30, volume_kms_key: Optional[str] = None, output_kms_key: Optional[str] = None, max_runtime_in_seconds: Optional[int] = None, base_job_name: Optional[str] = None, sagemaker_session: Optional[Session] = None, env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, tags: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None, network_config: Optional[NetworkConfig] = None, ): """This processor executes a Python script in an XGBoost execution environment. Unless ``image_uri`` is specified, the XGBoost environment is an Amazon-built Docker container that executes functions defined in the supplied ``entry_point`` Python script. The arguments have the exact same meaning as in ``FrameworkProcessor``. .. tip:: You can find additional parameters for initializing this class at :class:`~smallmatter.ds.FrameworkProcessor`. """ super().__init__( self.estimator_cls, framework_version, s3_prefix, role, instance_count, instance_type, py_version, image_uri, volume_size_in_gb, volume_kms_key, output_kms_key, max_runtime_in_seconds, base_job_name, sagemaker_session, env, tags, network_config, )