''' status: completed version: v26 way: using multi-part uploading ref: https://gist.github.com/teasherm/bb73f21ed2f3b46bc1c2ca48ec2c1cf5 changelog: - 2021.02.20 - save filelist_dir as filelist-currentdata.gz when executing genlist - 2021.02.20 - performance improvement of genlist; dumping file list, not each line - 2021.02.20 - replacing scandir.walk to os.walk. already os.walk module patched with scandir after python3.5 - 2021.02.10 - replacing os.walk with scandir.walk to improve performance of file listing - 2021.02.09 - python2 compatibility for "open(filename, endoding)" - 2021.02.01 - modifying to support Windows - refactoring for more accurate defining of variables - 2021.01.26 - multi processing support for parallel uploading of tar files - relevant parameter: max_process - 2021.01.25 - removing yaml feature, due for it to cause too much cpu consumtion and low performance - fixing bug which use two profiles(sbe1, default), now only use "sbe1" profile - showing progress - 2020.02.25 - changing filelist file to contain the target filename - 2020.02.24 - fixing FIFO error - adding example of real snowball configuration - 2020.02.22 - limiting multi-thread numbers - adding multi-threading to improve performance - adding fifo operation to reducing for big file which is over max_part_size - 2020.02.19 - removing tarfiles_one_time logic - spliting buffer by max_part_size - 2020.02.18: - supprt snowball limit: - max_part_size: 512mb - min_part_size: 5mb - 2020.02.14: - modifying for python3 - support korean in Windows - 2020.02.12: adding features - gen_filelist by size - 2020.02.10: changing filename from tar_to_s3_v7_multipart.py to snowball_uploader_8.py - adding features which can split tar file by size and count. - adding feature which create file list - showing help message ''' import boto3 import tarfile import io import os.path from datetime import datetime import sys import shutil import multiprocessing import time import math bucket_name = "your-own-bucket" session = boto3.Session(profile_name='sbe1') s3 = session.client('s3', endpoint_url='') # or below #s3 = session.client('s3', endpoint_url='https://s3.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com') #s3 = boto3.client('s3', region_name='ap-northeast-2', endpoint_url='https://s3.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com', aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key=None) target_path = '/data/src' ## very important!! change to your source directory max_tarfile_size = 10 * 1024 ** 3 # 10GiB, 100GiB is max limit of snowball max_part_size = 500 * 1024 ** 2 # 500MB, 500MiB is max limit of snowball max_process = 5 # max process number, set the value to less than filelist files in filelist_dir if os.name == 'nt': filelist_dir = "C:/tmp/fl_logdir_dkfjpoiwqjefkdjf/" #for windows else: filelist_dir = '/tmp/fl_logdir_dkfjpoiwqjefkdjf/' #for linux #### don't need to modify from here min_part_size = 5 * 1024 ** 2 # 5MiB, Don't change it, it is limit of snowball max_part_count = int(math.ceil(max_tarfile_size / max_part_size)) current_time = datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") parts = [] delimiter = ', ' ## if python2, exclude encoding parameter if sys.version_info.major > 2: do_open = lambda filename, flag: open(filename, flag, encoding='utf-8') else: do_open = lambda filename, flag: open(filename, flag) ## Caution: you have to modify rename_file function to fit your own naming rule def rename_file(org_file): #return org_file + "_new_name" return org_file def write_to_file(fl_name, subfl_list): with do_open(fl_name, 'w') as f: for line in subfl_list: f.write("%s\n" %line) #writer = csv.writer(fl_content) #writer.writerows(subfl_list) return 0 def gen_filelist(): sum_size = 0 fl_prefix = 'fl_' fl_index = 1 subfl_list = [] shutil.rmtree(filelist_dir,ignore_errors=True) try: os.makedirs(filelist_dir) except: pass print('generating file list by size %s bytes' % max_tarfile_size) for r,d,f in os.walk(target_path): for file in f: fl_name = filelist_dir + '/' + fl_prefix + str(fl_index) + ".txt" file_name = os.path.join(r,file) f_meta = os.stat(file_name) f_inode = f_meta.st_ino f_size = f_meta.st_size #f_dict[f_inode] = {"fname":file_name, "fsize":f_size} sum_size = sum_size + f_size target_file_name = rename_file(file_name) #f_info = [file_name , target_file_name , f_inode, f_size] f_info = [file_name , target_file_name] f_info_str = delimiter.join(f_info) subfl_list.append(f_info_str) if max_tarfile_size < sum_size: write_to_file(fl_name, subfl_list) fl_index = fl_index + 1 print('%s is generated' % fl_name) sum_size = 0 subfl_list=[] ## generate file list for remaings write_to_file(fl_name, subfl_list) ## archive file list files with tar.gz fl_arc_file = "filelist-" + current_time +".gz" with tarfile.open(fl_arc_file, "w:gz") as tar: tar.add(filelist_dir, arcname=os.path.basename(filelist_dir)) print('file lists are generated!!') print('check %s' % filelist_dir) return 0 def get_org_files_list(source_file): filelist = [] with do_open(source_file, 'r') as fn: for line in fn.readlines(): filelist.append({line.split(delimiter)[0]:line.split(delimiter)[1].replace('\n','')}) return filelist def log_error(error_log, org_file, str_suffix): with do_open(error_log,'a+') as err: err.write(org_file + str_suffix) def log_success(success_log, target_file, str_suffix): with do_open(success_log,'a+') as success: success.write(target_file + str_suffix) def create_mpu(key_name): mpu = s3.create_multipart_upload(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key_name, Metadata={"snowball-auto-extract": "true"}) mpu_id = mpu["UploadId"] return mpu_id def upload_mpu(key_name, mpu_id, data, index): #part = s3.upload_part(Body=data, Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key_name, UploadId=mpu_id, PartNumber=index, ContentLength=max_buf_size) part = s3.upload_part(Body=data, Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key_name, UploadId=mpu_id, PartNumber=index) parts.append({"PartNumber": index, "ETag": part["ETag"]}) #print ('parts list: %s' % str(parts)) return parts def complete_mpu(key_name, mpu_id, parts): result = s3.complete_multipart_upload( Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key_name, UploadId=mpu_id, MultipartUpload={"Parts": parts}) return result def adjusting_parts_order(mpu_parts): return sorted(mpu_parts, key=lambda item: item['PartNumber']) def buf_fifo(buf): tmp_buf = io.BytesIO() # added for FIFO operation tmp_buf.write(buf.read()) # added for FIFO operation #print ('3. before fifo, recv_buf_size: %s' % len(buf.getvalue())) #print('3.before fifo, recv_buf_pos : %s' % buf.tell()) buf.seek(0,0) buf.truncate(0) tmp_buf.seek(0,0) buf.write(tmp_buf.read()) return buf def copy_to_snowball(error_log, success_log, key_name, org_files_list): tar_file_size = 0 recv_buf = io.BytesIO() mpu_id = create_mpu(key_name) parts_index = 1 s_log = success_log e_log = error_log with tarfile.open(fileobj=recv_buf, mode="w") as tar: for files_dict in org_files_list: for org_file, target_file in files_dict.items(): if os.path.isfile(org_file): tar.add(org_file, arcname=target_file) #print ('1. recv_buf_size: %s' % len(recv_buf.getvalue())) log_success(s_log, target_file, " is archiving \n" ) recv_buf_size = recv_buf.tell() #print ('1. recv_buf_pos: %s' % recv_buf.tell()) if recv_buf_size > max_part_size: print('multi part uploading: %s / %s , size: %s' % (parts_index, max_part_count, recv_buf_size)) chunk_count = int(recv_buf_size / max_part_size) tar_file_size = tar_file_size + recv_buf_size print('%s is accumulating, size: %s' % (key_name, tar_file_size)) #print('chunk_count: %s ' % chunk_count) for buf_index in range(chunk_count): start_pos = buf_index * max_part_size recv_buf.seek(start_pos,0) mpu_parts = upload_mpu(key_name, mpu_id, recv_buf.read(max_part_size), parts_index) parts_index += 1 #################### buf_fifo(recv_buf) recv_buf_size = recv_buf.tell() #print('3.after fifo, recv_buf_pos : %s' % recv_buf.tell()) #print ('3. after fifo, recv_buf_size: %s' % len(recv_buf.getvalue())) else: pass #print('accumulating files...') else: log_error(e_log, org_file," does not exist\n") print (org_file + ' is not exist...............................................\n') recv_buf.seek(0,0) mpu_parts = upload_mpu(key_name, mpu_id, recv_buf.read(), parts_index) parts_index += 1 mpu_parts = adjusting_parts_order(mpu_parts) complete_mpu(key_name, mpu_id, mpu_parts) ### print metadata meta_out = s3.head_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key_name) print ('\n metadata info: %s' % str(meta_out)) log_success(s_log, str(meta_out), '!!\n') print ("\n tar file: %s \n" % key_name) log_success(s_log, key_name, ' is uploaded successfully\n') def snowball_uploader_help(**args): print ("Usage: %s 'genlist | cp_snowball | help'" % sys.argv[0]) print ("use python3, not compatible with python2!!!") #print ('\n') print ('genlist: ') print ('this option will generate files which are containing target files list in %s'% (filelist_dir)) #print ('\n') print ('cp_snowball: ') print ('cp_snowball option will copy the files on server to snowball efficiently') print ('the mechanism is here:') print ('1. reads the target file name from the one filelist file in filelist directory') print ('2. accumulates files to max_part_size in memory') print ('3. if it reachs max_part_size, send it to snowball using MultiPartUpload') print ('4. tar files uploading to Snowball concurrently according to max_process') print ('5. after complete to send, tar file is generated in snowball') print ('6. then, moves to the next filelist file recursively') if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 2: print ("Usage: %s genlist | cp_snowball | help" % sys.argv[0]) print ("use python3, not compatible with python2!!!") sys.exit() elif sys.argv[1] == "genlist": gen_filelist() elif sys.argv[1] == "cp_snowball": source_files = os.listdir(filelist_dir) max_source_files = len(source_files) source_files_count = 0 task_process = [] task_index = 0 for sf in source_files: error_log = ('error_%s_%s.log' % (sf, current_time)) success_log = ('success_%s_%s.log' % (sf, current_time)) source_file = os.path.join(filelist_dir, sf) #org_files_list = open(source_file, encoding='utf8').readlines() org_files_list = get_org_files_list(source_file) key_name = ("snowball-%s-%s.tar" % (sf[:-4], current_time)) #print ("key_name:", key_name) #print ('\n0. ###########################') #print ('0. %s is starting' % sf) #print ('0. ###########################') #copy_to_snowball(org_files_list) task_process.append(multiprocessing.Process(target = copy_to_snowball, args=(error_log, success_log, key_name, org_files_list,))) task_process[-1].start() source_files_count+=1 #print ('1. ###########################') print ('1. %s is processing, transfered tar files: %s / %s' % (sf, source_files_count, max_source_files)) #print ('1. ###########################') parts = [] if task_index >= max_process: pjoin = [ proc.join() for proc in task_process ] task_index = 0 task_process = [] task_index += 1 #print ('part progess of tar file could not reach the max, sorry for inconvenience') print ("Snowball Uploading Finished") else: snowball_uploader_help()