-- create a schema if it doesn't already exist CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS myschema; -- drop the table if it is already there (dropping the table first will provide for a clean run) DROP TABLE myschema.mytesttable; -- create a simple table CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS myschema.mytesttable ( id_pk varchar(36) not null, random_string varchar(200) not null, random_number double not null, reverse_string varchar(200) not null, row_ts timestamp not null, PRIMARY KEY (id_pk) ); -- create a few indexes to better support a real I/O scenario CREATE INDEX rs_secondary_idx ON myschema.mytesttable (random_string); CREATE INDEX rn_secondary_idx ON myschema.mytesttable (random_number); CREATE INDEX ts_secondary_idx ON myschema.mytesttable (row_ts); CREATE INDEX ci_compound_idx ON myschema.mytesttable (reverse_string, id_pk); -- Replace existing with your own database user GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE on myschema.mytesttable TO ; -- sample SQL for generating some random data INSERT INTO myschema.mytesttable (id_pk, random_string, random_number, reverse_string, row_ts ) VALUES (replace(uuid(),'-',''), concat(replace(uuid(),'-',''), replace(convert(rand(), char), '.', ''), replace(convert(rand(), char), '.', '')), rand(), reverse(concat(replace(uuid(),'-',''), replace(convert(rand(), char), '.', ''), replace(convert(rand(), char), '.', ''))), current_timestamp );