# Blog code samples Blog: Migrate delimited files from S3 to DynamoDB NoSQL table using Database Migration Services (DMS) and CloudFormation. Use Amazon S3 as a source and push a file with 4 million rows of data into Amazon DynamoDB using AWS DMS. Use CloudFormation to create all of the resources, and initiate the task. ### Sample shell script Script example for downloading files from imdb download-imdb-title-basics.sh IMDB license information and instructions can be found at http://www.imdb.com/interfaces/ ### CloudFormation template for launching resources in AWS 1. Open AWS Console, choose CloudFormation, click Create stack, and upload a template to Amazon S3 cloudformation-dms-migration-s3-dynamodb.yaml 2. Complete the required fields * Stack name * Instance class * Security group * S3 bucket name * Service role arn 3. Allow your stack to complete and review your migration resources. ### Supporting scripts Python script for transforming formatted JSON into one-line escaped JSON for use by CloudFormation script help-json.py Table definition for title_basics table for use with DMS title-basics.json escaped-title-basics.txt DMS task settings for migration task-settings.json escaped-task-settings.txt Selection criteria for DMS task table-settings.json escaped-table-settings.json