import os import logging import boto3 from botocore.client import Config from mysql import connector logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) db_conn = None def handler(event, context): """Handler function, entry point for Lambda""" # Connection can be reused by subsequent Function invocations global db_conn rds_db_name = os.environ['RDS_DB_NAME'] # One specific group will trigger RDS user creation group_id = os.environ['IDENTITYSTORE_GROUP_ID'] user_name = get_user_info(event['detail'], group_id) # User does not exist or not in the specified group ID if user_name is None:"Not adding user to RDS") return {"status": "Success"}"Creating user %s in the DB", user_name) # Reuse connection if exists if db_conn is None: db_conn = get_mysql_connection() if db_conn is None: raise Exception("Failed to connect to the DB") create_user_q = f"CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS '{user_name}' IDENTIFIED WITH AWSAuthenticationPlugin as 'RDS';" grant_q = f"GRANT INSERT, SELECT ON {rds_db_name}.* TO '{user_name}'@'%';" try: cursor = db_conn.cursor() cursor.execute(create_user_q) cursor.execute(grant_q) except Exception as e: logger.error(e) raise Exception("Failed to execute SQL queries") from e"Created RDS user %s", user_name) return {"status": "Success"} def get_user_info(event_details, group_id): """ Gets user details from IAM Identity Center using user_id Returns user_name if user exists and belongs to a certain group Returns None otherwise """ # Always adding user to a group user_id = event_details['requestParameters']['member']['memberId'] _group_id = event_details['requestParameters']['groupId'] group_matches = _group_id == group_id"Received new add user to group event with user_id %s", user_id) if not group_matches: logger.warning("User is not part of a requested group id %s", group_id) return None identitystore_id = event_details['requestParameters']['identityStoreId'] config = Config(connect_timeout=3, retries={'max_attempts': 2}) client = boto3.client('identitystore', config=config) user_data = client.describe_user( IdentityStoreId=identitystore_id, UserId=user_id ) if not user_data: logger.error("Failed to get user data for user id %s", user_id) return None user_name = user_data.get('UserName', None) return user_name def get_mysql_connection(): """ Creates MySQL connection using IAM credentials Returns mysql.connector if successful Returns None if not successful """"Creating a MySQL DB connection") config = Config(connect_timeout=3, retries={'max_attempts': 2}) client = boto3.client('rds', config=config) db_ep = os.environ.get('RDS_DB_EP') db_port = os.environ.get('RDS_DB_PORT', '3306') db_username = os.environ.get('RDS_DB_USER') db_name = os.environ.get('RDS_DB_NAME') if not all([db_ep, db_name, db_username]): logger.error("DB connection details not valid. Please check env variables") return None try: db_pass = client.generate_db_auth_token( DBHostname=db_ep, Port=db_port, DBUsername=db_username ) except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to retrieve DB credentials, please check the execution role") logger.error(e) return None try: conn = connector.connect( host=db_ep, user=db_username, database=db_name, password=db_pass, ) return conn except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to connect to the DB") logger.error(e) return None