# Copyright (c) 2014, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is also distributed with certain software (including # but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, # as designated in a particular file or component or in included license # documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an # additional permission to link the program and your derivative works # with the separately licensed software that they have included with # MySQL. # # Without limiting anything contained in the foregoing, this file, # which is part of MySQL Connector/Python, is also subject to the # Universal FOSS Exception, version 1.0, a copy of which can be found at # http://oss.oracle.com/licenses/universal-foss-exception. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # mypy: disable-error-code="arg-type,index" """Connection class using the C Extension.""" import os import platform import socket from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union from . import version from .abstracts import MySQLConnectionAbstract from .constants import CharacterSet, ClientFlag, FieldFlag, ServerFlag, ShutdownType from .conversion import MySQLConverter from .errors import ( InterfaceError, InternalError, OperationalError, ProgrammingError, get_mysql_exception, ) from .protocol import MySQLProtocol from .types import ( CextEofPacketType, CextResultType, DescriptionType, ParamsSequenceOrDictType, RowType, StatsPacketType, StrOrBytes, ) HAVE_CMYSQL = False try: import _mysql_connector from _mysql_connector import MySQLInterfaceError, MySQLPrepStmt from .cursor_cext import ( CMySQLCursor, CMySQLCursorBuffered, CMySQLCursorBufferedDict, CMySQLCursorBufferedNamedTuple, CMySQLCursorBufferedRaw, CMySQLCursorDict, CMySQLCursorNamedTuple, CMySQLCursorPrepared, CMySQLCursorPreparedDict, CMySQLCursorPreparedNamedTuple, CMySQLCursorPreparedRaw, CMySQLCursorRaw, ) HAVE_CMYSQL = True except ImportError as exc: raise ImportError( f"MySQL Connector/Python C Extension not available ({exc})" ) from exc class CMySQLConnection(MySQLConnectionAbstract): """Class initiating a MySQL Connection using Connector/C.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Initialization""" if not HAVE_CMYSQL: raise RuntimeError("MySQL Connector/Python C Extension not available") self._cmysql: Optional[ _mysql_connector.MySQL # pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member ] = None self._columns: List[DescriptionType] = [] self._plugin_dir: str = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(_mysql_connector.__file__)), "mysql", "vendor", "plugin", ) if platform.system() == "Linux": # Use the authentication plugins from system if they aren't bundled if not os.path.exists(self._plugin_dir): self._plugin_dir = ( "/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin" if os.path.exists("/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin") else "/usr/lib/mysql/plugin" ) self.converter: Optional[MySQLConverter] = None super().__init__() if kwargs: self.connect(**kwargs) def _add_default_conn_attrs(self) -> None: """Add default connection attributes""" license_chunks = version.LICENSE.split(" ") if license_chunks[0] == "GPLv2": client_license = "GPL-2.0" else: client_license = "Commercial" self._conn_attrs.update( { "_connector_name": "mysql-connector-python", "_connector_license": client_license, "_connector_version": ".".join([str(x) for x in version.VERSION[0:3]]), "_source_host": socket.gethostname(), } ) def _do_handshake(self) -> None: """Gather information of the MySQL server before authentication""" self._handshake = { "protocol": self._cmysql.get_proto_info(), "server_version_original": self._cmysql.get_server_info(), "server_threadid": self._cmysql.thread_id(), "charset": None, "server_status": None, "auth_plugin": None, "auth_data": None, "capabilities": self._cmysql.st_server_capabilities(), } self._server_version = self._check_server_version( self._handshake["server_version_original"] ) CharacterSet.set_mysql_version(self._server_version) @property def _server_status(self) -> int: """Returns the server status attribute of MYSQL structure""" return self._cmysql.st_server_status() def set_allow_local_infile_in_path(self, path: str) -> None: """set local_infile_in_path Set allow_local_infile_in_path. """ if self._cmysql: self._cmysql.set_load_data_local_infile_option(path) def set_unicode(self, value: bool = True) -> None: """Toggle unicode mode Set whether we return string fields as unicode or not. Default is True. """ self._use_unicode = value if self._cmysql: self._cmysql.use_unicode(value) if self.converter: self.converter.set_unicode(value) @property def autocommit(self) -> bool: """Get whether autocommit is on or off""" value = self.info_query("SELECT @@session.autocommit")[0] return value == 1 @autocommit.setter def autocommit(self, value: bool) -> None: """Toggle autocommit""" try: self._cmysql.autocommit(value) self._autocommit = value except MySQLInterfaceError as err: raise get_mysql_exception( msg=err.msg, errno=err.errno, sqlstate=err.sqlstate ) from err @property def database(self) -> str: """Get the current database""" return self.info_query("SELECT DATABASE()")[0] # type: ignore[return-value] @database.setter def database(self, value: str) -> None: """Set the current database""" try: self._cmysql.select_db(value) except MySQLInterfaceError as err: raise get_mysql_exception( msg=err.msg, errno=err.errno, sqlstate=err.sqlstate ) from err @property def in_transaction(self) -> int: """MySQL session has started a transaction""" return self._server_status & ServerFlag.STATUS_IN_TRANS def _open_connection(self) -> None: charset_name = CharacterSet.get_info(self._charset_id)[0] # pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member self._cmysql = _mysql_connector.MySQL( buffered=self._buffered, raw=self._raw, charset_name=charset_name, connection_timeout=(self._connection_timeout or 0), use_unicode=self._use_unicode, auth_plugin=self._auth_plugin, plugin_dir=self._plugin_dir, ) # pylint: enable=c-extension-no-member if not self.isset_client_flag(ClientFlag.CONNECT_ARGS): self._conn_attrs = {} cnx_kwargs = { "host": self._host, "user": self._user, "password": self._password, "password1": self._password1, "password2": self._password2, "password3": self._password3, "database": self._database, "port": self._port, "client_flags": self._client_flags, "unix_socket": self._unix_socket, "compress": self.isset_client_flag(ClientFlag.COMPRESS), "ssl_disabled": True, "conn_attrs": self._conn_attrs, "local_infile": self._allow_local_infile, "load_data_local_dir": self._allow_local_infile_in_path, "oci_config_file": self._oci_config_file, "oci_config_profile": self._oci_config_profile, "fido_callback": self._fido_callback, } tls_versions = self._ssl.get("tls_versions") if tls_versions is not None: tls_versions.sort(reverse=True) # type: ignore[union-attr] tls_versions = ",".join(tls_versions) if self._ssl.get("tls_ciphersuites") is not None: ssl_ciphersuites = self._ssl.get("tls_ciphersuites")[0] tls_ciphersuites = self._ssl.get("tls_ciphersuites")[1] else: ssl_ciphersuites = None tls_ciphersuites = None if ( tls_versions is not None and "TLSv1.3" in tls_versions and not tls_ciphersuites ): tls_ciphersuites = "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384" if not self._ssl_disabled: cnx_kwargs.update( { "ssl_ca": self._ssl.get("ca"), "ssl_cert": self._ssl.get("cert"), "ssl_key": self._ssl.get("key"), "ssl_cipher_suites": ssl_ciphersuites, "tls_versions": tls_versions, "tls_cipher_suites": tls_ciphersuites, "ssl_verify_cert": self._ssl.get("verify_cert") or False, "ssl_verify_identity": self._ssl.get("verify_identity") or False, "ssl_disabled": self._ssl_disabled, } ) if os.name == "nt" and self._auth_plugin_class == "MySQLKerberosAuthPlugin": cnx_kwargs["use_kerberos_gssapi"] = True try: self._cmysql.connect(**cnx_kwargs) self._cmysql.converter_str_fallback = self._converter_str_fallback if self.converter: self.converter.str_fallback = self._converter_str_fallback except MySQLInterfaceError as err: raise get_mysql_exception( msg=err.msg, errno=err.errno, sqlstate=err.sqlstate ) from err self._do_handshake() def close(self) -> None: """Disconnect from the MySQL server""" if self._cmysql: try: self.free_result() self._cmysql.close() except MySQLInterfaceError as err: raise get_mysql_exception( msg=err.msg, errno=err.errno, sqlstate=err.sqlstate ) from err disconnect = close def is_closed(self) -> bool: """Return True if the connection to MySQL Server is closed.""" return not self._cmysql.connected() def is_connected(self) -> bool: """Reports whether the connection to MySQL Server is available""" if self._cmysql: self.handle_unread_result() return self._cmysql.ping() return False def ping(self, reconnect: bool = False, attempts: int = 1, delay: int = 0) -> None: """Check availability of the MySQL server When reconnect is set to True, one or more attempts are made to try to reconnect to the MySQL server using the reconnect()-method. delay is the number of seconds to wait between each retry. When the connection is not available, an InterfaceError is raised. Use the is_connected()-method if you just want to check the connection without raising an error. Raises InterfaceError on errors. """ self.handle_unread_result() try: connected = self._cmysql.ping() except AttributeError: pass # Raise or reconnect later else: if connected: return if reconnect: self.reconnect(attempts=attempts, delay=delay) else: raise InterfaceError("Connection to MySQL is not available") def set_character_set_name(self, charset: str) -> None: """Sets the default character set name for current connection.""" self._cmysql.set_character_set(charset) def info_query(self, query: StrOrBytes) -> Optional[RowType]: """Send a query which only returns 1 row""" first_row = () try: self._cmysql.query(query) if self._cmysql.have_result_set: first_row = self._cmysql.fetch_row() if self._cmysql.fetch_row(): self._cmysql.free_result() raise InterfaceError("Query should not return more than 1 row") self._cmysql.free_result() except MySQLInterfaceError as err: raise get_mysql_exception( msg=err.msg, errno=err.errno, sqlstate=err.sqlstate ) from err return first_row @property def connection_id(self) -> Optional[int]: """MySQL connection ID""" try: return self._cmysql.thread_id() except MySQLInterfaceError: pass # Just return None return None def get_rows( self, count: Optional[int] = None, binary: bool = False, columns: Optional[List[DescriptionType]] = None, raw: Optional[bool] = None, prep_stmt: Optional[MySQLPrepStmt] = None, ) -> Tuple[List[RowType], Optional[CextEofPacketType]]: """Get all or a subset of rows returned by the MySQL server""" unread_result = prep_stmt.have_result_set if prep_stmt else self.unread_result if not (self._cmysql and unread_result): raise InternalError("No result set available") if raw is None: raw = self._raw rows: List[Tuple[Any, ...]] = [] if count is not None and count <= 0: raise AttributeError("count should be 1 or higher, or None") counter = 0 try: fetch_row = prep_stmt.fetch_row if prep_stmt else self._cmysql.fetch_row if self.converter: # When using a converter class, the C extension should not # convert the values. This can be accomplished by setting # the raw option to True. self._cmysql.raw(True) row = fetch_row() while row: if not self._raw and self.converter: row = list(row) for i, _ in enumerate(row): if not raw: row[i] = self.converter.to_python(self._columns[i], row[i]) row = tuple(row) rows.append(row) counter += 1 if count and counter == count: break row = fetch_row() if not row: _eof: Optional[CextEofPacketType] = self.fetch_eof_columns(prep_stmt)[ "eof" ] # type: ignore[assignment] if prep_stmt: prep_stmt.free_result() self._unread_result = False else: self.free_result() else: _eof = None except MySQLInterfaceError as err: if prep_stmt: prep_stmt.free_result() raise InterfaceError(str(err)) from err self.free_result() raise get_mysql_exception( msg=err.msg, errno=err.errno, sqlstate=err.sqlstate ) from err return rows, _eof def get_row( self, binary: bool = False, columns: Optional[List[DescriptionType]] = None, raw: Optional[bool] = None, prep_stmt: Optional[MySQLPrepStmt] = None, ) -> Tuple[Optional[RowType], CextEofPacketType]: """Get the next rows returned by the MySQL server""" try: rows, eof = self.get_rows( count=1, binary=binary, columns=columns, raw=raw, prep_stmt=prep_stmt, ) if rows: return (rows[0], eof) return (None, eof) except IndexError: # No row available return (None, None) def next_result(self) -> Optional[bool]: """Reads the next result""" if self._cmysql: self._cmysql.consume_result() return self._cmysql.next_result() return None def free_result(self) -> None: """Frees the result""" if self._cmysql: self._cmysql.free_result() def commit(self) -> None: """Commit current transaction""" if self._cmysql: self.handle_unread_result() self._cmysql.commit() def rollback(self) -> None: """Rollback current transaction""" if self._cmysql: self._cmysql.consume_result() self._cmysql.rollback() def cmd_init_db(self, database: str) -> None: """Change the current database""" try: self._cmysql.select_db(database) except MySQLInterfaceError as err: raise get_mysql_exception( msg=err.msg, errno=err.errno, sqlstate=err.sqlstate ) from err def fetch_eof_columns( self, prep_stmt: Optional[MySQLPrepStmt] = None ) -> CextResultType: """Fetch EOF and column information""" have_result_set = ( prep_stmt.have_result_set if prep_stmt else self._cmysql.have_result_set ) if not have_result_set: raise InterfaceError("No result set") fields = prep_stmt.fetch_fields() if prep_stmt else self._cmysql.fetch_fields() self._columns = [] for col in fields: self._columns.append( ( col[4], int(col[8]), None, None, None, None, ~int(col[9]) & FieldFlag.NOT_NULL, int(col[9]), int(col[6]), ) ) return { "eof": { "status_flag": self._server_status, "warning_count": self._cmysql.st_warning_count(), }, "columns": self._columns, } def fetch_eof_status(self) -> Optional[CextEofPacketType]: """Fetch EOF and status information""" if self._cmysql: return { "warning_count": self._cmysql.st_warning_count(), "field_count": self._cmysql.st_field_count(), "insert_id": self._cmysql.insert_id(), "affected_rows": self._cmysql.affected_rows(), "server_status": self._server_status, } return None def cmd_stmt_prepare(self, statement: bytes) -> MySQLPrepStmt: """Prepares the SQL statement""" if not self._cmysql: raise OperationalError("MySQL Connection not available") try: stmt = self._cmysql.stmt_prepare(statement) stmt.converter_str_fallback = self._converter_str_fallback return stmt except MySQLInterfaceError as err: raise InterfaceError(str(err)) from err def cmd_stmt_execute( self, statement_id: MySQLPrepStmt, *args: Any ) -> Optional[Union[CextEofPacketType, CextResultType]]: """Executes the prepared statement""" try: statement_id.stmt_execute(*args) except MySQLInterfaceError as err: raise InterfaceError(str(err)) from err self._columns = [] if not statement_id.have_result_set: # No result self._unread_result = False return self.fetch_eof_status() self._unread_result = True return self.fetch_eof_columns(statement_id) def cmd_stmt_close(self, statement_id: MySQLPrepStmt) -> None: """Closes the prepared statement""" if self._unread_result: raise InternalError("Unread result found") statement_id.stmt_close() def cmd_stmt_reset(self, statement_id: MySQLPrepStmt) -> None: """Resets the prepared statement""" if self._unread_result: raise InternalError("Unread result found") statement_id.stmt_reset() def cmd_query( self, query: StrOrBytes, raw: Optional[bool] = None, buffered: bool = False, raw_as_string: bool = False, ) -> Optional[Union[CextEofPacketType, CextResultType]]: """Send a query to the MySQL server""" self.handle_unread_result() if raw is None: raw = self._raw try: if not isinstance(query, bytes): query = query.encode("utf-8") self._cmysql.query( query, raw=raw, buffered=buffered, raw_as_string=raw_as_string, query_attrs=self._query_attrs, ) except MySQLInterfaceError as err: raise get_mysql_exception( err.errno, msg=err.msg, sqlstate=err.sqlstate ) from err except AttributeError as err: addr = ( self._unix_socket if self._unix_socket else f"{self._host}:{self._port}" ) raise OperationalError( errno=2055, values=(addr, "Connection not available.") ) from err self._columns = [] if not self._cmysql.have_result_set: # No result return self.fetch_eof_status() return self.fetch_eof_columns() _execute_query = cmd_query def cursor( self, buffered: Optional[bool] = None, raw: Optional[bool] = None, prepared: Optional[bool] = None, cursor_class: Optional[Type[CMySQLCursor]] = None, dictionary: Optional[bool] = None, named_tuple: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> CMySQLCursor: """Instantiates and returns a cursor using C Extension By default, CMySQLCursor is returned. Depending on the options while connecting, a buffered and/or raw cursor is instantiated instead. Also depending upon the cursor options, rows can be returned as dictionary or named tuple. Dictionary and namedtuple based cursors are available with buffered output but not raw. It is possible to also give a custom cursor through the cursor_class parameter, but it needs to be a subclass of mysql.connector.cursor_cext.CMySQLCursor. Raises ProgrammingError when cursor_class is not a subclass of CursorBase. Raises ValueError when cursor is not available. Returns instance of CMySQLCursor or subclass. :param buffered: Return a buffering cursor :param raw: Return a raw cursor :param prepared: Return a cursor which uses prepared statements :param cursor_class: Use a custom cursor class :param dictionary: Rows are returned as dictionary :param named_tuple: Rows are returned as named tuple :return: Subclass of CMySQLCursor :rtype: CMySQLCursor or subclass """ self.handle_unread_result(prepared) if not self.is_connected(): raise OperationalError("MySQL Connection not available.") if cursor_class is not None: if not issubclass(cursor_class, CMySQLCursor): raise ProgrammingError( "Cursor class needs be to subclass of cursor_cext.CMySQLCursor" ) return (cursor_class)(self) buffered = buffered or self._buffered raw = raw or self._raw cursor_type = 0 if buffered is True: cursor_type |= 1 if raw is True: cursor_type |= 2 if dictionary is True: cursor_type |= 4 if named_tuple is True: cursor_type |= 8 if prepared is True: cursor_type |= 16 types = { 0: CMySQLCursor, # 0 1: CMySQLCursorBuffered, 2: CMySQLCursorRaw, 3: CMySQLCursorBufferedRaw, 4: CMySQLCursorDict, 5: CMySQLCursorBufferedDict, 8: CMySQLCursorNamedTuple, 9: CMySQLCursorBufferedNamedTuple, 16: CMySQLCursorPrepared, 18: CMySQLCursorPreparedRaw, 20: CMySQLCursorPreparedDict, 24: CMySQLCursorPreparedNamedTuple, } try: return (types[cursor_type])(self) except KeyError: args = ("buffered", "raw", "dictionary", "named_tuple", "prepared") raise ValueError( "Cursor not available with given criteria: " + ", ".join([args[i] for i in range(5) if cursor_type & (1 << i) != 0]) ) from None @property def num_rows(self) -> int: """Returns number of rows of current result set""" if not self._cmysql.have_result_set: raise InterfaceError("No result set") return self._cmysql.num_rows() @property def warning_count(self) -> int: """Returns number of warnings""" if not self._cmysql: return 0 return self._cmysql.warning_count() @property def result_set_available(self) -> bool: """Check if a result set is available""" if not self._cmysql: return False return self._cmysql.have_result_set @property # type: ignore[misc] def unread_result(self) -> bool: """Check if there are unread results or rows""" return self.result_set_available @property def more_results(self) -> bool: """Check if there are more results""" return self._cmysql.more_results() def prepare_for_mysql( self, params: ParamsSequenceOrDictType ) -> Union[Sequence[bytes], Dict[str, bytes],]: """Prepare parameters for statements This method is use by cursors to prepared parameters found in the list (or tuple) params. Returns dict. """ result: Union[List[Any], Dict[str, Any]] = [] if isinstance(params, (list, tuple)): if self.converter: result = [ self.converter.quote( self.converter.escape( self.converter.to_mysql(value), self._sql_mode ) ) for value in params ] else: result = self._cmysql.convert_to_mysql(*params) elif isinstance(params, dict): result = {} if self.converter: for key, value in params.items(): result[key] = self.converter.quote( self.converter.escape( self.converter.to_mysql(value), self._sql_mode ) ) else: for key, value in params.items(): result[key] = self._cmysql.convert_to_mysql(value)[0] else: raise ProgrammingError( f"Could not process parameters: {type(params).__name__}({params})," " it must be of type list, tuple or dict" ) return result def consume_results(self) -> None: """Consume the current result This method consume the result by reading (consuming) all rows. """ self._cmysql.consume_result() def cmd_change_user( self, username: str = "", password: str = "", database: str = "", charset: int = 45, password1: str = "", password2: str = "", password3: str = "", oci_config_file: Optional[str] = None, oci_config_profile: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Change the current logged in user""" try: self._cmysql.change_user( username, password, database, password1, password2, password3, oci_config_file, oci_config_profile, ) except MySQLInterfaceError as err: raise get_mysql_exception( msg=err.msg, errno=err.errno, sqlstate=err.sqlstate ) from err self._charset_id = charset self._post_connection() def cmd_reset_connection(self) -> bool: """Resets the session state without re-authenticating Reset command only works on MySQL server 5.7.3 or later. The result is True for a successful reset otherwise False. Returns bool """ res = self._cmysql.reset_connection() if res: self._post_connection() return res def cmd_refresh(self, options: int) -> Optional[CextEofPacketType]: """Send the Refresh command to the MySQL server""" try: self.handle_unread_result() self._cmysql.refresh(options) except MySQLInterfaceError as err: raise get_mysql_exception( msg=err.msg, errno=err.errno, sqlstate=err.sqlstate ) from err return self.fetch_eof_status() def cmd_quit(self) -> None: """Close the current connection with the server""" self.close() def cmd_shutdown(self, shutdown_type: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """Shut down the MySQL Server""" if not self._cmysql: raise OperationalError("MySQL Connection not available") if shutdown_type: if not ShutdownType.get_info(shutdown_type): raise InterfaceError("Invalid shutdown type") level = shutdown_type else: level = ShutdownType.SHUTDOWN_DEFAULT try: self._cmysql.shutdown(level) except MySQLInterfaceError as err: raise get_mysql_exception( msg=err.msg, errno=err.errno, sqlstate=err.sqlstate ) from err self.close() def cmd_statistics(self) -> StatsPacketType: """Return statistics from the MySQL server""" self.handle_unread_result() try: stat = self._cmysql.stat() return MySQLProtocol().parse_statistics(stat, with_header=False) except (MySQLInterfaceError, InterfaceError) as err: raise get_mysql_exception( msg=err.msg, errno=err.errno, sqlstate=err.sqlstate ) from err def cmd_process_kill(self, mysql_pid: int) -> None: """Kill a MySQL process""" if not isinstance(mysql_pid, int): raise ValueError("MySQL PID must be int") self.info_query(f"KILL {mysql_pid}") def cmd_debug(self) -> Any: """Send the DEBUG command""" raise NotImplementedError def cmd_ping(self) -> Any: """Send the PING command""" raise NotImplementedError def cmd_query_iter(self, statements: Any) -> Any: """Send one or more statements to the MySQL server""" raise NotImplementedError def cmd_stmt_send_long_data( self, statement_id: Any, param_id: Any, data: Any ) -> Any: """Send data for a column""" raise NotImplementedError def handle_unread_result(self, prepared: bool = False) -> None: """Check whether there is an unread result""" unread_result = self._unread_result if prepared is True else self.unread_result if self.can_consume_results: self.consume_results() elif unread_result: raise InternalError("Unread result found") def reset_session( self, user_variables: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, session_variables: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: """Clears the current active session This method resets the session state, if the MySQL server is 5.7.3 or later active session will be reset without re-authenticating. For other server versions session will be reset by re-authenticating. It is possible to provide a sequence of variables and their values to be set after clearing the session. This is possible for both user defined variables and session variables. This method takes two arguments user_variables and session_variables which are dictionaries. Raises OperationalError if not connected, InternalError if there are unread results and InterfaceError on errors. """ if not self.is_connected(): raise OperationalError("MySQL Connection not available.") if not self.cmd_reset_connection(): try: self.cmd_change_user( self._user, self._password, self._database, self._charset_id, self._password1, self._password2, self._password3, self._oci_config_file, self._oci_config_profile, ) except ProgrammingError: self.reconnect() if user_variables or session_variables: cur = self.cursor() if user_variables: for key, value in user_variables.items(): cur.execute(f"SET @`{key}` = %s", (value,)) if session_variables: for key, value in session_variables.items(): cur.execute(f"SET SESSION `{key}` = %s", (value,)) cur.close()