# Copyright (c) 2009, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is also distributed with certain software (including # but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, # as designated in a particular file or component or in included license # documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an # additional permission to link the program and your derivative works # with the separately licensed software that they have included with # MySQL. # # Without limiting anything contained in the foregoing, this file, # which is part of MySQL Connector/Python, is also subject to the # Universal FOSS Exception, version 1.0, a copy of which can be found at # http://oss.oracle.com/licenses/universal-foss-exception. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """Converting MySQL and Python types """ import datetime import math import struct import time from decimal import Decimal from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union from .constants import CharacterSet, FieldFlag, FieldType from .custom_types import HexLiteral from .types import ( DescriptionType, RowType, StrOrBytes, ToMysqlInputTypes, ToMysqlOutputTypes, ToPythonOutputTypes, ) from .utils import NUMERIC_TYPES CONVERT_ERROR = "Could not convert '{value}' to python {pytype}" class MySQLConverterBase: """Base class for conversion classes All class dealing with converting to and from MySQL data types must be a subclass of this class. """ def __init__( self, charset: Optional[str] = "utf8", use_unicode: bool = True, str_fallback: bool = False, ) -> None: self.python_types: Optional[Tuple[Any, ...]] = None self.mysql_types: Optional[Tuple[Any, ...]] = None self.charset: Optional[str] = None self.charset_id: int = 0 self.set_charset(charset) self.use_unicode: bool = use_unicode self.str_fallback: bool = str_fallback self._cache_field_types: Dict[ int, Callable[[bytes, DescriptionType], ToPythonOutputTypes], ] = {} def set_charset(self, charset: Optional[str]) -> None: """Set character set""" if charset in ("utf8mb4", "utf8mb3"): charset = "utf8" if charset is not None: self.charset = charset else: # default to utf8 self.charset = "utf8" self.charset_id = CharacterSet.get_charset_info(self.charset)[0] def set_unicode(self, value: bool = True) -> None: """Set whether to use Unicode""" self.use_unicode = value def to_mysql( self, value: ToMysqlInputTypes ) -> Union[ToMysqlInputTypes, HexLiteral]: """Convert Python data type to MySQL""" type_name = value.__class__.__name__.lower() try: converted: ToMysqlOutputTypes = getattr(self, f"_{type_name}_to_mysql")( value ) return converted except AttributeError: return value def to_python( self, vtype: DescriptionType, value: Optional[bytes] ) -> ToPythonOutputTypes: """Convert MySQL data type to Python""" if (value == b"\x00" or value is None) and vtype[1] != FieldType.BIT: # Don't go further when we hit a NULL value return None if not self._cache_field_types: self._cache_field_types = {} for name, info in FieldType.desc.items(): try: self._cache_field_types[info[0]] = getattr( self, f"_{name.lower()}_to_python" ) except AttributeError: # We ignore field types which has no method pass if value is None: return None try: return self._cache_field_types[vtype[1]](value, vtype) except KeyError: return value @staticmethod def escape( value: Any, sql_mode: Optional[str] = None, # pylint: disable=unused-argument ) -> Any: """Escape buffer for sending to MySQL""" return value @staticmethod def quote(buf: Any) -> StrOrBytes: """Quote buffer for sending to MySQL""" return str(buf) class MySQLConverter(MySQLConverterBase): """Default conversion class for MySQL Connector/Python. o escape method: for escaping values send to MySQL o quoting method: for quoting values send to MySQL in statements o conversion mapping: maps Python and MySQL data types to function for converting them. Whenever one needs to convert values differently, a converter_class argument can be given while instantiating a new connection like cnx.connect(converter_class=CustomMySQLConverterClass). """ def __init__( self, charset: Optional[str] = None, use_unicode: bool = True, str_fallback: bool = False, ) -> None: MySQLConverterBase.__init__(self, charset, use_unicode, str_fallback) self._cache_field_types: Dict[ int, Callable[[bytes, DescriptionType], ToPythonOutputTypes], ] = {} @staticmethod def escape(value: Any, sql_mode: Optional[str] = None) -> Any: """ Escapes special characters as they are expected to by when MySQL receives them. As found in MySQL source mysys/charset.c Returns the value if not a string, or the escaped string. """ if isinstance(value, (bytes, bytearray)): if sql_mode == "NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES": return value.replace(b"'", b"''") value = value.replace(b"\\", b"\\\\") value = value.replace(b"\n", b"\\n") value = value.replace(b"\r", b"\\r") value = value.replace(b"\047", b"\134\047") # single quotes value = value.replace(b"\042", b"\134\042") # double quotes value = value.replace(b"\032", b"\134\032") # for Win32 elif isinstance(value, str) and not isinstance(value, HexLiteral): if sql_mode == "NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES": return value.replace("'", "''") value = value.replace("\\", "\\\\") value = value.replace("\n", "\\n") value = value.replace("\r", "\\r") value = value.replace("\047", "\134\047") # single quotes value = value.replace("\042", "\134\042") # double quotes value = value.replace("\032", "\134\032") # for Win32 return value @staticmethod def quote(buf: Optional[Union[float, int, Decimal, HexLiteral, bytes]]) -> bytes: """ Quote the parameters for commands. General rules: o numbers are returns as bytes using ascii codec o None is returned as bytearray(b'NULL') o Everything else is single quoted '' Returns a bytearray object. """ if isinstance(buf, NUMERIC_TYPES): return str(buf).encode("ascii") if isinstance(buf, type(None)): return bytearray(b"NULL") return bytearray(b"'" + buf + b"'") # type: ignore[operator] def to_mysql(self, value: ToMysqlInputTypes) -> ToMysqlOutputTypes: """Convert Python data type to MySQL""" type_name = value.__class__.__name__.lower() try: converted: ToMysqlOutputTypes = getattr(self, f"_{type_name}_to_mysql")( value ) return converted except AttributeError: if self.str_fallback: return str(value).encode() raise TypeError( f"Python '{type_name}' cannot be converted to a MySQL type" ) from None def to_python( self, vtype: DescriptionType, value: Optional[bytes], ) -> ToPythonOutputTypes: """Convert MySQL data type to Python""" # \x00 if value == 0 and vtype[1] != FieldType.BIT: # Don't go further when we hit a NULL value return None if value is None: return None if not self._cache_field_types: self._cache_field_types = {} for name, info in FieldType.desc.items(): try: self._cache_field_types[info[0]] = getattr( self, f"_{name.lower()}_to_python" ) except AttributeError: # We ignore field types which has no method pass try: return self._cache_field_types[vtype[1]](value, vtype) except KeyError: # If one type is not defined, we just return the value as str try: return value.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: return value except ValueError as err: raise ValueError(f"{err} (field {vtype[0]})") from err except TypeError as err: raise TypeError(f"{err} (field {vtype[0]})") from err @staticmethod def _int_to_mysql(value: int) -> int: """Convert value to int""" return int(value) @staticmethod def _long_to_mysql(value: int) -> int: """Convert value to int Note: There is no type "long" in Python 3 since integers are of unlimited size. Since Python 2 is no longer supported, this method should be deprecated. """ return int(value) @staticmethod def _float_to_mysql(value: float) -> Optional[float]: """Convert value to float""" if math.isnan(value): return None return float(value) def _str_to_mysql(self, value: str) -> Union[bytes, HexLiteral]: """Convert value to string""" return self._unicode_to_mysql(value) def _unicode_to_mysql(self, value: str) -> Union[bytes, HexLiteral]: """Convert unicode""" charset = self.charset charset_id = self.charset_id if charset == "binary": charset = "utf8" charset_id = CharacterSet.get_charset_info(charset)[0] encoded = value.encode(charset) if charset_id in CharacterSet.slash_charsets: if b"\x5c" in encoded: return HexLiteral(value, charset) return encoded @staticmethod def _bytes_to_mysql(value: bytes) -> bytes: """Convert value to bytes""" return value @staticmethod def _bytearray_to_mysql(value: bytearray) -> bytes: """Convert value to bytes""" return bytes(value) @staticmethod def _bool_to_mysql(value: bool) -> int: """Convert value to boolean""" return 1 if value else 0 @staticmethod def _nonetype_to_mysql(value: None) -> None: # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ This would return what None would be in MySQL, but instead we leave it None and return it right away. The actual conversion from None to NULL happens in the quoting functionality. Return None. """ return None @staticmethod def _datetime_to_mysql(value: datetime.datetime) -> bytes: """ Converts a datetime instance to a string suitable for MySQL. The returned string has format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S[.%f] If the instance isn't a datetime.datetime type, it return None. Returns a bytes. """ if value.microsecond: fmt = "{0:04d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d} {3:02d}:{4:02d}:{5:02d}.{6:06d}" return fmt.format( value.year, value.month, value.day, value.hour, value.minute, value.second, value.microsecond, ).encode("ascii") fmt = "{0:04d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d} {3:02d}:{4:02d}:{5:02d}" return fmt.format( value.year, value.month, value.day, value.hour, value.minute, value.second, ).encode("ascii") @staticmethod def _date_to_mysql(value: datetime.date) -> bytes: """ Converts a date instance to a string suitable for MySQL. The returned string has format: %Y-%m-%d If the instance isn't a datetime.date type, it return None. Returns a bytes. """ return f"{value.year:04d}-{value.month:02d}-{value.day:02d}".encode("ascii") @staticmethod def _time_to_mysql(value: datetime.time) -> bytes: """ Converts a time instance to a string suitable for MySQL. The returned string has format: %H:%M:%S[.%f] If the instance isn't a datetime.time type, it return None. Returns a bytes. """ if value.microsecond: return value.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f").encode("ascii") return value.strftime("%H:%M:%S").encode("ascii") @staticmethod def _struct_time_to_mysql(value: time.struct_time) -> bytes: """ Converts a time.struct_time sequence to a string suitable for MySQL. The returned string has format: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S Returns a bytes or None when not valid. """ return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", value).encode("ascii") @staticmethod def _timedelta_to_mysql(value: datetime.timedelta) -> bytes: """ Converts a timedelta instance to a string suitable for MySQL. The returned string has format: %H:%M:%S Returns a bytes. """ seconds = abs(value.days * 86400 + value.seconds) if value.microseconds: fmt = "{0:02d}:{1:02d}:{2:02d}.{3:06d}" if value.days < 0: mcs = 1000000 - value.microseconds seconds -= 1 else: mcs = value.microseconds else: fmt = "{0:02d}:{1:02d}:{2:02d}" if value.days < 0: fmt = "-" + fmt (hours, remainder) = divmod(seconds, 3600) (mins, secs) = divmod(remainder, 60) if value.microseconds: result = fmt.format(hours, mins, secs, mcs) else: result = fmt.format(hours, mins, secs) return result.encode("ascii") @staticmethod def _decimal_to_mysql(value: Decimal) -> Optional[bytes]: """ Converts a decimal.Decimal instance to a string suitable for MySQL. Returns a bytes or None when not valid. """ if isinstance(value, Decimal): return str(value).encode("ascii") return None def row_to_python( self, row: Tuple[bytes, ...], fields: List[DescriptionType] ) -> RowType: """Convert a MySQL text result row to Python types The row argument is a sequence containing text result returned by a MySQL server. Each value of the row is converted to the using the field type information in the fields argument. Returns a tuple. """ i = 0 result: List[ToPythonOutputTypes] = [None] * len(fields) if not self._cache_field_types: self._cache_field_types = {} for name, info in FieldType.desc.items(): try: self._cache_field_types[info[0]] = getattr( self, f"_{name.lower()}_to_python" ) except AttributeError: # We ignore field types which has no method pass for field in fields: field_type = field[1] if (row[i] == 0 and field_type != FieldType.BIT) or row[i] is None: # Don't convert NULL value i += 1 continue try: result[i] = self._cache_field_types[field_type](row[i], field) except KeyError: # If one type is not defined, we just return the value as str try: result[i] = row[i].decode("utf-8") except UnicodeDecodeError: result[i] = row[i] except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: # Item "ValueError" of "Union[ValueError, TypeError]" has no attribute "message" err.message = f"{err} (field {field[0]})" # type: ignore[union-attr] raise i += 1 return tuple(result) # pylint: disable=unused-argument @staticmethod def _float_to_python(value: bytes, desc: Optional[DescriptionType] = None) -> float: """ Returns value as float type. """ return float(value) _double_to_python = _float_to_python @staticmethod def _int_to_python(value: bytes, desc: Optional[DescriptionType] = None) -> int: """ Returns value as int type. """ return int(value) _tiny_to_python = _int_to_python _short_to_python = _int_to_python _int24_to_python = _int_to_python _long_to_python = _int_to_python _longlong_to_python = _int_to_python def _decimal_to_python( self, value: bytes, desc: Optional[DescriptionType] = None ) -> Decimal: """ Returns value as a decimal.Decimal. """ val = value.decode(self.charset) return Decimal(val) _newdecimal_to_python = _decimal_to_python @staticmethod def _str(value: bytes, desc: Optional[DescriptionType] = None) -> str: """ Returns value as str type. """ return str(value) @staticmethod def _bit_to_python(value: bytes, dsc: Optional[DescriptionType] = None) -> int: """Returns BIT columntype as integer""" int_val = value if len(int_val) < 8: int_val = b"\x00" * (8 - len(int_val)) + int_val return int(struct.unpack(">Q", int_val)[0]) @staticmethod def _date_to_python( value: bytes, dsc: Optional[DescriptionType] = None ) -> Optional[datetime.date]: """Converts TIME column MySQL to a python datetime.datetime type. Raises ValueError if the value can not be converted. Returns DATE column type as datetime.date type. """ if isinstance(value, datetime.date): return value try: parts = value.split(b"-") if len(parts) != 3: raise ValueError(f"invalid datetime format: {parts} len: {len(parts)}") try: return datetime.date(int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]), int(parts[2])) except ValueError: return None except (IndexError, ValueError): raise ValueError( f"Could not convert {repr(value)} to python datetime.timedelta" ) from None _NEWDATE_to_python = _date_to_python @staticmethod def _time_to_python( value: bytes, dsc: Optional[DescriptionType] = None ) -> datetime.timedelta: """Converts TIME column value to python datetime.time value type. Converts the TIME column MySQL type passed as bytes to a python datetime.datetime type. Raises ValueError if the value can not be converted. Returns datetime.timedelta type. """ mcs: Optional[Union[int, bytes]] = None try: (hms, mcs) = value.split(b".") mcs = int(mcs.ljust(6, b"0")) except (TypeError, ValueError): hms = value mcs = 0 try: (hours, mins, secs) = [int(d) for d in hms.split(b":")] if value[0] == 45 or value[0] == "-": mins, secs, mcs = ( -mins, -secs, -mcs, # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type ) return datetime.timedelta( hours=hours, minutes=mins, seconds=secs, microseconds=mcs ) except (IndexError, TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError( CONVERT_ERROR.format(value=value, pytype="datetime.timedelta") ) from None @staticmethod def _datetime_to_python( value: bytes, dsc: Optional[DescriptionType] = None ) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]: """Converts DATETIME column value to python datetime.time value type. Converts the DATETIME column MySQL type passed as bytes to a python datetime.datetime type. Returns: datetime.datetime type. """ if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): return value datetime_val = None mcs: Optional[Union[int, bytes]] = None try: (date_, time_) = value.split(b" ") if len(time_) > 8: (hms, mcs) = time_.split(b".") mcs = int(mcs.ljust(6, b"0")) else: hms = time_ mcs = 0 dtval = ( [int(i) for i in date_.split(b"-")] + [int(i) for i in hms.split(b":")] + [ mcs, ] ) if len(dtval) < 6: raise ValueError(f"invalid datetime format: {dtval} len: {len(dtval)}") # Note that by default MySQL accepts invalid timestamps # (this is also backward compatibility). # Traditionaly C/py returns None for this well formed but # invalid datetime for python like '0000-00-00 HH:MM:SS'. try: datetime_val = datetime.datetime(*dtval) # type: ignore[arg-type] except ValueError: return None except (IndexError, TypeError): raise ValueError( CONVERT_ERROR.format(value=value, pytype="datetime.timedelta") ) from None return datetime_val _timestamp_to_python = _datetime_to_python @staticmethod def _year_to_python(value: bytes, dsc: Optional[DescriptionType] = None) -> int: """Returns YEAR column type as integer""" try: year = int(value) except ValueError as err: raise ValueError(f"Failed converting YEAR to int ({repr(value)})") from err return year def _set_to_python( self, value: bytes, dsc: Optional[DescriptionType] = None ) -> Set[str]: """Returns SET column type as set Actually, MySQL protocol sees a SET as a string type field. So this code isn't called directly, but used by STRING_to_python() method. Returns SET column type as a set. """ set_type = None val = value.decode(self.charset) if not val: return set() try: set_type = set(val.split(",")) except ValueError as err: raise ValueError( f"Could not convert set {repr(value)} to a sequence" ) from err return set_type def _string_to_python( self, value: bytes, dsc: Optional[DescriptionType] = None ) -> Union[StrOrBytes, Set[str]]: """ Note that a SET is a string too, but using the FieldFlag we can see whether we have to split it. Returns string typed columns as string type. """ if self.charset == "binary": return value if dsc is not None: if dsc[1] == FieldType.JSON and self.use_unicode: return value.decode(self.charset) if dsc[7] & FieldFlag.SET: return self._set_to_python(value, dsc) # 'binary' charset if dsc[8] == 63: return value if isinstance(value, (bytes, bytearray)) and self.use_unicode: try: return value.decode(self.charset) except UnicodeDecodeError: return value return value _var_string_to_python = _string_to_python _json_to_python = _string_to_python def _blob_to_python( self, value: bytes, dsc: Optional[DescriptionType] = None ) -> Union[StrOrBytes, Set[str]]: """Convert BLOB data type to Python.""" if dsc is not None: if ( dsc[7] & FieldFlag.BLOB and dsc[7] & FieldFlag.BINARY # 'binary' charset and dsc[8] == 63 ): return bytes(value) return self._string_to_python(value, dsc) _long_blob_to_python = _blob_to_python _medium_blob_to_python = _blob_to_python _tiny_blob_to_python = _blob_to_python # pylint: enable=unused-argument